Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Is this the version where they add the fun in?
Unless GTA5 adds lots of new content like say a proper expansion of sorts - eh, I don't think that game's going to change much.

A game doesn't have to be "fun" to be great, BTW. It can do things like have a great story; great character development; make points & commentary about life & society; etc etc - and still can be great, by engaging the player in other ways.

Honestly, I found GTA5 to be much more fun than GTA4 base-game. Especially w/ Trevor and his madness. I thought Trevor represented the typical GTA fan, that wants to go out in the open world and just do crazy off-the-wall stuff.

In particular, I don't think GTA4 base was really that "fun" of a game, TBH; that one was more of a story & gameplay was meant to be more realistic - which is why for some, I don't think they liked GTA4 base. They really didn't bring the old-school GTA-type of fun, zaniness, and "off the wall" stuff back there until say Ballad of Gay Tony DLC. Sure, they brought some back w/ Lost and the Damned - but it wasn't bat-crap crazy out the gate, from start to finish, like Ballad DLC was with its crazy missions and over-the-top ridiculousness.

If you are looking for something more "fun" that's like GTA, I'd suggest checking Saints Row series out. In particular, I had a ton of fun with SR2; especially SR: The Third; and also SR4.


Any word on the pricing for the better frame rates and improved textures on the PC 2?
PC version hasn't been mentioned, with what they are doing to it.

Heck, we dunno if they are even doing anything to it - i.e. we dunno if they are adding content to PC version; expanding the PC game; going to release new content as paid-DLC/expansion to the current GTA5 version; straight-up re-releasing the whole thing again all with a new remaster/re-release for $60-70; doing nothing with GTA5 for the PC; or what.

No clue yet. [shrug]

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Is this the version where they add the fun in?


Unless GTA5 adds lots of new content like say a proper expansion of sorts - eh, I don't think that game's going to change much.

A game doesn't have to be "fun" to be great,
Yo momma. Yes it does. A great game should have a fun component. As would a good game... Hell even a 'bad' game can be fun (see Rogue Warrior). Fun <> Great. I wasn't really talking about the GTAV plotline/characterization, but the game engine to me... I don't like the feel of driving, flying, running, weapons. They got pretty close to the feeling of your mom, but that alone cannot save the game. The last GTA I stuck with was Vice City. Where the concept was still fresh and me being a child of the 80's (+ Ray Liotta voice acting as the cherry on top) with the music, visuals got me to stick with it for longer.
Yes it does. A great game should have a fun component. As would a good game... Hell even a 'bad' game can be fun (see Rogue Warrior). Fun <> Great. I wasn't really talking about the GTAV plotline/characterization, but the game engine to me... I don't like the feel of driving, flying, running, weapons. They got pretty close to the feeling of your mom, but that alone cannot save the game. The last GTA I stuck with was Vice City. Where the concept was still fresh and me being a child of the 80's (+ Ray Liotta voice acting as the cherry on top) with the music, visuals got me to stick with it for longer.
Gamers want different things in games. To me, games don't always have to be work. To make that work (without the fun, per se), though - they have to do other things to make it work.

Often, for me, that involves great storytelling; great characters; make you more immersing as a character and in the game-world; and stuff of that sort.

I never really found TWD Telltale games to be fun - though, b/c they tell stories & develop character so well and are all about how awful humans pretty much treat each other - especially in the worst of circumstances, such as a zombie apocalypse with limited food - it's just really good at that stuff and is making some interesting points & things to ponder. Even with David Cage games, which aren't often the most fun of titles b/c they he purposely is doing stuff w/ mundane stuff (and its done purposely), to try and tell stories and aim for a cinematic experience for a "game".

And I think w/ the cut-scenes and interactive things (i.e. quick-time events) - which, I bet, most gamers find "annoying" - actually try to somewhat make you feel like you are performing those specific actions in specific motions and whatnot.

I love GTA: VC, but even I can see the combat, graphics, and whatnot - it's just not on GTA5's level. GTA series has evolved a ton and improved, in many ways. Though, b/c Vice City was fresh as the new GTA format (i.e. it came out with the GTA 3D format right after GTA3 dropped the foundation), so VC felt like it was still fresh. It felt like VC...found the artistic stroke the franchise needed, which is what I was looking for (b/c of the 80's setting, 80's music, Scarface references, etc etc)...and also basically what GTA3 didn't have. Even GTA: SA did a great job w/ basically re-creating 90's California - but it never spoke to me like even say VC did in many ways.

GTA5's story and stuff wasn't as great as say other previous GTA's - but it often felt like a greatest hits of sorts; i.e. Franklin reminded me of CJ in many ways; Michael reminded me of Tommy Vicetti a lot; and Trevor was just...Trevor (i.e. repping many GTA players' crazy action/thought/wanton destruction type of mentality). Having things like auto-saves within missions (GTA DLC's started this, IIRC) - really helped stuff out.

Though, in many ways - I still debate which was the best GTA game. Was it GTA VC, SA, or GTA5?

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Haven't played a GTA since SA but that one seemed to open things up a whole lot more from the previous games as far as the scope of the world and the number of vehicles you could use.  I agree that GTA: VC had a better atmosphere.  Maybe it's just the Miami setting.

Haven't played a GTA since SA but that one seemed to open things up a whole lot more from the previous games as far as the scope of the world and the number of vehicles you could use. I agree that GTA: VC had a better atmosphere. Maybe it's just the Miami setting.
Oh, yeah - I'm sure there the atmosphere setting of Miami and also that 80's era really helped things for VC in particular.

Unless something's missing from this Wikipedia list, it probably helps that there doesn't seem like there's tons of games to even use Miami as a setting -

Looks like, according to Wikipedia, California has a lot more games set there -

My thoughts after a few hours of the GTA V story are as follows:

As far as being good at what I enjoy doing in GTA - mainly randomly killing people and then trying to figure out how many cops I can kill before I get killed - GTA is as fun as ever.

As far as the story, I just haven't been in love with it.  It takes hours of story missions before you get to what I assume are the meat of the experience - heists and drug runs.  In that time, I don't think there's anything particularly endearing about any of the characters.  I liked Franklin, but for the Michael story you're basically playing through some sort of mid-life crisis family drama that includes a yoga mission where you fart or something.  Then you get to Trevor and he's a total asshole.  Not sure how any of you guys enjoyed his missions. He reminds me of Carl from ATHF.  Basically, the main characters are unlikable jerks.  I haven't finished it mostly because nothing about the story really is pulling me in at this point. 

My thoughts after a few hours of the GTA V story are as follows:

As far as being good at what I enjoy doing in GTA - mainly randomly killing people and then trying to figure out how many cops I can kill before I get killed - GTA is as fun as ever.

As far as the story, I just haven't been in love with it. It takes hours of story missions before you get to what I assume are the meat of the experience - heists and drug runs. In that time, I don't think there's anything particularly endearing about any of the characters. I liked Franklin, but for the Michael story you're basically playing through some sort of mid-life crisis family drama that includes a yoga mission where you fart or something. Then you get to Trevor and he's a total asshole. Not sure how any of you guys enjoyed his missions. He reminds me of Carl from ATHF. Basically, the main characters are unlikable jerks. I haven't finished it mostly because nothing about the story really is pulling me in at this point.
Don't know how far you're into the story, might not have the reason why Trevor's the way he was and why he hates Michael, despite still often being very loyal to him.

Yeah, he's always had issues, is a criminal, and things of that sort - but there's a big reason Trevor's way off the deep end, like he is throughout GTA5.

Something happened, which turned him really into a drug addict and psychopath.

GTA5 Spoilers

Trevor's loyal to a fault to certain people, more or less - even when he probably shouldn't be.

This even includes Michael, who basically double-crossed him.

Trevor also looked up to Michael like an older brother.

Even after Michael, more or less, sets up Trevor and Brad in the North Yankton Job [Canada] (prologue mission you'll do as flashback in GTA5, later in the game) and they finally meet up again in Los Santos [California] (you know, the early parts of GTA5) - they still are loyal to each other, even after everything, once GTA5 gets going.

They both actually thought each other were dead and...well, both were wrong, when they finally do meet up - which happens once Trevor hears about the Jewelry job, thinks it sounds familiar, and actually tracks down Michael.

So, in the early North Yankton Job - Brad gets killed in the process; Michael fakes his death (even has a grave, which Trevor visited) and relocates with his family to California; and Michael is protected by the corrupt FIB (FBI) agent in WITSEC.

And regardless, this whole double-cross is why Trevor wants to kill Michael and get revenge on him, once he finds Michael and realizes he's alive.

Trevor won't do it, until the final job is done b/c he wants & needs that money...well, so he says. [shrug]

If you take, as Franklin, a certain path to finish GTA5 in the Final Heist to try to have all 3 work things out and together, in a suicide-like mission, Trevor finally gets rich and doesn't actually decide to kill Michael. He drops his "revenge" plans; and they go their own ways but still remain "friends."

I think the point of Michael going through a mid-life crisis is because the game is doing what it and the series had always done best: satire. From the N. Yorktown Job - Michael took the money, double-crossed his criminal friends, and moved to Cali with his family - he, more or less, cashed-out and abandoned his friends and everything...and it didn't solve anything. He thought he would have solve all his problems by taking the money and running - but, it solved nothing.

They (Michael and his family) lived the "rich" life of the American Dream and whatnot - but, did it really solve anything? Nope, as they are all so unhappy - even w/ this new-found money and life-style. His wife's cheating on him; he seems like he's bored with life; and had to get back into being criminal b/c he owed a debt and also to get him back in his element (being a criminal) again.

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Scrolling through the last 7 pages or so, there is literally only about 3 deals actually mentioned. Can the mods please restore some order here?

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In that time, I don't think there's anything particularly endearing about any of the characters. I liked Franklin, but for the Michael story you're basically playing through some sort of mid-life crisis family drama that includes a yoga mission where you fart or something. Then you get to Trevor and he's a total asshole. Not sure how any of you guys enjoyed his missions. He reminds me of Carl from ATHF. Basically, the main characters are unlikable jerks. I haven't finished it mostly because nothing about the story really is pulling me in at this point.
Yeah absolutely, the one word that comes to my mind when I think about how violent criminal degenerates should be depicted in media is also "endearing".

IGN - "Durante" (of DSFix fame & other modding fame) looks at Horizon: Zero Dawn PC port w/ a Technical Analysis of it:
Looking forward to playing this on ultrawide. Having a hard time not impulse purchasing though. Waiting for a deal since I plan to play it with a new card in 2-3 months.

please restore some order here?
We were clearly out of line.

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Call of Cthulhu (2018 by Cyanide) [Steam key] = $8.99 a few places.

Prices are before discounts, vouchers, etc.

Humble (before HBC Discount) -

Fanatical (before vouchers) -

ITAD says it's a Historic Low -
It recently dropped in MSRP and has been getting cheap? Possible monthly candidate? I fakeybro'd it quite a while ago and barely touched it. Story of my life.

Yeah absolutely, the one word that comes to my mind when I think about how violent criminal degenerates should be depicted in media is also "endearing".
There's plenty of endearing criminals in media. Even if they're not endearing, there's other ways to make you want to play them or make them likeable in some ways. Trevor has none of that.

GTA V was pretty cool.  I just got bored and quit playing around the 20-30 hour mark, like many other open world games.

That was in 2013. 

My friend and I think that it's eternally funny that Sony led with GTA V for their PS5 game reveal conference a couple of months ago though. 

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3 out of 10 has it where season one is 5 episodes, released weekly, for free. I may play it if I have some time. I always have a stopping point for open world games, and it's usually close to the 20 hour mark. Happened for SR3 recently and will happen to others as well. I just get bored and usually the main storyline isn't strong enough to keep me going. I'm reaching it somewhat in Ghosts of Tsushima right now. I'm close to the end of chapter 1 after about 20ish hours I'm guessing.

Also has anyone played Undermine? It released out of EA, and just want to to see if it's worth playing in the future.

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It recently dropped in MSRP and has been getting cheap? Possible monthly candidate? I fakeybro'd it quite a while ago and barely touched it. Story of my life.

There's plenty of endearing criminals in media. Even if they're not endearing, there's other ways to make you want to play them or make them likeable in some ways. Trevor has none of that.
Characters don't always need to be likeable, IMHO. While in many cases, it will help many players to actually make them like-able - eh, depending on the story, plot, characters, and any other points the game makes (especially when it's satire), etc etc - some might be able to get away w/ making someone not like-able.

Michael did something to Trevor, in their past - from a story and character stand-point. Story and character-wise, you need that mission & scene especially, to understand...why Trevor's, more or less, a lost cause here.

Deeper than that on Trevor, I also think Trevor is a metaphor, built to facilitate every open-world GTA players' modern GTA power-fantasy, too - to do crazy, bad, reckless, and destructive stuff...without much of a care of the world, its inhabitants, and any sort of real estate/property - and this is why they (Rockstar) built him the way they did.

They have to, more so than anything, facilitate the story and things have to fit for the characters for why they are the way they are. Whether you feel what they did is worth buying into or not, that's another story entirely.

I think Trevor was purposely made to NOT be like-able. Heck, Michael too, for that matter - especially since he represents the American Dream...totally gone wrong. He had and current has everything in a material sense (money, cars, clothes mansion), but everything a mess in his life (the situation w/ his wife and kids); hence the mid-life crisis.

There are reasons for all of this mess, so...whether you feel it's earned or not from the reasons, feels done before, feels cliches, or whatever - you'd need to play the game & its main missions to realize why they are the way they are; and then decide if you actually buy into what the game's selling here and their reasons & devices to try to execute this.

You have to also keep in mind - there are 3 leads, not 1. Out of the 3 leads, Franklin's probably the most like-able one of the crew.

Niko from GTA4 is very like-able and often says he wishes he didn't do the things he did, but still does them anyways and still does anything to try to reach the American Dream - but heck, he's certainly no saint either. Most GTA characters, to be honest, are not saints and it can be a roll of the dice on if they're like-able or not.

I certainly didn't find Vercetti that like-able (just like Michael in GTA5) - but given that he wasn't a blank slate like Claude (from GTA3), I certainly enjoyed them giving Vercetti some actual character, story, plot, and stuff...and that often was not seen from action games and open-world games that we often didn't see back in that era. And oh, Ray Liotta was awesome as a voice-actor in this role.

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Someone link @Kinjimuto to the Humblebundle homepage, the Epic Store weekly free game page, and the Steam specials. There you go little bro. You're welcome, and pretty much set for the year. Now get back to your Vault.
Other threads worth adding, IMHO:

GOG Thread -

Fanatical Thread -

Also, currently - GOG is giving away Witcher 1, for those that somehow don't already own this game from GOG or somehow didn't buy it dirt-cheap in recent years.

Other threads worth adding, IMHO:

GOG Thread -

Fanatical Thread -

Also, currently - GOG is giving away Witcher 1, for those that somehow don't already own this game from GOG or somehow didn't buy it dirt-cheap in recent years.
I didn't own it or hear about it being free so that's a deal that apparently fell under the radar. Never saw wario64 post it on his twitter either.

Haven't played a GTA since SA but that one seemed to open things up a whole lot more from the previous games as far as the scope of the world and the number of vehicles you could use. I agree that GTA: VC had a better atmosphere. Maybe it's just the Miami setting.
I haven’t played a GTA since SR2.
Just follow Wario64 on Twitter. You'll have literally every deal and price glitch as they become available. There's really no need to visit CAG anymore except to socialize.
Can someone create a bot that will repost Wario's feed into this thread so there will be deals aplenty?
We could always have Neuro5i5 (since this is his thread) add Wario64's Twitter Link to the "Links and Special Media" Section of this post:

Wario 64 Twitter -

Might even be worth adding CAG Twitter and CheapyD's Twitter to that section too.

CAG Twitter -

CheapyD's Twitter -

Call of Cthulhu (2018 by Cyanide) [Steam key] = $8.99 a few places.

Prices are before discounts, vouchers, etc.

Humble (before HBC Discount) -
Fanatical (before vouchers) -

ITAD says it's a Historic Low -
Riported for posting dealz!!!
Scrolling through the last 7 pages or so, there is literally only about 3 deals actually mentioned. Can the mods please restore some order here?
Thank you for all of your contributions to posting deals throughout the years.

"Be the change you want to see, instead of whining about people discussing games and pizza" - Gandhi or something

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A beautiful selection of games including Syberia 3 as I, the very stablest of geniuses, predicted!
I have that one. And its DLC.

It's backlogged - just like Syberia 1 and 2.

Detention was one that looked interesting to me.

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Spelunky 2 coming to PC shortly after its September 15th PS4 release. Good to know that I have a couple months or so to clear out my backlog before all my free time gets consumed.

We could always have Neuro5i5 (since this is his thread) add Wario64's Twitter Link to the "Links and Special Media" Section of this post:

Wario 64 Twitter -

Might even be worth adding CAG Twitter and CheapyD's Twitter to that section too.
CAG Twitter -
CheapyD's Twitter -

SR3 is pretty good. When I tried a demo of SR4 I found it too over-the-top and distanced from its typical GTA-clone status.
I love SR3 and SR4, but I wouldn’t really call either of them GTA clones. The series had developed into something distinct by 3.
bread's done