Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I was underwhelmed with Dishonored. The setting and atmosphere was great (not surprising coming from Arkane who did Arx Fatalis) but I found the game too easy (even without using powers). It's a fun pseudo-stealth game for $5 but not jizz-your-pants 10/10 Jessica Chobooty GOTY that it was hyped to be.
There's your answer. Buy it, this is the best praise mooby gives this side of Invisible Inc/State of Derpcay.

Bethesda's E3 presentation is coming up soon. I'm trembling with anticipation, like a porn star before a 100 person gangbang,  and ready to believe, just about, any lie they want to feed me.

you don't watch Game of Thrones?
Nope. I have enough melodrama and penis (my own) in my life, already.

Edit: Think I'm going check it out through IGN because that blonde chick is... sweet tap-dancing Jesus, hotter than my first air conditioner-less car during a heat wave. I would wait in a DMV like line just to lick the sweat off the back of her knees.
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There's your answer. Buy it, this is the best praise mooby gives this side of Invisible Inc/State of Derpcay.
I'll come down half-way on Dishonored. I loved the first 3/4 of it. I really liked the art style and atmosphere. But then there came a map where I thought, "this is just like Half-Life 2". The last couple levels were kind of a drag.

Of course, complaining that part of it is only as good as Half-Life might be considered a compliment. Also, I played it right after Batman AA, so maybe I was just a little burned out on the gameplay.

Does this mean Bruticus is Danny McBride?

Gee, I sure hope no one is letting their children on this forum
My son asked why you posted a picture of tebow.

Wow. What an asshole.
Why you summon me?


And thanks tebow for prison architect
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The people on my team keep nuking the bosses... How hard is it to understand the concept of farming. I mean, goddammit. 

On another note, my plan to hold out for 4.99 Far Cry 3 is eroding as it stares me in the face at 7.49 yet again from the front page. Someone talk me out of it. 

The people on my team keep nuking the bosses... How hard is it to understand the concept of farming. I mean, goddammit.

On another note, my plan to hold out for 4.99 Far Cry 3 is eroding as it stares me in the face at 7.49 yet again from the front page. Someone talk me out of it.
Um, just don't do it.
Does anyone have an opinion or recommendation for the Wargame franchise? It looks like a mix between a RTS and Risk. I watched a video and it seems kind of cool but also pretty difficult. I used to like RTS games but I haven't played one in forever since it seems like the newer RTS games play super fast and I'm not good enough to keep up. The last RTS I played was probably C&C Generals lol.  I don't think I'd touch the multi-player either, so is the single player good?

Does anyone have an opinion or recommendation for the Wargame franchise? It looks like a mix between a RTS and Risk. I watched a video and it seems kind of cool but also pretty difficult. I used to like RTS games but I haven't played one in forever since it seems like the newer RTS games play super fast and I'm not good enough to keep up. The last RTS I played was probably C&C Generals lol. I don't think I'd touch the multi-player either, so is the single player good?
European Escalation is only 1.99, I would give that a try. Its a little more complicated than most modern RTS games, but pretty satisfying once you get the hang of it. I bought European Escalation for 9.99 way back when and did not regret it at all.

From some site rambling about E3:

Bethesda will be launching “Bethesda.Net,” home to all things Bethesda. The site will allow a seamless experience for players of Bethesda games by integrating various sites into one. Players will be able to access content (like the DOOM Snap Map), see what the latest chatter is all about, read articles, and more.
What exactly am I supposed to be excited about? Finally I don't have to waste precious time traveling from to

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Who's excited for
Bestheda's third party client imminent. Another layer of DRM from the hive mind of Bestheda, who brought you the glorious birth of trivial bullshit DLC and shared-profit paid-mod. You heard it here first folks

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Huh? Not really two games I would place as mechanically similar.
There was the lurking around in the dark, seeing through walls, zipping from place to place with a grappling hook, trying to knock out bad guys without the other bad guys noticing.

But the whales were a breath of fresh air.

Bestheda's third party client imminent. Another layer of DRM from the hive mind of Bestheda, who brought you the glorious birth of trivial bullshit DLC and shared-profit paid-mod. You heard it here first folks
Oh absolutely it was a stealth announcement of a new DRM/client. Bethesda went and got themselves a uPlay killer!

dishonored is the modern day version of Thief.

I don't know which Batman game u played but the combat system is different, the stealth system is different.. hell, even the perspective is different for both games.

My Fallout erection is throbbing so badly right now. I MUST have that pip-boy. No matter the cost

Edit: fuck my ass Nov 10 2015. I'm all sticky and tired now..

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Well spank me silly and call me a Pip Boy, time to prime myself by reinstalling Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Ill bet you guys anything tomorrow is gonna be the Fallout franchise sale. 

Blasphemer. But, yes, that's true for people who didn't play it back in 't3h day.' Doom 3, unfortunately, is not a very good modern adaptation. Something like Serious Sam is closer to the original Dooms than what Doom 3 and probably Doom 4 will be.

So I would say to anyone considering Doom 3, go buy Serious Sam revamped TFE, TSE, and 3 unless you already own them. Off the top of my head, Serious Sam is the only modern FPS that actually emulates what older FPS games were about. Shadow Warrior and other stuff from Flying Hog also come close.
I did play Doom back in the day. I didn't particularly like the state of 3D shooters then and I don't like the ones that try to emulate them now.

I did play Doom back in the day. I didn't particularly like the state of 3D shooters then and I don't like the ones that try to emulate them now.
ur ghey. And I meant that in a 21st century non-offensive way. All lifestyles are to be embraced!

Seems it's finally time to learn How To Survive. 

Not sure if it was asked (been away most of the day), is there any reason to get Town of Salem instead of playing it for free? Unlikely actually will even do that but still curious =p.

Bruticus claimed this also from looking at pictures...I'll get more worried when there's a confirmation. It'd be hard to believe they completely ditched the skills system.
The picture is pretty damning. That and during the tutorial part they just ask for your SPECIAL stat assignments.

The picture is pretty damning. That and during the tutorial part they just ask for your SPECIAL stat assignments.
fuck now im looking at that picture and it's a bit worrisome. i really hope that's not the case. that'd be stupid, i guess your special stats would just govern everything

Seems it's finally time to learn How To Survive.

Not sure if it was asked (been away most of the day), is there any reason to get Town of Salem instead of playing it for free? Unlikely actually will even do that but still curious =p.
Not unless you want it on Steam or want to support the devs or want some cosmetic crap. The Steam version gets you $5 of cosmetic in game DLC money but the game itself is cross platform so you can play the web version and still play people using the Steam version.

Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition - Windows Best Buy
According to what I've read, it's the casing only. Can anyone confirm?

I'd buy it for $120 if it came with one, but that much for a giant nerd bracelet sans tablet isn't worth it.

EDIT: Yeah, it doesn't come with the screen. Have to use your phone or tablet for the screen. More of a "look Ma, Chinese people can press plastic and sell it for a hundred bucks" to me.

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According to what I've read, it doesn't come with the tablet or screen. It's the casing only. Can anyone confirm?

I'd buy it for $120 if it came with one, but that much for a giant nerd bracelet sans tablet isn't worth it.
YES! $120 so I can pretend to be a Vault dweller. Buyed

2015 might be my year: Finally move out of my parent's basement, possibly shave my neck beard and maybe, just maybe, I'll get to hold hands with a girl. Don't fuck this up for me, Bethesda.

According to what I've read, it doesn't come with the tablet or screen. It's the casing only. Can anyone confirm?

I'd buy it for $120 if it came with one, but that much for a giant nerd bracelet sans tablet isn't worth it.
Yep, it's just the casing, you put your own phone into it. I don't know what the size and dimensions will be? That will be interesting though...

I guess it's not surprising Todd's Fallout is turning into a melange of Borderlands and RAGE.  Essentially it's just going to be a dungeon/office building explorer with custom weapons.  Good enough.

bread's done