Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Why would I waste money on a 1080 when I play maybe two or three graphically demanding games per year... that can simply be played on not-ultra settings?
I bet if you didn't buy things like 1080s when they're new, it's possible to buy game consoles specifically for the couple of exclusives that show up on them. Or a whole lot of pizza that isn't Jack's.

I bet if you didn't buy things like 1080s when they're new, it's possible to buy game consoles specifically for the couple of exclusives that show up on them. Or a whole lot of pizza that isn't Jack's.

Why would I waste money on a 1080 when I play maybe two or three graphically demanding games per year... that can simply be played on not-ultra settings?
Depends on if you can score an earth-shattering GTX 1080 deal. Doubt that'll happen though.

Also really depends on if you play the living hell out of those 2 to 3 graphically demanding games all the time & want to max 'em out. These are the kind of games that'll take over your life.. Most games, though, probably won't do that.

If you're aiming for a GTX 1080, you'd be doing it so you can run anything at 1440p 60fps and some games at 4K. Gonna depend per game on the 4K there though - if you're throwing it to the moon (Ultra) and/or if you want 30fps or 60fps (if you go for 60fps, might need to turn down a few things; check the benchmarks).

Do you have a 1440p or 4K monitor? Or plan to get one of those in the future rather soon?


Honestly, for you, doesn't sound like you plan to play lots of system-demanding games. You might be better off either with a 1060 6GB or just waiting for the 1100 series to come around w/ benchmarks to see how performance on those go. Depends on how soon you feel that you plan to make a GPU move.

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I was hungry for Jack's (thanks Sweeney!) so I stopped by Kroger this morning.

They weren't on sale and the regular price was $4!!!!!!!


I was going to say "Liked to keep my streak of liking or posting every post on a page" but then I realized not many people have the same posts per page as I do (30) so it wouldn't make sense.

Another random old indie game bundle acquisition impressions. This one was Desktop Dungeons.

Honestly to start with this feels like a mobile port, which it likely is. It has it where you choose a race and a class at the start of a dungeon and maybe starting equipment. You then go through, getting levels, casting abilities/spells and healing as you go leveling a bit at a time in a 1 screen dungeon. It's meant for quick playing, but it feels very shallow. It is a rouge like, so expect to lose a lot.

Sound: Very basic music and sounds. There is no voice or anything except spell effects and hitting stuff. There is also the sound effect for leveling up. Basic and boring. 3/10

Graphics: Not meant for desktop screens really. It looks kind of blurry full screen and the different sizes (1x,1.5x,2x) don't scale well with 1 being way to small and the others taking up weird portions of the screen. Honestly it could have been better as everything is super basic. 5/10

Story: None. Just build up your town and grind, grind, grind to get heroes and other things. 1/10

Gameplay: It's as I put before just a basic clicking and trying to level up to take out a baddie 1 screen dungeon game. For some reason it irks me that all the characters can cast fireballs and every spell. Your specific character is pretty much just perks. It's lame and makes the characters feel extremely samey. Also the equipment is samey as well. The screens take about 10 minutes to clear, and sometimes you'll just get screwed because you didn't see the enemies soon enough to get enough levels. There is also a spell that freezes an enemy and gives 50% exp bonus on the next. This is used a lot to just get to the right level. It makes it almost like a puzzle game. The grind was real though, and I got bored of it after 4 hours. 6/10

Fun Factor: It honestly feels like a very basic town building and dungeon crawling game. It's not that fun and is way too generic for it's own good. I like the art style somewhat, but the gameplay is so lackluster. I think I prefer Dungelot to this, even though that's also a mobile port, and a bit buggy on PC. That one has characters that feel different at the least. 6/10

Overall this reminds me of Dungelot and even the old Yoda Stories PC game, though I strongly prefer both of those. They are just fun and simple games, but had a bit more heart. Overall it gets a 6/10 and a pass from me.

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I was going to say "Liked to keep my streak of liking or posting every post on a page" but then I realized not many people have the same posts per page as I do (30) so it wouldn't make sense.
100 posts per page master race.

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Can a GTX 1080 handle To The Moon in 4K Ultra? Asking for a friend. Named Mooby.
I would never play that 2deep4u hipster-trash.

N-e-wayz, to respond generally to the thread... I get that some people here fakey-bro cutting edge games with D1P's (day one purchases) and want ultra graphics for their pedestrian rinse and repeat tower-scaling-outpost-clearing clones but by the time I play those games it's a year or two (or more) after release.

AAA/graphic intense games I've played in the last year: Dark Souls 3 (not particularly demanding)... and... that literally might be it. A useful feature on Steam would be to show a breakdown of yearly hours played for each game.

Graphically intense games I anticipate buying in the next year: Erm... none? Unless you count State of Derpcay 2 which probably won't be very demanding. I dunno, what are the big titles coming up in 2018 and 2019?

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I would never play that 2deep4u hipster-trash.

N-e-wayz, to respond generally to the thread... I get that some people here fakey-bro cutting edge games with D1P's (day one purchases) and want ultra graphics for their pedestrian rinse and repeat tower-scaling-outpost-clearing clones but by the time I play those games it's a year or two (or more) after release.

AAA/graphic intense games I've played in the last year: Dark Souls 3 (not particularly demanding)... and... that literally might be it. A useful feature on Steam would be to show a breakdown of yearly hours played for each game.

Graphically intense games I anticipate buying in the next year: Erm... none? Unless you count State of Derpcay 2 which probably won't be very demanding. I dunno, what are the big titles coming up in 2018 and 2019?
This list might help for 2018-2019 PC games coming -

These ones stick out to me - Metro: Exodus; Anthem; and maybe Cyberpunk 2077 (uncertain on that one).

For stuff that's already out that sticks out as taxing - GR: Wildlands (have it and played some of it); AC: Origins; Kingdom Come: Deliverance; Shadow of War.

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This list might help for 2018-2019 PC games coming -

These ones stick out to me - Metro: Exodus; Anthem; and maybe Cyberpunk 2077 (uncertain on that one).

For stuff that's already out that sticks out as taxing - GR: Wildlands; AC: Origins; Kingdom Come: Deliverance: Shadow of War.
Forgot about Kingdom Come, I'll eventually give that a try. Also I suppose there is Borderplands 3 in the not-too-distant future but given their artstyle the other games weren't too demanding.

If you're just going to play 2cool4AAA hobo games and not play anything from 2018 until 2021 and then at 640x480 Medium settings, then just buy some hobo card.  1050 Ti for under $200, should play all your indie stuff just swell at 1080p and your five year old AAA stuff at Medium.

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Forgot about Kingdom Come, I'll eventually give that a try. Also I suppose there is Borderplands 3 in the not-too-distant future but given their artstyle the other games weren't too demanding.
Dunno if performance has improved on KC: Deliverance, but here's a vid about performance on it w/ benchies on the 1050 Ti and above:

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I don't know if I ever had Cheez-Whiz.

Easy Cheese is good though.  They used to have a cream cheese flavor that was good.  Put that shit on Chicken in a Biskit...

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Tangentially related: I still can't believe that the developer that's worked almost entirely on a single run-and-gun FPS series over the last two decades also managed to put out The Talos Principle. I mean, that's the entirety of their résumé since 2001: Serious Sam, Serious Sam, Serious Sam, Serious Sam... eh, let's shake things up and put out one of the best puzzle games in ages.... OK, back to Serious Sam. It's kind of amazing.

I would never play that 2deep4u hipster-trash.

N-e-wayz, to respond generally to the thread... I get that some people here fakey-bro cutting edge games with D1P's (day one purchases) and want ultra graphics for their pedestrian rinse and repeat tower-scaling-outpost-clearing clones but by the time I play those games it's a year or two (or more) after release.
I am developing a game called Pedestrian Rinse and Repeat Tower-Scaling-Outpost-Clearing CloneTM, please don't use this phrase again or I will have to ask Cheapy to redact your posts.

I am developing a game called Pedestrian Rinse and Repeat Tower-Scaling-Outpost-Clearing CloneTM, please don't use this phrase again or I will have to ask Cheapy to redact your posts.
You need to add the year to the title and then mildly improve the graphics and update the roster with each new release, so that fakeybros and console kids will have to buy the absolute latest edition. Also make the older edition not work and ideally close the servers for anyone on that trash "legacy" software. Or even do it in parts, 1 for each quarter, don't even optimize it for anything below a 2080Ti GDDR8. That'll show people who don't waste money being the first in their nerd niche to own the newest most bestest piece of tech, for whatever purpose it serves anyone who doesn't review tech/games for a living.

What, you haven't tried SpaceX VR Alpha on Elon Musk's 3D contact lens currently in development as of 2 hours ago yet? What a loser!

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You need to add the year to the title and then mildly improve the graphics and update the roster with each new release, so that fakeybros and console kids will have to buy the absolute latest edition. Also make the older edition not work and ideally close the servers for anyone on that trash "legacy" software. Or even do it in parts, 1 for each quarter, don't even optimize it for anything below a 2080Ti GDDR8. That'll show people who don't waste money being the first in their nerd niche to own the newest most bestest piece of tech, for whatever purpose it serves anyone who doesn't review tech/games for a living.

What, you haven't tried SpaceX VR Alpha on Elon Musk's 3D contact lens currently in development as of 2 hours ago yet? What a loser!
don't tell me how to make my game. this is my masterpiece. my magnum opus. i am only making it once, and it will be the most middle of the road, forgettable yet fairly enjoyable, filled to the brim with repetitive content game you'll have ever played. it'll make mooby forget all about watch dongs and far derp 5. that said there will be microtransactions and loot boxes.

also, i tried playing a couple games today and was lukewarm on pretty much all of them, here are some mini reviews:

call of cthulhu: deep corners of the earth - as a horror game this game is actually creepy af, good atmosphere, the townsfolk have the ugliest character models of all time (this is intentional) and that alone is unsettling. that said the save points are few and far between, the character control is not always responsive and there are several scripted sequences that involve platforming and it makes for a frustrating time as a result. when you're just walking around doing whatever it's not bad but when you get caught in a loop where you die and play the same sequence a bunch of times it gets old. i put it down after a few hours, but might get back to it in a week or so. i'd say it's worth a shot. there is an unofficial patch for it i installed that is apparently pretty essential as the game is reportedly quite buggy, 6.75/10

kerbal space program - this game seemed way more in depth than i was in the mood to get so i quit in like 5 minutes

far cry 1 - i played it for five minutes, died, realized i have like 3 other newer far cry games that i haven't played yet so quit

the forest - i'm not one for the idea of survival games, but this one sells itself as a horror survival mashup which at least piqued my interest. i played it for a good while and actually was enjoying it, i was on the 4th day and had built myself a nice little shack and was getting ready to take on more of the story mission when i died for the 2nd time (the first time you die you're drug to a cave where you escape, the 2nd time is permanent), i had somehow forgotten to save my game after the 1st day and lost like an hour and a half of chopping down trees and building stuff so rage quit. this is another game i'll probably get back to eventually after the frustration of losing that progress lessens, 7.25/10

knock knock - it's okay at first but gets pretty repetitive and boring pretty fast, quit after about 1/2 hour, 5/10

invisible inc - the last game i tried today, liked it a good bit. difficult tactical stealth game, a lot of fun. highly recommend it, 8.25/10

So everybody can get a grasp on my rating scale, the game I'm developing will be like a 7/10 or so but IGN will give it like an 8.7

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far cry 1 - i played it for five minutes, died, realized i have like 3 other newer far cry games that i haven't played yet so quit
I suggest you stick w/ that one actually.

This game is NOT like the other games in the series. Crytek themselves developed Far Cry 1 PC version. Regardless, Ubi ended up w/ the IP and then Crytek went to do their spiritual successor Crysis which EA published.

While FC1 in its SP campaign does have huge open-areas for shootouts, the game itself is quite linear - in which these days, those kind of linear FPS's seem to be getting more and more rare here with time. And it uses checkpoint saves, too - which can make the game difficult at times. Part of the game you're taking down humans to get to the island...and then once there, you find monsters all over the island to battle.

Crysis is very similar, as half that game you fight humans and then the other half you battle mostly aliens - even though you have an awesome power-suit and can do all kinds of cool stuff (cloak, super-jump, super-strength, etc).

All the other FC games (i.e. Far Cry 2 and newer) are open-world games from Ubi's studios. While I have not played FC5, Far Cry 3 was great. FC4, did not finish - but it's more FC3 basically; doesn't reinvent the wheel. Haven't played Primal either. FC2 was good, but I thought it was disappointing - tons of cut & paste side-quests everywhere like AC1.

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Far Cry 1 is arguably the best Far Cry. Invisible, Inc. is a great example of how you can make a fairly straightforward pick-up-and-play strategy game while still having some good tactical depth.
Another random old indie game bundle acquisition impressions. This one was Desktop Dungeons.

Honestly to start with this feels like a mobile port, which it likely is. It has it where you choose a race and a class at the start of a dungeon and maybe starting equipment. You then go through, getting levels, casting abilities/spells and healing as you go leveling a bit at a time in a 1 screen dungeon. It's meant for quick playing, but it feels very shallow. It is a rouge like, so expect to lose a lot.
Wow, very shallow? definitely not. Mobile port? nope. The game is pretty brilliant and an overlooked gem. I do admit though that when they made this version the game lost something. I think it's that they over complicated it a bit and it lost some of its simplicity. Of course maybe I'm wrong since you found the game to be shallow.

Here's the original version for free if anybody wants to try out this great game:

bread's done