Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Hm. I'm with Todd on this. When I built my system at the end of 2017 (and it's so weird to think that it's been that long already), I put a 1050ti in it thinking that was "good enough" for the time being and also "there's no way I can spend $500 on a video card, now or ever." Well, both of those things have changed, so I'm eyeballing possible near-term upgrades to a 2070 (this one in particular).
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Wouldn't all this mess cause a production dip. Similar to the memory chip shortage back in 2011-2012 due to the Pacific Earthquake.
It could. But China is already getting back to business in certain regions.

Xbox and PS bosses have already come out and said that they don't think the pandemic is going to cause any delays in releasing their product (Thanksgiving). These GPU-makers are definitely going to want to launch their products before the (value proposition of the) new consoles too.

They're promising better than 5700 XT and RTX 2080 Super levels of performance inside of these $400-500 consoles.

Here is a chart with a layout of basic specs for the new consoles:


Teraflops are not everything; they can be calculated differently and they are just one of series of calculations that affect performance.  AMD also seems have a formula that results in an inflated calculation for their RDNA2 cards too, compared to Nvidia.  Cards also do other things like have tensor cores for raytracing capabilities.  Performance is also relative to the frequency that the card is running at.  But for use as some degree of relative performance for instance: 

GTX 1060 = 4.4 Tflops

GTX 1070 = 6.5 Tflops

GTX 1080 = 8.9 Tflops

GTX 1080 ti = 11.3 Tflops

RTX 2070 = 7.5 Tflops

RTX 2070 super = 9+ Tflops

RTX 2080 = 10.1 Tflops

RTX 2080 super = 11.1 Tflops

RTX 2080 ti = 14.2 Tflops

AMD 5700 = 7.9 Tflops

AMD 5700 XT = 9.75 Tflops

The new consoles and the new cards are also going to have raytracing capabilities of course, so you have to take that into consideration.  But as a relative point of comparison you can see how something like the 2070 Super (that is a $500 card today) is going to quickly become a $300ish card by relative performance.   Too bad that PC parts don't even clearance out that way though.  They maintain their pricing structures at retail until they are all gone mostly; old GPUs don't get cheaper except for niche ymmv clearances.

TL;DR : The release of the new consoles is going to cause a tectonic shift in the valuation of performance.  New consoles are going to approach 4K60 fps in many instances.  New PC GPU cards are NOT going to sell at any kind of an increase over the previous pricing structures by Nvidia. 

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The biggest shortage I've seen so far is the Nintendo Switch.  That and the Ring Fit Adventure.  Though they say it's a lot of reseller hoarding due to it being a hot item for quarantine entertainment.

I upgraded my rig in late 2017 and I don't really see a need for an upgrade anytime soon.  I went with a Ryzen 1700 and RX580 combo and so far for what I do (2560x1080) I don't have a need for anything else.  I'll probably stick with this for at least another 2-3 years unless they really up the requirements for newer games, though I don't really see that happening.  All that ray tracing stuff seems a few years away from being a viable commercial feature.  

Picked up Hunter: Call of the Wild after deciding to see what it was like while it was free to try. I like it, the scenery is pretty nice and the game is super relaxing to me, outside of the odd bug or two and sometimes animals that are wounded practically warp away before dying. Sometimes there is a trail, sometimes there is not. Usually I find the body but sometimes it seems to just vanish. I've spent hours doing practically nothing, sitting in cover waiting for something to wander through, wandered aimlessly looking for bears because some dude told me to get pictures of them. It should all be very boring but I've played for hours and hours straight and find it difficult to put down.
I picked it up over the weekend too, but I haven't shot anything, because I'm one of those people who doesn't like shooting animals, unless they're mutated alien animals that are trying to kill me. I don't have anything against hunting, per se, and I know a lot of people who hunt. I think in certain instances culling animal populations is necessary. I just don't personally want to do it. Having said that, the game may talk me into killing a few animals because of what I referenced above. The Virunga reserve has some of that type of stuff (and it's also the name of a documentary I've been meaning to check out on Netflix).

It is nice to wander around, although after a while it does get a bit boring. Mostly I've been wandering around with binoculars and the camera, trying to get close enough to animals to take their pictures.

Here's a lion that mauled me.


On another note, I was trying to figure out what RPG I might want to jump into next the other week. I loaded Torment and played that for about a half-hour. It looked like a lot of vocabulary to absorb and systems to learn, which I don't mind doing, but I figured I might check out something else in the meantime. I fired up Divinity: Original Sin 2, which was fantastic. I loved the bizarre and varied backstories of the characters and the world was easy to pick up as I went along. I played that for a few hours before I realized I hadn't ever played Divinity: Original Sin (which I had somehow confused with Larian's earlier game Divinity II, a game I found very difficult to get into). So then I downloaded the first game and I'm going through it. It's not as much fun as the second game, although they bear a lot of similarities. It also seems to share a few roots in common with Larian's even older games, Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity, chiefly the idea of two main protagonists with differing values who bicker about many things they come across in the world.

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Seems like has a bundle called GDC Relief Bundle which is a mix of games, both commercial and experimental, paid and non-commercial, but also assets, art, music, code, and prototypes supposedly comes with 12 Steam Keys.
Thanks for the post. It does come with Steam keys. 6 of the games I didn't own yet from other bundles.

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Seems like has a bundle called GDC Relief Bundle which is a mix of games, both commercial and experimental, paid and non-commercial, but also assets, art, music, code, and prototypes supposedly comes with 12 Steam Keys.
Very generous. I'll throw a few bucks for this bundle. Has some games I've wanted too. I wont mess with the assets, but who knows about the prototypes.

Thanks for the post. It does come with Steam keys. 6 of the games I didn't own yet from other bundles.
How did you access the Steam keys? I click on the title in my library and it just says "Nothing is available for download yet". Non Steam games have the links to the files right on their individual pages.

How did you access the Steam keys? I click on the title in my library and it just says "Nothing is available for download yet". Non Steam games have the links to the files right on their individual pages.
They weren't assigned right off the bat. When I checked back 10 minutes later, all but one of them had shown up.

It says you need to pay at least $10 to get the Steam keys. Not sure if that restriction was just recently added.
That was added later. I donated $2 and got keys, but still no key for Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story. Assuming those are related.

The new Division 2 Apparel Event is live.

Pretty much every outfit is a disappointment but maybe its my fault for hoping they would be military based and not shit that says "Shoot me in the face"  Also no more extra keys and no weekly stuff to get extra keys.  35 items.  3 Weeks.  Blah.

The new Division 2 Apparel Event is live.

Pretty much every outfit is a disappointment but maybe its my fault for hoping they would be military based and not shit that says "Shoot me in the face" Also no more extra keys and no weekly stuff to get extra keys. 35 items. 3 Weeks. Blah.
Yeah, I can't do it anymore. I skipped the last one. Makes me sad but what can you do.

It's unfortunate, but outfits and cool weapon skins are a poor reason to keep playing a game that I'm over. If the loot crates respected my time a bit more then I would go for it. It's a very finely-tuned money-making service option for Ubisoft, as we know by now.

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so now we get 1 key every three levels. 34x3 means leveling 102 times.
Every four levels. Between that and no projects, it's pretty obvious that Massive is trying to juice up premium credits sales. The apparel event is changing from something you could knock out with regular, but casual, play to something you'd need to actually grind for.

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Wasn't this same rumor floated a couple of weeks ago about Sony? I think internet folk are starting to get bored (and lazy)
Or you'd think if one is "true", the other ought to be true also. In the sense that the reality behind the rumor would be someone is trying to shop around Konami IPs and leaking rumors to encourage the purchase.

I hope if the Konami/Microsoft rumor is true that it really is ALL of their franchises.  I'd like at least a glimmer of hope for a new Gradius game someday.  I also wouldn't cry if they made a new 2D Castlevania or a new Contra that was not trash but I am not holding my breath that any of these things happen.

The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC - 5HDLQ-PX20F-2NAQL
Bionic Commando - KNRQT-54ZPW-F5T7I
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - QXH7I-8HL9D-LQDRM

I hope if the Konami/Microsoft rumor is true that it really is ALL of their franchises. I'd like at least a glimmer of hope for a new Gradius game someday. I also wouldn't cry if they made a new 2D Castlevania or a new Contra that was not trash but I am not holding my breath that any of these things happen.
The most recently released Contra game was garbage. If they don't make another one, I won't weep.

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages is free on Indiegala (direct download, no Steam key):

And the GDC Relief Bundle on includes 12 Steam keys for the $10 tier, but all of the other games in the pay what you want tier are DRM-free direct downloads (you have to pay a $1 minimum for 169 games/files).  The direct download games include games such as Hyper Sentinel, Knightmare Tower, Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story, Nuclear Throne, The Story Goes On, and Totem Temple Deluxe.  Many of these games run great on low-end PCs.

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Every four levels. Between that and no projects, it's pretty obvious that Massive is trying to juice up premium credits sales. The apparel event is changing from something you could knock out with regular, but casual, play to something you'd need to actually grind for.
its actually a lot worse. You have to be level forty and the XP needed to level is far more than was needed at level 30.

I honestly don't play any other games during these events and I already know the only chance I have to finish this event is to text positive for the coronavirus.

This is pretty shitty since everyone has paid to be part of the Apperal Event.

Oh, looks like contractor gloves and fox kneepads are going to be nerfed soon... .

The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC - 5HDLQ-PX20F-2NAQL
Bionic Commando - KNRQT-54ZPW-F5T7I
Bionic Commando: Rearmed - QXH7I-8HL9D-LQDRM
Wow, that's hot.

her mom looks pretty good too!

Just a heads up: Next week's freebie on the Epic Store will be Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments. Regretted not picking it up for 85% off last November so this is a pleasant surprise.

Was just furloughed. Apparently they don't need people when the entire travel industry is shut down, go figure. Thankful to still have my health and my family's health. Hope all of you inglorious bastids and your families stay healthy (AND HOME) as well. Bless you to anyone in the health care field, you are the true heroes we need.

MysterD tell your Mom no matter how bad it gets....she'll never get me to pay.

Glad my Xbone game ass sub is out to 2022. Between that, my 10 pallets of snack size cheetos bags and my 500 gallon propane tank I filled with Mountain Dew, I should be good for about... 3mos or so.

Live long and prosper,

Hope all of you inglorious bastids and your families stay healthy (AND HOME) as well. Bless you to anyone in the health care field, you are the true heroes we need.
Thanks man, I'm sorry to hear that but in medical I'm on the opposite side where I'm being put on blast from 30 directions. Work 12 hr day to come home an have the kid give me nothing but grief about how crappy online schooling is so that takes up my 6-8 hrs of freedom. 1000% stressed

Just hoping ya'll stay safe... and consider playing a game in your library. I mean.. for like 5 minutes, we wouldn't want to accrue too much time on our libraries.

bread's done