Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Goodness, people get so touchy nowadays. No need to be a snowflake about it. I mentioned owning both not to imply anything about anyone else, but merely to emphasize that I'm talking from experience and not just being a Sony fanboy.
Do you honestly believe with your post history of stirring the shit that anyone actually believes this? Especially, when you double down and try to insult when most reasonable folk would have just tried to explain themselves better?

Yeah, I'm not buying what your trying to sale here... No that it matters I'm pretty much done here. I'll go back to ignoring 99% of the shit you post and you can back to your nonsensical spiel...

I can, too, and I gravitate towards smaller controllers. The GameCube pad, pre-analog Playstation pad, and DS4 are the most comfortable gamepads for my money, and I much prefer analog sticks to be level rather than offset.

Disclaimer: I haven’t tried the Duke or Xbone controllers, though I’ve used the 2nd gen original Xbox pad and 360 pad extensively.
You don't over want to use the Duke... I think a lot of controllers get shitted on unfairly as being bad but the Duke isn't one of them. Its really bad. Its ergonomics are appalling and the scary thing is MS tried to make a more ergonomically controller... Unlike Sony who didn't care cared about ergonomics for a surprisingly long time.

That said even the Duke has fans believe it or not. But that's ergonomics for you... What works for one will not work for all... Its why we have 100s of mouse shapes and numerous keyboard layouts. It's just a shame that neither MS or Sony don't just give a go ahead for controllers to work on both consoles or to allow the other to make their controller for the other system. (Say MS making a Sony shaped controller for the XBone or Sony making a Xbox shaped controller for the PS4.)

I played the 3 FPS throwbacks AMID EVIL, Dusk, and Project Warlock for about 30 minutes each yesterday to decide if I'm going to refund any of them. Giving my first impressions for all of them. I played them all on the normal difficulty.

AMID EVIL was easily my favorite. The graphics were really nice, and the gameplay reminded me of Hexen. The challenge was fair and I liked the few weapons I got to use. You can also power up your weapon after collecting some stuff. This is really good for stronger enemies and rooms full of enemies. Very fun and sometimes challenging. I didn't want to stop, but it was near my bed time. 8.5/10 for now.

DUSK was pretty cool as well. This one felt more akin to Quake. The graphics are bit on the simpler side very much like Quake. The levels were constructed pretty well in this. A lot of it felt like a horror game. The game didn't feel unfair in its difficulty. The guns I got so far were more normal such as a shotgun though you start with some wimpy scythes. Really decent and well worth playing. 8/10

Project Warlock I felt was easily the worst of the bunch. The graphics aren't always as clean. This game reminds me of Catacomb Abyss. I died a lot in this. Most of the weapons felt weak and there is a mass amount of enemies in some rooms. You need to dodge bullets so I'd highly recommend using ammo weapons unless you run out (and you will), You then you get stuck with the knife or the axe. This game felt the least polished out of all of them. The hit detection for weapon shots was wonky especially for your magic staff. The first level was somewhat uninspired and i wasn't a fan of some things. This one has you travelling time periods or something so you get a lot of different weapons and fight different enemies. It just shows that I believe a younger guy created this one solo, and you can tell he may have not played the old games as much. It's still fun, but I may request a refund on this. 7/10

Hopefully this helps if you're looking at these FPS throwbacks in the future.

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I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I use a controller 95% of the time while chilling with single player games.  Usually only game with kb/m for fps / rts or a game I want to play at 3440x1440.  I simply find kicking back with a controller much more relaxing than sitting in front of a pc (which i do a lot of already for work).  My go-to is a ds4 + steam big picture set to auto-toggle my primary display.

I have hands on the large side yet I strongly prefer the ds4. I find the xb1 controller angular and cramped.  Also dislike awkward asymmetrical sticks (switch is the worst at this).  I only use an xb1 controller when I need the paddles from the elite or when I'm forced to by a console (apparently this 4k player I have collecting dust also plays microsoft games)

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Do you honestly believe with your post history of stirring the shit that anyone actually believes this? Especially, when you double down and try to insult when most reasonable folk would have just tried to explain themselves better?

Yeah, I'm not buying what your trying to sale here... No that it matters I'm pretty much done here. I'll go back to ignoring 99% of the shit you post and you can back to your nonsensical spiel...
I'm not the one that got snarky and touchy about it. I wasn't trolling. It's clear when I'm trolling and people rightfully don't get offended by it because that's the point of it, to make fun of trolls, not to actually troll. Anyway, this isn't the first time you've gotten offended by some innocuous thing that I've posted so you're obviously the one with the issue.

Last thing I want to do is to get into some stupid Sony vs Microsoft fanboy argument which is the only reason I brought up owning both so people could see I wasn't just fanboying. You somehow took it personally.

I appreciate the people who are able to discuss the issue without taking it personally.

I'm not the one that got snarky and touchy about it. I wasn't trolling. It's clear when I'm trolling and people rightfully don't get offended by it because that's the point of it, to make fun of trolls, not to actually troll. Anyway, this isn't the first time you've gotten offended by some innocuous thing that I've posted so you're obviously the one with the issue.

Last thing I want to do is to get into some stupid Sony vs Microsoft fanboy argument which is the only reason I brought up owning both so people could see I wasn't just fanboying. You somehow took it personally.

I appreciate the people who are able to discuss the issue without taking it personally.

Just random talk since I read a Shenmue 3 Kickstarter update, for those who have used Kickstarter have you had a project go sideways? I noticed that I had backed 3 games in 2013. One is abandoned and the 2 others are supposedly coming out (Cryamore and Soul Saga if you're curious and Delver's Drop which seems abandoned). Glad I don't use Kickstarter too often. I just back the visual novel ones (non physical usually) and board game Kickstarters.

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Do steam codes from humble bundle ever expire?

Some do, but they will say clearly on your key page. Like I think all the Blizzard ones expire. I think the Overwatch ones expire at the end of this year.
To add to that...

Some Steam codes from giveaways say they expire and will disappear from your humble page. However, I've redeemed many codes months after the "expiration date" without an issue.

Since the Steam sales suck so bad after the Summer Sale, here is a repost from the Fanatical thread.

Fanatical has an Adventure Pick and Mix Bundle that includes 15 games for $4.99.

Here are the games that you can choose from to qualify for the deal.

Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders


Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller


Face Noir

Lost Civilization



Return to Mysterious Island


Still Life

Still Life 2

Supreme League of Patriots: Season Pass


Syberia 2

The Last Door: Collector's Edition

The Last Door: Episode 2

Yesterday Origins

Officially refunded Project Warlock. Played about 20 more minutes and it's just not super well made. I was getting tired of the gameplay already and the levels were a bit uninspired. I feel I'll enjoy the other two FPS throwbacks a bit more than this. I will gladly play it again if it gets bundled though.

Citadale: The Legends Trilogy is currently free on IG DRM free. I believe these are older throwbacks to Castlevania. Been wanting to play them so this is a must try.


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I'm not the one that got snarky and touchy about it. I wasn't trolling. It's clear when I'm trolling and people rightfully don't get offended by it because that's the point of it, to make fun of trolls, not to actually troll. Anyway, this isn't the first time you've gotten offended by some innocuous thing that I've posted so you're obviously the one with the issue.

Last thing I want to do is to get into some stupid Sony vs Microsoft fanboy argument which is the only reason I brought up owning both so people could see I wasn't just fanboying. You somehow took it personally.

I appreciate the people who are able to discuss the issue without taking it personally.

Officially refunded Project Warlock. Played about 20 more minutes and it's just not super well made. I was getting tired of the gameplay already and the levels were a bit uninspired. I feel I'll enjoy the other two FPS throwbacks a bit more than this. I will gladly play it again if it gets bundled though.
You should put Bloom on your wishlist. It is similar to Dusk and Amid Evil in the old school FPS style and I enjoyed what I've played of it.

Hardware talk from a few pages back and now I can't stop comparing/contrasting/price stressing over video cards. It's dumb because I know I don't need ray tracing, I certainly don't need a rtx 2080ti, especially not for a grand, but I WANTS it. I WANTS it BAD, all of a sudden. Think I'll just run over to Microcenter and get thrown out for stroking it in front on the GPU case.
Hardware talk from a few pages back and now I can't stop comparing/contrasting/price stressing over video cards. It's dumb because I know I don't need ray tracing, I certainly don't need a rtx 2080ti, especially not for a grand, but I WANTS it. I WANTS it BAD, all of a sudden. Think I'll just run over to Microcenter and get thrown out for stroking it in front on the GPU case.
Check out the pre-orders for the RTX 2070 Super. They're going to have close to RTX 2080 performance. It's better than a 1080 Ti.

The XC Ultra was $499.99 the other day with a -$50 pre-order incentive. Looks like that's done now. But great job AMD for fixing the market on both CPUs and GPUs. (The Radeon 5700 XT is launching at $399.99, keeping Nvidia in check.)

The 2060 Super is actually outperforming the original RTX 2070 by a decent amount too, also surpassing the 1080 Ti. 2nd tier cards are finally back in the $400-500 range, the way it always should have been.

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Played a couple of the recent Game Pass additions in the last couple days. Quick thoughts:

Blazing Chrome - It's like if the devs couldn't decide whether to make a Contra: Hard Corps knock-off or a Metal Slug knock-off, so they split the difference. Not a single original bone in its body but it's still a fairly good shooter, even if half the weapons kinda suck and there are some cheap deaths in the late game.

Timespinner - Short Metroidvania with some killer music (some of which sound like borderline Castlevania rip-offs) and a well-told story. Biggest issues are difficulty (way too easy, you'll level up far more than you need to without any grinding and dispatch practically every boss with ease) and that the orb system is mostly useless because once you find an attack you like and level it up a bit, you'll probably never switch to something else. Also, the devs forgot to add video settings to the GP release so you're stuck in windowed mode unless you hold Win+Shift+Enter, which I didn't learn until it was too late.

I'd love to have tried out Unavowed which was due out on Thursday, but it's a no-show so far.

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I've been playing Wolfenstein II: TNC in the Xbox for PC Game Pass.

Game looks great, runs great, and feels great. The combat & gameplay is smooth as can be, in the actual combat, controls with KB/mouse, the feel of it combat, and everything. It is so buttery smooth. I'm some 5 hours into this.

And I'm getting get similar to DOOM 2016 type performance at 1080p @ High with 90-120fps regularly here with Vulkan API here on my SC15 laptop (i7 7700 HQ; 6GB GTX 1060m; 16 GB RAM; W10 x64).

This game rocks so far.

I've been playing Wolfenstein II: TNC in the Xbox for PC Game Pass.

Game looks great, runs great, and feels great. The combat & gameplay is smooth as can be, in the actual combat, controls with KB/mouse, the feel of it combat, and everything. It is so buttery smooth. I'm some 5 hours into this.

And I'm getting get similar to DOOM 2016 type performance at 1080p @ High with 90-120fps regularly here with Vulkan API here on my SC15 laptop (i7 7700 HQ; 6GB GTX 1060m; 16 GB RAM; W10 x64).

This game rocks so far.
It's weird that Doom ran like absolute garbage for me no matter what I did but Wolfenstein II never once stuttered or dipped below 60 at Ultra.

And as much as I enjoyed New Colossus overall, it wasn't because of the gameplay. At least not in the first half. The action picks up over the second half but overall I had issues with pacing, map layout, and some annoying mechanics. New Order had a much better flow IIRC. But man, the story in New Colossus really goes places.

It's weird that Doom ran like absolute garbage for me no matter what I did but Wolfenstein II never once stuttered or dipped below 60 at Ultra.
Looking through some threads, looks like DOOM 2016 has issues w/ higher end PC's these days:

- Razer Chroma running causes problems, both the option in-game and via Windows. Disable it everywhere, performance goes through the moon.

- Use Vulkan or OpenGL.

- Turn off W10's Game Mode crap.

Yeah, it looks fuck ing terrible. Embarrassing. SAD!
I'd rather give my money to your White House support group of all the conservatives on social media who are being picked on by mean, nasty liberals and their non-alternative fact news.

Do you guys have tokens to pass around when it's someone's turn to talk? I could go to a craft fair and pick up a crocheted snowflake for you.

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I can't recall the last time I logged into Groupees (haven't bought anything there in 3 years). I just did now and had a notification that I had a Steam key for 'Pig Eat Ball' which I activated.

More importantly, my Be Mine 14 Johnny Antimatter coin is worth $10.02.


I remember in the early Bundling Days, when both IndieGala and Groupees were putting out solid bundles.

Man, talk about falling off big time.

What the hell happened to them two services? (rhetorical question)

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I remember in the early Bundling Days, when both IndieGala and Groupees were putting out solid bundles.
Man, talk about falling off big time.
What the hell happened to them two services? (rhetorical question)
At least they’re putting out more solid bundles than humble, who apparently isn’t putting out bundles anymore.
Monthlies aren’t real bundles, they’re mystery grab bags.
Fair point.

You're right; those ain't like most HB Weekly bundles, when you know everything or almost everything ahead of time.

Though, a lot of the early reveals, in many Humble Monthly Bundles been great of late, IMHO - i.e. Destiny 2; Hellblade; KC: Deliverance; COD: BO4; etc.

In many cases, the lead itself was alone worth the $12, IMHO - beating prices they've been outside of bundles.

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Fair point.

You're right; those ain't like most HB Weekly bundles, when you know everything or almost everything ahead of time.

Though, a lot of the early reveals, in many Humble Monthly Bundles been great of late, IMHO - i.e. Destiny 2; Hellblade; KC: Deliverance; COD: BO4; etc.

In many cases, the lead itself was alone worth the $12, IMHO - beating prices they've been outside of bundles.
Yeah, that's called a sale.
ryzen 2700 cpu's will be $150 from newegg starting in ~15min

happy prime day to me?  sold my 1700 a month ago for $175 expecting this to happen.. didn't think it would until BF though.

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bread's done