Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I have an extra Steam key from that GS Deformers "giveaway" if anyone missed out.  The expiration date is 5/30/2017.

PM me.

Edited:  Gone

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Well there was that time with Little Big Planet where a song was patched out to be altered because the song had lyrics ripped straight out of the Quran. It had to be changed because it offended some people. Also Castlevania Symphony Of The Night on xbox 360 has a patch that removes the song I Am The Wind because of licensing related to the vocal performer of the song. Of course leaving the game unpatched allows you to still hear the original song in Castlevania and in first print copies of Little Big Planet.
Ocarina of Time had a similar issue with the music in the fire temple I believe. They used some kind of royalty free music with chanting which wound up being religious in some way, so I think it's fairly uncommon to come across versions of the game that still have that in it.

Alright, so I got the Dualshock 4 USB Adapter thing off ebay and installed it today.  Works great in Steam, but can't seem to get it to work on Uplay with Watch Dogs.  Anyone have experience with this?  Is there anything special I need to do with Uplay or does Watch Dogs just not support it?  I remember not having any problems using my DS4 with DS4Windows on Uplay.  Do I just have to use that for Uplay? 

Oh, look. Intel v. Ryzen is happening.

Intel is planning i9 processors, which will have models with cores of 6, 8, 10, and 12:
I dont know if I'd say it was ryzen that pushed them to do it, they were probably planning it anyway. Its the X-series which no normal person buys anyway unless its for an actual workstation, and will cost way more than a ryzen. Now if they showed a non-x i7 with 6+ cores that would be something else, or if/when they eventually come out with the consumer i9 variant. They already had x-series with 6/8/10, now they are just doing one with 12

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so, Dark Souls III season pass 50% off at humble, more with monthly, etc. chances it will be cheaper down the line? i mean, GG will have it 75% off in a few years. i'm saying like, by end of the year...
I'd be pretty surprised if it's more than 1/2 off by the end of the year. Season passes in general don't seem to get great discounts for awhile, and considering that they just released the last of the dlc about a month ago and they also just released the complete edition that they will probably want people to buy, I don't think it's going to suddenly get a great discount. Honestly it's pretty surprising it's half off at all right now, I would've expected maybe 33% off tops

Dark Souls 3 was heck a fun and I stopped playing #2 and liked #1 also. Worth a buy esp now that there is GOTY versions out there.
DARK SOULS III Deluxe Edition is 84.98, guess i'll just get the game and pick up the season pass later.

Edit: just seen that the season pass is on sale for $12 on humble bundle that isn't too much.
Anyone has the monthly? I'll pay you back in the exact amount on paypal just to save that $1

Let me know before you purchase it if anyone decides to do that.

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Dark Souls 3 was heck a fun and I stopped playing #2 and liked #1 also. Worth a buy esp now that there is GOTY versions out there.
Okay, was Dark Souls 2 that much of a departure from Dark Souls 1 or something?

Seem to hear a lot that people prefer Dark Souls 1+3 over Dark Souls 2.

Okay, was Dark Souls 2 that much of a departure from Dark Souls 1 or something?

Seem to hear a lot that people prefer Dark Souls 1+3 over Dark Souls 2.
I just didn't enjoy Dark Souls 2 adventure and areas as much as I did with DS 1.
I felt liked it missed everything that made dark souls 1 a very enjoyable game.

God Eater 2 is on sale, anyone on CAG wants to brodate this game? The last time I check it was a 4-player co-op game
". Buy GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst and get GOD EATER Resurrection FOR FREE!"

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I hated all the Dark Souls games ;)

I didn't think Dark Souls 2 sucked, but compared to the original it's an inferior game in nearly every facet. The one thing that I can remember DS2 doing better was upgrades. I always found it to be needlessly complex in the original and the sequel made it easier to toy around with different elemental types. But nearly everything else, from the world building to the bosses to the enemy placement, is so much significantly better in the first game.

So yeah, Dark Souls 2 isn't a bad game. It just isn't Dark Souls 1.

Worst part about DS2 was if you had a VacBan on record you couldnt COOP for a month or three until they fixed it. Other than that, yea the bosses were easy compared to the OG
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Dark Souls 3 worth picking up even if I hated Dark Souls 2?

I loved dark souls 1 on co-op
Maybe? It depends what you liked so much about ds1 and hated about ds2. Ds3 is better than 2 but worse than 1 imo.

Okay, was Dark Souls 2 that much of a departure from Dark Souls 1 or something?

Seem to hear a lot that people prefer Dark Souls 1+3 over Dark Souls 2.
We were all talking about this about exactly 24 hours ago and I think it was spurred by your own inquiry about scholar of the first sin so if you really want to know go back like 3 pages

its a really good game but the worst of the series

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BF1 Friday was a rousing success tonight. We had our best turnout ever including some new faces (DickBurden, Tmac, and cobolatrix), and we won every game we played. The Spofobros were regularly at the top of the leaderboard and it was all in all good shit. Syntax was a traitor most of the night and was on the other side consistently, but I killed him, so that's ok. We also had a religious experience with eroticjesus that capped the night off correctly.

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I went on a spiel about it awhile ago. I agree, it's a really stupid mechanic, and the worst part of it is that because the developers assumed you're going to be running at lesser health because of the mechanic, they 1. Made the game ridiculously easier than the first game, 2. Put far more bonfires (not to mention more obvious) in the game, to the point where it feels like you're playing a Crash Bandicoot game with checkpoints sometimes, and 3. Specifically created an item in the game to diminish the effect of health loss on death (the lowest your health can be reduced to is 75%, as opposed to 50%, I think).

It's awful, and there are a hundred ways to get around it (grind to level up your HP, seek out as many effigies as you can, etc), but overall it's the very definition of a pointless, arbitrary mechanic that doesn't really add to the games meager difficulty, and instead just works as an annoyance. It rewards players for running around with reduced health, scoping out the level/bosses, and then using an effigy to restore their max health once they're confident they can complete it. That's fine, but it's just kind of stupid.

One of the reasons I loved Dark Souls was venturing into the unknown at full strength, dealing with high difficulty, and having the chance to tackle things my first try. I remember running into the Izalith spider lady and having a hard time but taking her down first try. It was challenging but it was super satisfying to pull it off on my first run. In Dark Souls 2, I probably would have been going into that situation with 50% HP, and even if I did well, the limited HP would probably spell defeat. And THEN I would run through it again at low health once or twice, figure shit out, and THEN use an effigy and make a serious attempt.

But the saddest part is that I honestly never even really used effigies in DS2... There was no point. In Dark Souls there were bosses that could wipe you out in one or two hits. In DS2 even at 50% HP almost nothing can one shot you, so if you use an effigy to get back to 100% on top of that? The game becomes a cakewalk.

Anyways, enough DS2 hate. It's still a decent game on its own, it's just a sad excuse for a Dark Souls game.
u can try the grandfather of all Souls game, DEMON SOULS.

I loathed that game.. it made me break my 1st gamepad

BF1 Friday was a rousing success tonight. We had our best turnout ever including some new faces (DickBurden, Tmac, and cobolatrix), and we won every game we played. The Spofobros were regularly at the top of the leaderboard and it was all in all good shit. Syntax was a traitor most of the night and was on the other side consistently, but I killed him, so that's ok. We also had a religious experience with eroticjesus that capped the night off correctly.
Maybe Syntax was the reason you won. He sabotaged the other team from within. :D/

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So, what was more difficult - Dark Souls 1 PTD or Dark Souls 2?
Ranking these games by difficulty is nigh impossible because there are a lot of factors including what weapons you have against specific bosses or what build you go with as there have always been builds that were either outright OP or just more capable on the whole in each game. I'll take a stab at it anyway.

Dark Souls 2 could be fairly difficult early in the game and the DLC was very rough but for the most part the base game has the easiest bosses of any of the games. There are a few exceptions (Darklurker) that are much more difficult.

Going by the games that have the hardest individual areas or bosses, I’d actually put DS2SotFS in the second or third spot. But ranking the games as a whole, averaging out their difficulty, I would rate the games like this from hardest to easiest: Bloodborne, DS1PtD, DS3, Demons Souls, DS2SotFS. I have not played the DS3 DLC yet so I reserve the right to move it up the list as Souls DLC bosses typically raise the difficulty by a lot.

Bloodborne has some rough bosses in the base game, late Chalice Dungeons are horrific, DLC bosses gave me nightmares. Might not be as hard to someone who starts with it as their first game versus someone who comes from Souls games due to significant differences in combat style messing with you for a while if you are used to Dark Souls combat. Bloodborne is more fast-paced generally and about killing the enemy before it kills you.

Dark Souls seemed ridiculous the first time I played it, and I think it will still be pretty hard for someone on their first playthrough even if they have played later games. There are a few areas that are nightmarish to traverse and a couple of boss fights are still among the most epic in the entire series.

Dark Souls 3 ramps up a lot as you get late in the game, I would say the first half of the game is the easiest in the series but reaches controller-throwing difficulty by the time you are fighting bosses like Dancer (one of the coolest bosses in the entire series, imho). The main reason I do not put it higher on the list is because at least up to the DLC (which again I have not played yet) even the hardest bosses you could learn and there was not a single boss that I didn’t feel like I would be unable to beat solo if I just had the patience to learn them. DS3 very rarely felt “cheap” when it killed you.

Demons Souls is difficult but I think it is less because of what you are fighting and more about the game being less refined and having some extra punishments you don’t deal with in later games – but it does have some challenging bosses. Part of me wants to say it is the hardest but I think that is mostly because I played it first and it was just brutal compared to everything else that had been coming out at the time. I do recall there being several ways to cheese parts of it and you could have a ton of healing options by the late game.

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin’s difficulty is primarily an optional boss or two, the DLC areas and bosses and because you start really weak. Take away the DLC and it is actually rather pathetic in comparison to the rest of the games.
Salt and Sanctuary is better anyway :p

And on that note, more Ska Studios stuff released today!

Charlie Murder and Dishwasher: Vampire Smile.

Slight discount if bought in a set, but I'll probably wait until some sort of discount comes along.
Bout time, i remember liking Dishwasher on Xbox360

Edit: Sidenote, I think Atari Vault just had a price drop recently. $10 MSRP and $4.50 on humble

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BF1 Friday was a rousing success tonight. We had our best turnout ever including some new faces (DickBurden, Tmac, and cobolatrix), and we won every game we played. The Spofobros were regularly at the top of the leaderboard and it was all in all good shit. Syntax was a traitor most of the night and was on the other side consistently, but I killed him, so that's ok. We also had a religious experience with eroticjesus that capped the night off correctly.
eroticjesus laid his hands on me and i was SAVED.

SInce syntax abandoned us, our new bro cobolatrix was super medic.

Nah, thankfully. I can still bronight at will.
Well, just ruin my joke then...

u can try the grandfather of all Souls game, DEMON SOULS.

I loathed that game.. it made me break my 1st gamepad
Its about time this thread got to the "good" one. lol

I didn't break any controllers playing it..... Just my hands. I've just never had a game that worked so "well" with the PS3 ergonomics (or lack there of) to just leave me a crippled mess. It honestly left me on the couch my weekend, unwilling to move my hands as the pains in my wrist was just unbearable, wondering if I would even be able to go to my job on my Monday.

Which isn't good as I certainly need to go to work. My new job isn't so taxing on my hands but I'm just too terrified to try it again... Even though I own two copies* of it. (I own the Asian version (published by Sony), the US Deluxe edition (Atlus), and, truth be told, if I could find the a Black Phantom edition (European version, Bandi) at a reasonable price I would buy it too just to have it.

* Yes, I let the same game crippled me twice. Or nearly. I gave up on the US version allot sooner.

I really loved the look and feel of it and was so happy when it was announced the series was coming to the 360... but, I don't know. Dark Souls just didn't grab me like Demon's Souls did and I'm really not sure why.

I hated all the Dark Souls games ;)
No to be rude but that doesn't seem like allot of time when the games... I haven't really followed them but I knew people with hundreds of hours in Demon's Souls. Is that impossible or not needed now days? (back in Demon's Souls the World Tendency system, crafting system, etc it really needed to be a second job to progress.)

(I wasn't tracking PS3 hours on raptr at the time so I cannot say how many hours I played... but I feel I spent close to 20 or so without a whole lot of progression.)

Oh, and in case anyone is curious I was able to spend probably 200 hours in Uncharted 2 and around 135 hours in Uncharted 3 (with some stupid long 6-8 hour marathons sessions too) without those hand issues happening.

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Salt and Sanctuary is better anyway :p

And on that note, more Ska Studios stuff released today!

Charlie Murder and Dishwasher: Vampire Smile.

Slight discount if bought in a set, but I'll probably wait until some sort of discount comes along.
According to someone replying (non dev) in the Steam discussion thread Ska might release Dishwasher: Dead Samurai on Steam too if VS does well.

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The only boss that gave me a reasonable amount of difficulty (in the 80% or so of DS2 that I played) was the Smelter Demon (I think that was his name). Funny how the Iron King was about 10x easier. The Lost Sinner was the only boss battle I really appreciated and enjoyed, even if it wasn't all that tough (I fought him in the dark, so it was relatively challenging).

I'll play Demon's Souls once it's working properly on RPCS3. I tried a month back or so and it was still broken looking for an internet connection on the public build. Maybe they fixed it by now.

Man... remember when Steam cards would sell for ~$0.40 to $0.80 each for almost any game? They'd end up paying for themselves.

I kept an old spreadsheet I setup in 2013 for my card listings and ran across it recently. Zack Zero cards sold for $2.10 to $2.98 per card. Strike Suit Infinity, $1.31 to $2.14. Borderlands 2, $0.90 to $1.07. Counter-Strike: GO, $0.75 to $0.85. Team Fortress 2, $0.30 each. Foils would fetch $6 to $8 or more. Those were the days.

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Man... remember when Steam cards would sell for ~$0.40 to $0.80 each for almost any game? They'd end up paying for themselves.

I kept an old spreadsheet I setup in 2013 for my card listings and ran across it recently. Zack Zero cards sold for $2.10 to $2.98 per card. Strike Suit Infinity, $1.31 to $2.14. Borderlands 2, $0.90 to $1.07. Counter-Strike: GO, $0.75 to $0.85. Team Fortress 2, $0.30 each. Foils would fetch $6 to $8 or more. Those were the days.
Not only that, but you could easily buy and resell cards to profit. Could profit from making boosters too. That's not possible now that you have to wait to relist anything you buy on the market, but it was nice while it lasted.

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Yeah Smelter Demon is his name.  He was the first  sorta tough boss, but the really nasty vanilla boss is Darklurker (optional but... ugh), the rest of the hard bosses are DLC.  There is actually a much harder version of Smelter Demon along with two cats that still give me nightmares and other assorted horrors.  Fume Knight gave me a lot of trouble too (again, dlc boss).  

GDI now I want to reinstall Dark Souls 1 and 2 and play through them again.

Actually screw it.  I haven't played either of them on Steam yet, I'll use the achievements as my excuse.  I'll do the DS3 DLC and then play through those.  Makes more sense than playing the games I literally just bought.

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Finally got around to beating Rogue Legacy.


Sir Chun-Li IV and her loving wife and kids.

I'm sure most if not all of you know what it is and have given it a play, but for any who haven't I'd recommend it. I think it's 75% on Humble right now as well.

Basically it's just a roguelike in a procedurally generated castle with 4 areas (castle interior, forest, spooky attic, dungeon) of graduating difficulty. While it's a permadeath situation, the money you nab in each run can be spent on upgrades ranging from extra health or attack, to new classes and perks like having a chance of hanging onto life once your HP hits zero. There's tons of room for variety in building yourself up, and on top of the upgrades you also come across blueprints in the castle that allow you to purchase new equipment, as well as runes that give passive boosts or abilities like extra jumps or flight. Death means death as far as each of your characters go, so basically each death is a new generation, and you get a pool of heirs to choose that have randomized classes, perks, and downsides. One may have dwarfism (so you're tiny, which is a blessing and a curse), while another will just plain see in black and white. Some are awful traits to have, some are great, some are a bit of both, and some are pointless and silly. It adds a lot of flair to the game and makes it pretty unique.

As far as gameplay goes, it's pretty standard platforming action RPG style. I can't say the controls are flawless, especially due to the fact that you only slash your sword in whatever direction you're facing/moving (there's no ability to walk backwards and attack in front of you, which would make the game a hell of a lot better I think), and that can wind up being annoying in certain situations. Some rooms are also pretty trolly as far how hazards and enemies are stationed, but it's not the hardest game considering you can just grind a bit and tackle harder areas once you're stronger. There are 4 bosses for each area before the final boss, and they're all pretty well constructed, challenging fights. The bosses are probably the highlight of the game. The final one had me swearing for a bit until I figured out a better strategy, so it's nice to come across a reasonably difficult finale that gives you a tough time and forces you to adapt and figure out how to overcome the tough bits.

tl;dr: Rogue Legacy is a pretty cool game overall, and for a few bucks, definitely one of the neatest roguelites (I think that's what you'd call it) out there. Has a fun sense of humor as well.

Yeah Smelter Demon is his name. He was the first sorta tough boss, but the really nasty vanilla boss is Darklurker (optional but... ugh), the rest of the hard bosses are DLC. There is actually a much harder version of Smelter Demon along with two cats that still give me nightmares and other assorted horrors. Fume Knight gave me a lot of trouble too (again, dlc boss).
GDI now I want to reinstall Dark Souls 1 and 2 and play through them again.

Actually screw it. I haven't played either of them on Steam yet, I'll use the achievements as my excuse. I'll do the DS3 DLC and then play through those. Makes more sense than playing the games I literally just bought.
He was definitely a pain, but I think a big part of it was the fact that he was relatively early in the game (at least in the first 40% of the standard progression I'd say). I was dicking around too and playing a class I wasn't particularly great with (not to mention it was a garbage build) and just running around with dual blades the whole game. That's what made me realize how much of a joke the difficulty is, considering I could go full lightweight aggressive and still take 2+ of the hardest hits from bosses. I went with a weird setup in DS1 (Crimson set with Havel's Rock and Greatshield), but the whole strategy with that set was to tank hits with a shield and look for openings, and even then I could get wiped out instantly if I fucked up. The fact I could have such a garbage setup in DS2 and still stumble through nearly the whole game didn't put a good taste in my mouth in 2, lol.

If some of the bros are into doing co-op on whatever Dark Souls game (I just don't have 3 yet), I'd probably be up for it though.

Syntax was a traitor most of the night and was on the other side consistently, but I killed him, so that's ok.
Not my fault that the game felt I was too awesome for your team and wouldn't let me switch. Plus, Bah's just salty that I blindly headshotted him through the fog across the map.

SInce syntax abandoned us, our new bro cobolatrix was super medic.
Sweet. Going pro sniper from now on. :D/

Cool to see new people. Someone, at some point, listening to Bah's constant bitching asked "Are you guys actually having any fun?"

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Steam sale next month? Looks like I'll save my $30 from dark souls then.

I would keep the whole $100 if I didn't want the tekken 7 pre-order bonus.
Pre-orders bonus is the cancer of gaming.

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Those of you who have and sell many cards on steam, do you have any advice/recommendations about card-earning apps like Idle Master and auto-selling add-ons like Steam Inventory Helper?  Should I use these?  

bread's done