Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I gotta say between what Fallout 76 is shaping up to be (along with mod/dlc concerns with future titles like the next Elder Scrolls game) and threatening to sue people selling games on Amazon, Bethesda is trying really hard to pass EA for shittiest game company.

I gotta say between what Fallout 76 is shaping up to be (along with mod/dlc concerns with future titles like the next Elder Scrolls game) and threatening to sue people selling games on Amazon, Bethesda is trying really hard to pass EA for shittiest game company.
I don't even understand Bethesda's legal claim on on the used game sale. Even third party sellers are going to have to accept a return if the other end complains so it seems that only the seller only needed to say was he had a money back guarantee.
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I don't even understand Bethesda's legal claim on on the used game sale. Even third party sellers are going to have to except a return if the other end complains so it seems that only the seller only needed to say was he had a money back guarantee.
They don't have a valid legal claim. Their explanations are all bullshit and it just comes down to a big video game company harassing someone because they know that person can't afford to defend themselves in court.

Seriously, if this went to court they would lose and be embarrassed by their arguments. First-sale doctrine says nothing about new vs. used copies or the parent company having to provide support.

My suspicion is that there may be something more behind this. Meaning the person they sent this to isn't your average joe who buys stuff on sale and resales online. From the wording of the letter it sounds like they suspect this guy is getting copies via illegal means, but this isn't the proper way to go about that and they know this. This just happens to be the easiest. I hope all the flack they get makes them pause next time they try this bs.

In case you were wondering what ever happened to the Digital Homicide dev, now we know, he works for Bethesda.

I didn't really get into Fallout 4 that much anyways compared to New Vegas and wasn't expecting much from a new Fallout game anyways I guess.

I don't even understand Bethesda's legal claim on on the used game sale. Even third party sellers are going to have to accept a return if the other end complains so it seems that only the seller only needed to say was he had a money back guarantee.
Let's look here:

I think Bethesda's trying to be ultra-technical as can be & destroy any gray areas in what "used" and "new" sales of games are.

I believe they (Bethesda) are also saying he shouldn't be claiming the game as "new" b/c the usual 30 Day Warranty is for "first sales" directly from "authorized retailers". From the Amazon Warehouse directly would be a first sale, but a person who bought the game that is re-selling it on their Marketplace is a second sale. "New" should mean that everything to a new first sale pertains - the 30 day warranty, bonus DLC keys, the manual, the right amount of discs in the box, and EVERYTHING else that is supposed to be in the box.

Pete Hines:
"If you want to sell your copy of the game, it's 'pre-owned'. You can't say that it's new because I have no way to verify that, and ultimately that person is our customer we have to deal with and if there's stuff missing or things that have happened we're the ones that are going to have to make it right.
I also guess Bethesda's support gets slammed from people who might buy stuff from Amazon's site, maybe not realizing or caring if they bought from Amazon warehouse directly or some user on the marketplace; or trying to bypass the hassle of dealing w/ the re-seller and instead just go bug Bethesda's support straight-up.

They (consumers) might contact Bethesda and say, "Hey, my manual is missing." Or "Hey, my bonus Sword DLC is missing." Or "Hey, my Horse Armor DLC is missing." Or "Hey, my 2nd disc is missing." Who knows how many DLC's, manuals, or things they've given away to customers that might've bought off the 2nd hand marketplace just to keep the customer happy, since everything's so gray. If these all get defined, Bethesda can say "Second sale. Not our issue. Go bother the seller." For DLC bonuses that are missing or code's already used, they could say: "Second hand sale. Not our issue. 30 Day Warranty's up. You need to buy bonus DLC for $5/$10/whatever the price is on XBK/PSN/Steam/Bethesda.Net." I also bet Bethesda wants to be able to say: "Well, your copy is used since it has been bought from Amazon's marketplace, this ain't our issue; it's a used sale - no matter if the box is unopened. Go bug the seller, not us."

Don't be surprised if Bethesda goes after EBAY next.

I also wouldn't be surprised if this is a tiny step to go for a bigger one: to also later go after trying to kill the 2nd hand market too. Remember, they just started to really support on the PC Bethesda.Net client-app - i.e. ESO, Quake Champions, and the upcoming Fallout 76 will launch only there....even though ESO and QC later hit Steam. They obviously are trying to cut Steam out and their supposed 30% rule too at launch-time (i.e. usually when games are at their most expensive).

I'm not saying I support here what Bethesda is doing here. For me, these days, a retail box PC game is still considered new when it's tied to a service only as long as all of the activation game-keys (Steam, Origin, whatever) are in the box and haven't been activated by anyone yet.

On console games - to me, if everything's in there and it ain't been opened/unsealed, it's still new.

Whatever Bethesda wants to do w/ deciding "anything from a reseller is used no matter the game's condition" - that really should be something for the Courts to figure out.

What a crap-show this all is gonna be...

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Sony has alot of it's own bullshit that smells (crossplay ridiculousness, PS3 other OS, anti-consumer refund policies, lack of BC, etc) despite their smartass video.

I don't have a PS4, so I do have a question.

For retail-boxed games, even if you have installed the game on their HDD, do you still have to put the disc in the drive to boot the game?
Yeah you have to have the disc inserted. Unless you bought the game digitally. But there are no accounts tied to discs or anything; games discs can be shared with anyone, with your installs remaining intact. The thing is, just like PC hardly anything on a disc is a complete game anymore. There are day1 patches for everything. Plus there are games like Street Fighter V arcade edition where the disc is literally the same thing as the original release, in addition to a download code for all of the DLC (which comprises the Arcade edition). So you only get to download it once. Expanded Destiny game discs were the same way. However, most game discs are easily shared.

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Plus there are games like Street Fighter V arcade edition where the disc is literally the same thing as the original release, in addition to a download code for all of the DLC (which comprises the Arcade edition). So you only get to download it once. Expanded Destiny game discs were the same way. However, most game discs are easily shared.
Yea, if you buy a PS4 physical game with any DLC you can be assured that if you sell the game you won't be able to include the DLC since it'll be tied to your Playstation account.

I guess that is supposed to hurt used game sales, but if Sony really wanted to cut into the used game market you'd think they'd have better discounts on their digital store. Might just be me, but everytime I browse the store I see all these games at full price that have been out for years, with random sales in the 10-15% range.

Yea, if you buy a PS4 physical game with any DLC you can be assured that if you sell the game you won't be able to include the DLC since it'll be tied to your Playstation account.

I guess that is supposed to hurt used game sales, but if Sony really wanted to cut into the used game market you'd think they'd have better discounts on their digital store. Might just be me, but everytime I browse the store I see all these games at full price that have been out for years, with random sales in the 10-15% range.
Yep. The only time I tend to bother with Sony and Microsoft's digital stores is when I'm picking up my PS+ or Xbox Live Gold games for the month... or there's a glitch.

Seriously, between Xbox Live Gold, Playstation Plus, Twitch Prime and Humble Monthly, that's like a dozen or more games a month... ain't nobody got time for 10% in this world. I don't even have time for the stuff that's "free".
( I know, it's not free, but it's typically already built in to monthly spend because of annual subscriptions.)

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Can't wait til we also see yearly & monthly subscriptions for Steam Prime, Battle.Net Prime, Origin Access Premiere, Bethesda Premiere, GOG Galaxy Subscription Service, etc etc.

Yep. The only time I tend to bother with Sony and Microsoft's digital stores is when I'm picking up my PS+ or Xbox Live Gold games for the month... or there's a glitch.

Seriously, between Xbox Live Gold, Playstation Plus, Twitch Prime and Humble Monthly, that's like a dozen or more games a month... ain't nobody got time for 10% in this world. I don't even have time for the stuff that's "free".
( I know, it's not free, but it's typically already built in to monthly spend because of annual subscriptions.)
I was always opposed to paying for online functionality until they started giving away free games. I think that alone cuts down on buying used physical games. I have maybe 35 games on Xbox One and didn't outright buy a single one of them, and I traded in a lot of physical games I had on 360 once they were free on XBL. No friends on PSN and no Vita, so I'm not current with that one--though I probably should be. But that's 3 years too late.

See this is the problem with the current state of multi-platform AAA gaming on PC. Mixed 47%. 

A perfect game comes out in January on consoles.   The highly anticipated PC release happens seven months later, it launches for $59.99, and then the game is not optimized and has all sorts of server/network and performance issues.  For me, this is the epitome of the state of PC gaming.  It seems like hardly anything is developed with PC as the leading platform anymore.  Steam is then used as a device to maintain a high digital price over the long haul.  Developers and publishers have been mainly interested in porting to Steam due to long-term residual profits.

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It seems like hardly anything is developed with PC as the leading platform anymore. Steam is then used as a device to maintain a high digital price over the long haul. Developers and publishers have been mainly interested in porting to Steam due to long-term residual profits.
Flip side example was PUBG came out for PC, was a huge hit (although rough in spots) and the Xbox version still hasn't caught up.  You can find examples where you want to look for them.  But, yeah, coding for PC with a multitude of different hardware/OS options is going to be more problematic than coding for a set PS/Xbox/Nintendo set of specs.

I don't really care if a game comes out months earlier for whatever platform because chances are I won't be buying it at launch anyway.  I guess if gaming is a big part of your identity and being "first" is important to you then it matters more.  And if you're using Steam as your primary marketplace, you deserve to be paying more (I posted upthread about the game being available for $40)

The MH:W connection issues are being investigated so, assuming they get ironed out, it's nothing likely to ever affect me by the time if/when I play the game.

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Glad I won my PC copy.  I saw a friend just bought it, hope he does not return it.  I'd enjoy coop when/if they get some stuff ironed out.

It goes both ways.  100s of PC Indie Devs have made the jump to consoles to get that extra revenue stream/higher prices.  They're doing that with the Switch right now.  I'd say most of the non-Nintendo games making a splash on the Switch are PC games ported over.  

The differen

It goes both ways. 100s of PC Indie Devs have made the jump to consoles to get that extra revenue stream/higher prices. They're doing that with the Switch right now. I'd say most of the non-Nintendo games making a splash on the Switch are PC games ported over.
The difference being, Nintendo ain't letting those games on its platform if they are running like crap. You can bet your foxy ass they are working well before they are sold to Switch customers.

The differen

The difference being, Nintendo ain't letting those games on its platform if they are running like crap. You can bet your foxy ass they are working well before they are sold to Switch customers.
The difference being, Nintendo is a hardware company in this scenario with identical hardware specifications on every unit, whereas Steam is a software storefront. There is no monolithic "PC" hardware or manufacturer. Comparing a console to PC is just not a fair comparison. Never has, never will be. Just like Android vs. iOS. It's always going to be a lot easier to get an app to work well across all Apple devices compared to getting the same app to work well over the 1000s of Android phones and tablets out there.

That doesn't excuse the company that ported MH. Others have done a far better job. But to try to make sweeping statements about the state of PC based on that is silly.

VG 247 - Arkane Studios news:

Arkane is taking a break from Dishonored.

Future Arkane games likely will also have some kind of seamless multi-player elements.
Good to know it sounds like they still plan to make immersive sims, although any time somebody mentions incorporating multiplayer it gives me pause, although if it's limited to something like a Dark Souls type system (or something similarly unobtrusive where it's a feature, not the emphasis) I'm fine with it.

The differen

The difference being, Nintendo ain't letting those games on its platform if they are running like crap. You can bet your foxy ass they are working well before they are sold to Switch customers.
Makes me wonder how NISA and DotEmu managed to get their games on the Switch. :p

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The differen

The difference being, Nintendo ain't letting those games on its platform if they are running like crap. You can bet your foxy ass they are working well before they are sold to Switch customers.
Gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Nintendo has allowed plenty of garbage on their digital storefronts, starting with the Wii-U. Take this little darlin' for example:

The difference being, Nintendo ain't letting those games on its platform if they are running like crap. You can bet your foxy ass they are working well before they are sold to Switch customers.
Um, where have you been for the past year?

Rime ran like crap, Dead Cells runs like crap. There's other examples. Dark Souls will probably be the next one, despite the huge delay.

But the Wii, Wii U and 3DS were so easy to hack. You buy one game, read something you found on google, download a few files, and you can suddenly play every game on the eshop. Not as easy as downloading GOG games on PC, but much easier than hardmodding a PoSbox 360 Pro.

Um, where have you been for the past year?

Rime ran like crap, Dead Cells runs like crap. There's other examples. Dark Souls will probably be the next one, despite the huge delay.
That's not a good example, Dark Souls runs like crap on everything.

Um, where have you been for the past year?

Rime ran like crap, Dead Cells runs like crap. There's other examples. Dark Souls will probably be the next one, despite the huge delay.
I know there's also been at least two titles from the estore that had huge issues too in regards to patching. Nintendo's system is archaic in ways, I think it was file size or something. They basically had to make a new version of NBA Playgrounds to get a patch out and PC (and other platforms were like 4 patches down the road before the Switch version got one patch.)

The Switch version was like 4 months delayed on patching. Huge clusterfuck.

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Good to know it sounds like they still plan to make immersive sims, although any time somebody mentions incorporating multiplayer it gives me pause, although if it's limited to something like a Dark Souls type system (or something similarly unobtrusive where it's a feature, not the emphasis) I'm fine with it.
I do wonder if the multi-player for Arkane's games might be like that of what Doom: Eternal is planning, where other players can invade (if you allow them to in your Options/Game settings) and that other players can play as the enemies at times.

I really wanted more Dishonored, so that part does not make me happy. Though, I really want to see them do a new immersive sim type of game or a true-blue sequel to Prey 2017.

Rainbow Six Siege... worth a 65 gig download to try out while it is free on Steam?  I thought I remembered some of ya'll talking about playing it but not sure if I am thinking of another shooter.

Rainbow Six Siege... worth a 65 gig download to try out while it is free on Steam? I thought I remembered some of ya'll talking about playing it but not sure if I am thinking of another shooter.
It's one of my favorite games. It just depends on how much you see yourself liking a tactical FPS. And how much date you have left in your cap.

Heads up for anyone who has a diners club card with Entropay:


We're sorry to let you know that due to new restrictions imposed on card issuers, we can no longer provide virtual Visa cards to people living outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and to people living in Norway.
Here is how this change will affect you:
  1. From today, 13 August 2018, if you live outside of the EEA or in Norway you will no longer be able to top up Entropay cards from debit or credit cards.
  2. After 31 October, if you live outside of the EEA or in Norway all of your Entropay cards will be cancelled and permanently deleted. All money remaining on your Entropay cards will be deposited into your Entropay wallet.
  3. You can withdraw your money from your wallet to your bank account or to an existing debit or credit card. There is no deadline to withdraw your money; although your Entropay cards will be deleted, your Entropay wallet will remain active after 31 October.
If your Entropay cards are currently associated with any recurring payments (for example, with a streaming service) you should replace these as soon as possible to avoid service disruption.
Although this development is outside of our control, we do apologise for what we understand will be both a frustration and inconvenience for our users.
Your account is not affected if:
Your address in your Entropay account settings is in a country in the European Economic Area (excluding Norway):

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
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Heads up for anyone who has a diners club card with Entropay:
Wow, so...would using a VPN to top up from the UK work? Or does this mean the actual card information you use to top up must be in the EEA? Not that I've been using this since Nuuvem sales haven't been great, but still.

bread's done