Alright everybody, that's a wrap. The number picked was 438, so the closest to that number is the winner. I will be contacting them shortly to award them their prize.

Thank you for sticking with me up to this point. I will continue with the last contest of the night after a short intermission. See you all at 11:30pm EST!

sooo I win??? I think I win!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

What I win? I hope it' not college loans.... I have loans enough.... enough to don't have money to buy games.....

OH!!! Hypertoken got 420......


I'm baaack.

Here's the last contest you've all been waiting for. A writing contest, yeah, but not just any writing contest. CAG, I want to read your scariest stories. If you can scare me enough to want to stay awake tonight, you win!

And what do I win, you might ask? Well, how does a steam key for LEGO Hobbit sound? Maybe you'd like LEGO Lord of the Rings instead? They're both prizes tonight, so this contest will have two winners!

(I bought the Lego pack from Nuuvem tonight and since I don't care for the LotR games, I thought I'd give them to someone who does! Don't worry, the keys redeem on Steam just fine.)

P.S: Due to my dork up of the last contest, I will extend this one until 1:00 am EST to make time for more people to post entries.

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OK. First off, my story does not containing any ghost. It's still the same story which scary me the most, but also give me a direction for the future. Which is....

Around more than a decade ago, while still in secondary school, I had a chance to encounter internet (still dial up) and kinda good laptop (T40 IBM i believe). Without any knowledge about neither PC or internet, I tried to find out about sex, which was (and still) a very "close" topic in my country. Searching through Yahoo search (yes, YAHOO), found a bunch of site to start with, that's new experience for me, but everything came with it still scare the hell out of me.

First, MALWARE. I dont even know what that is at that time. After accessing those sites for a few time, the laptop got infected with various virus and malware. It filled all the desktop with all sexy icon. The worst thing is that the laptop is belong to my mother .... i did try to delete those numerous time, but it showed up again everytime u restart windows. Its just like you are trying to cover up killing someone for me at that time :D i am gonna be very dead once my parent found out. Everything is the same for roughly 3 months, until something changed .. i will get back to this .

Second, I said it's dial up not ADSL , in case some kid nowaday dont' know what is dial-up, you use one modem connect to telephone line to access internet with speed of 64kbps, "PICTURE ONLY mode", and it sound like fire alarm when you try to connect. I am only able to browse what I want during night time when my parent asleep. the modem sound like hell and i have to take off my shirt to wrap around it.

Another story, 1 time, don't know how, but when I lean on my back too much, I literally broke my dad office chair in half ... HOW the heck can steal break in half you say ? I am still wondering until now. And well, it made such a horrible noise during the night since me and the chair hit the ground hard. I had to quickly get up, and stay quite in the dark for like 5 minutes long like hell hoping no one get up. Longest 5 min ever in my life.

Ok, remember the story i want to get back above? Because of all the dilemma with internet and sex, I tried to solve my problem by study how to reinstall my mom's laptop windows. And that inspire me to IT job. Now it's what I do for living :D

TL , DR: sorry for my english, not my first language.

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Thats one of my favorites:

"The last thing I saw was my alarm flashing 12:07 before she pushed her rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams.I sat upright, relieved i was just a dream.

As I saw my alarm clock, itreads 12:06 and I heard my closet door creak opening."

If I can entering more than one story:

"I was heaving the most pleasant dream, when what sounded like hammering woke me up. It was all dark, and I could barely hear the muffled sound os dirt covering the coffing over my own screams..."

I have a story that will probably make you want to get a barf bag. A man went into a local burger joint and ordered a double cheeseburger. Yeah still with me? Okay it gets worse. He took a bite and began to notice that there was something strange with a pickle that was underneath the bun. Without looking into it he took another bite-and then he noticed that it wasn't a pickle at all. He took it to the manager after it was revealed that it was in fact
a condom
. He ended up getting his money back as well as some sort of coupon book or card or something that gave him free food for like a year. I won't go into the name of the burger place since it's a actual fast food chain. Needless to say he never did go back...

One time late a night, a guy that was just like any other guy was browsing the internet. He went to youtube and was just watching some gameplay videos, when suddenly his lights turned off for just a second. He was annoyed since he had to power up his computer again and wait for his modem to boot up and his browser to load up once more. He thought "maybe I should just go to bed, but I really wanted to watch the end of this lets play vid". So he decides to wait for everything to load back up. Finally it all does, and he goes back to that youtube link he was watching. He moves the video back to the point he was watching, right before the lights turned off, and before he hits the play button, he notices something. There's a link hidden in the upper right corner, not really hidden but obscured enough so you wouldn't know it was there unless you were really paying attention. Just like this guy was right now. He decides to copy and paste it in his browser, even though it was one of those links, but it was on the video of his favorite lets play'er. They wouldn't do anything bad to you, would they? The link loads up in his browser. It was a blank page but it had a scrollbar, so he scrolls down for 3 seconds. There at the bottom of the page, in bold, font-size 48 arial font, was simply the words "You should have gone to bed".

The lights turned off again.

So my niece, a girl in her teens, is babysitting for a family in Newport, RI The family is wealthy and has a very large house — you know the sort, with a ridiculous amount of rooms. Anyways, the parents are going out for a late dinner/movie. The father tells the babysitter that once the children are in bed she should go into this specific room (he doesn't really want her wandering around the house) and watch TV there.

The parents take off and soon she gets the kids into bed and goes to the room to watch TV. She tries watching TV, but she is disturbed by a clown statue in the corner of the room. She tries to ignore it for as long as possible, but it starts freaking her out so much that she can't handle it.

She resorts to calling the father and asks, "Hey, the kids are in bed, but is it okay if I switch rooms? This clown statue is really creeping me out."

The father says seriously, "Get the kids, go next door and call 911."

She asks, "What's going on?"

He responds, "Just go next door and once you call the police, call me back."

She gets the kids, goes next door, and calls the police. When the police are on the way, she calls the father back and asks, "So, really, what's going on?"

He responds, "WE DON"T HAVE a CLOWN STATUE."

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Whoa, some creepy stuff here tonight. Very nice, you guys. Keep those scares coming.

That said, last call for stories! Last call! The contest ends at 1:00 am EST, so get your posts in before it's all over!

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Welp, shit. That last story pretty much guarantees I'm not going to be sleeping well tonight. Be careful what I wish for, eh?

That said, this contest is over. I will contact the winners shortly; have a good night, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this clusterfudge of a giveaway, and I hope to entertain you all again soon.

I have a scary story. here it is:

I was sitting in my room, aware of this contest, and decided to write an awesome scary story. It was the best! 2 pages, no less, no more. But then time ran out and the contest finished. I did not qualify and therefore won nothing.

To be continued.

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Welp, shit. That last story pretty much guarantees I'm not going to be sleeping well tonight. Be careful what I wish for, eh?

That said, this contest is over. I will contact the winners shortly; have a good night, everyone! Hope you enjoyed this clusterfudge of a giveaway, and I hope to entertain you all again soon.
Thank you so much for having this super fun giveaway that gave real people a chance at getting a code! I hope others learn from you and have their drops like this.

No problem. Honestly, I loathe botters. Technology is a great thing, but it angers me when people use it to take advantage of the generosity of others. Especially to make a profit from some dumb rube who doesn't know where that key or link came from. Even so, I can't stop people from botting - all I can do is make sure they can't profit from my sincerity.

Plus, seeing you guys happy and giving back to a forum that's given me a lot over the years makes me happy. So thank you all, whether you've been here longer than I have, just as long, or if you signed up today. You're what makes CAG a place I feel welcome to be in.

I'm surprised at a certain scary story that nobody posted. I'm sure it would have won. 

(Or at the very least, would have earned a super mega bonus prize)

"LN3000 disappeared, and had no more drops for this thread" 

That'd be scary, wouldn't it? :p

I'm surprised at a certain scary story that nobody posted. I'm sure it would have won.

(Or at the very least, would have earned a super mega bonus prize)

"LN3000 disappeared, and had no more drops for this thread"

That'd be scary, wouldn't it? :p

Honestly, no one ever got them anyway. Not from what I've seen, anyway. XD
Dude, don't start this again... please....

FYI, many people get games from LN and other dorppers, me included....

but, just stop.....

Damn i had (have)cold still so i was and i am in bed all day ,and random turn on web and what i  see >> missed awesome things Q Q .I Blame Cold 420 Blaze it :( Damn this flue So annoying :( x2 great giveaway like always guys :)

DANG!!!! Awesome weekly bundle of roguelikes on humble bundle.... hope someone drop it here, delve looks more awesome than the firt time I've seen... *not begging at all mode - on*  :whistle2:

DANG!!!! Awesome weekly bundle of roguelikes on humble bundle.... hope someone drop it here, delve looks more awesome than the firt time I've seen... *not begging at all mode - on* :whistle2:

DANG!!!! Awesome weekly bundle of roguelikes on humble bundle.... hope someone drop it here, delve looks more awesome than the first time I've seen... *not begging at all mode - on* :whistle2:
You double post a lot XD

I remember once I quadra-posted.. Weird things happen here, I tell ya!

Honestly, no one ever got them anyway. Not from what I've seen, anyway. XD
At first I thought this sounded mean, but then I went back and saw these:

Delver (Early Access) (link)

Nightmare Cooperative: (link)

Wizard's Lizard: (link)

Vertical Drop Heros HD (link)

Wow, all gone already.

waiting to redeem a drop from this page is so useless. always all the LN3000! drops are lurked in less than 30 seconds :/
Cut sonicrings some slack. I see what he did there, and now so should you. :)

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Lets try something new...

A Wizard's Lizard

.. ..-.     -.-- --- ..-     - .... .. -. -.-     - .... .     -.-. --- -.. .     .. ...     .... . .-. . --··--     -.-- --- ..- ·----· .-. .     .-- --- .-. -. --. -·-·--

01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110011 01101111 00101100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101011 01100101 01111001

164 162 171 040 164 150 151 163 072 040 150 164 164 160 072 057 057 151 056 151 155 147 165 162 056 143 157 155 057 071 132 064 122 124 111 147 056 152 160 147

have one mor game, let's see the repercussion.....>>>k
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Lets try something new...

A Wizard's Lizard

.. ..-. -.-- --- ..- - .... .. -. -.- - .... . -.-. --- -.. . .. ... .... . .-. . --··-- -.-- --- ..- ·----· .-. . .-- --- .-. -. --. -·-·--

01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110011 01101111 00101100 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101011 01100101 01111001

164 162 171 040 164 150 151 163 072 040 150 164 164 160 072 057 057 151 056 151 155 147 165 162 056 143 157 155 057 071 132 064 122 124 111 147 056 152 160 147

have one mor game, let's see the repercussion.....
I like your way of doing things :)

Although someone managed to get this before me...

bread's done