Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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6:10 - Sepioth: thats me and MrD in the first top right pic
6:10 - Sepioth: he's in sunglasses
All this wrestling talk is making me nauseous. I don't know how you nerds ever get laid.

Anybody have any suggestions for essential cards to pair up for a green/white deck on the current block?
Fleecemane Lion and Courser of Kruphix, along with Dromoka's Command. Though you'd honestly be better off to run black as well, because Siege Rhino is absolutely ridiculous.

Also, we're not talking about VRAM near enough.

Plus, MSU just beat Oregon, so it really is looking like Ohio State will have to watch out for them, and the Big 10 probably will be a big deal this season.

The Patriots are still a joke, what with people now questioning if there's someone in the stadium that's fucking around with the opposing team's wireless communication's equipment, even though the NFL is supposed to be in charge of that.

Also NFL related, there's got to be a shitload of people with shit-eating grins on their face because they got Tom Brady as a later round pick for their fantasy team because people thought he wasn't going to be playing those for those first 4 games.

Poopees shat out another uninspired bundle.

Mad Max just hit dvd, but I think it was much more of the type of movie that begged for viewing in a theater, as it really is a "Big and Loud" movie, and it loses something not being so.

What's with the cis hetro normativity when talking about Pro Wresting? Such bias!

Did you catch last week's Moth Radio Hour on NPR? Yeah, my old improv teacher was actually one of the speakers a couple weeks back.

Yep. I just nerded up the joint even more. Yep. I'm a multiclassed nerd spec'd for Jack of all trades shit.

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Careful what you wish for:

this was one of the worst injuries I saw. the replay still makes me cringe.

I have no idea what Sid was thinking as he was over 300 pounds and tried to land on one leg; instant break.

I was really surprised that he was not screaming even more.

Joey Mercury in a ladder match has his nose broken and face beaten in (youtube it).

Wade Barrett got his arm broke when people were thrown over the top rope and landed on him (very evident that it was broken when it happened).

Vader had a match in Japan in which his nose was broken, but even worse was his eye was pulled out of socket.

Droz in a tv match against D Lo Brown was instantly paralyzed neck down from a botched power bomb.

David "Fit Finlay" had a match in 1999 WCW that was easy to see his leg being broken. Even after he came back, he was numb from the knee down on that leg. The clip showed him waving off the other wrestler and telling the official that there was a real injury ; more of a rarity in wrestling as typically the mantra is finish the match, but his leg basically had been shattered.

Yes, "pro" wrestling is fake. However, there have been plenty of real injuries in providing "sports entertainment."

Daniel Bryan will most likely not wrestle again as the latest injury for him was a serious concussion.

Brock Lesnar is probably one of the most scariest guys in wrestling as he underestimates his strength and has caused injuries to multiple people. Whether or not he cares is suspect.

Bully Ray is one that has been called out multiple times as causing injuries (mainly concussions) to others.

Bret Hart (best there is, best there ever was and best there will ever be - moniker he used) prided himself on not hurting others in the ring due to his performance. His career was over after getting a serious concussion from a stiff Goldberg kick.

Big Show also has been well known to take safety seriously.

Sorry for the off topic. My point is; while wrestling is considered sports entertainment, it is "fake" but it is not always safe. WWE and others have faced and still face challenges on substance abuse (mainly steroids and opiates) and safety (short term such as what happens in the ring and long term ie just like the NFL with concussions).

On topic; I am glad MysterD is enjoying his WWE game.

Plus, MSU just be Oregon, so it really is looking like Ohio State will have to watch out for them, and the Big 10 probably will be a big deal this season.
Hmm, maybe...though would like to see some stats to the evidence that MSU should be watched out for and the Big 10 will be a big deal.

figured would help in nerding up the joint

So... Garry's mod "dev" is worried about something really important regarding his son.

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Okay, all of this wrestling talk pushed me over the edge.

One of my favorite motivational videos:  The Ultimate Warrior. It's your life, use it or waste it.

When I was a little kid, I worshiped this guy.  R.I.P.

Lol I know Preed is joking, but I seriously can't do MTG anymore. I got out of it when I was like 15 since the two versions of tournament play is just a cheap way for them to sell more cards. I had all of the Unglued cards and couldn't use any of them. Jerks.
Being King Nerd of Dork Mountain - (Unofficial Working Title)

I enjoy walking into an office crammed with trendy bitches that aren't nerds in the least way. When they're all squabbling over some ridiculously simple thing, I love to call out NERRRRDDDDDSSSS like Ogre from the Revenge of the Nerds films.


They're ALWAYS offended. It's awesome.

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Naughty Dog Director Asks Valve For Half-Life 3 Rights Over Twitter
Naughty Dog Director Asks Valve For Half-Life 3 Rights Over Twitter
It'd be nice if Valve doesn't plan on ever making HL3 if they'd do something with it. Not sure if I necessarily want Naughty Dog to have it though

I'm in dire need of a Linux wizard: In a lot of games I'm unable to use the number keys located next to the console button (games like chivalry, apotheon). I've got an azerty keyboard, but switching the layout to qwerty doesn't help at all. In Debian itself however, the number keys work like a charm. In apotheon for instance, when I type any number, it registers as 'Leftbutton', same as MB1. In some other games it just doesn't register at all.

I use debian with gnome 3.
I think Megazell in the PC forum is a Linux master or something. He doesn't come round here because he doesn't pay for games.

I'm in dire need of a Linux wizard: In a lot of games I'm unable to use the number keys located next to the console button (games like chivalry, apotheon). I've got an azerty keyboard, but switching the layout to qwerty doesn't help at all. In Debian itself however, the number keys work like a charm. In apotheon for instance, when I type any number, it registers as 'Leftbutton', same as MB1. In some other games it just doesn't register at all.

I use debian with gnome 3.
Make sure that "Allow to control the pointer using the keyboard" is unchecked in "Keyboard Preferences." That should solve it.

I think Megazell in the PC forum is a Linux master or something. He doesn't come round here because he doesn't pay for games.
Neither do Spoder and Madjoki but they're here all the time anyway. :p

Anyway, I always see a bunch of Linux people on the Steam forums. Or at least they come out in force to complain when any game isn't released for Linux. Might also try there. Probably starting with the forums of those specific games would be a good idea.

I don't think there's many Linux CAGs. Spoder did get a Steambox I think (again, didn't pay for it) but I doubt he uses it much.

Uggh, I can see it now. Freeman will finally speak, and he will be voiced by Nolan North.

I guess things could be worse

Neither do Spoder and Madjoki but they're here all the time anyway. :p

Anyway, I always see a bunch of Linux people on the Steam forums. Or at least they come out in force to complain when any game isn't released for Linux. Might also try there. Probably starting with the forums of those specific games would be a good idea.

I don't think there's many Linux CAGs. Spoder did get a Steambox I think (again, didn't pay for it) but I doubt he uses it much.
That steambox is my main PC.. I use it a lot. I don't use linux/Steam OS on it though.

I have been running Linux 24/7 for years.

Inside virtual machine running on Windows Hyper-V
What's the use of that?

Problem 1 fixed by only keeping the US keyboard layout.

Alas, new problem, Shadow Warrior (2013) refuses to detect the audio driver, even though the ALSA driver is installed.

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I just started using Debian, figure it's a nice way to learn something new.
Also, fuck Windows 10 and the new Windows 7-8 'critical' updates.

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Yeah fuck them for actual pushing security patches.

How about fuck shit that's a pain in the ass you and have to go ask around just to figure out how to get games to work.

But I know you're a type that thinks 'the man' and popular stuff is teh evilz and has to be all counter culture indie home brew underdog and all that so have at it.

Yeah fuck them for actual pushing security patches.

How about fuck shit that's a pain in the ass you and have to go ask around just to figure out how to get games to work.

But I know you're a type that thinks 'the man' and popular stuff is teh evilz and has to be all counter culture indie home brew underdog and all that so have at it.
While I ain't installed Win 10, I've read enough about it.

From what I've read - there's still ways around most of the Windows 10 non-sense, for the most part. Just like most always have done w/ Windows OS's, over the years - just gotta' give it time for people to figure out ways around the mess + for Windows to correct any major issues w/ their OS's.

You basically set your WiFi / Net Connection setting to a setting of it not connected often and it just doesn't do checks as often, IIRC. That's fine, as long as updates don't break anything.

I'd also guess if you have issues w/ Windows booting properly b/c of updates messing up stuff, you'd just get into Safe Mode and you can get around the issues somehow - like you always could do. Win 10 still has Safe Mode, right?

Also, there are ways around the Spy-crap Win 10 has going on. There's ways to do so basically as you're doing the install + plenty of other ways around a lot of that mess w/ app's people have made.

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While I ain't installed Win 10, I've read enough about it.

From what I've read - there's still ways around most of the Windows 10 non-sense, for the most part. Just like most always have done w/ Windows OS's, over the years - just gotta' give it time for people to figure out ways around the mess + for Windows to correct any major issues w/ their OS's.

You basically set your WiFi / Net Connection setting to a setting of it not connected often and it just doesn't do checks as often, IIRC. That's fine, as long as updates don't break anything.

I'd also guess if you have issues w/ Windows booting properly b/c of updates messing up stuff, you'd just get into Safe Mode and you can get around the issues somehow - like you always could do. Win 10 still has Safe Mode, right?

Also, there are ways around the Spy-crap Win 10 has going on. There's ways to do so basically as you're doing the install + plenty of other ways around a lot of that mess w/ app's people have made.
I run windows 10 because.....

I'm not fucking a mental patient that thinks its going to take my first born, rape me with its "forced" updates and my general lack of giving a shit about anything you nerds are afraid of.

I must admit my rebellious nature almost forces me to despise anything even remotely related to a global bureaucratic organization. That being said, Microsoft's monopoly in conjunction with global privacy violations is in itself a dangerous thing when certain information is leaked to corrupt governments and dictatorial regimes. Which doesn't necessarily have to happen with Microsoft's active cooperation.
I got a "new" (to me) laptop recently (i'm typing on it now) and updated to Win 10 as soon as I could.  It just seems like any other windows to me.  Then again, I kept a Vista laptop for like 7+ years.  Whatever.  Going to accept the upgrade on my desktop soon too.

While I ain't installed Win 10, I've read enough about it.
Obviously not . . .

You basically set your WiFi / Net Connection setting to a setting of it not connected often and it just doesn't do checks as often, IIRC. That's fine, as long as updates don't break anything.
Cause this is the biggest load of horseshit I have read in weeks. Just stop fucking posting about hardware and software. You don't know shit and people that know less than you (all two of them) might actually take your idiotic advice.

There are ways around the MS Telemetry, but you are clueless about them, as are most novice computer users. Please stop acting otherwise.

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Obviously not . . .

Cause this is the biggest load of horseshit I have read in weeks. Just stop fucking posting about hardware and software. You don't know shit and people that know less than you (all two of them) might actually take your idiotic advice.

There are ways around the MS Telemetry, but you are clueless about them, as are most novice computer users. Please stop acting otherwise.
If you have enough VRAM you can completely block updates and only get the ones you really want

but you need at least 4, 3.5 won't cut it

I have 18 giggerbutts of VRAM and Windows 10 is updating every second of the day. It went to Windows 12 yesterday for a few hours, but I overplugged my CyberCore and gunned the Intel Chip Controller to 1800 mhz and now it is back down to 11 and humming along just fine while updating to Windows 13. If I had just had 14 giggerbutts, I'd probably be wiping VRAM off the lawn for the next few years.

Mini-food review: 

Had a couple of those new Fiery daredevil loaded grillers from Taco Bell, and I'm shocked it has a pretty good kick. I wouldn't say Ghost Pepper level (or at least as people/I'd think), at most a habanero hot sauce type level. Could argue it overpowers the rest of the stuff, but it's $1 Taco Bell food, how much of that do you really want to taste anyways? Kidding aside, it's Taco Bell ground beef and some fritos or something and plenty of whatever they call the sauce they are using in this one. 

In other words, if you have $1 and whatever tax, like hot food, and not adverse to stopping at a Taco Bell, it is worth giving a try. 

(I was going to this toss this in the food thread but seems it's dead so fuck it)

Mini-food review:

Had a couple of those new Fiery daredevil loaded grillers from Taco Bell, and I'm shocked it has a pretty good kick. I wouldn't say Ghost Pepper level (or at least as people/I'd think), at most a habanero hot sauce type level. Could argue it overpowers the rest of the stuff, but it's $1 Taco Bell food, how much of that do you really want to taste anyways? Kidding aside, it's Taco Bell ground beef and some fritos or something and plenty of whatever they call the sauce they are using in this one.

In other words, if you have $1 and whatever tax, like hot food, and not adverse to stopping at a Taco Bell, it is worth giving a try.

(I was going to this toss this in the food thread but seems it's dead so fuck it)
Yeah, those were my thoughts too! The Chipotle and Habanero one are meh, but the ghost pepper one had kick. Hard to find any actual spice in any chain restaurant since most americans were born with bland, horrible milk mouth taste buds.

Seriously, bros.  I'm addicted to

You guys should try it.  You don't even have to sign up to play.  So much fun even if it looks like utter crap.  

I actually tried all three as well, on a night I didn't know what to eat. GF also dared me.

My habanero and ghost pepper one had about the same amount of kick. Both were a lot hotter than I expected. Wasn't anything compared to real spicy food, like if you eat a lot of Thai.

I didn't need to pause or anything, but I also didn't feel the need to add more hot sauce, like most "spicy" American food.

Cause this is the biggest load of horseshit I have read in weeks. Just stop fucking posting about hardware and software. You don't know shit and people that know less than you (all two of them) might actually take your idiotic advice.

There are ways around the MS Telemetry, but you are clueless about them, as are most novice computer users. Please stop acting otherwise.
Here's plenty of info + links on how to mess w/ the Win 10 privacy + auto-updates stuff:

Mini-food review:

Had a couple of those new Fiery daredevil loaded grillers from Taco Bell, and I'm shocked it has a pretty good kick. I wouldn't say Ghost Pepper level (or at least as people/I'd think), at most a habanero hot sauce type level. Could argue it overpowers the rest of the stuff, but it's $1 Taco Bell food, how much of that do you really want to taste anyways? Kidding aside, it's Taco Bell ground beef and some fritos or something and plenty of whatever they call the sauce they are using in this one.

In other words, if you have $1 and whatever tax, like hot food, and not adverse to stopping at a Taco Bell, it is worth giving a try.

(I was going to this toss this in the food thread but seems it's dead so fuck it)
No sweat bro. Steam+ Deals Mega Thread is just code for General Discussion. The mods are completely fooled. BWAHAHAHA!!!

bread's done