Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I wouldn't call it luck necessarily, but Best Buy dropped some cards while I was in the bathroom today and long story short--I ordered a 3080ti Aorus Xtreme. Probably going to cancel it, but if folks here can come up with enough useful things I could do with a gigantic, overpriced GPU with a dumbass LCD screen on it I might change my mind.
You could probably see your house in higher definition on the LCD screen, for starters.

I wouldn't call it luck necessarily, but Best Buy dropped some cards while I was in the bathroom today and long story short--I ordered a 3080ti Aorus Xtreme. Probably going to cancel it, but if folks here can come up with enough useful things I could do with a gigantic, overpriced GPU with a dumbass LCD screen on it I might change my mind.
Assuming you mean a flat panel, you could use it as a pizza peel.

I know some of you probably saw on the front page of CAG...

Greedfall [base-game] (Steam) is $11.99 on NewEgg w/ promo code EMCEAEX39.

Be aware, if you have to get this game now & without its DLC...

...Greedfall base-game [Steam-version] is cheaper on DLGamer for Steam-version for $9 straight-up (with no coupons).

Link for $9 Greedfall -
Greedfall isn't on sale anymore, but I've been playing it on Game Pass, and I am really enjoying it including the side quests. Whodathunkit?

Greedfall isn't on sale anymore, but I've been playing it on Game Pass, and I am really enjoying it including the side quests. Whodathunkit?
I quite enjoyed Greedfall. The lack of enemy/location variety and some poor voice acting is probably the worst I can say about it. I enjoyed the art and story and didnt mind the combat system. The art direction on some of the enemies you face is really great, its too bad there are only a few different varieties.
Greedfall isn't on sale anymore, but I've been playing it on Game Pass, and I am really enjoying it including the side quests. Whodathunkit?
I haven't bought that one yet.

Though, I've been playing one of their other games: The Technomancer.

Surprise, surprise; it's really good so far. It seems like in every single way - writing, technical performance, graphics, story, character stuff, design, way more polished, voice-acting quality, combat feels much better, etc etc - this is just overall a much better game than Mars: War Logs.

I'm some 6 hours in, at least. I liked Mars: War Logs, but it took a bit for it to really get going, has too many side & main quests in similar areas and lacked polish. Technomancer just feels like they corrected & improved in every avenue, even though there's still a big of backtracking here.

Technomancer feels like a cross b/t both Batman Arkham's combat system; and Mass Effect's quest, area & level design. Combat actually feels and runs really good here, feeling very similar to Arkham's system. I should note, I'm playing mostly with a gamepad here; X360 for Windows GamePad.

You also have multiple skill trees and classes/stances. There's stances are like classes - but you can change have these different loadouts (one for each class) and swap on the fly. So, while in combat, you can swap b/t different styles: a warrior (which usually uses a staff); a rogue (which uses mostly knives); and a technomancer (mostly magic). In a way, switching stances/load-outs reminds me of how you can switch stances in say Yakuza 0 while in the midst of combat, all on-the-fly. Also, when you're at workbenches, you can upgrade, modify, and even also create new equipment.

You also have reputation systems, factions, decisions to make for a good deal of quests, and whatnot - yes, just like your usual BioWare and Obsidian what you say and do, it does matter here.

You do also have companions that can tag along with you, who also do react to your decisions and will banter to you - yes, like a typical BioWare and Obsidian games. You can even equip what you want for party members and even set their AI to more aggressive, more laid back, etc etc.

Seems like if BioWare won't make these type of games for a bit or even anymore, since they are/were too busy w/ EA having them chase UbiSoft (see ME: Andromeda) and Destiny (see Anthem) - seems like we've also got Spiders now, finding their way & improving immensely, tackling the BioWare and Obsidian formulas...and also doing their own thing w/ them, with interesting settings and other stuff going on too.

I'm running Technomancer at 1080p on my RTX 3070 desktop - it's getting over 120fps easy; all maxed-out too. Looks quite good technically, too. Looks even better, if you look at it more on the artistic side, with their take of Mars here in a sci-fi world.

I'm going to play this some more, for sure.

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Greedfall isn't on sale anymore, but I've been playing it on Game Pass, and I am really enjoying it including the side quests. Whodathunkit?
I played a little bit last winter before getting distracted by Red Dead Online and, despite my attention going elsewhere, I was liking it. It's not classic Bioware or anything but I was interested and I thought the fantasy Pike & Shot era setting was a cool idea and departure from the standard "Middle Ages Medieval" fantasy milieu.

Despite having it via Game Pass, I bought it for $8.xx from DLGamer (guess I have some VIP discount) just in case it goes away from GP before I can get back and finish it. Which basically guarantees now that it'll be in next month's Humble.

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I like Spiders' RPGs (especially Bound By Flame) and Greedfall was no exception.  It had some small issues here and there, but the one glaring issue I had with the game was the amount of backtracking and running back and forth for some of the quests.  Aside from that, though, it was an enjoyable experience.

I also played it on Game Pass early this year, but I'll probably pick it up on Steam to play it again sometime in the future.  I'm curious to see the DLC.

So what is the current shortage attributable to? Still miners? Tariffs from China?
Supply issues due to 'Rona, competition over those supplies, tariffs, shipping costs through the roof, miners. Nvidia and AMD selling the chips directly to the miners instead of the card makers (Asus, Sapphire, Evga etc.). One big ol nightmare.

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Kinda off topic, but good deal on high-end gaming laptop for anyone in the market:

(check SD for tips on how to possibly get it cheaper / money back)

I've never had a gaming laptop before. Coming from a 2014 MacBook Pro, I'll have to go through my Steam library and see what I can play now ^^
32GB RAM at 3200mhz; RTX 3070m; 300w adapter; R7 5800H; 165hz refresh rate with a high 500 nits & G-Sync support - yeah, that's a boss & a beast.

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32GB RAM at 3200mhz; RTX 3070m; 300w adapter; R7 5800H; 165hz refresh rate with a high 500 nits & G-Sync support - yeah, that's a boss & a beast.
Also great cooling, graphics mux switch, aluminum top and bottom chassis, 16" screen in a 15" body, quick switch power modes, ... (list goes on)

I've been looking for a replacement laptop for some time, and this is the first one to get me hyped. $1600 for this config is a great deal. Only thing I'm going to add is a 1TB secondary ssd (Samsung 980).

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Also great cooling design, graphics mux switch, aluminum top and bottom chassis, 16" screen in a 15" body, quick switch power modes, ... (list goes on)

I've been looking for a replacement laptop for some time, and this is the first one to get me hyped. $1600 for this config is a great price. Only thing I'm going to add is a 1TB secondary ssd (Samsung 980).
Sounds like a real winner to me.

And adding the 1TB SSD - that sounds great. I know that I blow through space so damn fast.

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I played some of the Back 4 Blood open beta. It is very much still in beta.


  • The card deck system is cool. It gives you a set number of cards you can use as perks as you progress through the campaign. Cards will increase your stats, ammo capacity, or give you special abilities, like sensing money stashes.
  • Money stashes are cool. Random piles of cash appear on the map that you can use to buy upgrades, much like COD Zombies.
  • Skill points are a nice feature. They can be used to buy new cards and skins, similar to all those arena FPS games. They are awarded at the end of each chapter, and they are cumulative on your account.
  • In-game upgrades to your weapons are a nice feature. You can hot-swap accessories on your weapons to increase their overall firepower, and they are rated from Common to Epic. Reminds me of Destiny.
  • Characters come with specific role-filling perks. One guy has more health and is better as a tank, the other is better at opening chests, and so on. Similar to Evolve.
  • One of the special infected looks a lot like the monster in Evolve.
  • Cross-play means faster lobby filling.


  • Pretty much everything else. Environments are boring. Characters are boring. Levels are pretty boring so far.
  • Dialogue is almost an exact copy of Left 4 Dead 2, including lines such as "pills over here."
  • Some of the voice actors sound like the same people from Left 4 Dead 2.
  • What are essentially special infected are slightly different from the L4D series, but there is no limit to how many of the same type can spawn.
  • One of the specials clearly faps right-handed, and it uses that arm as a club, and multiple can spawn and immediately incap you by knocking you off the map.
  • Special infected do not spawn on a timer; you could go throughout an entire level without seeing one, or you could run into multiple spider-men or spansky bad bois at once.
  • Commons do not do much damage, but they slow you down considerably.
  • AI Director needs much improvement. NPCs teleport to the character with the furthest progression, usually incapacitating themselves in the process. NPCs also don't get out of the way, and they have terrible pathing.
  • You get three chances to survive. The difficulty is scaled atrociously, and the bad AI means that your bot partners will probably die before you can finish the final level...when you need multiple people to finish the level.
  • Cross-play means you could be stuck with dumbass consolebros who don't know how to mute their mics.

I played 3 Campaign matches, none to completion. Out of the 12 people I was matched with, only 2 stuck around for the final fight. The rest were collectively disappointed and left after the first stage. Makes me believe that people will cancel their preorders.

I played some of the Back 4 Blood open beta. It is very much still in beta.
I also played some of the Back 4 Blood beta. Interestingly enough, pretty much every "pro" you listed would be a "con" in my book. I find that a lot of that stuff slows the game down and disrupts the flow of a run. The card system and shop between chapters, weapons and upgrades of various stats and rarities that have people spending way too much time looting, the stamina meter... some are more minor than others but it all adds up in the end.

L4D2 was a master class in pacing; Looting was quick and the game hit you with special infected, hordes and events at just the right moment to spice things up. Outside of the ferry sequence in B4B, there was a shortage of tense or exciting moments. The ogre fights were pretty neat but hardly as threatening as an encounter with a tank. It was also the only special infected I came across that wasn't a disappointment.

There's a simplicity about L4D2 that made it so appealing to me. No perks, no progression system, very little downtime between chapters, only a dozen or so guns (each one the same each time you find it), no separate ammo pools. It feels a bit like Turtle Rock is trying to appeal to the Borderlands / Destiny/ CSGO crowd at the same time as the L4D crowd, but as someone who only really wanted the latter, the current product doesn't do it for me.

From what I played of the … alpha(?) … I went in hoping for L4D3 and it felt like a worse version of Call of Duty Zombies. The game just doesn’t feel right … and I don’t know how to explain it. I haven’t tried out the Beta yet, but I’m really hoping the final version brings back whatever magic was missing. I’m not super optimistic considering how bad Evolve was … but L4D1 and 2 were just so damn good back in the day. Oh well, hopefully they’ll play on the Steam Deck … and maybe that will be enough.
I also played some of the Back 4 Blood beta. Interestingly enough, pretty much every "pro" you listed would be a "con" in my book. I find that a lot of that stuff slows the game down and disrupts the flow of a run. The card system and shop between chapters, weapons and upgrades of various stats and rarities that have people spending way too much time looting, the stamina meter... some are more minor than others but it all adds up in the end.

L4D2 was a master class in pacing; Looting was quick and the game hit you with special infected, hordes and events at just the right moment to spice things up. Outside of the ferry sequence in B4B, there was a shortage of tense or exciting moments. The ogre fights were pretty neat but hardly as threatening as an encounter with a tank. It was also the only special infected I came across that wasn't a disappointment.

There's a simplicity about L4D2 that made it so appealing to me. No perks, no progression system, very little downtime between chapters, only a dozen or so guns (each one the same each time you find it), no separate ammo pools. It feels a bit like Turtle Rock is trying to appeal to the Borderlands / Destiny/ CSGO crowd at the same time as the L4D crowd, but as someone who only really wanted the latter, the current product doesn't do it for me.
Yeah, those are definitely cons if you view it as a successor to L4D2. Turtle Rock only made the first Left 4 Dead game, and then departed from Valve shortly after Left 4 Dead 2 was released. Their other notable game was Evolve. Both games are far inferior to L4D2, and I can see the company departing from Valve due to the differences in design choices that make up said disparity. That's just speculation, though.

I didn't find it too difficult to choose weapons while playing the game, but I did see teammates taking a while to make up their minds. The fine-tuning seems like it could be fun and hectic if executed properly. Looting is probably what broke up the pacing when I played.

It's nice that Valve updated a game from 2009 this year with new maps, but they really need to develop a fully-fledged sequel to keep fans satiated. This game is more like a hybrid of L4D and Killing Floor.

I didn't find it too difficult to choose weapons while playing the game, but I did see teammates taking a while to make up their minds. The fine-tuning seems like it could be fun and hectic if executed properly. Looting is probably what broke up the pacing when I played.
Admittedly, I was one of those people who took a while trying to make up their minds. It's a bit overwhelming the first time around. I would worry that my teammates would abandon me while I compared the DPS and reload speed of the two crummy shotguns in front of me, so I'd try and grab whatever and hurry along.

It takes me back to L4D and how simple they made looting. It's never a sensory overload. There's usually only a few options from which to choose. You take what you want, you get out, you keep moving. Takes seconds.

I gotta say, the more I think about my short time with the B4B beta, in the end, I just ended up doing this:


And looking at my most recent achievement reminded me of how long it's been since I last played:


It’s been so long since I’ve actually used GMG for anything other than reporting people to Playfire, do they still have discount codes pretty nearly all the time? If so, where do you find those these days?
I've played through the B4B missions a few times now and I've enjoyed it.  It sure as hell ain't a $60 game but if it's on Game Pass (and the promo videos say it will be) then I'll happily play through the campaign.  I've played L4D2 but not religiously so I don't have a ton in the way of comparisons or preconceptions for what the game "should" be but I mostly thought it worked.  I sort of like the card system though they could explain it better.  Thought the shooting felt good.  Characters are pretty standard tropes with pretty standard barks but they work; I don't really need super deep character development in my co-op zombie shooter.

I signed up for a B4B code but you couldn't redeem it when it at that time so it sat and before I could I started seeing meh reviews...  Truth be told, I've not been in much of a mood for a MP game in months so the Meh reviews just isn't going to get me to try it.

It’s been so long since I’ve actually used GMG for anything other than reporting people to Playfire, do they still have discount codes pretty nearly all the time? If so, where do you find those these days?
Rarely ever for GMG now sadly. Most of the codes for game discounts are from Fanatical and generally don't apply to flash titles or some bundle prices making them worthless part of the time. GMG does usually have hard to navigate sales pages and a VIP page with discounts on newly released games (usually about 10-20%).

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I played the Back 4 Blood closed beta last weekend, and I'll probably fire up the open beta this weekend for a round or two. I'm not a big LFD fan or player but B4B isn't totally horrible. Its just in no way a $60-100 (ultimate edition) game. The bot AI is horrible. They would stand there not shooting a lot of the time or get stuck on the gatling guns so you can't finish the map because all players have to be in the safe zone to end the level.

Many of the guns were meh on usefulness. The rng on guns/upgrades got old fast if you didn't get something decent. Apparently the pvp mode is buggy and not fun but I didn't try it. No Versus mode in campaign either.

Its at best a $30 game that they could tack on another $30 for a season pass for the fans who like the game along with the pay to win currency stuff they're putting in. There are so many better 4 player co-op games out right now in this genre. Deep Rock Galactic and the Vermintide games are two good examples. Maybe even WWZ if you want zombie killing, that was free on Epic last year.

TLDR: It just might fail as badly as their Evolve game did.

The bot AI is horrible. They would stand there not shooting a lot of the time or get stuck on the gatling guns so you can't finish the map because all players have to be in the safe zone to end the level.
I had Bot-Holly get stuck on a gun once though we managed to convince her to leave. I think if there's an active zombie on the map, the AI is "omg need to stay on this gun" even if they're three blocks away.

My favorite was running with three bots when I got spat on and glued in place. At the time, I didn't know the Deep Knowledge to free myself (if there was a pop-up earlier, I missed it) so I'm tapping keys and clicking and Team Bot is just standing in a circle facing me. The zombies started attacking them from behind as my team continued to stand and stare, then would try to raise one another as they dropped, no one ever assisting me or attacking the zombies, until they finally all died.

I finally beat Streets of Rogue on Xbox One today.

Yes, I know that this is the Steam/PC/pizza toppings thread, but I figured that I would mention it here.

Today's daily run gives you infinite ammo for any guns that you're carrying with you, so I just mowed down anyone and everyone until I killed the mayor at the end.  My reflexes aren't what they used to be, so I'm surprised that I pulled off such a miracle.

I unlocked about five or six achievements along the way, but at least I can say that I've beaten a game this year.  :D/

I won a code for pistolwhip vr from CAG Twitter and I don't have a vr unit (reflex contest entry). So if anyone here plays vr shoot me a message and it's yours!
Finished with FF14, I guess. Sick of randomly stumbling across story spoilers in completely unrelated corners of the internet and what was there so far honestly wasn't mind-boggling in the first place. Still, a shame I didn't get to see what made Shadowbringers supposedly so amazing. 

Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.

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Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.
Some of the more recent GP titles I've installed/played on pc are Hades, Cris Tales, Bug Fables, Curse of the Dead Gods, Yakuza 7, Monster Train, Dragon Quest XI S

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Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.
If you're keeping it for just a month and want something relatively quick to check out: Katamari Damacy and Prodeus are great. Last Stop is fairly entertaining but I wish your choices actually mattered more. Dodgeball Academia is a neat little sports RPG but is more in the 10-15 hour range. Snowrunner is good if you're into the Truck Sim games. A lot of people like Maneater although I found it too repetitive.

Also, 12 minutes comes out in a few days and Psychonauts 2 on the 25th. Both of those have been on my radar for a while.

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Ah I enjoyed (didn't love though) Psychonauts, so that's good to know. Will have to put that in my to play. I may go for 3 months if there is more I want to play/try. 12 minutes looks cool but very short, which is perfect for this service. Bug Fables and Dodgeball Academia are likely at least try one hour type games. Will try out Cris tales too, but likely just a quick try. 

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RIP madjoki.

Security flaw for unlimited Steam Wallet funds found, fixed

With the help of a security researcher, Valve has found and fixed an exploit that would have allowed a user to falsify the value of deposits to their Steam wallet. The exploit worked by—for example—turning a $1 deposit into a $100 deposit. It was accomplished by changing the account's email address to one including "amount100," then intercepting a message to a payment company API.

The writeup for the hack was posted on white-hat hacking bug bounty site HackerOne by the handle drbrix. Valve and drbrix later made the exchange public, once a fix was implemented. Drbrix first posted the bug as "medium" priority, saying "I think impact is pretty obvious, attacker can generate money and break steam market, sell game keys for cheap etc."

Valve, after testing the exploit and trying a fix, subsequently upgraded the bug to "Critical" severity and the corresponding payout to $7,500 USD "reflecting the potential cost to the business."

"We hope to hear more from you in the future," the Valve staff said.

Yes, I'm sure they would.

Valve told The Daily Swig that "Thanks to the person who reported this bug we were able to work with the payment provider to resolve the issues without any impact on customers." Valve did not say whether anyone had actually abused the potential exploit.
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Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.
If you like beat em ups both streets of rage 4 and Battletoads are pretty fun and dont take too long to beat. Battletoads gets some hate for not staying true to the original but it didn't bother me any and I had a good time with it.
Great. Just great.

My SC15 GTX 1060 laptop....might be screwed. 

While trying to run Technomancer on it - game froze; fan was making tons of noise; all went kaput. Which really isn't a demanding game of any sorts.

Laptop felt quite hot, too.

When trying to turning laptop back on - no fan noise; white light in front is on (which notes the laptop is on). Still, nothing on the laptop and nothing on the monitor when HDMI-connected.



You'd figure, the Acer Laptop (960m laptop) or the old 2011 desktop here (with a desktop GTX 970) would die or have issues first - but, nope.


Not sure if the SC15 laptop's speaking laptop-style morse code here - but probably every minute or so, the RGB on the keyboard goes on for a second and then off.

Well, until I figure out what to do w/ the 1060 laptop - looks like the 960m laptop & 970 desktop (for old games); and 3070 desktop (for new stuff) will be taking most of the heat from game-running.

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bread's done