Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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All for being serious, ME was the most disappointing series ever.

What a roller coaster that was.
Say what you will about the ending, but mass effect overall was great...and i don't really consider myself a fanboy of the games or anything, but they're pretty good. Yeah the choices don't matter, but let's be honest, in most games (even those that accentuate how much their choices matter) the choices don't really matter

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haha ok. I'd love to hear what you think are the best series of all time.
I loved ME1 & ME2, but personal opinion ME3 killed the series for a lot of fans and including me.

It's like going to a 5 star restaurant and seeing all the great menu items then getting a happy meal at the end with molded chicken nuggets.

But this is all personal opinion anyway, I'm hoping the next game is better then ME3 since I love the entire universe within the game.

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Question to people who know:

is it possible to "fake" a Mass Effect save game for, say, ME2?

I played 1 and 2 on 360 so my saves carried over. I'm not sure I can be bothered to go through 1 again though (I loved 2 so would be happy to start there).

Is there any way I can sort-of-import-a-recreated save to start in better shape in ME2? Or should I just start afresh?

Not sure I can face those vehicle missions on ME1 again.

There's a couple different options.

1) has a ton of user-uploaded save files with a variety of paragon/renegade backgrounds, pivotal choices, and love interests. Simply download one and toss it into your save folder, then start a new game by importing it. The same website has save files for bringing into ME3.

2) There are some utilities you can use to edit your own save files (change choices, haxxor yourself a berjillion spacerock resources, etc). Search for "gibbed's save editor" or "mass effect coalesced editor" if you want to dig deeper. Much much easier just to yoink someone else's save file though.

Since some people were talking about military recruitment stuff, when I was in high school I signed up to get something free from the Marines, maybe a T-Shirt.  Sure enough they started calling.  That ended real quick when I told them I had broken my ankle a or so years prior.  Apparently that disqualified me.

It's like going to a 5 star restaurant and seeing all the great menu items then getting a happy meal at the end with molded chicken nuggets.
Someone better watch what they say about Happy meals and Chicken nuggets.. think very carefully.

And frankly, it was all uphill after they got rid of Mako exploration.

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Madjoki's alts even though he denies it

I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding and it's really just 63 completely real people from Finland in one private group for posting tests for his bot and supersekrit Idlemaster killer app that you don't get to use.
Hypothetically speaking, of course... would the time and trouble of managing such a fleet of alt accounts be worth the trouble? I mean, I know none of us actually have that many accounts :whistle2: but if we did... what kind of profitability are we talking about?

Let's say I make $30 an hour. Should I consider quitting my job and start farming on Steam? Just how many .03 card sales per hour are we talking about?

I'm asking for a friend.

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I'm so scared I shat my pants
So you didn't need any crap mailed to you then? Oops.

I loved ME1 & ME2, but personal opinion ME3 killed the series for a lot of fans and including me.

It's like going to a 5 star restaurant and seeing all the great menu items then getting a happy meal at the end with molded chicken nuggets.

But this is all personal opinion anyway, I'm hoping the next game is better then ME3 since I love the entire universe within the game.
Hm. I didn't play ME3 when it first came out but I played it after several patches came out, including the "end-fixer" patch that people who originally bitched about the ending didn't think fixed anything at all. I thought it was just fine as a way to close the series. It was a good sequel to ME2, which felt like a step up from ME1 storywise (and I agree with Flow that the vehicular bits were also much improved), but the combat veered much further in ME2 into shooter territory, which was not my preference.

I agree with one of the commenters on the RPS story--these two games are VERY VERY different animals; while Trendy might have a case to make that its ex-employee violated clauses of his contract by attempting to or actually poaching employees, they have zero case that people are playing ARK instead of Dungeon Defenders.

The Witcher games might have a better storyline, but non of them come even remotely close to the immersion the Gothic games have to offer. The mere ability to be able to attack everyone anywhere (granted main npcs are invincible), the fact that even in Gothic 1 people actually tell you to leave their house or they'll start attacking you and the fact that you can knock someone out and then decide whether to kill him or not. It offers a realism comparable to the elder scrolls games, but with a far better story, better atmosphere and an actual protagonist who has a voice too.

Also size doesn't matter.
Gothic has a game world 1/1000 the size of the Witcher 3, but it doesn't feel like a bland mmorpg wannabe with respawning groups of enemies at the same locations and with disappearing npcs and faces (including yours) when the camera centers offscreen. Witcher 3 feels like a lot of copy paste work with fun quests every now and then, but too much of that copy pasting and basically meaningless npcs ruined it for me. I loved the Witcher 2 for its short but sweet story and likewise gameworld, but Witcher 3 tried too hard to be big.

Honestly to me Gothic and Gothic 2 Gold were some of the best RPG experiences I've ever had, granted I haven't played any of the classic top down crpgs.

Risen was nice too and Gothic 3 was alright but the combat system and the sort of bland gameworld did me in.
So Risen was not very good. There was no clear sense of what you were supposed to be doing and being killed 15 hours into the game by random swamp-dwelling creatures 150 times in a row caused its lustre to fade. The Gothic games were likewise too intent on killing you. While I'll grant you that I've never seen an NPC piss on a wall in a non-Gothic game, that's not a major selling point for me. I'll take a fleshed-out world and interesting characters over people bitching because I'm stealing their wool socks any day.
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Hypothetically speaking, of course... would the time and trouble of managing such a fleet of alt accounts be worth the trouble? I mean, I know none of us actually have that many accounts :whistle2: but if we did... what kind of profitability are we talking about?

Let's say I make $30 an hour. Should I consider quitting my job and start farming on Steam? Just how many .03 card sales per hour are we talking about?

I'm asking for a friend.
I have no idea how much wallet he has but I suspect it's a lot. I mean I've accumulated about $700, which mind you was over the course of a couple of years, and I'm just one person who doesn't use alts.

I always call Madjoki the Scrooge McDuck of Steam wallet, but he's also an enigma and sometimes can be very obtuse and not forthcoming with clear details. :p
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This morning I remembered to get naked and praise the sun as it rose to meet the special conditions required to fight the giant bunny boss, Eostre. It lays man sized eggs full of the treasures carried by the adventures it has eaten. Because it eternally resurrects you have to loot the eggs you can find before it rises and goes berserk.

I praised the sun, did you?
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62 is actually low when compared to others mass-farmers. I was quite surprised by this.

Here's profits from (mostly?) sale cards, I don't remember specifics.


Looks like it's basically only really worth much effort around the big sale time.

Kind of sad that it takes 63 accounts to make what one used to be able to get back in the good ol' days when cards were new and asset flips from Poopees and Gleam hadn't oversaturated the market yet.

Do people sell all the cards you get, or do you only sell dupes to make badges?

Originally I was selling all, but recently I've been trying to level up my steam account so I get a (barely) better chance at getting boosters.


On a semi-serious note, I almost feel sorry for the dumbass indies who sign up with these clowns 'hiring' random idiots on the internet to promote their game.


On a semi-serious note, I almost feel sorry for the dumbass indies who sign up with these clowns 'hiring' random idiots on the internet to promote their game.
I love that I have to see it like 10 times in my activity feed, thanks to all the moronic groups I've joined to get trashy games. I sure wish there were an option to turn off or minimize select groups in the feed.

I love that I have to see it like 10 times in my activity feed, thanks to all the moronic groups I've joined to get trashy games. I sure wish there were an option to turn off or minimize select groups in the feed.
Yeah I wouldn't mind being in these groups if I could turn off announcements selectively. Valve can be so slow at adding useful features.

Until the next giveaway.

Actually, that program should get modified to join then immediately unjoin those groups. Then it would be really useful.

Okay I just went through and removed myself from a kajillion groups, leaving only a very few important ones

like Barbie Blank and Kaitlyn are the hottest divas!!

It does the auto Twitter stuff, but Twitter denies the action if you do too many too quickly. I have no idea what the amount is, but it resets within 5 minutes.

It does the auto Twitter stuff, but Twitter denies the action if you do too many too quickly. I have no idea what the amount is, but it resets within 5 minutes.
hmmm weird. Didn't seem to do the twitter stuff for me. Only seemed to attempt the steam groups.

The one that was posted before did the twitter stuff, but I prefer doing that manually so I can unfollow/unretweet instantly.

hmmm weird. Didn't seem to do the twitter stuff for me. Only seemed to attempt the steam groups.

The one that was posted before did the twitter stuff, but I prefer doing that manually so I can unfollow/unretweet instantly.
Were those entries in gold? It doesn't seem to run again when you unlock new actions, so you'd have to refresh the page again for the script to run again. Just noticed that myself.

Were those entries in gold? It doesn't seem to run again when you unlock new actions, so you'd have to refresh the page again for the script to run again. Just noticed that myself.
I don't think so, I tried on that Deer giveaway.

Meh, I'll pay closer attention next time.

I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but it looks like Groupees added DRM free copies of many - if not all - the games that originally came as ShinyLoot keys only.

My copy of Jack Keane is safe... goddamnit. :|

Mass Effect 1 was pretty good but Mass Effect 2 felt like such a cheesy holding pattern that I was glad it killed my hype for ME3.
I had a contrary feeling. ME2, while I liked it a lot, had an underwhelming main plot-- so I figured it was a B-team/rushed sequel filling the gap, as they poured all their time and resources into ME3. If anything it increased my anticipation. We all know how that turned out.

ME talk...  I'm sort of on both sides of it.  I have no issue with people saying its one of the greatest franchises in gaming, it I had to do a list it would be on there, but the last ten minutes just completely ruined the experience of all three games for me.  Obviously, there are far far more important stuff in life than the ending of some game but... Wow, the ending was so bad, so out of left field in how it ignored so many of the important aspects of the franchise's history and in game lore, that it really left me in a weird state of mind as I tried to comprehend the ending.   (Weird as in off and/or distracted...  Not anything disturbing or worrisome.)

Anyhow, still bitter to this day and unable to play the games again if I wanted it...  I paid full price for every piece of story/mission DLC that came out for the first two games on day one no questions asked...  Yet, I own none of it for ME3, and I don't see myself ever owning it unless a deal is just too sweet to pass. 

Also I have no interest in the new ME, if it ever comes out, and I cannot comprehend how the franchise isn't dead and I still haven't gotten the latest Dragon Age but likely will when the price is right.  (And outside of the Old Republic MMO I cannot tell you the last Bioware game I didn't get on day 1.)

I cannot comprehend how the franchise isn't dead
It's not dead because ME3 sold millions despite people complaining about it.

I like the Mass Effect series, but each of the three games definitely have their ups and downs. Hopefully the next one can correct all the problems the previous ones have had without adding new ones.

I really miss SWTOR pvp and huttball especially.  Man we used to rock it.  F2P ruined the game and basically everyone I knew quit within the same week. 

ME talk... I'm sort of on both sides of it. I have no issue with people saying its one of the greatest franchises in gaming, it I had to do a list it would be on there, but the last ten minutes just completely ruined the experience of all three games for me. Obviously, there are far far more important stuff in life than the ending of some game but... Wow, the ending was so bad, so out of left field in how it ignored so many of the important aspects of the franchise's history and in game lore, that it really left me in a weird state of mind as I tried to comprehend the ending. (Weird as in off and/or distracted... Not anything disturbing or worrisome.)

Anyhow, still bitter to this day and unable to play the games again if I wanted it... I paid full price for every piece of story/mission DLC that came out for the first two games on day one no questions asked... Yet, I own none of it for ME3, and I don't see myself ever owning it unless a deal is just too sweet to pass.

Also I have no interest in the new ME, if it ever comes out, and I cannot comprehend how the franchise isn't dead and I still haven't gotten the latest Dragon Age but likely will when the price is right. (And outside of the Old Republic MMO I cannot tell you the last Bioware game I didn't get on day 1.)
The passage of time has mostly numbed me to the disappointment, but I used to have similar feelings on the ending. I get where you're coming from.

In a vacuum, I actually don't really have a problem with the endings. They would have worked if it was a single game and not a series. In fact I quite like the
ending, I find it fitting.

The thing is, viewed in the context of "your choices matter", the consequences of your decisions over three games and ~5 years finally coming to bear on the game world, it was basically a total failure. You could have jumped into the series at ME3 and little would have changed. That's not what they promised and not what fans wanted.

Realistically we should have expected as much. It's a pretty ambitious goal and one difficult to achieve for a series with the production value of Mass Effect. Given more time, and/or less focus on other areas of the game, they could've done it. But with a ~2.5 year average turnaround, a goodly amount of content, and AAA-title graphics, it's a somewhat lofty objective.

I would have been OK with an average implementation of this idea. Say, 10 endings instead of 3, and the last 1-2 hours of the game being different depending on the choices you've made. Pretty achievable if you ask me.

They didn't even come close.

The "Extended Cut" DLC was a cheap PR move to counter the backlash throughout the gaming community (although there were plenty of apologists in the press...). It sucked.

It's funny that 4 years later I still get worked up enough to write a post of this length. I guess it's a testament to how much I enjoyed the first two games and the level of goodwill I had for the developers. They certainly lost it.

If any of you feel at all similarly, don't buy Andromeda new. Get it used, or play a friend's copy if you're on PC. Vote with your wallet y'all.

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You guys aren't doing much to help my ME3 curiosity. It's getting to that point where I watched Fant4stic to see if it was really as bad as people said it was. And for nearly an hour, it wasn't.

Then it was.

Other talk. I was always slightly annoyed that the GFWL closure somehow lost me my Dead Rising 2 save, so I downloaded a mod to help me powerlevel a bit. Well, a lot. I'm way past the level 21 I was hoping to get back to, and the game is almost a joke now, but at this point I'm fine with that. If it means beating a game I bought four years ago, I'm all for it.


(Seriously, level 30 after 25 mins play. Wat)
I still haven't gotten the latest Dragon Age but likely will when the price is right.
FWIW I thought the latest Dragon Age was quite good, and I've been pretty sour on the whole with Bioware lately.

DLC is rather meh, but yeah if you haven't gotten it yet at this point just wait for a cheap deal on the complete version, which surprisingly actually exists.

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It's not dead because ME3 sold millions despite people complaining about it.
Well, the ending wasn't a known issue before launch... Its a 40 hour game and the bulk of typical game sales are during the first week. So yeah... Of course it sold millions. Also I think anyone who was invested in the first two was going to see the ending of the 3rd first hand no matter what.

As for it being dead... I mean what more can they do to fuck up their universe? I guess will find out as its coming... but I already expect it to be the 3rd worst selling in the series. I think a fair amount of people will wait and see after the last one... and will see if 3 kills the series by affecting the sales of 4.

The passage of time has mostly numbed me to the disappointment, but I used to have similar feelings on the ending. I get where you're coming from.

In a vacuum, I actually don't really have a problem with the endings. They would have worked if it was a single game and not a series. In fact I quite like the
ending, I find it fitting.

The thing is, viewed in the context of "your choices matter", the consequences of your decisions over three games and ~5 years finally coming to bear on the game world, it was basically a total failure. You could have jumped into the series at ME3 and little would have changed. That's not what they promised and not what fans wanted.

Realistically we should have expected as much. It's a pretty ambitious goal and one difficult to achieve for a series with the production value of Mass Effect. Given more time, and/or less focus on other areas of the game, they could've done it. But with a ~2.5 year average turnaround, a goodly amount of content, and AAA-title graphics, it's a somewhat lofty objective.

I would have been OK with an average implementation of this idea. Say, 10 endings instead of 3, and the last 1-2 hours of the game being different depending on the choices you've made. Pretty achievable if you ask me.

They didn't even come close.

The "Extended Cut" DLC was a cheap PR move to counter the backlash throughout the gaming community (although there were plenty of apologists in the press...). It sucked.

It's funny that 4 years later I still get worked up enough to write a post of this length. I guess it's a testament to how much I enjoyed the first two games and the level of goodwill I had for the developers. They certainly lost it.

If any of you feel at all similarly, don't buy Andromeda new. Get it used, or play a friend's copy if you're on PC. Vote with your wallet y'all.
Our thoughts are pretty much the same... Though I haven't let the passage of time cloud my thoughts of the ending... Never forget. Never forgive.

Honestly, I think the only thing Bioware can do to make me happy would be to completely redo the ending without trying to salvage any of it, which isn't happening... or get fucking shutdown.

Extreme? Likely a little but I suspect anyone with Bioware on their resume would be able to get new jobs rather quickly so not as extreme as it looks at first glance.

Mass Effect talk, eh?

I really dug all of the ME games, even despite ME3's poor handling of the ending to the base-game.

ME1 was a great start - but combat was still based too much on stats + dice-rolls for a game that controls exactly like a shooter. Though, ME1 probably had the best final boss fight in the franchise. ME2 and ME3's base-game - eh, their final boss fights weren't anything special. This was the start of a great franchise, even with some of its warts and all.

ME2 is the standard-barer for shooter/RPG's or RPG/shooters (depends on how you look at the game on which side it leans on more favorably), as it got those hybrid games away (for the most part) from using dice-rolls + depending too much on stats when you're literally controlling shooting like you would in a shooter/RPG or RPG/shooter. In that type of game, nothing's more annoying than shooting a normal enemy in the head and getting very little damage to none b/c of a dice-roll or stats; it makes no sense. While Alpha Protocol should've learned from this, it didn't (still used dice-rolls + stat-checking too much), future hybrid games of that RPG/shooter sort like Deus Ex: Human Rev + Fallout 4 obviously learned that games that control like shooters shouldn't depend too much on the stats for the combat stuff. ME2 might've cut back too much for most on the RPG elements of Inventory, upgrading weapons, skill learning - but still, since ME always controlled like a shooter, it made sense. With so many, more or less, short-stories in this game + side-quests (mostly about getting your team together for the final mission) - you really cared a lot about your crew, more so than it led into the final mission - which is one of the best final missions, IMHO, ever in a game - even though the final boss fight sucked. 

ME3 found that in-between of ME1 + ME2, where they tossed back in some of the RPG Inventory (still not too much) + upgrading elements (a lot more here than ME2) & kept the combat of ME2. Combat in ME3 was great and everything was going great, for the most part...until the very end. So many rumors flew around where Casey Hudson shut most of the ME3 BioWare staff writers out and Patrick Weekes spoke out and his post wound up removed about this - even though this all was squashed as false in a PR move, I still don't buy that - and especially since Casey ain't with them anymore (he's now w/ Microsoft). To me, all of this totally makes sense, as it explains why everything takes such a strange + abrupt turn by the end of ME3; and also heavily pointed to they leaving stuff so far open that it sets-up more DLC (which they did) and another ME game (Andromeda). 

For me, the ME Franchise was great - even despite the last 10-20 minutes of ME3 falling apart. Great journey, but it still needs a better + more complete finish.

bread's done