Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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any1 interested in Bierzerkers as a potential bro night event? it turned free to play

it is a 5 vs 5 game, so i would need atleast 6-8 ppl
I would rather play HOTS than your weird F2P basketball game.

You guys should really be in glitchy bro chat. Good things happen there:

3:55 PM - Tomasety III: SuperHOT is only 10$ on Nuuvem. VPN only required to put it on your cart, works fine with non-Brazilian paypal!
Where is this chat? I never got my "Welome to the Steam Thread" guidebook.

I would rather play HOTS than your weird F2P basketball game.

Where is this chat?  I never got my "Welome to the Steam Thread" guidebook.
but my f2p basketball only require 3 ppl, but hots requires 5 players per team. unless u like put in bots
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We need to get this thread back on topic!

Just got a DSL upgrade from extremely crappy to still pretty much crap:

Old 6 Mbps DSL:


New 10 Mbps DSL:


So still way slower than 99% of you but better than going the other direction, and no data caps yet!

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Okay first off that chat is like 70% silence for extended periods of time and then 29% talking about weird random shit and tomasety posting pictures of men.

The glitch talk is like 1% if that.

You basically have to have no life and no job and sit in there 24/7 to catch the very occasional glitch posting.

And then it's probably Madjoki posting it at some funky ass Euro time when he knows we're all asleep so he can say y u no bai?...Well I posted it in chat.

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Okay first off that chat is like 70% silence for extended periods of time and then 29% talking about weird random shit and tomasety posting pictures of men.

The glitch talk is like 1% if that.

You basically have to have no life and no job and sit in there 24/7 to catch the very occasional glitch posting.

And then it's probably Madjoki posting it at some funky ass Euro time when he knows we're all asleep so he can say y u no bai?...Well I posted it in chat.
Sooooooo it sounds right up my alley.
Okay first off that chat is like 70% silence for extended periods of time and then 29% talking about weird random shit and tomasety posting pictures of men.

The glitch talk is like 1% if that.

You basically have to have no life and no job and sit in there 24/7 to catch the very occasional glitch posting.

And then it's probably Madjoki posting it at some funky ass Euro time when he knows we're all asleep so he can say y u no bai?...Well I posted it in chat.
Yeah I stopped showing up to the chat due to that. It's like Tebow chat 2.0. The glitches/deals that are posted there are good.. but you have to go through a lot of stupid shit to get to that point.
glitchybro chat is pretty much like this thread...a bunch of OT shit....except its uncensored so...dick pics happen..and guess if this is a guy or girl.  Every now and then a deal pops up....or maybe its a dick pic

If you are afraid of a random penis when you click a link........stay away

glitchybro chat is pretty much like this thread...a bunch of OT shit....except its uncensored so...dick pics happen..and guess if this is a guy or girl. Every now and then a deal pops up....or maybe its a dick pic

If you are afraid of a random penis when you click a link........stay away
I'm pretty sure it's Tom's effort to convert CAGs into homosexuals
Steam Controllers ftw
I have that as well, but I'm just very curious how they implemented x-input controls. Was a very nice surprise because they never mentioned that they would add this as far as I know.

I just picked it up, easy peasy using Hola set to Brazil. $9.38 total, Steam key redeemed fine.
I might have to do this. Game looks fuck cool.

Super HOT Super HOT Super HOT Super HOT Super HOT Super HOT

Put in a bit of time with SUPERHOT.

The mechanic is so strange getting used to, unless you move the game is completely still. You finish a level and then it plays at full speed so you can see what exactly you did. I played for about a half hour and its already pretty challenging with a mix of tutorial type levels.

One of the coolest features is this site

Basically you play a level and can upload it/share it or watch others. None of mine have made it up yet, I think it takes a little time after uploading.

I definitely would not be very happy if I paid the MSRP for it, so I cant recommend that, but I think Nuuvem price is fair for an early adopter.


Okay first off that chat is like 70% silence for extended periods of time and then 29% talking about weird random shit and tomasety posting pictures of men.
I will take that title for random shet posts because where else can I post it like today I almost died from a gren.... wait that is for the chat.

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Official bronight preview for Gas Guzzlers :

I will finish last, no matter how bad anyone else is. Because I suck at this game :cry:
I can confirm this. On our first practice race, reds was nowhere to be found almost instantly after we started. Weapons weren't even turned on..
If I were you, I'd try again with a different person.

- Insist that you want the same treatment that other people got, constantly refer to the Reddit post.

- Be firm, even threaten to take your business elsewhere.

- If you get denied, say things like "How is that fair?" that others are getting treatment you feel you deserve.

That's the type of "attitude" I had. At first I was also denied and the person I was chatting with even copy/pasted the T&C of Bullets and Blades. Basically be mad, but don't be nasty or belligerent.
Thanks but I quit, I don't have the patience to "argue" with them for a game that I'll put on the back burner since I'm playing Rise of the Tomb Raider and Pillars of Eternity. Plus I'm leaving for Disney World on Saturday morning so I won't be playing shit until next week Thursday or so.

Thanks for the advice and heads up on it though!

re: Hearthstone

I actually liked the game quite a bit. I've only ever played Magic a few times in person, but I liked how easy Hearthstone was to get into. Might sink some more time into it, especially if I can convince my little brother to get on it.

re: Computers

What's the cheapest Windows out there for a system build? Trying to use my spare parts to build a PC for my brother in law. I think all I'm missing is some RAM, an optical drive, and Windows. I might have an old (maybe windows 7 or 8) laptop hard drive that still has an OS loaded on it, not sure if I could just stick that in the desktop and use that OS?
If you're willing to shadybro you can get a key for $20, maybe less. Otherwise, you're looking at a c-note.

I'm buying it to play the bro night.

Are there any risks with these shadybro keys? Revoke or stop working?
Well you might end up paying someone for a key generated from a keygen. At that point you are essentially paying someone to pirate the OS for you. The key may end up being blacklisted and then your genuine windows installation will convert to a non genuine install. When that happens Microsoft will begin constant nagging for you to buy a genuine key as well as slowly gimping certain important features that allow your computer to run at full speed.

I'm speaking from experience it sucks.

We need to get this thread back on topic!

Just got a DSL upgrade from extremely crappy to still pretty much crap:
Old 6 Mbps DSL:

New 10 Mbps DSL:

So still way slower than 99% of you but better than going the other direction, and no data caps yet!
Uncapped ADSL club high-five.

Played a bit more Superhot before crashing. Its got a really addicting gameplay style. It seems so simple but the time element makes literally every move something to think about. 

The Killstagram site is now working finally, and any video you upload automatically goes on Youtube under some weird name that is assigned to you. The one below is from one of the first levels I played when I mentioned the game above.

One of the latest levels I played before calling it a night was like a scene out of a John Woo movie. Shot two dudes in the face, caught a katana in mid air and cut a dude in a half, and then threw the katana into another dude's face. It happens so quickly post-level as it shows a full speed replay, but getting to that point with the time only moves when you move mechanic makes it take a while. Quite a bit of trial and error, so its got a bit of a Hotline Miami feel, but not as rage inducing, not yet anyway. Video isnt up on killstagram yet.

Here's one of the earliest levels when I was testing the Killstagram function.

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I'm buying it to play the bro night.

Are there any risks with these shadybro keys? Revoke or stop working?
The risks are about the same as cdkeys, etc. The members on that subreddit have been doing this for a while (they (supposedly) stopped taking new sellers years ago) so they have a good track record. I would think that if someone was selling really bad keys, they would have been 'negatived' to death. I'd say the risk is minimal, but in my personal experience, I've only bought one and had/have no problems with it.

bread's done