Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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Huh. I finished the Witcher 2. Not bad. That's all I have to say about that.
I'm so enthused to start The Witcher series now.

Acclaimed Dreamcast RPG Grandia II Coming to Steam

Ha, I took that survey, nice that they actually listened.

But really, this is awesome news. Grandia 2 honestly has the best battle system out of any JRPG I've ever played. Even better that we're getting a new HD port based on the Dreamcast version, rather than the terrible original, Ubisoft-published PC port.

htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary Demo -

This is a PS Vita game by Nippon Ichi / NIS America. Looks like it's heading to Steam...
This is much less exciting news. Of all the NIS titles to bring to PC, why this? I bought the physical version on Vita because it was super cheap, but everything points to it being a bad Limbo clone.

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FINE! I shall bore you all with how I feel about the Witcher 2. 

I've already said my piece about the combat in the game. It never got any better, but it's not so bad that it ruins the game. It's just dull, something to do between the cut scenes and plot lines. 

There's also far too many fetch quests for my taste. At least the final 3rd of the game is too short to fall into that trap. 

The plot was silly, in a video game sense, but it's not so bad that I wasn't interested in seeing how it all turned out. 

Still, I enjoyed the characters, how they were developed and the relationships between them. This was easily the part of the game that drove me to finish the game. It's not a game that I'll ever play through again, but I don't regret my time with it. It actually felt pretty short for an RPG, but I only plugged through the main plot line. 


I think years ago, that was the only Grandia on the PC.

So, are any of the other Grandia games going to get PC ports?
I hope so.

Can I get a bundle of Grandia + Grandia II + Grandia Xtreme + Grandia III at 75% off?

My bread would be toasted and buttered.

But really, this is awesome news. Grandia 2 honestly has the best battle system out of any JRPG I've ever played. Even better that we're getting a new HD port based on the Dreamcast version, rather than the terrible original, Ubisoft-published PC port.
Same, until Tales of Graces f. Basically, Graces had the fluidity of Grandia 2, but it rewarded you for getting more hits and using dodges.

I'll be fakeybroing this, too. Or is supporting a game from Kickstarter considered Motokiing? ;)

SOTN was the best game in the entire Castlevania canon. Not even the Nintendo handheld versions can compete. I've played 'em all aside from the GB/GBC games, which I'll have to break the old emu out for sometime soon.
Why did I read that in my head as moe-toe-KIIIIIIIIING!

I smelled a rat and yuutuubed the htolniq ending and while it does not come close to Limbo's bizarre fetish for little boy murder it's certainly something I want to keep far away from my system.

Of course everyone should have Bulletstorm by now. I enjoyed it a lot but for a score-based game it just does not have legs. It very, VERY quickly turns from "KILL WITH SKILL" to running down a checklist of each move combo with each gun to get the bonus and move onto the next, just endless iteration through all the combos you remember. Terrible ending too. That seems like the one thing they could only fuck up if they tried and man it sucked.

I won't knock SotN's castle or exploration but I will knock how dreadfully easy it was and will state now and forever that the Castlevanias after and including SotN traded a solid platforming formula away for a mindless, easy sandbox and for combat that favors grind and cheese over skillful play. The only CV I want to see needs to roll back to the Rondo formula. And I did buy every one of their glorified CoD-esque rehashes on the handhelds.

True story: Most depressing, most effecting game I ever played was Headhunter Redemption. No lie. I felt sick after the Unidentified Youth boss fight. And I still do after remembering it. And, just so you know, earlier today in Postal 2's DLC I burned someone with kerosene and while they were reduced to a whimpering charred half-alive mess of blood and flayed flesh on the ground I peed on them and laughed and then realized what this said about me and stopped laughing only for a bit.

So, yeah, Unidentified Youth was fuck ed up.

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Just add the person who you last played. It's how I did it.

Bulletstorm finally back on sale. yip.

So, when's G4WL being dropped from Bulletstorm?

At best, I would love for that to be switched-over to Steamworks.

Hell, even Origin would be better than G4WL, since it is a EA-published game.


You guys should have seen it. It had everything! Action, adventure, and Mooby getting the girl (and a HS pack) at the end.

FINE! I shall bore you all with how I feel about the Witcher 2.

I've already said my piece about the combat in the game. It never got any better, but it's not so bad that it ruins the game. It's just dull, something to do between the cut scenes and plot lines.

There's also far too many fetch quests for my taste. At least the final 3rd of the game is too short to fall into that trap.

The plot was silly, in a video game sense, but it's not so bad that I wasn't interested in seeing how it all turned out.

Still, I enjoyed the characters, how they were developed and the relationships between them. This was easily the part of the game that drove me to finish the game. It's not a game that I'll ever play through again, but I don't regret my time with it. It actually felt pretty short for an RPG, but I only plugged through the main plot line.
I had a lot of the same problems w/W2. Personally I wasn't overly moved by characters. The only thing I think Witcher games do exceptionally well is the choices and consequences. I find the plot mildly dull, the combat fine enough but nothing overly fun, and while the world has deep lore I don't find it interesting. Obviously this is all pretty subjective, but that's how I felt about it. It looks nice and the choices and consequences are done better in the series than possibly any other game on the market, but outside of that there' just nothing that grabs me. I thought the games were average at best. Maybe witcher 3 will fix these things but i don't have my hopes up.

I had a lot of the same problems w/W2. Personally I wasn't overly moved by characters. The only thing I think Witcher games do exceptionally well is the choices and consequences. I find the plot mildly dull, the combat fine enough but nothing overly fun, and while the world has deep lore I don't find it interesting. Obviously this is all pretty subjective, but that's how I felt about it. It looks nice and the choices and consequences are done better in the series than possibly any other game on the market, but outside of that there' just nothing that grabs me. I thought the games were average at best. Maybe witcher 3 will fix these things but i don't have my hopes up.
Yeah. Honestly, I regret pre-ordering the Witcher 3. It's something I still want to play, but not at a price point of higher than like...$10 dollars. Oh well, it's a sunk cost now.

I honestly can't for the life of me remember more than the one choice of who to go with having any real consequence in my playthrough of Witcher 2. Granted, I went in with the assumption that being maximum grimderp none of the actions I ever took would have consequences that matched what I expected but still, nothing sticks out. Hell, I murdered a king and that changed jack and diddly.

I honestly can't for the life of me remember more than the one choice of who to go with having any real consequence in my playthrough of Witcher 2. Granted, I went in with the assumption that being maximum grimderp none of the actions I ever took would have consequences that matched what I expected but still, nothing sticks out. Hell, I murdered a king and nothing of note changed.
Well there's the obvious one that completely splits the plot path you take, but yeah, I didn't really feel like there was anything other than that.

I'm sure pas is about to roll in here and prove us totally wrong though.

Controversial opinion time x2:

I preferred Gothic 3 over Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion and Skyrim.

I also liked Saints Row 2 more than GTA IV.

That's because GTA4 was a piece of shit game that took itself way too seriously.
I mean I still like it but it had a whole lot of archaic mechanics, especially regarding saving progress. One wrong move in a really long mission and you have to start the whole damn thing over again. Another issue was the lack of progression in the game, although I guess that fits the narrative. Even ending the game with over a million dollars, you don't feel like you've left a mark on the city.

Those Witcher games are something that certain people on the internet talk up and make out to be the best thing since sliced bread and try to get people on board their hype train to pay way more than they really should.

I liked the first one. The second one is pretty but I kind feel like it sold out and lost a lot of the wonkiness and Polishness that gave it character.

Since I'm not hanging out on RPG boards like the Watch anymore I don't have to hear how amazing it and CDP is so it's $5 or GTFO
I mean I still like it but it had a whole lot of archaic mechanics, especially regarding saving progress. One wrong move in a really long mission and you have to start the whole damn thing over again. Another issue was the lack of progression in the game, although I guess that fits the narrative. Even ending the game with over a million dollars, you don't feel like you've left a mark on the city.
I couldn't stand GTA4, I only ever got as far as the first date mission before quitting.

Rockstar's worldcraft is unmatched. Nobody puts as much effort into world design as them. That said, it's all in the service of their worship of neurosis and barely disguised desire to be writing something more "important" than video games.

Nah, it was a girl dog in heat.  But yea.. I could have done without controlling the dog in that scene.

Whoops... I was wrong. 

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bread's done