Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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It's not definitive, but based on an email that was sent out to someone for refunding unrevealed keys, it kinda implies that they aren't going to revoke keys but that if a price mistake on this scale happens again they'll go out of business

Rocco from Gamerthor here.
You are getting this email because you were recently refunded for your purchase at our store.

A deal for several games appeared on our store because of a human price error. The cost of acquiring the games' keys from the publisher had not changed for us but the price error made several games priced excessively low for the end-user.

First of all, the refund should take up to a few working days to settle. The payment provider mentions 2-10 business days, but from our experience it's usually within a few.

Secondly, I would like to apologise for the time you may have wasted trying to get the deal from our website. Since we are a very new store and a small business, we did not prepare for the influx of users that we received, which made our website very hard to access.

We chose to return your money to your account since the key has not been displayed, and we were able to return it to the publisher.

Again, I am terribly sorry if you've wasted a considerable amount of your time getting this deal yesterday.
In case you decide to give us another go, I'm happy to provide you with a 15% discount code (JANUARY5) here, in case you find a game you like in the future on our store.

Then again, it's safe to say that the website should be in a better state if you'll be ordering from us again; unless we have another price error, in which case we'd probably be forced to just go under and close the website, honestly.

As we take pride in our positive customer service feedback, I am terribly sorry for such a terrible experience."

PS if any regular wants an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 key for $0.99 I can sell it to you, I managed to get an extra and will refund you if it's revoked EDIT: Gone to gospelman
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Interesting, it kinda sounds like their site and system isn't set up to process the mass revokings even if they wanted to. I'd be onboard for mvc3 - thanks for offering.
Wow crazy they didn't revoke them I am glad to have gotten SF6,MVC3 and Blasphemous tried to for ace attorney but the constants loops killed me lol
I was finally to play a gamr on epic store which sifu via GeForce now. It looked and ran just fine no problems. The non performance problem is you get an HR on free membership and have to go back in and the cloud saves being deleted with 6months of inactivity but hey I found my solution to playing some Epic and Steam games without a gaming PC or SD.
Among the weekend deals it looks like Spike Chunsoft is having a 40th Anniversary Sale. And some of these games are at all time lows:

The Zero Escape Trilogy for $4 is an ABSOLUTE STEAL if you've never played them. And some games like Zanki Zero and Made in Abyss are far lower than they've ever been before (not sure if they're good or not, just pointing out they're at all time lows).
Among the weekend deals it looks like Spike Chunsoft is having a 40th Anniversary Sale. And some of these games are at all time lows:

The Zero Escape Trilogy for $4 is an ABSOLUTE STEAL if you've never played them. And some games like Zanki Zero and Made in Abyss are far lower than they've ever been before (not sure if they're good or not, just pointing out they're at all time lows).
Some good stuff here. I also recommend the first Somnium Files, which is cheaper ($4) and much superior to the sequel. Looks like Anonymous;code is dropping in a similar way as the Chaos pack. I definitely want it, but since I won't play right away it will be sub $15 soon enough.
Some good stuff here. I also recommend the first Somnium Files, which is cheaper ($4) and much superior to the sequel. Looks like Anonymous;code is dropping in a similar way as the Chaos pack. I definitely want it, but since I won't play right away it will be sub $15 soon enough.
Looking through the list, I will pick up Way of the Samurai 3 for sure, and I'll check out the ones that you and BMXJouster recommended.

So, I've tossed Made in Abyss, Zanki Zero Last Beginning, Somnium Files, Zero Escape Trilogy (but there's only 2?) and WOTS 3 in my cart. Seems like a decent number of games for $25.
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It's 3. They released the first 2 as Nonary Games instead of separately.

Also, question for those who know, there's also Steins;Gate. Is Elite worth buying, or is Steins;Gate enough?
So I've played S;G, Elite, 0, and all the spinoffs. My opinion is that the original S;G is the best VN experience, followed by 0. The spinoffs are almost completely optional fluff, but Linear Bounded Phenogram is a lot more worthwhile than Darling's Embrace.

I would recommend S;G Elite for existing fans of anime who want the VN to look and sound like an anime experience. This isn't really me so I enjoyed the uncut original more. S;G is still my favorite VN ever.
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I ended up buying Made in Abyss, Zanki Zero Last Beginning, Somnium Files, Zero Escape Trilogy, WOTS 3 and Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc.

So far of them, I've refunded Zanki Zero and Zero Escape Trilogy - they just didn't appeal to me once I got in.

I've enjoyed what I've played of WOTS 4, Danganronpa, and Made in Abyss. Next up, I'll try out The Somnium Files.

*edit* Keeping Somnium. Definitely liking the gameplay and story on it so far.

Appreciate the recommendations and heads up about the publisher sale, folks!
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I lost my spreadsheet for tracking game demos in a reformat due to my upgrade. I thought I backed it up, but cannot find it... Shoulda used cloud.

Anywho, dunno if I'll make a new one or not, but y'all should try the The First Berserker: Khazan demo. It's like Berserk (the manga) meet Sekiro (the parry heavy focus with grinding down enemy stamina) meets Dark Souls (general game structure).

I enjoyed my 2.5 hours with the demo greatly. It has fashion souls going on, it has three unique weapon types with deep skill trees (spear is best weapon, IMO), and a neat cel shaded look to it. It is a very goopy, drippy, and gory in terms of blood and guts stuff. Very anime over-the-top, "that guy has like 8 liters of blood" style stuff going on.

But it's very satisfying to play. The parry system is very generous and I like it. I usually hate parry focused games, preferring dodge, but I went with a Spear Parry build that felt snappy. Don't get me wrong, perfect dodging feels very good, too! Just one of the few games I liked using parry.

Definitely give it a try.
I used to :poop: on OneDrive all the time until I got frustrated about occasionally losing files during upgrades or failures. I started using a local share drive on my home server and that helped as I also had that drive backed up locally but still had issues with versions and availability. Once I actually took time to set OneDrive up the way I want, I can't imagine not having some sort of cloud backup. I like that I can still have the file physically on my main computer and also have it saved automatically and available in the cloud anywhere I log in, even on my phone. Not to mention having a separate backup of my important folders.
Not necessarily Steam specific, but as we're all gamers here - have any of you upgraded from Win10 to Win11 (upgrade, vs fresh install), and if so, how did that work with your various launchers and all? Any major issues?
Still not on Windows 11. I'm tempted though. I've heard there are some annoying things in 11, but they can be hard edited from regedit, but I'm not 1000% sure about compatibility with some really old games and such.

On another note I finally "finished" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate in 38 hours. I'm raising the score to 6.5/10 but it's still flawed. Upgrades are so, so grindy and the story isn't worth it. I sped ran the last 3 runs or so to try to get the last achievements I needed other than a perfect run. I feel the build variety isn't too great in this game, and as I mentioned before status effects are king. Anything that does damage over time or damages without actual hits is really good. All the grindiness felt more out of a F2P game then one I paid an OK amount for. I almost gave up after beating the game 4-5 times, but I kept pushing against the hard difficulty. It's not well balanced and damage over time with hard enemies (elites/mini bosses/bosses) will kill you so, so fast. I do recommend it if it is pretty cheap or bundled, but something like Hades and I'm guessing Hades 2 will give you a better experience with better characters and a better story with a bit less grinding (some of those upgrades were expensive in Hades 1). I still go with the assessment that I should of bought Hades 2 instead, but I'll do that when it's fully released. I think this game would be better co-op too, but I have no idea how it scales. I'm guessing you still get the HP sponge enemies. Overall I had fun enough to want to get this ending and clean out achievements, but I'll forget the game in a month or so.

Also look forward to some demo impressions as I play a few more stragglers I've downloaded over the last 2 months or so. I'm also going to add impressions trying to play games in bundles and give impressions to not only help myself figure out what I want to play from library, but also maybe help out others buying/playing those games.
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Not necessarily Steam specific, but as we're all gamers here - have any of you upgraded from Win10 to Win11 (upgrade, vs fresh install), and if so, how did that work with your various launchers and all? Any major issues?
I did an upgrade on my computer and a surprise clean install on my wife's (SSD died). For the most part, things have been fairly uneventful for my upgraded system. I've had no noticeable gaming issues. The only things that I've noticed, and they may or may not be coincidental is that my BT 5.2 adapter (USB dongle) decided to freak out and become intermittently functional, went back to my older BT 4.0 dongle and it's been working fine. I've also been getting some intermittent Radeon Host errors/freezes but never bothered to re-DDU my driver. FWIW, the latest driver available for my Fury is 2021, so.... My wife's clean install system has been without any issues at all.
Not necessarily Steam specific, but as we're all gamers here - have any of you upgraded from Win10 to Win11 (upgrade, vs fresh install), and if so, how did that work with your various launchers and all? Any major issues?
I did an upgrade from 10 and haven't had any issues. Everything has continued working like normal and steam has kept on keeping on. Haven't had any of the other installers / launchers installed in a long while though so I can only couch for Steam and GOG
Yeah. Upgrading Windows 10 to Windows 11 should not have any effect on your installed applications like launchers. The OS upgrade was pretty seamless for me a while back.
I resisted Windows 11 for a few years but I finally did it about 2 years ago more for the security updates than anything else gaming-related. My first Win11 device was the GPD Win4 (Chinese handheld PC) and I was able to set it up to mimic Win 10 with the start button in the bottom left corner. Once I saw it was pretty much functionally the same except for some minor differences I made the switch on my main laptop. I like that you can create tabs in windows file explorer much like a web browser (not sure if this existed in Win 10).
Humble messed up EDF 6 4 pack again It got cancelled last time but if anyone was to take the risk and end up with a revoked key and some credit, have at it.
Thank you. Last time it came with the preorder dlc + early purchaser dlc. This time it only comes with the early purchaser dlc. Still a good deal. I'm amazed it hasn't been posted on twitter/reddit yet, at least that I've seen. I guess that explains why they haven't run out of keys.

If anyone wants my remaining 2 copies, I can sell them for $9.60 each. PM me. I will refund if they end up getting revoked.

EDIT: Gone
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Idun is a great Tower Defense game, but uses AI for voices and character portrait animations.

I feel mixed about buying it. Really fun to play, but I loathe AI.
Idun is a great Tower Defense game, but uses AI for voices and character portrait animations.

I feel mixed about buying it. Really fun to play, but I loathe AI.

I loathe AI images/sound/videos as well. They always feel so lifeless to me and like good enough in a way, but just don't feel right. AI voices I can't stand for long, but are alright for short bursts. I feel like AI art should be relegated to random things in a game game like a magazine cover instead of being like your always character portraits or card art or something.

It is very similar to me seeing the same card asset art pack for yet another rogue like game. The first time game I noticed with it is Monster Slayers (a decent game). The AI art is similar seeing the similar stuff a bunch and being excited less and less each time.
Did they (Square) build this around Steam Deck entirely somehow?

B/c on PC, this requires RTX cards in the requirements - i.e. RTX 2060 minimum.
I don't know about entirely, but Square Enix has definitely been making an effort to make games run better on the SD lately. Even some niche games have really weird SD features I wouldn't expect, like Fantasian has a battery meter in the menus, which is kinda cool but a bit useless at the same time lol. A lot of people straight up don't buy games unless they run on the steamdeck and publishers have begun to realize that, at least for major releases
For people like me who primarily use a controller on pc through steam big picture mode, here's a deal & recommendation:

8BitDo Ultimate 3-mode Controller - $39.99

I have two. They were originally MSRP at $70 but they likely didn't sell very well due to the wired-only requirement for Xbox consoles. So I imagine they sent a batch for woot to clear out. But the draw here is use on pc via 2.4gz dongle. Icing on the cake is that the retail box includes a code for 1 month game pass ultimate, which includes pc game pass.
bread's done