I just find it annoying that the people who complain the most about lurkers are often people who:
1. Don't post in any other thread other than the code drop ones
2. Cries when they dont get a key even though they've gotten a key a few days ago or they have been basically members for a few weeks etc.

3. Don't drop anything but gees, do they complain

Basically, a bunch of entitled little kids.

I dunno if people should claim a moral high ground just because they put in marginally more effort than a lurker. Honestly, I think that when people drop good codes, they should limit it to people who have contributed to CAG community. But that takes effort I guess.

i will use your method but like i said i do not have codes to giveaway everyday but you are on the right page if u ask me
Actually, here's what I may do (should have a couple of additional codes soon for pretty decent games). Just go around to solid and awesome contributors to CAG and PM them some codes rather than dropping them here. 

Just an idea for you guys. 

that actually seems like a nice gesture unreasonable only one thing make sure they dont have the game first :)

Sounds good. :) By the way, did you look at my giveaway ideas topic?
Yeah, I actually read it a while ago and found it really good (though I just "liked" it now lol). Got some excellent ideas in there. I especially like the limiting the amount a person can win. So many of the complainers here have actually won games really recently.

I have to say, I some times prefer lurkers to get the codes rather than the moaners/newbies who just want to hoard or are unwilling to shell out $1 for a humble bundle. At least it gives me a good laugh when people who are the same as lurkers say "those f--king lurkers" etc.

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In my opinion, i believe people shouldn't have to care so much about who gets the codes. I mean this thread is for dropping codes and if you are willing to drop codes for others why care who gets them? In the end, the code should have been dropped because you didn't need/want it anymore. Even if people didn't say thank you, i am sure they are all thankful of that code drop. I believe every code drop makes someone's day. That's what I think anyways. :p

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In my opinion, i believe people shouldn't have to care so much about who gets the codes. I mean this thread is for dropping codes and if you are willing to drop codes for others why care who gets them? In the end, the code should have been dropped because you didn't need/want it anymore. Even if people didn't say thank you, i am sure they are all thankful of that code drop. I believe every code drops makes someone's day. That's what I think anyways. :p
if same person takes 5 games that's not need, that's greed. I never took a code for a game I didn't want, not from this thread or some other forum.

In my opinion, i believe people shouldn't have to care so much about who gets the codes. I mean this thread is for dropping codes and if you are willing to drop codes for others why care who gets them? In the end, the code should have been dropped because you didn't need/want it anymore. Even if people didn't say thank you, i am sure they are all thankful of that code drop. I believe every code drops makes someone's day. That's what I think anyways. :p
the reason people care is because if they give someone a code they want that code to be used and not sold. if you think about it you will understand the fact that if the code dropper wanted the code to be sold then he or she would sell the code there self.

my grammar is very bad so maybe someone else can explain better than i can

i myself giveaway games that i do not own myself so there for i can not even tell you if the games i giveaway are cool or pathetic

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the reason people care is because if they give someone a code they want that code to be used and not sold. if you think about it you will understand the fact that if the code dropper wanted the code to be sold then he or she would sell the code there self.

my grammar is very bad so maybe someone else can explain better than i can
I think that is clear enough. :) I created my Alternate Giveaway Ideas topic for that very reason. I used to give away a lot of codes (not so many these days) and i got sick of seeing the same people get them all and occasional saw some for sale after. That sucks and i want my codes to go to people that will use and appreciate them.

Not sure you saw my rant a few pages back about, but that sucks. I'm just glad that we have the option to add some more anti-hoarder, anti-lurder rules here. :)

the reason people care is because if they give someone a code they want that code to be used and not sold. if you think about it you will understand the fact that if the code dropper wanted the code to be sold then he or she would sell the code there self.

my grammar is very bad so maybe someone else can explain better than i can

i myself giveaway games that i do not own myself so there for i can not even tell you if the games i giveaway are cool or pathetic
people trying to make money off the kind gesture of others, Hoarding is bad mmmkay.

Not a steam key, but I do have two coupons one for 25% off Surgeon Simulator 2013 and the other is 66% off Eversion. I'd rather give them to someone that will use them then let them expire. Anyone want them?

I can see where all of you are coming from and I understand completely. It's just how I feel about it. I honestly would not care if someone sold a code i was not going to use anyways or if someone was hoarding all of my unwanted codes. However, I know everyone has their own opinions and I acknowledge them all ;)

hey so if i have over $100 or $ 200 worth of steam games does that mean i get free steam codes to giveaway? if so i will join whatever site that is and you guys will get well over $500 or more worth of steam games.
on steam gifts you get points, with those points you enter giveaways to win the steam games

-edit I never win so I rarely enter the giveaways

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Steamgifts is an all right way to do it. I would recommend adding a minimum contributor value on to it though so that you benefit those who actually give away stuff too.

I dont really care about the lurkers. They're the same as lots of "members" on this thread anyway so they should get a fair shot at it just like the people who are only "members" to get drops on these threads. 

On the other hand, I think more people should try and reward the guys that keep threads running or contribute alot by just giving them codes. 

Speaking of SteamGifts... Anyone ever have problems registering? I have been trying every several days for a few weeks and keep getting this:

There was an error trying to verify your Steam account.
Your account could not be verified.

Error: We require all registered users to have at least $100.00 worth of games associated with their Steam account. This is to prevent users from creating multiple Steam accounts for use on this site, which might result in cheating. Currently your account is valued at $0.00.
However... according to SteamDB...

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $149.88
  • Games owned: 12

Anyone have any clue as to why i still can't get in?

Sorry i'm STILL kind of off-topic... lol

Steamgifts is an all right way to do it. I would recommend adding a minimum contributor value on to it though so that you benefit those who actually give away stuff too.

I dont really care about the lurkers. They're the same as lots of "members" on this thread anyway so they should get a fair shot at it just like the people who are only "members" to get drops on these threads.

On the other hand, I think more people should try and reward the guys that keep threads running or contribute alot by just giving them codes.
I was thinking about adding a contrib value, but I figured that for the first one, I will just leave it off. I am not gaining CV for this either since I reached my CV limit a long time ago.

Speaking of SteamGifts... Anyone ever have problems registering? I have been trying every several days for a few weeks and keep getting this:

However... according to SteamDB...

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $149.88
  • Games owned: 12

Anyone have any clue as to why i still can't get in?

Sorry i'm STILL kind of off-topic... lol
if some of those are humble bundle games they don't count the full price on steamgifts.

Speaking of SteamGifts... Anyone ever have problems registering? I have been trying every several days for a few weeks and keep getting this:

However... according to SteamDB...

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $149.88
  • Games owned: 12

Anyone have any clue as to why i still can't get in?

Sorry i'm STILL kind of off-topic... lol
Is your steam profile sit to private?

Speaking of SteamGifts... Anyone ever have problems registering? I have been trying every several days for a few weeks and keep getting this:

However... according to SteamDB...

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $149.88
  • Games owned: 12

Anyone have any clue as to why i still can't get in?

Sorry i'm STILL kind of off-topic... lol
change your acc to public

Speaking of SteamGifts... Anyone ever have problems registering? I have been trying every several days for a few weeks and keep getting this:

However... according to SteamDB...

My Steam Profile (from SteamDB)

  • Worth: $149.88
  • Games owned: 12

Anyone have any clue as to why i still can't get in?

Sorry i'm STILL kind of off-topic... lol
i think they view bundle items at 20% below value.

I was thinking about adding a contrib value, but I figured that for the first one, I will just leave it off. I am not gaining CV for this either since I reached my CV limit a long time ago.
with just humble bundle games CV (30.01$) you can enter a lot more giveaways than those who do not contribute.

Not a steam key, but I do have two coupons one for 25% off Surgeon Simulator 2013 and the other is 66% off Eversion. I'd rather give them to someone that will use them then let them expire. Anyone want them?
^So no takers? I know its not a key for a free game and you actually have to pay for these games but the coupon is still free. :)

I can see where all of you are coming from and I understand completely. It's just how I feel about it. I honestly would not care if someone sold a code i was not going to use anyways or if someone was hoarding all of my unwanted codes. However, I know everyone has their own opinions and I acknowledge them all ;)
I pretty much agree with you. On my old account here I would just drop codes with an easy hint. I don't care who gets it, I'm sure they're happy to have the game whether they play it or not. Just to see someone say it's lurked was good enough for me because I don't want my key to be resold, that's about it. Since I made this account, all I see now is people complaining or wishing they got it for their cousin /nephew/ dog/ aunt. Same people that enforce some rule yet don't ever drop anything that I've seen.

I've just gone back to just dropping codes on Facebook for now. We do have some great providers here though who seem to buy keys until HB bans them for a day. Props to them.

if some of those are humble bundle games they don't count the full price on steamgifts.
i think they view bundle items at 20% below value.
But mine is at $0.

Is your steam profile sit to private?
change your acc to public
Yes, my "Profile Status" and "Inventory" is set to "Public" but my "Comment Permissions" is set to "Friends Only". That should not matter, though... i don't think? Strange.

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But mine is at $0.

Yes, my "Profile Status" and "Inventory" is set to "Public" but my "Comment Permissions" is set to "Friends Only". That should not matter, though... i don't think? Strange.
Found a forum post from support and it says:

Kaitlyn (Support) (1 month ago*)

SteamGifts uses the current value of games from the US Steam store.

Games that are included in the bundle list either for being in prior bundles or made available for little to no cost don't contribute towards your accounts value when verifying.

Games in the bundle list don't count as an extra measure to protect the community from malicious users trying to register alternate accounts or bots etc.
Found a forum post from support and it says:
Thank you for that info. I guess, according to them i'm either a "malicious user" or a bot, lol. All i ever get is good deal bundles for the kids, lol. And what's even funnier... I can't even look at this list because i can't get membership, ha! Why would they make that a members-only page?? lol

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Thank you for that info. I guess, according to them i'm either a "malicious user" or a bot, lol. All i ever get is good deal bundles for the kids, lol. And what's even funnier... I can't even look at this list because i can't get membership, ha! Why would they make that a members-only page?? lol
Pretty much each and every single game that has been in a bundle is on that list, including exploited keys (like when Metro 2033 was given away free on Facebook and everyone was grabbing way more then one.)

Pretty much each and every single game that has been in a bundle is on that list, including exploited keys (like when Metro 2033 was given away free on Facebook and everyone was grabbing way more then one.)
I can't ever see paying full price on a game so i guess that counts me out, lol. Oh well. Thank you again for the info. :)

2. Cries when they dont get a key even though they've gotten a key a few days ago or they have been basically members for a few weeks etc.
The point to "crying" is two-fold. One is to let everyone know how unlucky they are that they were minutes or hours late on a code drop (whatever the game is doesn't really matter to this person) when everyone knows codes are scooped up in seconds.

Typically, there really is no point in announcing to the thread you were a little bit late or waaaaaaay late in grabbing a code EXCEPT for the hope that someone saw your declaration of how unlucky you are, that person happened to have the code (again, whatever the game is doesn't really matter), and decided to give it to the crier to reward them for letting the thread know they were late.

It works so can't blame them for doing it all the time. But like you said, it doesn't matter that they get a key, since they'll be right back at the next key drop announcing to the thread they were late and are so unlucky.

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bread's done