Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Got 4ZLBH-BXHIE-75JWV, danke!
I'm a Cammy man, myself.

Dat onesie.
Cammy? That's some new character they recently introduced, right?

I just realized I didn't complete the 4 in February. Oh well.
I've been playing way too much Borderlands 2 for anything to get completed.

I hate it when people change their avatars... first the mooby thing.. then I think spoder is motoki. Jesus... can't we all just leave avatars alone? :) At least Bobby added boobs.
I changed my avatar for the first time in a decade. Why can't you just be supportive?















Thanks Carl I used F7M4R-ZBW4Y-BHMTC

Who else here is excited about GDC this coming week?

* Steam Machines, Steam Controller, SteamVR

* Windows 10 (and its integration into Xbox One)

* Oculus Rift (probably)

* DirectX 12

* Open GL

* Surprises and what-have-yous

Can't wait!  (insert popcorn.gif, itshappening.gif, GabenPope.gif)

Who else here is excited about GDC this coming week?

* Steam Machines, Steam Controller, SteamVR

* Windows 10 (and its integration into Xbox One)

* Oculus Rift (probably)

* DirectX 12

* Open GL

* Surprises and what-have-yous

Can't wait! (insert popcorn.gif, itshappening.gif, GabenPope.gif)
I'm more excited for my daily 2:30 bowel movement. When the above products/features are actually released and work as promised, THEN I'll be excited.

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Who else here is excited about GDC this coming week?

* Steam Machines, Steam Controller, SteamVR

* Windows 10 (and its integration into Xbox One)

* Oculus Rift (probably)

* DirectX 12

* Open GL

* Surprises and what-have-yous

Can't wait! (insert popcorn.gif, itshappening.gif, GabenPope.gif)
They also have a panel on March 3rd at 3 p.m. as well. Could just be a joke, but you never know.

I hate it when people change their avatars... first the mooby thing.. then I think spoder is motoki. Jesus... can't we all just leave avatars alone? :) At least Bobby added boobs.
My avatar change is a subtle protest at being admonished for stereotyping my own heritage.






Didn't the people in Russia just get sent to jail for a Wagner opera?  Couldn't it be in support of that instead?  I swear... HL3 isn't going to show up.. and if it does it'll be about as good as the Duke Nuke'm game was.. which is to say.. terrible.

And I'd change something to show my heritage.. but then I'd really be reported... :)  So I'll keep my Sir Douchebag picture..

i hope so. been waiting on richochet 2 for over a decade now, valve really likes to keep its consumers hanging
I'd prefer the near perfect quality they produce every so often, rather than the yearly sh*t like assassins creed or call of duty.
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I have a four year old.  I'd take that steam machine in a heartbeat over some low rent Linux box so I can play Revenge of the Titans on my wide screen.

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I'm sorry to hear this, I do suffer from it in some games, but luckily this one seems perfect for me and the distance I was playing it at (@5ft). If something is making me feel motion sick and it doesn't have easily accessible FOV settings I can usually find the sweet spot rolling my chair back a bit.

This, of course, is a whole lot easier a prospect when playing with a gamepad although I have played m/kb games with a shelf across my legs as a 'desk'.

Steam Streaming makes this even more possible. When that sweet spot is further back than I can roll this chair I just stream it out to a laptop hooked to the TV in the living room and plop my ass in the recliner. We're playing a lot more games out there at the moment (especially since it's winter and that's where the wood stove's located).

Side note: my gf bought episode 1 of Life is Strange from newegg the other day. She finished it yesterday and said she was pretty bored by it and didn't like it very much. Oddly, she's still telling me I should play so we can talk about it so I don't know what that really means...
Ah, good idea, I should try ME on my tv like a console schlub. Should have thought of that before. It might be a while before I get back to it as I have about two dozen recently purchased games I'd like to give a go, but when/if I do get back to it I'll definitely give that a try. Thanks!

My whatevs in Feb:
Valdis Story
Rocksmith 2014
Armored Hunter Gunhound EX
Finally beat Valdis Story, and got about halfway through two more playthroughs.  It's a good game that I got substantial enjoyment out of despite being hard as balls to pick up.  Once you understand how the systems work and the ins and outs of enemy and boss patterns it becomes substantially easier, which makes it perfect for teenagers who like to beat the same game multiple times.  (I know a bunch of you tend to replay certain franchises but I don't remember a Metroidvania ever being among them.)  This game really needs an easy mode to let you play through once just focused on discovery and exploration.  By the end you would understand enough of how the game works to really dig into the very nice combat system on a subsequent playthrough.  As it was, I was consulting walkthroughs and forums every step of the way which definitely hampered my enjoyment of the game.  The gameplay is super solid though, graphics are decent, music is good, and I even like the world and lore.  Plot was cookie cutter but I have no problem with a story cliches in a game like this as long as they sell it.
Rocksmith 2014: I've got a baby on the way, my first, and I figure this is my last chance to do anything really ambitious for myself like learning a new instrument, so I got my siblings to get me an electric guitar for my birthday.  I have to say I'm very impressed with RS 2014.  I haven't put a ton of time into it yet but what I've seen is a huge upgrade from the the original, with my main complaints (load times, lack of features) addressed and a slew of new stuff added.  It really feels like a complete teaching package now.  On that note, anyone expecting something like Guitar Hero should probably be warned that it's really more of a teaching tool masquerading as a game.
Crow: I think some people here said good things about this, and the soundtrack is excellent and I like the atmosphere, but in 45 minutes of play I found it to be just another mobile game lacking in depth.  On-rails flying where you swipe to attack and draw a circle to shield? And that's it? thanks.
Gunhound EX: It is kind of hilarious how this obviously controlled-required mech shooter requires you to manually configure the X360 controls, instead defaulting to the keyboard which makes the game practically unplayable.  Once I had my pad set up correctly I started having some stompy Contra-like fun.  The size of the pixels is kind of an insult to my eyes, though.  I love this style of game but the reluctance of Japanese developers to figure out what a PC is is a continual frustration to me.  But I now have Crimzon Clover and Danmaku 2 in the backlog, so I'm hoping to be able to change my tune soon.
I swear... HL3 isn't going to show up.. and if it does it'll be about as good as the Duke Nuke'm game was.. which is to say.. terrible.
Don't mistake a broken development process for Valve Time. 3D Realms was a disaster of a developer towards the end and had no unified direction on the game they wanted to make. Valve just doesn't own a calendar and they don't give a shit how long something takes.

WOW, your bowel movements must be amazing!!

I would show you just how amazing they are, but the last time I posted any poop related images, they were MOD MURDERED!!!

Don't mistake a broken development process for Valve Time. 3D Realms was a disaster of a developer towards the end and had no unified direction on the game they wanted to make. Valve just doesn't own a calendar and they don't give a shit how long something takes.
I and I'm sure others feel that Valve will most likely throw us a bone once they finally reveal the next iteration of the Source engine.

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I'd prefer the near perfect quality they produce every so often, rather than the yearly sh*t like assassins creed or call of duty.
The problem being they haven't released a game since.. 2011? (Unless you count DOTA 2, which was 2013)

Nah, it always struck me as a solution in search of a problem.
It's basically a prebuilt PC for your TV, to appeal to your average console user who prefers some of the convenience that comes with consoles (plug it into the TV, boot it, and you're good to go). I get what they were going for, but going through a variety of third-party prebuilt vendors, some of which are notorious for mark-up (Alienware) was a bad idea.

Personally, I think Valve has given up on developing games.  They're clearly spending all their time playing through every game on Greenlight to ensure a quality admittance process.

Personally, I think Valve has given up on developing games. They're clearly spending all their time playing through every game on Greenlight to ensure a quality admittance process.
I'm gonna assume this is missing YCS. But yeah, there's serious workplace issues at Valve that have gotten in the way of anything being developed there.

I'm sure L4D3 will turn up eventually but I wouldn't expect anything else anytime soon.  They're too busy with Steam machines, SteamOS, and virtual reality crap.

I'm gonna assume this is missing YCS. But yeah, there's serious workplace issues at Valve that have gotten in the way of anything being developed there.
Well, from all indications they're making so much money off of the market and storefront that they hardly need to develop games of their own anymore. And somebody explain it to the toaster.

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It's basically a prebuilt PC for your TV, to appeal to your average console user who prefers some of the convenience that comes with consoles (plug it into the TV, boot it, and you're good to go). I get what they were going for, but going through a variety of third-party prebuilt vendors, some of which are notorious for mark-up (Alienware) was a bad idea.
I get what it IS, just that anyone who actually cares about PC gaming can already hook their computer up to a TV. Anyone who wants their PC to just be a plug-n-play console isn't going to be impressed by the available offerings on Linux nor the cost -- and the whole "but you can stream from your Windows box" schtick is for the first type of people, not the console-wannabes.

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I get what it IS, just that anyone who actually cares about PC gaming can already hook their computer up to a TV. Anyone who wants their PC to just be a plug-n-play console isn't going to be impressed by the available offerings on Linux nor the cost -- and the whole "but you can stream from your Windows box" schtick is for the first type of people, not the console-wannabes.
Well, I mean, since we're on the the topic anyway...

I've been playing The Order, and damn... Sony really put their stock into the wrong dev team for a new franchise, assuming that's what they were hoping for. This is one of the worst cases of bloated, undeserved hype, and now I understand why there was so little on the game prior to release.

At least I didn't buy the damn thing... I do love Gamestop's used "rental" policy. :bouncy:

Welp, it's now March here on the East coast. My final Four For February challenge results?

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising

Castle Crashers

*takes a bow*

My Four for February ...

LA Noire
Life is Strange Ep. 1
Little Inferno
Leona's Tricky Adventures
*takes a bigger bow*
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Life is Strange Episode 1? HitlerCat, more like FakeyCat. Waiting until that shit gets bundled.
I picked it up from Amazon with BING rewards, got almost a buck PlayFire rewards from it and the cards are worth a bit too.

I was happy with FakeyCatting it.

I'll wait for 75% off the season pass though.

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Feb Four (PC):

Far Cry 4

Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point

Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry

Saints Row IV: Gat Out of Hell


Infamous: First Light


....I beat one game in February. Granted, I played 70 hours of said game.

Two if you count 'seeing the end credits' as beating. But in this case it's beating a stage...

The only beating I did in February was of my meat.

I think I have some sort of subconscious fear of game completion. I'll get to right near the end and then... my palms will start itching and my pits will get all sweaty. I start to shake and then shimmy and then I start to... start to shutter.

Eventually, I crack up and just start playing another game.

It's time for the moran test! If you see this dress as the wrong color, you're a moran!


Blue/Black is the correct color btw, if any morans didn't know.

bread's done