Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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The complaints about political posts stem from the fact that this is literally all people hear about, all day long, on every bit of their social media, and almost every time they interact with another human being. It's exhaustion. People have had this shit stuffed down their throats for over a year, and now that Piece of Shit 1 won instead of Piece of Shit 2, they just want one place to come to get a running joke or CAG meme and decompress. Understandably, some feel the need to vent, but literally every site you go to is this shit. So the underlying message of apathy/annoyance is really that people could be venting anywhere else.
Most of the dumb asses out there destroying shit and starting fires probably don't give two shits about the election results.
Certainly possible but then the vast, vast majority of protesters aren't destroying shit or starting fires so trying to delegitimize them on the basis of a few "dumbasses" seems a bit flawed. Or maybe very intentional.

It is true that large protest gatherings tend to draw some opportunistic people as well. All the more reason for Trump to act now to calm their fears and bring people together. People are scared and angry and they're not going to be appreciably less scared and angry because of what Obama or Clinton or someone on TV says.

Edging back toward on-topic...

I light of current events, I have installed Duke Nukem Forever. I want to be prepared for the new future.

Everyone says it's not going to be as bad as everyone says.

I hope it's better than the first half hour.

And I'm all out of gum.
I actually somewhat enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever. I still haven't played the DLC or finished the last episode I think, but it starts strong enough and gets weak later. I only payed like around $2ish or so....came with some other stuff on Amazon. Remember when Amazon actually had good PC digital deals?

Well, of course. Trump threw a lot of traditional norms and civility out the window during the election and won. People feel that the standard political system has failed them and that disregarding civility is the way you get things done. I don't think that they give a shit what people outside their sphere think of them protesting or that people may tut-tut and tell them they're they're being silly or immature.

I say let them protest. Let them protest every day. Let Trump know NOW where the nation is so he knows the stakes.

During the election, you had people talking about a Clinton victory with "Second Amendment Solutions" and "We'll have to assassinate that bitch" and Trump still won. Now it's "Well! I never! People holding signs... how DARE they! Why, back in MY day, we'd simply retire to the reading parlor and discuss our grievances over brandy..."
Trump didn't get their votes anyway, what does he care? They are doing this in the cities where people didn't vote for him. The more they inconvenience people by blocking roads, destroying property. The more people will align themselves with Trump out of frustration. It's completely counter-productive for their cause.

Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert who called the election for Trump a long long time ago) had an article about the Cognitive Dissonance being shown by the protesters and it was a fascinating read. They have literally created Trump as a monster in their head.

In gaming news, my Stardew Valley addiction is wearing off after 50 hours.

So the underlying message of apathy/annoyance is really that people could be venting anywhere else.
Eh, like Fox said, if people gave it a week it would go the same way as burger pictures or talk about shoes or any other dumbshit thing that occupies our time.

Anyway, we played Mean Greens last night and it was fun. I don't know if it's appreciably different than other third person shooters but it captures the toy army man theme perfectly with bright colors, fun environments and a lot of crisp detail. No classes, each person can cycle through all the weapons and my only complaint would be that each map is game-style specific so you'll only play the fish tank for Capture the Flag, only play the strategic games town in Team Death Match, only play the craft table in Free-For-All, etc. Also, although we had enough for 3v3 teams, it seems like it'd be more fun with more people so y'all should come play it Wednesday night.

Trump didn't get their votes anyway, what does he care?
Because large protests beget rioting and rioting begets mass civil unrest and mass civil unrest begets civil war. That's pretty much the unspoken threat to any protest and I'd certainly hope that the guy who is to be our president realizes that.

The more they inconvenience people by blocking roads, destroying property. The more people will align themselves with Trump out of frustration.
Not really true. That's a short term stop along the line towards "This guy has let the country devolve to where I can't even drive to work any longer. He's failed." A single focus for irritation always wins out over "I hate all these individual guys in the street."

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I actually somewhat enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever. I still haven't played the DLC or finished the last episode I think, but it starts strong enough and gets weak later. I only payed like around $2ish or so....came with some other stuff on Amazon. Remember when Amazon actually had good PC digital deals?
DNF base-game was all over the place. From level-to-level, the quality is just all over the place. Sometimes, it's good. Sometimes, it's terrible [repetitive "get the gas-can" level; strip club level]. Another level - eh, it's okay, I guess.

Then, there's the jokes. Sometimes, it's down-right hilarious. Jokes sometimes fell flat, just either weren't funny, and/or were too far out-of-date. Some of the worst jokes were the Halo jokes - b/c DNF here is also using health-regen + limited-weapon inventory!

Doctor DLC was actually much better than the base-game, over-all. It's overall, just way more consistent. Doesn't really have any dull or boring gaps, unlike the base-game.

Though, MP was a lot of fun. Like many MP games, it seems to lacked mode + maps. But back when I played - eh, wasn't easy to really get a game going. Bleh. I wonder if with it being cheaper now, if anyone's actually playing it.

Interesting that the reviews on Steam are now "Mostly Positive". Everybody must've bought this ultra dirt-cheap. :)

re: politics

All of the racially and politically motivated beatings as well as the destruction of property proves why so many people supported Trump in the first place.  A lot of people want to bring back traditional values.  People are tired of lawlessness.  They also believe in social contract;  you know, treating people decently and behaving in a proper manner.  All of the "don't assume my gender" stuff and people wearing pajamas to nice restaurants has really started to bother some people.  And I don't blame them at all.  People think they can do whatever the f they want these days.  We got the candidates we deserved.  Also, for some reason people today think they are owed certain social welfare or political reform without having to actually work for it.  How about doing something good and actually helping people instead of all the protesting and Facebook blogging?  It's the generation of spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed brats that got us into this Trump mess in the first place. 

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I actually somewhat enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever. I still haven't played the DLC or finished the last episode I think, but it starts strong enough and gets weak later. I only payed like around $2ish or so....came with some other stuff on Amazon. Remember when Amazon actually had good PC digital deals?
Make Amazon Great Again!

re: politics

All of the racially and politically motivated beatings as well as the destruction of property proves why so many people supported Trump in the first place. A lot of people want to bring back traditional values. People are tired of lawlessness. They also believe in social contract; you know, treating people decently and behaving in a proper manner. All of the "don't assume my gender" stuff and people wearing pajamas to nice restaurants has really started to bother some people. And I don't blame them at all. People think they can do whatever the f they want these days. We got the candidates we deserved. Also, for some reason people today think they are owed certain social welfare or political reform without having to actually work for it. How about doing something good and actually helping people instead of all the protesting and Facebook blogging? It's the generation of spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed brats that got us into this Trump mess in the first place.
Blow it out your ass

Racist attacks prove why people voted for Trump? Trumps win has emboldened racists (on both sides). Your attempt at normalizing this shit is not only wrong but a disservice to all non-whites and all people who abhor this shit.

Trump is not going to change a fucking thing. He's filling his team up with lobbyists and the only difference between Obama's Washington and Trump's will be we're going to be further to the right than we've ever been in history. All sides are going to suffer because of the election of this orange demagogue.

And she won the popular vote.

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Sorry if it hurt your feelings, man.  That got exactly the response it deserved :D

Anywho, off politics for me for now.  Feel free to get a last word in or something.

Because large protests beget rioting and rioting begets mass civil unrest and mass civil unrest begets civil war. That's pretty much the unspoken threat to any protest and I'd certainly hope that the guy who is to be our president realizes that.
Well, it wouldn't be the first civil war brought on by the election of a Republican president. :D/

So I tried the Steep Beta... Its beautiful, seems to be Ubisofts new norm on PC, and I'm sure there is allot of fun to be had but... I just don't see a 60 dollar game here. Maybe I just need more structure. (Some guy was talking to me but his voice just didn't stand out to me.)

Anyhow the highlight:

And Beta Codes: Friend 1: J9UKY2ZBZG9U
Friend 2: NH2ZB69LYEW9
I took #1. Thanks!
Blow it out your ass

Racist attacks prove why people voted for Trump? Trumps win has emboldened racists. Your attempt at normalizing this shit is not only wrong but a disservice to all non-whites.

Trump is not going to change a fucking thing. He's filling his team up with lobbyists and the only difference between Obama's Washington and Trump's will be we're going to be further to the right than we've ever been in history. All sides are going to suffer because of the election of this orange demagogue.

And she won the popular vote.
I didn't vote for Trump. Lots of cool strawman statements here though. Blow it out your own ass. :roll:

I didn't vote for Trump. Lots of cool strawman statements here though. Blow it out your own ass. :roll:
This shit is not normal. And no one should let it become normal.

All the talk of "oh lets give him a chance" and that sort of nonsense is not only wrong, but its completely insulting to anyone's intelligence. He's got to earn the chance by his actions and not by an electoral college victory and a popular vote loss. Notice, he's not yet denounced ANY of the attacks (either side)? He doesn't give a shit about anyone and never has as proven by his actions now and throughout his life. The guy ran the most disgusting campaign in political history and as seen by the now hundreds of attacks on minorities that are literally being reported everywhere (including dark blue areas like NY and CA) his victory has emboldened vile racism thats not been seen since Jim Crow. His supporters are also being attacked as there are plenty of minorities who hate white people. The KKK is marching in Anaheim of all places.

Do you think this is just going to magically stop once he's actually in office? Its going to get worse. Extreme ideology breeds extreme action. Property damage and loss of lives are going to be the new normal, but it will be because of policy rather than the election.

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That is actually not that bad of a deal. Is the DLC even worth it? I haven't even finished vanilla Fallout 4 yet.
Not bad. Far Shore and Nuka-World have a fair bit of content so, if you liked the base game, you'll get a bunch more of it. But if you haven't finished the base game then it's hard to say that you need to spend another $25.

One disappointment with Far Shores is that only one NPC companion (Nick) is really integrated into it. If you travel with anyone else, they'll have nothing to say even during times where their character would have very strong opinions. But Bethesda didn't want to bring in all the voice actors and record a ton of new dialogue so any other companions stays mute aside from their stock lines. Can't speak for Nuka-World since I haven't played that one.

Yes, $50 for full-blown MSRP. That's still the MSRP listed there, crossed-out.

Looks like it's on sale currently for $25.


Not bad. Far Shore and Nuka-World have a fair bit of content so, if you liked the base game, you'll get a bunch more of it. But if you haven't finished the base game then it's hard to say that you need to spend another $25.

One disappointment with Far Shores is that only one NPC companion (Nick) is really integrated into it. If you travel with anyone else, they'll have nothing to say even during times where their character would have very strong opinions.

But Bethesda didn't want to bring in all the voice actors and record a ton of new dialogue so any other companions stays mute aside from their stock lines.

Can't speak for Nuka-World since I haven't played that one.
Thanks for the advice. Guess I'll just take Nick around with me, when I get to the Far Shore content.

I've had the SP for a spell or two, since before it did the MSRP increase/price-jump. Bought it when it was around $24 on GMG. I ain't even really got into the DLC content, though I have over 110 hours w/ this game.

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Not bad. Far Shore and Nuka-World have a fair bit of content so, if you liked the base game, you'll get a bunch more of it. But if you haven't finished the base game then it's hard to say that you need to spend another $25.

One disappointment with Far Shores is that only one NPC companion (Nick) is really integrated into it. If you travel with anyone else, they'll have nothing to say even during times where their character would have very strong opinions. But Bethesda didn't want to bring in all the voice actors and record a ton of new dialogue so any other companions stays mute aside from their stock lines. Can't speak for Nuka-World since I haven't played that one.
Thanks for the advice. Guess I'll just take Nick around with me, when I get to the Far Shore content.

I've had the SP for a spell or two, since before it did the MSRP increase/price-jump. Bought it when it was around $24 on GMG. I ain't even really got into the DLC content, though I have over 110 hours w/ this game.

So I just got my $4 Jotun Indiebox. Pretty cool that the steam key is outside the box. Now to see if anyone wants to buy this Unopened box with DRM free game + soundtrack + whatever.

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Speaking of the 480. I see the 8GB 480 hitting around $175 and I see Nvidia's similarly priced card is a 3GB 1060. Is the Nvidia architecture so much better that a 3GB card from them can compete with a 8GB AMD? Or what gives with that?
The 3GB version of the 1060 is actually a gimped version of the 6GB card (fewer cores, etc). Stuff I've read suggests that the head-to-head versions of each card (480 4GB/1060 3GB or 480 8GB/1060 6GB) come out in favor of the Nvidia card but the 480 8GB benefits greatly from its increased memory over the 1060 3GB when you go above 1080 or play more resource demanding games. 3GB just doesn't cut it. Example cite:

As for the GPU’s overall competitive performance, it’s roughly what you’d expect from a near-GTX 1060 at this point. In DX12 titles, AMD’s RX 480 tends to outperform the 1060, sometimes by large amounts. The RX 480 8GB is typically faster than the 1060 3GB across both DX11 and DX12, especially when resolutions rise and the 1060 3GB runs into frame buffer trouble. There are multiple titles where the gap between the 1060 3GB and 6GB starts off relatively small, but grows as resolution rises — suggesting the 3GB RAM buffer may not be quite enough for gaming in 2016, at least not beyond 1080p.
Also, as mentioned, AMD does better with DX12 than Nvidia's cards. Which is a minority of games now but is only growing and will be in most new AAA titles. Again, maybe not a reason to pick AMD in a head-to-head in the same tier but probably a worthwhile consideration between the two cards you're asking about.

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Not bad. Far Shore and Nuka-World have a fair bit of content so, if you liked the base game, you'll get a bunch more of it. But if you haven't finished the base game then it's hard to say that you need to spend another $25.

One disappointment with Far Shores is that only one NPC companion (Nick) is really integrated into it. If you travel with anyone else, they'll have nothing to say even during times where their character would have very strong opinions. But Bethesda didn't want to bring in all the voice actors and record a ton of new dialogue so any other companions stays mute aside from their stock lines. Can't speak for Nuka-World since I haven't played that one.
Nuka world can take as little as 30 minutes if you wanna go the good Samaritan route. All of the quests are tied into being a raider. So unless you like enslaving everyone and murdering the innocent it's very short. If you do decide to be a heartless asshole there is a ton of stuff to do and see. Of course you could see it all anyway without being a raider but there won't be any point to it.

Also since we are on the subject I'm finally done with Fallout 4.


Nuka world can take as little as 30 minutes if you wanna go the good Samaritan route. All of the quests are tied into being a raider. So unless you like enslaving everyone and murdering the innocent it's very short. If you do decide to be a heartless asshole there is a ton of stuff to do and see.
Gotcha. I haven't played it but friends who have said there was a bit to do -- they must all be morally ambiguous people.

The 3GB version of the 1060 is actually a gimped version of the 6GB card. Stuff I've read suggests that the head-to-head versions of each card (480 4GB/1060 3GB or 480 8GB/1060 6GB) come out in favor of the Nvidia card but the 480 8GB benefits greatly from its increased memory over the 1060 3GB when you go above 1080 or play more resource demanding games. 3GB just doesn't cut it.
Why would anybody buy the 1060 at 3GB in this current gaming climate ($200 or so)?

If you're going Nvidia, for around $50 more MSRP - or even less, when you catch it on sale - you can have 6GB on the 1060. For another $50, might as well future-proof it quite a bit here. I've seen those as low as $224 recently.

I've been seeing monitors in the 1440p and 4K department getting much cheaper, especially w/ Black Friday right around the corner.

The 1440p and 4K push is here.

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Nuka world can take as little as 30 minutes if you wanna go the good Samaritan route. All of the quests are tied into being a raider. So unless you like enslaving everyone and murdering the innocent it's very short. If you do decide to be a heartless asshole there is a ton of stuff to do and see. Of course you could see it all anyway without being a raider but there won't be any point to it.

Also since we are on the subject I'm finally done with Fallout 4.

723 hours??!?!?

Wowsers - that's like some Tebow numbers of hours here for one game!

723 hours??!?!?

Wowsers - that's like some Tebow numbers of hours here for one game!

Well all of those hours were spent actually playing the game. Chalk it up to multiple playthroughs for multiple endings and too damn much time trying to perfect every settlement each damn playthrough. A lot of time is spent just collecting raw materials for building shit.

Well all of those hours were spent actually playing the game. Chalk it up to multiple playthroughs for multiple endings and too damn much time trying to perfect every settlement each damn playthrough. A lot of time is spent just collecting raw materials for building shit.
You surely got your money's worth, to say the very least!!!

Character is also tested when a person and/or their loved ones have their very existence de-legitimized, mocked, and threatened by a person in authority. If you just see people not getting what they wanted, as opposed to a legitimate fear of being robbed of their basic rights, that's your privilege talking. If people had fought back righteously in Germany in 1933...well, who knows?

Hope you had a nice walk, though. I was a little under the weather the last few days but a nice walk and some fresh air this afternoon really did the trick. Cleared my head and cured me of my urge to buy a NES Classic. Still bought a PS4 Pro, though...
Comparing a democratic process to armed conflict is hardly convincing and borderline straw man fallacy. Everyone is encouraged to have dialogue and agree to disagree but to incite violence and anger ... that shows who is the TRUE intolerant ones here.

President Obama, Hillary and Trump all call for unity and cooperation and that's the true path to peace.

One thing I wish to happen post election is having the liberal extremists and the right wing fanatics in a locked room and leave the rest of us alone.

P.s. Definitely go for the PS4 Pro.

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I'm hoping we get a 24 hour extra play test of the Alpha

much time trying to perfect every settlement each damn playthrough. A lot of time is spent just collecting raw materials for building shit.
I don't know too many that didn't reload a early save of their perfect settlement and take a different path in the game.
Would had been nice if they allowed you to build camp sites and settlements anywhere.
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Beholder steam keys are instock if you added it to your Indiegamestand account when free.
Thanks for the heads up, but I'm still getting the out of stock message. I'm guessing that they ran out of stock again. You'd think they'd know how many keys they needed to fill the orders made while it was free, but apparently that is not so.

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FWIW Minions Masters seems pretty good. Will be really surprised if they don't make it truely F2P though. I think the current plan is paid game with a shop? Finished the single player stuff but seems the matchmaking servers are having issues.

Not bad. Far Shore and Nuka-World have a fair bit of content so, if you liked the base game, you'll get a bunch more of it. But if you haven't finished the base game then it's hard to say that you need to spend another $25.

One disappointment with Far Shores is that only one NPC companion (Nick) is really integrated into it. If you travel with anyone else, they'll have nothing to say even during times where their character would have very strong opinions. But Bethesda didn't want to bring in all the voice actors and record a ton of new dialogue so any other companions stays mute aside from their stock lines. Can't speak for Nuka-World since I haven't played that one.
I can't stand companions when playing Fallout. Lone wanderer ftw. I honestly never found dogmeat while playing through Fallout 3. Was he part of a main mission or just floating around out there?
I can't stand companions when playing Fallout. Lone wanderer ftw. I honestly never found dogmeat while playing through Fallout 3. Was he part of a main mission or just floating around out there?
You stumble upon him in a junkyard. Agree that companions in the nu-Fallout games are mostly worthless.

bread's done