Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Season 1's still the best if you ask me. However, I suppose it has been steadily improving since 2. Haven't watched 6 yet or any of FTWD. Also, before anyone says anything, this conversation is not OT because one of the new episodes of BM (Playtest) involves video games.
I thought season 1 was one of the worst. First one or two episodes were solid from what I remember, but it went downhill after that. The later seasons improve in writing, characters, and acting. Michonne alone makes the show for me

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TWD lost some of its appeal after Shane died. It's gone downhill after S2 or maybe 3. I thought the second half of last year's season was decent though. The whole zombie pit thing was dumb.
TWD is a bad show. It has a good episode here and there but every season is mostly comprised of forgettable filler. Without any clear plan to actually end the series the narrative and story arcs have no payoff. Characters die, others join group, they go from point A to B, they meet another group led by a big mean bad guy, they suffer losses, they escape, rinse and repeat.

The last season finale was pretty bad but got me to finally realize I'm not interested or invested in the show. I should have stopped watching after season 3. Kept with it hoping there might be some closure for Rick and the core characters who are still alive, and that the show would have a clear transition to a new group of characters. I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon now that there's a spinoff.

Yes, I realize this is who I sound like.


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I wish I'd bought Bloody Good Time when the community was active. Really fun game, and one of the most unique deathmatch games I've played. The different ways you can kill people are hilarious, and you get more fame (which is what determines your score) depending on what weapon you're using so you have to keep switching weapons rather than stick with what's best which is a good way of balancing things out. Plus when you kill someone while they're sleeping/eating/on the toilet (which is required to maintain your stats) you get double fame.

Too funny watching Reds run around like an idiot on fire when there's a fountain of water right next to him, or killing someone while they're on the toilet after their moans/farts give away their location. I think Bah didn't like it much though, but Fox and I enjoyed it. The weapons and traps set it apart from most other games, I suggest buying it if you're bored with AAA MP shooters. We have another event planned next month, but maybe we could schedule it again sooner. The game does have a little bit of a learning curve cuz there's a lot of depth to it, but it's solid once you figure out all of the mechanics.

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TWD is a bad show. It has a good episode here and there but every season is mostly comprised of forgettable filler. Without any clear plan to actually end the series the narrative and story arcs have no payoff. Characters die, others join group, they go from point A to B, they meet another group led by a big mean bad guy, they suffer losses, they escape, rinse and repeat.

The last season finale was pretty bad but got me to finally realize I'm not interested or invested in the show. I should have stopped watching after season 3. Kept with it hoping there might be some closure for Rick and the core characters who are still alive, and that the show would have a clear transition to a new group of characters. I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon now that there's a spinoff.

Yes, I realize this is who I sound like.


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I'm kind of surprised by the hate for TWD...  Then again all that its about is man's continued desire to survive no matter what.  There will be no happy ending, no one is going rush in at the last minute and save the remains of mankind...  Basically, it comes down to how far do you want to walk down a endless road before you give up?

Anyhow, I enjoy it.  I think the next episode will really tell is about the future of the show...  but I guess I'm mostly happy that the value of the comics keeps going up.  :D/ 

TWD is a bad show. It has a good episode here and there but every season is mostly comprised of forgettable filler. Without any clear plan to actually end the series the narrative and story arcs have no payoff. Characters die, others join group, they go from point A to B, they meet another group led by a big mean bad guy, they suffer losses, they escape, rinse and repeat.

The last season finale was pretty bad but got me to finally realize I'm not interested or invested in the show. I should have stopped watching after season 3. Kept with it hoping there might be some closure for Rick and the core characters who are still alive, and that the show would have a clear transition to a new group of characters. I guess that's not going to happen anytime soon now that there's a spinoff.

Yes, I realize this is who I sound like.

This is how I feel too. It's pretty much recycled drama. When I watch a tv series, I tend to always stick to the end even though most shows goes downhill after S2. I gave up on TWD after Season 5 or 6...

I rarely ever cut off watching a tv show but I guess my tolerance level isn't as high as before. TWD is a perfect example of redundancy so it was easy.

I liked Bloody Good Time (despite getting frustrated from time to time with the controls).  I mean, it's not a AAA shooter or anything but it's fun and unique and certainly better than a lot of indie shooter/hunt games we've played.  Like Spoder said, the mechanics force you to keep moving and swapping weapons so there's no "I'll hide here with the sniper rifle".  Fun game but dead community so you'd have to bro night it or convince a bunch of people to buy it.

I wish I'd bought Bloody Good Time when the community was active. Really fun game, and one of the most unique deathmatch games I've played. The different ways you can kill people are hilarious, and you get more fame (which is what determines your score) depending on what weapon you're using so you have to keep switching weapons rather than stick with what's best which is a good way of balancing things out. Plus when you kill someone while they're sleeping/eating/on the toilet (which is required to maintain your stats) you get double fame.

Too funny watching Reds run around like an idiot on fire when there's a fountain of water right next to him, or killing someone while they're on the toilet after their moans/farts give away their location. I think Bah didn't like it much though, but Fox and I enjoyed it. The weapons and traps set it apart from most other games, I suggest buying it if you're bored with AAA MP shooters. We have another event planned next month, but maybe we could schedule it again sooner. The game does have a little bit of a learning curve cuz there's a lot of depth to it, but it's solid once you figure out all of the mechanics.
Have you played The Ship?

As far as I know, BGT is a sequel that removed features from The Ship

Have you played The Ship?

As far as I know, BGT is a sequel that removed features from The Ship
I've played The Ship a couple of times, but didn't like the social aspect of it and the matchmaking kind of sucked. maybe the new version fixed the issues with the matchmaking but I preferred how Bloody Good Time stripped it down. I think overall BGT is a better game, but I'll have to play The Ship Remasted sometime to see what it's like.

The Ship is probably better if you're really into the social aspect and have a good group to play with, but that isn't my thing.

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I wasnt pc gaming last year, does steam/any other online store have good black friday sales?
Well... Welcome.

Not really.

Steams main "sales" are Winter and Summer. They do have Fall and Spring sales.

I highly recommend googling isthereanydeal to see.

Anymore, it's highly unlikely to get a "good" Steam sale (meaning greater than 60-80% off). Bundles for new people are a great way to build a library. Really you're pulling the trigger on one or two games and the rest are 'free'.

Steam runs weekly and weekend sales and sometimes there's a sparkle to the turds but for the most part most of us try to take advantage of oopsies. And lately just Fakey-bro'ing (buying it retail).

I wasnt pc gaming last year, does steam/any other online store have good black friday sales?
I'm going to contradict the other response to this as I think he's a little off.

- Steam does have a "fall" sale that falls around Black Friday. It's not like the big ones in that its less populated in terms of the amount of games onsale (Winter/Summer are the big ones) but its a decent enough preview of the Winter sale and in years past Ive spent more during it than during Winter sale. The prices during that sale will be the same during winter. Winter Sale lasts two weeks and starts fairly close to Xmas time. You wont be able to miss it. Last year I used Fall to plan what I wanted most during Winter and get a general idea of how much I wanted to spend.

- There will probably be a Halloween sale this week. It will probably start on Thursday. Obviously it will focus on horror games and things like that, but you may find something then.

- Amazon in the past has had killer Black Friday deals on digital games (yes Steam keys for many). The past 2 years have been a bit blah since they don't care about their digital division as much as they have in the past, but they do tend to match Steam on the bigger named games + its a good place to get things like EA games (they are on EA's own platform called Origin which have many exclusives) and uPlay which is Ubisoft's. They also will have decent deals on physical copies, 99% of those these days will contain a Steam (or Origin or uPlay key depending on DRM) inside the box.

- There will be other random deals around Black Friday from other sites. Best is to watch this thread as the active users tend to be forthcoming about deals they find. Other places to watch are the subreddit, Game Deals.

He's right about bundles though. You can get on those at any time. There are many bundle sites that cater to PC gamers with Humble Bundle being the one with the most quality. And ones like Bundle Stars and Indie Gala being more hit or miss. There's a lot more bundle sites than just these 3, just google "indie game bundles" and you'll find plenty of sites that list them all.

I'd also recommend checking out the trade section here (Master Lists) and look at the Steam thread. Lots of opportunities to get games you may have missed really cheap user to user. Another option is the site which does a lot of giveaways and have a very active trade section. You may not have a large enough collection to join there yet, but its something to think about if you want to try more user to user options.

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re: Bloody Good Time

I enjoyed it a lot mostly because it was different.  I think the Hunt mode is actually not as good as the Deathmatch.  Deathmatch is good because of the way different weapons and kills (traps) give you more points so there's a little strategy rather than kill, kill, kill.  It is a bit frustrating and the controls and weapon switching could be better, but overall enjoyed it. 

We have it scheduled on a bro night next month too for those that missed last night. 

re: The Ship

I know it's technically a sequel, but I remember we tried to bro-night it a while ago and we couldn't figure out what was going on or what to do.  BGT makes everything a lot clearer so I think that's where it wins.  If Remasted is an improvement to BGT I would be willing to give it a try. 

re: The Walking Dead

I really love it, but hey I love most things zombies.  I don't get the hate for the show either.  I mean I get it's not everyone's cup of tea, nothing ever is. I feel part of it is just general backlash when something becomes too popular the geeks that were into it before it became popular get mad.  Like it was cool at first when it came out, but then it was a major number 1 hit and now it's not cool anymore.  

It's based on a comic, which means like most comics it is going to have major plot holes and nonsensical story arcs and convenient revisions of history, and it's NEVER GOING TO END!  Which may be the main problem it seems for some.  It's never going to end.  It's just going from one villain/challenge to the next with a lull in between.  I do think it has it's weaknesses at times.  I think that there was sort of a boring period during the season on the farm.  I think some of the "villains" sort of get built up for an entire season and then the actual conflict or pay off lasts one or two episodes when they could draw it out more.  Some of the deaths feel wasted.  But overall I still enjoy it more than most shows.  Enjoy Fear the Walking Dead too although it took me almost both full seasons to start getting a little invested into the characters. 

I'm going to contradict the other response to this as I think he's a little off.

- Steam does have a "fall" sale that falls around Black Friday. It's not like the big ones in that its less populated in terms of the amount of games onsale (Winter/Summer are the big ones) but its a decent enough preview of the Winter sale and in years past Ive spent more during it than during Winter sale. The prices during that sale will be the same during winter. Winter Sale lasts two weeks and starts fairly close to Xmas time. You wont be able to miss it. Last year I used Fall to plan what I wanted most during Winter and get a general idea of how much I wanted to spend.

- There will probably be a Halloween sale this week. It will probably start on Thursday. Obviously it will focus on horror games and things like that, but you may find something then.

- Amazon in the past has had killer Black Friday deals on digital games (yes Steam keys for many). The past 2 years have been a bit blah since they don't care about their digital division as much as they have in the past, but they do tend to match Steam on the bigger named games + its a good place to get things like EA games (they are on EA's own platform called Origin which have many exclusives) and uPlay which is Ubisoft's. They also will have decent deals on physical copies, 99% of those these days will contain a Steam (or Origin or uPlay key depending on DRM) inside the box.

- There will be other random deals around Black Friday from other sites. Best is to watch this thread as the active users tend to be forthcoming about deals they find. Other places to watch are the subreddit, Game Deals.

He's right about bundles though. You can get on those at any time. There are many bundle sites that cater to PC gamers with Humble Bundle being the one with the most quality. And ones like Bundle Stars and Indie Gala being more hit or miss. There's a lot more bundle sites than just these 3, just google "indie game bundles" and you'll find plenty of sites that list them all.

I'd also recommend checking out the trade section here (Master Lists) and look at the Steam thread. Lots of opportunities to get games you may have missed really cheap user to user. Another option is the site which does a lot of giveaways and have a very active trade section. You may not have a large enough collection to join there yet, but its something to think about if you want to try more user to user options.
appreciate the response. I knew about the other sales/bundles just didnt know if steam did anything for black friday in particular...which is all i wanted to know lol

The Walking Dead is still pretty good.  But it has its ups and downs.  There are individual episodes each season that stand out as truly amazing.  The Morgan backstory episode Here's not Here as well as the discovery of the town Hilltop stand out as highlights of season 6.  The Grove from S4 with Carole and Lizzie was one of my favorite episodes of the entire series.  However S6 was pretty weak compared to season 5.  The introduction to Alexandria was much more appealing than the whole getting the walker heard away from town and impending doom of the Saviors arc.  S6 was just nonstop danger and and a bleak outlook.  I feel the exact same way about season 4 being much weaker than season 3.  S3 was really interesting with the thriving Woodbury community.   But then S4 just dragged and dragged with the resolution of S3 while they sat in the prison forever.  Man the prison got stale.  By far the worst part of the entire series were the later prison episodes.  That was a huge mistake by the writers to have the crew sit in the prison for two whole seasons.  However, S4 ended on many interesting notes with both the Claimers and the intro to Terminus. 

S4 and S6 were by far the weakest seasons imo.  They certainly didn't do a good job of keeping any lasting appeal at the end of S6 with Negan and the Saviors.  Things have just gotten so abysmal.  Worst part is it feels like they are just writing from season to season with no complete series arc in mind, no planned ending, no end in sight.   Shows that meander with no plan on how to end a series tend to be looked back upon quite unfavorably.  The best TV series are almost always five to seven seasons for a reason. 

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I see pretty much $46-48 everywhere even on C D Cheese
And thats where its going to hover for a while. Its EA. EA games typically don't drop even on the grey market early in release. The place to get them was always Mexican Origin before they raised the price there.

You're going to have to bite at that price or wait. It was the same way with FIFA and other recent EA releases. I'd expect BF1 to get a sale around Black Friday which is what Im waiting for.

Well... Welcome.

Not really.

Steams main "sales" are Winter and Summer. They do have Fall and Spring sales.

I highly recommend googling isthereanydeal to see.

Anymore, it's highly unlikely to get a "good" Steam sale (meaning greater than 60-80% off). Bundles for new people are a great way to build a library. Really you're pulling the trigger on one or two games and the rest are 'free'.

Steam runs weekly and weekend sales and sometimes there's a sparkle to the turds but for the most part most of us try to take advantage of oopsies. And lately just Fakey-bro'ing (buying it retail).
Sigh. The Gem Auction was two years ago now, right? I'm sad there's nothing as interesting as that was.

Sure, more often than not you were getting free bundle fodder, but it was something.

I'm sure a good chunk of my disappointment with Steam sales since they've changed has a lot to do with the fact that I'm starting to get into the "stupid" level of account size, bloated with +1s, but free games and interesting titles for a quarter or fifty cents was nice, or a random AAA title that you could every once and a while get for $5.

As it is, the sales are fairly meh on Steam, generally only getting around "interesting" level if you somehow manage to stack the sale along with getting the stored value cards for 10-15% or so off because of retail black friday sales.

Amazon's digital store is now just a joke rather than viable source of stuff. (I don't expect I'll even look at it unless someone posts about something marginal that shows up).

Bundles are crazy hit and miss in the holiday window, and the "store" portions of bundle sites sometimes do pop out a surprise.
I think I'll be watching Bundle Stars for WB and Lego games, Humble for a AAA publisher MAYBE doing an interesting "build a bundle", Indie Gala for potentially losing thier mind and giving someone crazy good away with a $10 purchase like they had done with Shadow of Mordor, and Groupees for an explanation of why people still waste money on that shit.

Have you guys watched Westworld on HBO yet?  Oh my god is it amazing.  I heap praises upon new, top-notch sci-fi because we just don't get enough of it. 

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I'm sure a good chunk of my disappointment with Steam sales since they've changed has a lot to do with the fact that I'm starting to get into the "stupid" level of account size, bloated with +1s, but free games and interesting titles for a quarter or fifty cents was nice, or a random AAA title that you could every once and a while get for $5.
That's part of it but the deals are objectively worse these days: Fewer 75-80% discounts (hell, fewer 66-75% discounts) and the elimination of daily deals means lower discounts overall.

Have you guys watched Westworld on HBO yet? Oh my god is it amazing. I heap praises upon new, top-notch sci-fi because we just don't get enough of it.
Yep; it's fantastic. One of the best shows since GoT, IMHO.


Amazon's digital store is now just a joke rather than viable source of stuff. (I don't expect I'll even look at it unless someone posts about something marginal that shows up).
Amazon PC Digital Video Games section hasn't been the same, since AmazonJosh.

Yeah, he's done wonders w/ it.

AmazonTony who...?


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Need peeps on Origin for le BF1.


Add me
Why play on boring old pc when you game with the masters on ps4?

psn: Taylort210

15yr old me was the best at usernames, just like how Sony is the best at not letting me change it or making an easy way to add people!

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Why play on boring old pc when you game with the masters on ps4?

psn: Taylort210

15yr old me was the best at usernames, just like how Sony is the best at not letting me change it or making an easy to way to add people!
I play both ;D

Just not a fan of Aim Assist (wish it was off for everyone on consoles)


Side note: I cannot believe that after all this time you still cannot add friends or do dang all on psn website. I'll send you a request when I'm on again.
Not gonna lie..that's why I didnt add you yet. Such a PITA. I dont want the damn app on my phone etiher since it's shit. Sony has the worst PSN website evar

Mine is: Gedemer

If you get on PSN before I do

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bread's done