At the bottom of the thread, it tells you how many users are reading the topic at the time.

members, guests, anons.

Lordgamer was listed but he has yet to say Thanks.. let alone post. He also registered about 5 minutes ago. So.. I see your point in making this forum private. He registered to say thanks but cannot, due to new member restrictions (totally forgot about that). Anyways, he pm'd me so I thought I should relay the info~

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hahaha. i guess we can still call him a lurker. that other fag though. the johzus or whatever it is, is a straight up lurker

At the bottom of the thread, it tells you how many users are reading the topic at the time.

members, guests, anons.

Lordgamer was listed but he has yet to say Thanks.. let alone post. He also registered about 5 minutes ago.
Wow. I didn't know that lurking got that bad in here, I assumed that I was just slow all this time.

johzus took yet another key. hey humptyflunky, if you have any more keys, can you just send it to registered members that are active. this way they can stop lurking.

johzus took yet another key. hey humptyflunky, if you have any more keys, can you just send it to registered members that are active. this way they can stop lurking.
And I really wanted Jamestown gosh darn it.

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Antomir you might want to edit your comment before a mod bans you. For the record at least somebody posing as johzus PM'd me. Not everybody thanks in the thread..

i dont care about admins. i havent done anything wrong. i havent begged nor have i traded so im aloud to complain all i want. unlike all the other mofo's on this post, not including registered members, im still going to thank you for your good drop, though i havent been able to get anything.

Guys, just thought you should know~


I tried to redeem the codes earlier, already redeemed. I missed it by like one second. I think PM'ng or making some type of riddle is the best way to prevent lurkers from lurking. I'm surprised this website can stay online. I'm pretty sure people are hitting that F5 key every second.

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This lurking is ..I tried to redeem the codes earlier, already redeemed. I missed it by like one second. I think PM'ng or making some type of riddle is the best way to prevent lurkers from lurking.
i agree with this for sure. there are clever ways such as relating certain letters to famous people or something of that matter

or better yet, pm every active registered member the last two letters of the key, and then post everything else. i mean, there are so many ways of stopping these lurkers.

Awesome not matter what it is it is all lurked within half a second! These lurkers must live such awesome lives being glued to a computer 24 hours a day!
Been a while, and you guys seem to be actively here atm, so here:


* = Negen (it's dutch)
^ = the thing all the ladies want according to the interwebz

bread's done