Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The game page shows it as owned by almost everyone on my friends list and on the wishlist of exactly zero on my friends list.
Actually, games that are owned cannot be added as a Wishlist item so it is logical that the vast majority of those on your friends list do not have it on their Wishlist.

Me trying to play Gears 4 over the last couple days:

1) Download 135 GB game

2) Get crashes/freezes during every other cutscene

3) Find out this is a known issue, try various quick fixes without success

4) Find suggestion that recommends uninstalling and re-downloading the entire game, all 135 GB

5) Die inside

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*uses up a fourth of monthly bandwidth in a weekend trying to play a game*


I don't know what you guys are on about, I just turn down the streaming quality and games load fine. The ad breaks give me a chance to grab another beer, too.

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I don't know what you guys are on about, I just turn down the streaming quality and games load fine. The ad breaks give me a chance to grab another beer, too.
Basically, Gears of War 4 PC, which once ran perfectly and great - is now a crap-show, for some reason.

Check issues on Known Issues for Gears 4 PC -

Is it on Microsoft's end (from W10 Updates)? TC's End? Nvidia's End? Heck, who knows; since they (TC and NVidia) keep not taking the blame and just keep blaming each other.

It's well known, drivers on Nvidia after 382.xx have issues w/ Gears of War 4. Supposedly, it's best to roll back to those drivers.

ASync Compute feature has issues - and recommended to turn it off.

This game has had issues w/ G-Sync, so that ain't even a good idea either.

Since after 382.xx, Gears 4 PC can crash a lot - whether on the splash screen, while trying to load a game, or while playing. Who knows; it likes to crash now.

These issues are even worse specifically with Nvidia Pascal 10xx cards.

And also, some people have fixed issues be downloading different free W10 Store app's each time they boot Gears 4 PC (WTH?), Disabling W10 Game Bar, or enabling NVidia ShadowPlay's Recording.

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Thanks for the warning, won't even bother downloading it to use with my 1080. 

The other day Gears 5 showed up in my recently added section of gamepass..  followed by an "oops" message of course.

..They're really on the ball.

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Gears of War 1 PC was a crap-show back in the day, too.

With so many issues with profiles/save management b/c of the horrible G4WL and all of its quirks; stuttering issues b/c of streaming texture issues; lack of optimization (it runs great nowadays, BTW) - should we really be surprised w/ anything from this title and these companies in particular?

It's a shame b/c Gears 4 is, I guess I should've played it in full back then...when I had it working fine. It looked great, played great, and whatnot - now w/ whatever mess NVidia, TC and Microsoft got into, it's a disaster.

It's a shame we also don't have access on W10 to these game-folders really either - as we can't really mod them or anything.

I really hope this game goes to Steam one day and some modders fix & mod the damn game....just so it bloody works.


I should note, after all y'all talking about Gears 4 PC, my 960m laptop, which ran Gears of War 4 PC fine once, now doesn't run at all. My 1060 laptop ran Gears, but it would always eventually some point. Now, I can't even get my save it crashed.

Tested it today - and nope, no dice.

Back to Metro: Exodus.

EDIT - 6/23/2019:

For the hell of it, decided to test Gears 4 on my older laptop again. For some reason, GTX 960M laptop is handling Gears 4 fine again. Wasn't working yesterday, now it's working. It actually booted and whatnot - loaded the game level. When it comes to Microsoft Store games - eh, I dunno. [shrug]

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The age old question...

If an imminently punchable man tells a joke on a forum and a toaster purposely avoids the joke to explain the real issue, is it still a woosh?

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Fanatical has a Beamdog (developers of the D & D "enhanced" editions) make-a-bundle going on. Baldur's Gate 1/2/Siege of Dragonspear, Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, and Planescape enchanced are all involved. You can get one of the games for 5 bucks, which is an okay deal (worth it, but the games have all been available for 4 bucks at one time or another I think) or three games for 10 bucks, which is a great deal.

Sorry, MysterD. I choose to ignore the Epic Game Store out of general principle. Kind of like the way that I ignore the Origin and U-Play stores.
Old MysterD and CAG Lore = Yellow Comic Sans with yellow means sarcasm, just like this.

Anyways, I get it - you're not a fan of Epic, EA, or Ubi. That's fair - they all have some questionable services and/or business practices.

But, the thing is this for me: some games likely will never hit outside of certain stores. I go where the games and/or the best prices (at that time) go.

Battlefield 1,3,4,5 & Hardline; and Dragon Age: Inquisition have never hit Steam, for example. And those...are games I definitely had to make sure that I bought on the PC, no matter what.

I'm not a fan of W10 Store and how you cannot really have direct access to their game folders - yet for Metro: Exodus and for 1 whole dollar in the XBox for PC Game Pass, made sure I got it. And likely, if I don't finish in time, I'll end up w/ that somewhere; whether it's on Steam next February or Epic Store. I have bought Gears 4, Forza Horizon 3 from W10 Store - even despite not liking how to deal w/ their game-folders.

About UPlay - do you buy Ubi games using UPlay on Steam? B/c you're still giving Ubi a cut, just 30% of it or so goes to Valve; and they (UbiSoft) often up-price their games on Steam, especially in sales. And you still have to use a form of UPlay (without the store) to run many of their recent titles on Steam.

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Fanatical has a Beamdog (developers of the D & D "enhanced" editions) make-a-bundle going on. Baldur's Gate 1/2/Siege of Dragonspear, Neverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, and Planescape enchanced are all involved. You can get one of the games for 5 bucks, which is an okay deal (worth it, but the games have all been available for 4 bucks at one time or another I think) or three games for 10 bucks, which is a great deal.
Yeah; I think the $10 deal is the best, provided you need 3 of them.

BG1+2; PST; and NWN (b/c of HOTU expansion) are all great games (I played them back in the day, their regular editions).

NWN is great to me b/c of HOTU expansion (which comes in NWN:EE since that is basically is a Diamond Enhanced version).

I already have IWD EE, PST EE, and NWN EE.

I don't have the new EE versions of BG1+2 and I'm missing Dragonspear. I am tempted - especially since the Quality of Life issues/modernizations might make life easier, in many ways.

Also, for anyone who has played Dragonspear - how is it?

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Old MysterD and CAG Lore = Yellow Comic Sans with yellow means sarcasm, just like this.

Anyways, I get it - you're not a fan of Epic, EA, or Ubi. That's fair - they all have some questionable services and/or business practices.

But, the thing is this for me: some games likely will never hit outside of certain stores. I go where the games and/or the best prices (at that time) go.

Battlefield 1,3,4,5 & Hardline; and Dragon Age: Inquisition have never hit Steam, for example. And those...are games I definitely had to make sure that I bought on the PC, no matter what.

I'm not a fan of W10 Store and how you cannot really have direct access to their game folders - yet for Metro: Exodus and for 1 whole dollar in the XBox for PC Game Pass, made sure I got it. And likely, if I don't finish in time, I'll end up w/ that somewhere; whether it's on Steam next February or Epic Store. I have bought Gears 4, Forza Horizon 3 from W10 Store - even despite not liking how to deal w/ their game-folders.

About UPlay - do you buy Ubi games using UPlay on Steam? B/c you're still giving Ubi a cut, just 30% of it or so goes to Valve; and they (UbiSoft) often up-price their games on Steam, especially in sales. And you still have to use a form of UPlay (without the store) to run many of their recent titles on Steam.
Short answer - I play all my EA and Ubisoft games on other platforms, and I already owned every one of the free games that the Epic Store offered on Steam, so I didn't see any point in downloading the Epic client. Plus, I have a low-end rig, so most of the newer releases won't play on it anyway. Makes things easy.

The BG etc. EE versions were 85% off if you bought all of them together on GoG during their summer sale, so $3 per game. Cheapest I've seen otherwise is $5.

The BG etc. EE versions were 85% off if you bought all of them together on GoG during their summer sale, so $3 per game. Cheapest I've seen otherwise is $5.
I forgot, I had a 10% off coupon from Fanatical.

I checked my spreadsheet - and lo and behold, I still had one!

So, I think I'm gonna grab BG1+2+Dragonspear, since it is stacking.


And done.

And bought Fugitive Bundle Tier #2 also.

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Short answer - I play all my EA and Ubisoft games on other platforms...
For PC games requiring Origin or UPlay - I'd guess you'd buy them on the consoles, I presume?

I would guess you'd get EA and Ubi games not needing Origin or UPlay that were sold on Steam over on Steam, right?

...and I already owned every one of the free games that the Epic Store offered on Steam, so I didn't see any point in downloading the Epic client. Plus, I have a low-end rig, so most of the newer releases won't play on it anyway. Makes things easy.
I have no problem w/ owning extra copies, especially if other game-services disappear.

And, oh yeah; if it's free, it's for me. [shrug]

For PC games requiring Origin or UPlay - I'd guess you'd buy them on the consoles, I presume?

I would guess you'd get EA and Ubi games not needing Origin or UPlay that were sold on Steam over on Steam, right?


I have no problem w/ owning extra copies, especially if other game-services disappear.

And, oh yeah; if it's free, it's for me. [shrug]
I own more games than I can play in a lifetime already, so these things don't keep me up at night. That's the answer to both questions BTW.

I'm like to think I am pretty sure NBA 2K19 will be $2.99 during the Steam Summer Sale since he has been that price on its console platforms the past couple weeks.

I hope Watch Dogs 2 Gold hits 90 percent off on Steam during the summer sale, akin to some of the recent South Park Fractured but Whole discounts. It had hit 85 percent off before and a bit higher on some sites, but the most recent discounts seem to be less. Epic's had the cheapest price for the base game, but they don't sell the Gold Edition.

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I'm like to think I am pretty sure NBA 2K19 will be $2.99 during the Steam Summer Sale since he has been that price on its console platforms the past couple weeks.
FWIW, during the same stretch that XBL and PSN had NBA 2K19 on sale for $3, Steam had it on sale for $20. I'd definitely pick it up for $3 if only to play MyGM but I'm not optimistic it happens.

I hope Watch Dogs 2 Gold hits 90 percent off on Steam during the summer sale, akin to some of the recent South Park Fractured but Whole discounts. It had hit 85 percent off before and a bit higher on some sites, but the most recent discounts seem to be less. Epic's had the cheapest price for the base game, but they don't sell the Gold Edition.
I was thinking about picking up Fractured But Whole Gold if it dropped to $9. Then I remembered that Uplay+ is doing free trials in September and it'll probably be on the service with all DLC included. So I'll just wait until then and play it then, along with some Watch Dogs 2 and Trials Rising.

I hope Watch Dogs 2 Gold hits 90 percent off on Steam during the summer sale, akin to some of the recent South Park Fractured but Whole discounts. It had hit 85 percent off before and a bit higher on some sites, but the most recent discounts seem to be less. Epic's had the cheapest price for the base game, but they don't sell the Gold Edition.
I would guess the better discounts from Ubi are likely to stay on their store, not Steam...

FWIW, during the same stretch that XBL and PSN had NBA 2K19 on sale for $3, Steam had it on sale for $20. I'd definitely pick it up for $3 if only to play MyGM but I'm not optimistic it happens.

I was thinking about picking up Fractured But Whole Gold if it dropped to $9. Then I remembered that Uplay+ is doing free trials in September and it'll probably be on the service with all DLC included. So I'll just wait until then and play it then, along with some Watch Dogs 2 and Trials Rising.
Indeed. The open ended nature of a lot Ubisoft games might not lend itself too well to this kind of service though.

I would guess the better discounts from Ubi are likely to stay on their store, not Steam...
I think so, although with South Park third party stores had it at 90 percent too IIRC. Too much MSRP bloat makes the large discount rates look better, at any rate.

Yeah, it was $3 on PS4, Xbone and even Switch.
I bitched about it on the forum which the mods made into a containment thread.
I even got my first ever Steam forums warning for spam.
These days it does seem there are some instances where the PC version of some game is more expensive than the console versions. Maybe it will be 3 bucks in the upcoming Steam sale, or maybe it'll be a headliner in a Humble Monthly, like 2K17 was.

Saving $3 off Wolfenstein Youngblood Deluxe for PC at Best Buy for doing a store pickup. I wonder how Best Buy decides on that $3 deal? I got the same for Jedi Fallen Order but not Cyberpunk 2077.
Saving $3 off Wolfenstein Youngblood Deluxe for PC at Best Buy for doing a store pickup. I wonder how Best Buy decides on that $3 deal? I got the same for Jedi Fallen Order but not Cyberpunk 2077.
Probably reimbursed by publishers in some manner... Saving three dollars on a 60 dollar game, in the case of Jedi Fallen Order, isn't anywhere close enough to a good deal... Its just 5% off.

Anyhow, I just finished the campaign in Chasobane with my first character... I finished at level 48 so just sort of the cap at 50. It took me 13.7 hours. I've enjoyed the hell out of it, the story is decent enough but pretty much ARPG fodder. The character skills are many, you should of chose like Diablo III but you have far more options and sections for passive and whatnot... Its pretty damn solid.

Not sure if I'll keep going with the elf or try another character, likely the dwarf.

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Steam summer sale says, "Hold my beer."

First 66% was the new 75% off.
Then 50% was the new 66% off.
Then 33% was the new 50% off.

I predict 25% will be the new 33% off.
Still that bad huh? I haven't glanced at a sale in years because of how awful they had become. How are they making money these days? Are sales still strong despite poor deals?
Still that bad huh? I haven't glanced at a sale in years because of how awful they had become. How are they making money these days? Are sales still strong despite poor deals?
Steam sales for CAG's have been weak for a few years, especially since they put in the Refund system. And esepcially since Humble and Bundle sites been de-valuing games and bundling them.

Often, other sites - Humble, Fanatical, etc - will offer better deals as the Steam sales goes on, since Steam has became the WalMart's of digital distribution (they own this market; and them & publishers don't need to drop sale super-low to get sales anymore); and since Flash Deals have gone away b/c of the Refund system.


I wonder if installing some wind turbines here would be useful, what with the deafening woosh I keep hearing.
Knowing our luck, Borderlands 3 might wind-up in the XBox for PC Game Metro: Exodus did.

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Still that bad huh? I haven't glanced at a sale in years because of how awful they had become. How are they making money these days? Are sales still strong despite poor deals?
Haha well perhaps most of us here overstate the decline in Steam sales, as there are many good deals to be found. It's more the mainstream/AAA titles that have stalled around 50% discounts.

The overall volume of purchases during Steam summer/winter sales has continuously grown for years, so Valve is probably doing quite well financially. I think developers and publishers realized that rapidly discounting their games was devaluing them a bit, so the race to the bottom eased up.

Apparently this year Valve isn't going special event cards and such, which has been the norm. Now that Epic is cutting into Valve's bottom line, it will be interesting to see what Valve is doing instead to keep people engaged.

I'll make another prediction - the return of coal and treasure hunts! J/k

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bread's done