Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Popped onto r/HardwareSwap last night and saw a posting from someone who bought an EVGA 3080 XC3 Ultra the day before, was having buyer's remorse* and was looking to sell it for $50 over what he paid. Met him this morning, got card and Micro Center receipt and it's humming along in my machine now. I was happy to pay $50 extra to just not have to worry about it or hope to luck into a random sighting on Newegg or camp out in the Micro Center parking lot at 4am and hope a truck shows up. Between that and some other news about an election thingie, it's been a pretty good day!

* Longer version: He showed up for the Ryzen CPU launch, they were sold out before he could get to them but they were putting out a couple 3080s and he bought one as a consolation prize. Then he realized, post setup, he didn't really want to sink $800 into gaming at 1080p and just wanted his money back. Went the Good Guy Greg route of a minimal markup for his time versus the 2x MSRP scalper route.
. Nice score. Was the extra 50 after the 800 or after taxes?
I'm more curious if will get Hitlercat or Bidencat next.
Popped onto r/HardwareSwap last night and saw a posting from someone who bought an EVGA 3080 XC3 Ultra the day before, was having buyer's remorse* and was looking to sell it for $50 over what he paid. Met him this morning, got card and Micro Center receipt and it's humming along in my machine now. I was happy to pay $50 extra to just not have to worry about it or hope to luck into a random sighting on Newegg or camp out in the Micro Center parking lot at 4am and hope a truck shows up. Between that and some other news about an election thingie, it's been a pretty good day!

* Longer version: He showed up for the Ryzen CPU launch, they were sold out before he could get to them but they were putting out a couple 3080s and he bought one as a consolation prize. Then he realized, post setup, he didn't really want to sink $800 into gaming at 1080p and just wanted his money back. Went the Good Guy Greg route of a minimal markup for his time versus the 2x MSRP scalper route.
Congrats on the score, but as the self-appointed Registrar of CAG Cards, I regret to inform you that yours has officially been revoked.


got my Seasonic 1000w and haven't decided whether to return the Super Flower 850w or maybe sell it, but still no 3080 in sight. Starting to think I'll just say fuck it for now and see if something with higher Vram launches early into the new year.

I have the mass effect trilogy on ps3 from the sale a while back which included the dlc.  Still haven't gotten to those.  Maybe someday. I will say remakes of those sound interesting.  But I've heard 1 is vastly different from 2 and 3 so remaking them to be more consistent would probably be priority. 

So I finished the campaign for Star Wars Squadron this week. Its pretty solid, well acted but nothing to write home about...  I would also say its a bit odd as it revolves around the New Republic building a secret weapon to use against the Empire.  I assumed it would be be a starfighter, this being a Squadron game, but its a capital ship that has a tractor beam powerful enough to rip another capital ship apart...  Which just strikes me a bit more of an Empire tactic.

The missions are fun, theirs like 13 of them and it took just shy of 10 hours for me to get through all of them on the second difficulty.  I died quite a bit.  Sometimes its a bit confusing on what your suppose to do, or more importantly how to get to it as its a 360 degree world and some openings are a bit hard to find... and about every mission takes place in a asteroid field, a ship graveyard, etc so its not the opening space you'll remember from the old X-Wing/Tie Fighter games.   Also you can hamper yourself by deploying in the wrong ship type or with the wrong weapon type.  I took an ion cannon on one thinking I would need it against capital ships (shields) but would have been better served using the normal weapons as I had to deal with far more starfighters than I had expected.

The campaign swaps back and forth from one squadron to another, Empire and New Republic and while you can certainly tell your in a new republic fighter vs the Empire the Tie Fighters are far more durable than X-Wing and Tie Fighter.  This is likely a good thing.  Tie Fighter's campaign was brutal as one mistake would end your mission pretty quick.

I haven't seen any of the Disney Star Wars movies so I don't know about cameos or tie ends but I feel like its very much a standalone story.

Multiple player.  I've heard ranked is a shitshow as everyone quits when the game goes against them and there is no punishment...  Haven't seen it myself...  I'm not ranked yet.  And I've only played the Fleet Battle vs AI mode so far.  I found matches on Normal.  never saw one on Easy.  Normal, my first game we won but it wasn't decisive while the second game we won without losing a capital ship. (My guess normal isn't that hard... but I had teammates who struggled mightily and I'm not sure what to think about that.)

Oh, load times on a standard HD are fucking brutal.  I suggest SSD all the way. It is a fairly small game at about 28 GB.

Anyhow, happy I got it.  Hopefully, its successful enough EA will invest in a sequel.  (and not fuck it up with microtransactions.  Which it is completely free of.) 

I was fine with the ME3 extended cut ending. It's not a narrative that I felt needed 6+/multiple endings. The original ending...yeah, it left so many questions unanswered. 

It's sad that the new Mass Effect collection doesn't include Andromeda with a 4K update and bug fixes. Yes, I know that game is trash (and makes even Mass Effect 3 look good) but I would still like to have a complete collection.
I thought ME3 base-game was great, until...well, pretty much the last 10-20 minutes or so.

About MEA:

I still want that Quarian Ark DLC to happen too.

Still would've liked more DLC's, PCGamesN pointed at DLC's that could've been for MEA -

Ghostrunner update:  plays fine after reinstalling.  Got an achievement for finding all of the collectibles so I must be near the end now.  I am currently stuck on a boss fight.  The last two levels had some truly infuriatingly difficult areas.  In one case I simply could not get the timing down for a parkour section but a poorly executed dash that should have killed me instead resulted in me being on top of something that I was supposed to be running along the side of and when I ran out of room and jumped to my death to give the section another try, it put me at the next checkpoint instead of the one I was stuck on.  I might go back and try to replay that level if the final bits of the game do not drain my sanity entirely. 

I still dislike the parts of the game where you leave the action-oriented parkour to go into a virtual reality/cyberspace area and solve puzzles.  Some just exist to teach you new mechanics and those are tolerable even if they clash with the breakneck pace of the rest of the game, but the puzzles just annoyed me.  So far I still recommend it to anyone who is interested and knows they have the patience (or lacking patience, better reflexes/coordination/a positronic brain), but at the same time It is just bordering on being too hard for me to keep playing at times.  If you are interested try the demo first but keep in mind that it is extremely easy in comparison to almost anything you will be doing in the second half of the game.   My love/hate relationship with the difficulty aside, it looks and sounds fantastic.  

Coming to Gamepass over the next two weeks:

Tetris Effect: Connected (Nov 10)

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (Nov 12)

Streets of Rogue (Nov 12)

Ark: Survival Evolved: Explorer's Edition (Nov 17) - Adds some expansions to base game

Halo 4 (Nov 17)

River City Girls (Nov 19)

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Ugh, noticed Borderlands 3 has a Season Pass 2 ... I hate that trend. Same damn thing with Mortal Kombat releasing a definitive edition and then a few months later, there's yet another DLC season. Maybe I'm old, but I really hate the "Seasons" model.

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It seems Shadow of Mordor will have 3 unobtainable achievements (the one was already mentioned but it didn't mention the possibility of the other two) once the servers go down at the end of the year.


"Vendetta missions are being discontinued:
Repaid in Blood - Complete a Vendetta Mission.

You need to qualify for the elite leaderboards for these:
Lord of the Ring - Complete all objectives in the Test of The Ring.
The Hunt is my Mistress - Complete all objectives in the Test of the Wild.

I'm pretty sure that's it.

Edit: There's debate whether the elite leaderboards are online or not. Nobody seems to have any evidence that these leaderboards will continue to work, so you might want to get them now just in case."

Apparently "The Hunt is My Mistress" is the hardest achievement in the game cause it's essentially a speedrun.

I thought BTC was near the end of what can be mined? And none of the other crypto currencies have been doing as well.
It's at 18 million out of 21 million, but the way the algorithm is set up makes it almost impossible to mine the final bitcoin. Rewards and value are halved every 4 years or 210,000 successfully verified blocks, so we're in for at least another 14 halves at least. They don't think the last block will be mined until 2140.

And to get the thread back on topic, this guy spent 10,000 BTC in 2010 for two pizzas. Hope it wasn't Hawaiian at least.

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I'm still mad I mined bitcoin for a couple days back in the day and was like "this is dumb... did this for a couple days and it's worth like $0.0000003"  Should've just let it run.

Coming to Gamepass over the next two weeks:

Tetris Effect: Connected (Nov 10)
Final Fantasy VIII Remastered (Nov 12)
Streets of Rogue (Nov 12)
Ark: Survival Evolved: Explorer's Edition (Nov 17) - Adds some expansions to base game
Halo 4 (Nov 17)
River City Girls (Nov 19)
Streets of Rogue is so damn good. I better re-up my gamepass before the EA merger.
Reviewers tend to be dumb.
Even despite lots of bugs, clipping graphics issues, and other problems - this is still reviewing & scoring quite well. Probably would be through the roof more places, if it wasn't for the bugs, stability, graphics, and other issues of the technical sort.

Bluesnews with some reviews linked:


85 for PC -

85 for X1 -

Not scored for PS5 yet -

82 for PS4 -

82 for X1 -

Even despite lots of bugs, clipping graphics issues, and other problems - this is still reviewing & scoring quite well. Probably would be through the roof more places, if it wasn't for the bugs, stability, graphics, and other issues of the technical sort.

Bluesnews with some reviews linked:

85 for PC -
85 for X1 -
Not scored for PS5 yet -
82 for PS4 -
82 for X1 -
Thank you for agreeing with me.
Ugh, noticed Borderlands 3 has a Season Pass 2 ... I hate that trend. Same damn thing with Mortal Kombat releasing a definitive edition and then a few months later, there's yet another DLC season. Maybe I'm old, but I really hate the "Seasons" model.
I will say this: the first season was worth it. At least two of the four story DLC I would categorize as very good to great. Lots of playtime.

The second is adding new skill trees to each vault hunter, a new gametype and something else. I can't say that I'm totally sold on the value there. I will wait and see.

I like fully fleshed games getting additional worthwhile content. It lets you decide whether or not you are interested and want to continue to support the game. In the brick and mortar days we had expansions, which is pretty much the same thing.

How is Ubisoft still this bad at optimization?
It's UbiSoft. Who the hell knows. [shrug]

Who knows how much "optimization" has been done on AnvilNext 2.0 engine, TBH. [shrug]

Probably not much, TBH.

I don't think there was ever a real point, even since the OG AC days, that Scimitar Engine (now AnvilNext) has ever really ran well. Even back then, that engine ran like crap.

Games always looked great on that engine and its variants, though.... [shrug]

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Sam & Max: Save The World Remastered is coming on Dec 2 to Steam, GOG & Switch:

Bluesnews info -

Steam Store Page -

GOG Store Page -


- A bunch of former Telltale guys got together and formed Skunkape.

- They got the rights for Sam & Max, after Telltale closed in 2018.

- Sam & Max: Save the World is also known as AKA Sam & Max: Season 1 (from Telltale).

- These are the 6 Episodes released from 2006-2007.


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Random stuff I tried from my Steam library:

A.I.M.2 Clan Wars - I could barely move as my cursor was bouncing everything everywhere. Just quit after I couldn't complete the movement tutorial.

Bedlam - Kind of a homage to FPS. It has some questionable voice acting and some just OK graphics, which are poked fun at it in the game. Controls OK enough. Died quite a bit in a few levels. Enjoyable enough, though I'd rather be playing all the games it's doing homages to. Still worth a try. 6/10

Bet On Soldier - "Cool" old game where you are a soldier and war is televised and bet on. You go around killing guys in an arena and getting money for repairs and upgrades and ammo and such. Okay enough, though nothing was amazing. Still looked OK, albeit blurry and controlled OK. 5.5/10

Blue Estate The Game - Trying to be cooler than it is you got a pretty stylized on rails shooter that feels like it made for mobile devices with all the swiping and junk. It works OK with the mouse. Honestly felt like mindless fun with decent voice acting/graphics and quick gameplay. Will likely finish this one, as it felt fun enough. 6.5/10

CTHON - You end up in an alien base with some guns and confusing level layouts with some bullet spongey enemies. Graphics were alright. Controls were a little stiff. Shooting never felt amazing. Felt like a bad Blake Stone homage, and I beat a few levels but was not having fun. Also limited inventory with an unexplained enhancement system added nothing. 5/10

Trying to play a bunch of my games for about 8 minutes or trying to finish one level. My backlog is massive and this will help me figure out what's decent from masses of bundle junk/old sales games. Some stuff wont get played right away if at all. Racing, Sports, Hidden Object games, and Simulation games are not my favorites. If anyone ever has any requests shoot me a PM. 

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Besides playing Control: Ultimate (Epic), I've also lately been playing something else.

I've been playing Shenmue 1 HD on Steam (PC). I'm some 5 hours into it or so, give or take.

Shenmue feels like some kind of mix of an open-world adventure/RPG-lite game; detective game; walking simulator; and brawler game. Oh, and there's also some Quick-Time Events (QTE's) too. Ain't ran into many fights yet (i.e. namely just ran into one, in a parking lot), but have ran into a few QTE's. Combat feels like it came right out of the old-school Virtua Fighter games, more or less - but it can be difficult when you've got multiple enemies on you. 

Also worth nothing - it's an old game (from 1999),'s basically locked at 30fps. No real slow-downs ever or anything,'s fine, basically. No odd stutters and animations for the most part seem fine. 

Game feels like its dialogue is often very stilted with its dialogue, writing, and English voice-acting (i.e. none of this is that great) - but I do like the plot itself; and absolutely just love the game-world itself. Can't help but smile, still wondering if the translation is just not that good; or if this was purposely written & acted hammy like this (like many old-school movies it seems to take inspirations from); or maybe both.

You'll be definitely walking around the game-world a lot, talking to NPC's and investigating...just to push the main story and game ahead. Sure, the game looks old (b/c it is) and is a bit remastered (feels like some models were touched-up and/or redone like Ryo and other not-so-important NPC's just weren't) - but, it's fine.

The game-world might not be that huge (not sure how much bigger it gets, later on) - but it feels like you can pretty much (eventually) enter doors, rooms, buildings, and whatnot that are actually there, which you couldn't get to earlier...once you progress the story, time, and days along. Things just ain't here...just for show or window-dressing basically, which a lot of modern games are actually doing these days.

There's also mini-games with even old SEGA arcade games that you can play (and pay for with in-game you can do in modern Yakuza games); pool tables where you can shoot pool; throw darts; and other stuff. NPC's run on schedules to do stuff, work, and other things of that sort...which reminds me of what Gothic games did, a few years later (in 2001).

You can pick up items; zoom-in on items; look at items and their details; and interact w/ most items - pretty much like you would in the real world. If you're using a rotary phone, you're going to have to dial every number like you would on a rotary phone like back in the 80's. In many ways, it often feels very sim-like in these ways. 

No real mini-map here either. You have to check the maps in the game-world (often on signs), learn the area, and whatnot. Since you will have to go home and return on time and keep going around areas - you'll memorize your way around them. Feels very old-school here.

Regardless, despite Shenmue 1 showing its age in many ways - yeah, I just still can't stop playing this. There's something about this game & its game-world. There's something so laid back, especially when nothing of much is happening; and I just want to go around, explore, and get immersed in the game-world. I feel like this is also part walking-simulator game, before these even became a thing in recent I ain't even ran into a ton of fights or QTE's yet. There's something about playing detective to find out info about who killed your dad & where this person's at, so revenge can be extracted. 

There's just something - so many somethings actually, to be exact here - about this game. 

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Streets of Rogue is so damn good. I better re-up my gamepass before the EA merger.
EA play was supposed to merge into Game Pass Unlimited today (4:1 ratio so 1 year should be 4mos GPU). I spent a while last night trying to add a year of EA Play on to my account (that had two years of GPU) but it kept getting bounced and Microsoft kept refunding my purchase. Not sure if I was too late to the party or what but I'll have to deal with only having GPU until late 2022 for now.
bread's done