Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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I actively dislike achievements. They aggravate my completionism OCD, and I always turn off notifications for them when possible to make them easier to ignore.

I wanted to like Nioh. I played through to the, I think, second to last boss and tried too many times than I needed to beat him. I realized that I needed to grind more and I already put in too much time and effort to get to that point - grinding included. Mind you, I have played and beat Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2, Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, and recently beat Sekiro.

Nioh has some good mechanics, such as the various stances, but it the difficulty seems too unbalanced to be enjoyed.
I don’t know how representative my experience was, or how representative the PS4 beta of Nioh 2 ended up being of the full game since I haven’t played the full game yet; but while I never got very far in the original because I kept losing interest, I actually kinda enjoyed the Nioh 2 beta and got through all the content except the optional human boss which just crushed me over and over until I gave up on him. Which is more than I played the original.

Anyway, I liked it enough that I’ll probably pick it up someday. When it’s like $15 or less. Or maybe I’ll wait till it’s monthlied. I mean, the character creator would be worth the price of admission alone in an otherwise halfway decent monthly, it’s my favorite one to date.
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I tend to find achievements pretty easy to ignore, and typically only go looking for them if I'm looking for an excuse to keep hanging around in a game that I've already completed.  

Or, if they're build in to the mechanics of the game and the rewards are crafting materials for some item you need for progression. 

I tend to find achievements pretty easy to ignore, and typically only go looking for them if I'm looking for an excuse to keep hanging around in a game that I've already completed.

Though, I do go when they pop-up: "Oh, cool; an Achievement!"

I usually try to do as much interesting and unique content, as possible in a game; even if I'm done w/ the main stuff. If there's interesting side stuff, I'll find it - namely, story & character related stuff.

If after I finish the main stuff, all that's left is just the typical grind-y UbiSoft or MMO-style kill X enemies; find X things; visit X areas; etc etc - yeah, no thanks.

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Though, I do go when they pop-up: "Oh, cool; an Achievement!"

I usually try to do as much interesting and unique content, as possible in a game; even if I'm done w/ the main stuff. If there's interesting side stuff, I'll find it - namely, story & character related stuff.

If after I finish the main stuff, all that's left is just the typical grind-y UbiSoft or MMO-style kill X enemies; find X things; visit X areas; etc etc - yeah, no thanks.
I'm ok with some of the MMO style loops if well, it's an MMO.
Especially if it's a free MMO. I'll start and play one every so often. Currently I have Elder Scrolls Online, Phantasy Star Online 2, Black Desert and Genshin Impact installed. I'll typically play them, enjoy the world building the normal story content while mostly play them solo and then after starting to get into the really grindy parts that some people love about MMOs, I drop them, head to the backlog pile and play some other stuff, and then maybe come back in six months when they've introduced new content or are willing to throw piles of free stuff at me to make me play for a couple more weekends.

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Sounds like me with MMOs and RPGs. Usually if the story becomes paper thin (In RPG sense) and the gameplay grindy and not as fun, I usually want to quit on a game. Happens a lot with open world games too like Ghosts of Tsushima. I enjoy it for a while and then am like just end this somewhat meh story already. I pretty much try to bulldoze the remaining main story missions at that point. I have very little patience with games wasting my time, though I  love rogue lites and rogue games and they're generally extremely punishing with weak stories. Just a masochist I guess. I always feel good when I finish them though. I think Slay the Spire may be my most played game on the Switch because of that gameplay loop.

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For me, if I love a game and achievements are reasonable - meaning you can mostly get them just playing the game - then I'll go for them to give me an excuse to spend more time in the game.  But if it's some of those super specific or super grindy ones I just let them go and get what I can.  Playing Watch Dongs 1 right now and while I like the story and the world okay enough to finish it, none of the side activities have really grabbed my attention so I'm not even worrying about any achievements (if it has any).

UPlay was always sort of bad/annoying with their achievements.  I only ever paid attention to the challenges for ucoins or whatever.

All the achievement talk kinda makes me miss Playfire.  
Not that it ever amounted to much and I'm pretty sure anything you might have bought on Greenmangaming with the credits has probably been bundled a dozen times since, but it was a interesting while it lasted. 

The biggest reason I don't care about Ubi removing PC achievements is that I generally just acquire their games and then never play them.

The reason that I do care is: fuck you Ubi for being lazy fucks and cutting corners on the PC version. I mean, isn't that kind of a dick move? Ubi just seems like one of those companies that keeps moving in the wrong direction.

I like achievements in some games. I don't give a flying fuck about getting every achievement in a game that requires grinding. I'm not interested in being a digital puppet. I do like to achievement hunt in the LEGO games for some reason. I also like the fun ones that pop up when you do something silly.

Ubisoft now says PC Valhalla achievements are being worked on and will come soon and that it was a misunderstanding.  Which probably means they were not going to bother but people had a fit so now they are.  Whatever, it seems like most of us do not care one way or the other.  

I suspect it will be removed long before I buy it... or ill forget about it when I do buy it but ill likely not play it anyhow so it probably doesn't matter to me in the long run.
Still worth pointing out for those pre-ordering/buying now; or to be aware of it for later.

Certainly, if and/or when it gets pulled from Steam or this game comes DRM-FREE to GOG, you know I'll be posting it...if someone don't beat me to it here first, of course.

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New build alert!




Not that there's anything wrong with RGB but this isn't a goddamn circus, you know.

I'm so jealous of how organized it all looks. my spaces are all a jungle of wires and plugs going to things I don't even know what to.  

I'm so jealous of how organized it all looks. my spaces are all a jungle of wires and plugs going to things I don't even know what to.
I bet his cable management actually sucks and the lack of RGB is so it stays dark in there and no one notices.

What's the little red 2 digit numeric display toward the bottom? Speedometer?
Error code display in case the board can't start up. Other boards use a series of beeps or a row of lights that can flash an error signal. I don't know why more don't use the numeric display but I'm sure "reasons".

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BIOS error code display in case the board can't start up. Other boards use a series of beeps or a row of lights that can flash an error signal.
Huh. That seems like a cool but silly feature. How many times in it's lifetime does a motherboard fail to post and beep out an error code? If you're unlucky maybe four times in it's life?
Huh. That seems like a cool but silly feature. How many times in it's lifetime does a motherboard fail to post and beep out an error code? If you're unlucky maybe four times in it's life?
I have an old Intel board with the digital readout and it's been handy over the last week or two as I've messed with it. It can display codes from 00-99 plus select letters (A, C, E, F, etc) that won't be confused for numbers so you can get a much more in depth code (say, RAM module failure in slot 3 versus just RAM module failure) and easier to understand than having it beep/flash Morse code at you. That said, I wouldn't buy a board because of it but I do think it's a nice feature to have. Hopefully you never need it but, if/when you do, as much information as available is a good thing.

I feel like I'd need more than about half an inch of mouse tracking space ...
He spent three grand on the system and then games with a controller.

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do you really game two feet from the big screen television?

Also I find it funny that you claim "no RGB" and yet you still positioned the case three feet above the floor with the tempered glass window side facing the user, at eye level.  Sounds fishy!

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Well the keyboard was probably just moved over to make the photo easier to take or something. But yeah that and no mouse pad and wrist rest :shame:
Personally I just don't like mouse pads and I don't notice any difference in functionality without them. And FWIW wrist rests aren't always a good thing. Believe it or not (I find it hard to believe myself) but I'm an OSHA certified ergonomist and one of the recommendations I have to make for a lot of folks with wrist issues is that they stop using their wrist rests since it often increases risk factors and requires them to angle their elbows and wrists in ways that aren't particularly healthy. It's not a huge problem if they're used properly but they often are and you can usually decrease risk factors without them.

And btw no, I don't recommend sitting as close to the screen as I have to when keyboarding, but I mainly use the screen for watching movies and gaming with a gamepad so my neck isn't broken (yet).

Honestly at this point in your shoes I think I would have set the whole thing up in the bathroom to take the pics and then moved it out later.  

That's really where it belongs. Did everything wrong.

All joking aside though, it looks great. Greta Thunberg would be proud that you're reducing your carbon footprint by not having USELESS RGB--until she realizes that your 3080 draws more power than Croatia.

I'm immensely glad that I switched from a clunky heatsink to a liquid cooler. I can be playing a game on one screen, idling Alien Covenant with tebow on another, and have a VM open and botting the game I'm playing on the first screen because I'm a friendless asshole on the third, and the CPU temp never goes over 60C. The liquid cooler was also much easier to install than the last heatsink I had, with all of its Trump-handed clamp turning bullshit. Final selling point is that you can actually see the motherboard and not just some monolithic disaster from a Tetsuo movie. Not saying your heatsink is hideous or anything, just that you must be compensating for something.

bread's done