Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm probably mistaken, but was Quantum Break in a monthly a short bit ago?
No, it was an early unlock for January.

So, I got my new computer and started downloading stuff. Today I got an email from Cox stating that I've used 85% of my 1 Tb allotment of data. I didn't even know I had an allotment of data, but apparently Cox is happy to "sell" me blocks of 50 Gb of data for $10 each; I assume this translates to "go over your quota and expect your bill to skyrocket." This is why internet service monopolies f*cking suck!

EDIT: Good news! For a mere $50 on top of my existing $80 bill, I can get unlimited data. I'm assuming that's unlimited* data.

*Data will be subject to slowdowns, cut-offs, periods of unavailability due to high traffic, et cetera, but, hey, we won't charge you more!

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EDIT: Good news! For a mere $50 on top of my existing $80 bill, I can get unlimited data. I'm assuming that's unlimited* data.
Remember when Gamersgate had the "permanent" 15% discount for IGN Prime people?

"Well, now, by 'permanent' what we really meant was that you wouldn't have to enter a coupon code each time, not that you would keep getting the discount..."

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No, it was an early unlock for January.

So, I got my new computer and started downloading stuff. Today I got an email from Cox stating that I've used 85% of my 1 Tb allotment of data. I didn't even know I had an allotment of data, but apparently Cox is happy to "sell" me blocks of 50 Gb of data for $10 each; I assume this translates to "go over your quota and expect your bill to skyrocket." This is why internet service monopolies f*cking suck!

EDIT: Good news! For a mere $50 on top of my existing $80 bill, I can get unlimited data. I'm assuming that's unlimited* data.

*Data will be subject to slowdowns, cut-offs, periods of unavailability due to high traffic, et cetera, but, hey, we won't charge you more!
When I had to reinstall my SSD I had to DL a ton of games and went over my allotment. Usually 1TB will be more than fine, but if you have big games to DL you will have to space them out. Sucks since I assume you are on a monthly cycle so you have most of the month still left. I would check with Cox. Comcast has 3 months of "free" overage where you can go over your allotment with no charge/penalty. The one month I did last year I think I DLed every game I thought I might play ever and went well over 2TBs. Hopefully Cox has something similar, otherwise Cox sucks.

No, it was an early unlock for January.

So, I got my new computer and started downloading stuff. Today I got an email from Cox stating that I've used 85% of my 1 Tb allotment of data. I didn't even know I had an allotment of data, but apparently Cox is happy to "sell" me blocks of 50 Gb of data for $10 each; I assume this translates to "go over your quota and expect your bill to skyrocket." This is why internet service monopolies f*cking suck!

EDIT: Good news! For a mere $50 on top of my existing $80 bill, I can get unlimited data. I'm assuming that's unlimited* data.

*Data will be subject to slowdowns, cut-offs, periods of unavailability due to high traffic, et cetera, but, hey, we won't charge you more!
Yeah dude, and this is before net neutrality was repealed.

Since people are talking about internet caps and stuff... I saw this on reddit yesterday.

The FCC is preparing to weaken the definition of broadband - "Under this new proposal, any area able to obtain wireless speeds of at least 10 Mbps down, 1 Mbps would be deemed good enough for American consumers."

"Random Reddit Guy" (claims to have industry sources...) made this post. It wouldn't surprise me.

Spoiler below is the linked comment above.
*tl;dr: This is part of a five step process to turn broadband data in the US into the monetization platform cable had. This is due to cord cutting. Source : multiple contacts in the industry including myself to an extent *
Edit: Step 3 is happening way sooner than expected. Check out the video in another reddit thread and let me know if you notice anything interesting about the language used at the end
Most people are missing the bigger picture here, and it's not about slowing speeds across the board.
The real goal here is to get all data under one umbrella, then impose data caps (extremely low ones), then use the repeal of Net Neutrality to push cable-like packages for things like Netflix and Twitch to have those sites avoid counting against the cap.
The push to get all mobile and otherwise non-broadband data classified as broadband is to assure that any data you use on any device counts against a cap.
The slow and imminent death of cable is the cause of this. The reason ISPs didn't start down this path earlier was because cord cutting wasn't nearly as prevalent five years ago, and companies still didn't have a clear cut path to monetizing the internet.
So, this is just the next step. Look for language about caps to come up after midterms, and for aggressive bills to be pushed through allowing very low data caps nationwide.
You will also see some sort of push to completely remove the possibility of start up ISPs. This will take form in an infrastructure bill severely limiting access to poles and underground junctions by new companies without direct permission from the existing ISPs that have cable on those poles.
Step 1: repealing Net Neutrality. This allows them to offer packages that don't count against a data cap.
Step 2: push to classify all data under one umbrella, so all data counts against said cap.
Step 3: eliminate the possibility of local ISP startups by making access to infrastructure either impossible, unreasonably expensive, or take far too much time for a new company to feasibly compete. Edit: To clarify, and to take from another post that I wrote before I saw the new video trying to propagate against local startup/municipal ISPs:

As to the infrastructure side start looking for ads and bills being pushed to "focus on local safety and security" and to "improve infrastructure and roads", these are ways to pass things that don't let upstarts near the junctions, poles, and do the required splicing to actually get access to the existing network.

Step 4: implement data caps. This will be the time where aggressive shilling will take place on the form of "everyone is using so much internet we have to. You can't just let these people take your internet!"
Step 5: this is the end game that we are talking about when NN got thrown out. Majority of plans will have a 10-20 GB data plan monthly. Going over will be extremely expensive. Packages will be offered for different websites to not count against that cap. This is where you can expect to pay over 100$ a month for just internet for the same speeds you have now for unlimited access to only certain sites. Torrenting will clearly be hit extremely hard here.
Source: Have family who work in the industry and also work for an electrical contractor who does work for some ISPs, the plans are starting to get out.
edit: Clarified the infrastructure part as its actually immediately relevant due to another post on the front page as we speak.

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Whatever happened to the whole Neogaf controversy and the neo neo gaf forum and all that?
People use Resetera now. It basically a clone of NeoGAF, under new ownership, and it has a ton of users. It is even more left-leaning than NeoGAF was, as it was started in response by the (mass exodus of) people upset over the sexual misconduct allegations against the NeoGAF founder.

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Resetera doesn't have as toxic of a community as gaf did, or at least that very vocal minority isn't as vocal anymore. Still very left leaning, to the point of satire in the more amusing threads. The shit mods of gaf are gone for the most part, and resetera attempts greater transparency of mod activity with visible warnings and explanation of warnings that all users can see. Some mods are still daffy, but as a whole the site appears more stable than gaf was.

Since people are talking about internet caps and stuff... I saw this on reddit yesterday.

The FCC is preparing to weaken the definition of broadband - "Under this new proposal, any area able to obtain wireless speeds of at least 10 Mbps down, 1 Mbps would be deemed good enough for American consumers."

"Random Reddit Guy" (claims to have industry sources...) made this post. It wouldn't surprise me.

Spoiler below is the linked comment above.
Not that I'm anything other than a 'random internet guy', but I saw something similar on the news b/w xmas and NYE. I don't remember the specific rates, but it was basically comparable to cellular network speeds (they specifically said mobile coverage would be 'good enough' under the new proposal).

Resetera doesn't have as toxic of a community as gaf did, or at least that very vocal minority isn't as vocal anymore. Still very left leaning, to the point of satire in the more amusing threads. The shit mods of gaf are gone for the most part, and resetera attempts greater transparency of mod activity with visible warnings and explanation of warnings that all users can see. Some mods are still daffy, but as a whole the site appears more stable than gaf was.
While that's true to some extent, I have been "warned" twice over completely innocuous posts so I don't really go there anymore. I'm 35 years old, have never been banned from a forum in my life, and I don't need jr. detectives going around telling me how to act in order to fit in with the proper topical narratives over there. There are so many "I am offended by this" people that it's sickening. Users play to the mods appeal too, and try to get people banned. They confront dissenters and try to trap them into saying the wrong things so that they get moderated. It's a pretty abysmal place. Sure you could overlook those things and just post levity in the game topic threads. But why would you.

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Not that I'm anything other than a 'random internet guy', but I saw something similar on the news b/w xmas and NYE. I don't remember the specific rates, but it was basically comparable to cellular network speeds (they specifically said mobile coverage would be 'good enough' under the new proposal).
That's exactly why they want it lowered to that number. To allow entrenched ISPs to claim they have competition and hold no monopolies since everyone can get "broadband" from XX cell provider

If they lower my cap below the 350gb I'm at now I will be in trouble. One of the reasons I don't join much bro night stuff since if it's not already installed I don't want to inadvertently push myself over my limit later on.
If they lower my cap below the 350gb I'm at now I will be in trouble. One of the reasons I don't join much bro night stuff since if it's not already installed I don't want to inadvertently push myself over my limit later on.
350gb? yikes I would be in huge trouble with that cap.

I know what you mean. You can go ----> monthly ----> see your subscription ----> unlock early. You will then have your unlocks in your key(s) area.
Grass. They don't really make it that clear and I didn't want to possibly get charged again, having just gambled $132.

It's cool though, add the Gamer package to your internet and Steam, Uplay, Origin, and Twitch won't count towards your data cap!  Only $39.99 a month!

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Can't wait until we see games taking 100-300GB a piece...
This. Also, the more we go towards 4k streaming, the data caps like the ones listed are not realistic. The higher the resolution, the more data is needed to stream. An 8k resolution is already obtainable for a tv. We are just playing catch up with gaming, streaming and such. Another reason I think that implementing a more limited data cap is silly is the move towards digital sales vs physical media. You can buy a license on Vudu, amazon, apple, etc for a movie. Consoles and PC games are being pushed for digital distribution. While I do admit that lobbists for major companies that control cable/media/phone lines/mobile carriers want to have more control or maximize profits, it is a short term gain unless they want digital to stifle/stagnate.

I forgot who mentioned it, but yes here in the USA we are subsidizing other people with cable/internet. The phone/cable/internet companies charge fees to people like us in part to pay for a program to sell service to people that need financial help to pay for basic internet or phone for instance.

Having a more limited internet is simply a bad decision that will hurt the economy in the long run.

Well, if this non-sense keeps up w/ ISP's turning this into cable - charging arms, foots, legs, and whatnot - for extra data transfers by the GB/TB/whatever or we need to pay for pricey unlimited data cap plans - we PC gamers might need retail to actually start putting games discs again...

Of course, PC would need to find a format everybody will freakin' support, of course...

Well, if this non-sense keeps up w/ ISP's turning this into cable - charging arms, foots, legs, and whatnot - for extra data transfers by the GB/TB/whatever or we need to pay for pricey unlimited data cap plans - we PC gamers might need retail to actually start putting games discs again...

Of course, PC would need to find a format everybody will freakin' support, of course...
We should all buy up TDK stock in anticipation of the surge in DVD media production/value.

Well, if this non-sense keeps up w/ ISP's turning this into cable - charging arms, foots, legs, and whatnot - for extra data transfers by the GB/TB/whatever or we need to pay for pricey unlimited data cap plans - we PC gamers might need retail to actually start putting games discs again...

Of course, PC would need to find a format everybody will freakin' support, of course...
Next thing you know it with nobody able to afford to pay ISPs to download their games, Steam will no longer be profitable and Valve will be forced to finally go back to developing games. At this point they will finally release Half Life 3. It will be so amazing that it will solve world hunger and Kim Jong-Un will weep tears over its majestic beauty, softening his hardened heart and will end his nuclear proliferation program. He will then move to the US to meet GabeN, and the two of them will discuss what brought on this turn of events - the greedy internet providers! This will inspire them to make their own ISP, which they will naturally call GabUn, which will eliminate data caps and restore balance to the force. All of this was foretold by the ancient prophecies of Comcast that are locked away and heavily guarded by Sith Lord Ajit Pai. I'm not sure why he guards the prophecies though because everything I've described is obvious and you can see it coming from a mile away

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People use Resetera now. It basically a clone of NeoGAF, under new ownership, and it has a ton of users. It is even more left-leaning than NeoGAF was, as it was started in response by the (mass exodus of) people upset over the sexual misconduct allegations against the NeoGAF founder.
I'm so old I remember when sexual assault wasn't a left/right issue!

SeasonalCAG Constant Case Changer:

Finally found the perfect case for myself just like the old one I had but without all the restrictions and in my favorite color. So Red Hulk finally has a home. Usually would post up a whole bunch of photos on Show Me Yo Build thread but fuck Comcast and those data caps need to download and play games instead.


And yes that is an old as DVD drive I put on the front thinking of ripping my CD collection to FLAC so I can get rid of them. Just need to find a good guide because I have always just ripped to MP3.

PS. CES 2018 is this week so hopefully I don't see any cases I like.

PPS: Didn't buy anything from the Winter Sale still feels weird saying that.

Question for steam refunds. I bought the Eidos Anthology bundle on the last day of the sale. Can I play 1 hour & 50 minutes of Rise of the Tomb Raider, and 1 hour & 50 minutes of Just Cause 3, and still be eligible for a refund on the bundle? Or is it 2 hours max for each subscription regardless of how many games are in the package?

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We should all buy up TDK stock in anticipation of the surge in DVD media production/value.
With games aiming to the 30, 40, 60, 70GB, and even Gears 4 over 100GB - we might need games to wind-up on BD, BDXL, Flash-Drives w/ lots of space, and some other newer format.

Next thing you know it with nobody able to afford to pay ISPs to download their games, Steam will no longer be profitable and Valve will be forced to finally go back to developing games. At this point they will finally release Half Life 3. It will be so amazing that it will solve world hunger and Kim Jong-Un will weep tears over its majestic beauty, softening his hardened heart and will end his nuclear proliferation program. He will then move to the US to meet GabeN, and the two of them will discuss what brought on this turn of events - the greedy internet providers! This will inspire them to make their own ISP, which they will naturally call GabUn, which will eliminate data caps and restore balance to the force. All of this was foretold by the ancient prophecies of Comcast that are locked away and heavily guarded by Sith Lord Ajit Pai. I'm not sure why he guards the prophecies though because everything I've described is obvious and you can see it coming from a mile away
Looks like Indie gameswill get a major surge on Steam, since only a handful of GB will be what we're downloading, thanks to Sith Lord Ajit Pai AKA Jar Jar Binks.

So, how are the Commandos games?

I see on Gamersgate...

Commandos Strike Force: DRM-FREE version direct download from Gamersgate is 90% off at 40 cents there:

And it seems like GOG and Steam don't even sell Commandos: Strike Force.

Also, I see Commandos Collection: Steam key is $1.30 on GG at 90% off:

I would check for best prices, price comparisons, and all of that non-sense - but ITAD's down right now.

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I would check for best prices, price comparisons, and all of that non-sense - but ITAD's down right now.
Bundled too death, I'm shocked you don't own them truth be told. (and have a giant retail box for them too.)

They reviewed great back in the day... but its not really my style of game. Each commando has a different special ability and you use them to progress through a level. (If I remember correctly that is. They are very much a strategy game.)

So, how are the Commandos games?

I see on Gamersgate...

Commandos Strike Force: DRM-FREE version direct download from Gamersgate is 90% off at 40 cents there:

And it seems like GOG and Steam don't even sell Commandos: Strike Force.

Also, I see Commandos Collection: Steam key is $1.30 on GG at 90% off:

I would check for best prices, price comparisons, and all of that non-sense - but ITAD's down right now.
I checked them out on ITAD last night before the site went down for maintenance. I'm pretty sure the Commandos games that give Steam keys were $0.74 during the last sale and it was $2.24 for the bundle. Lowest price on record was $0.50 per game but that was back in 2015.

Can't comment much on the games themselves but as someone who adored Shadow Tactics (which is basically a modernized Commandos game with a Feudal Japan setting), it would be interesting to go back and see what inspired it. Watched a little gameplay footage and while the games are all 15-20 years old, they still look like they hold up fairly well today.

Also I believe you were asking about the Commandos games. They don't run well from Steam. You have to do fixes for at least the first, which still doesn't fix the timer in the game (I couldn't get this to work), and I believe the second one needs fixes as well. These likely are better to get from GOG. I find the games pretty fun overall, especially if you like games like Jagged Alliance or Fallout Tactics, or any of those type of games.

The real question is will I ever play these games? If the answer is no or even maybe, don't buy them. Then put the money you would have wasted toward something you really would play. Not buying shit you won't play makes it a lot easier to buy something you would play at discounts less than 75% off. Mind blowing concept, for sure.
The real question is will I ever play these games? If the answer is no or even maybe, don't buy them. Then put the money you would have wasted toward something you really would play. Not buying shit you won't play makes it a lot easier to buy something you would play at discounts less than 75% off. Mind blowing concept, for sure.
And yes that is an old as DVD drive I put on the front thinking of ripping my CD collection to FLAC so I can get rid of them. Just need to find a good guide because I have always just ripped to MP3.
Grab Exact Audio Copy, run the AccurateRip test so you get well, accurate rips, then download and install the FLAC encoder, set it up, and you're good to go.

bread's done