Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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Yeah well given the comments in the rest of the reviews and the forum, yes people are stupid and no they don't read.

Anyway, at least she attempted to write a serious review which is more than anyone else did.

My problem with these sorts of games is that there's so much shenanigans and chatter that it obscures the fact that more often than not these just aren't great games (or interactive art pieces or whatever you want to call them) even for what they set out to do.

I know he's just idling for cards, but somehow this amuses me greatly.

Anyway speaking of games that aren't that great, a fact that gets drowned out in all the chatter and ruckus, my review for Social Justice Warriors:
[customspoiler=TLDR-Idea had potential but implementation is RNG for 3 minutes THE END. Idle for cards and forget about it]
I wish I could give a thumb sideways. I think the idea is great. As a proof of concept for a starting point to work on a more fleshed out game this could work very well. As it is though, I feel that fails both as a game and as satire.

It's very short. I'm talking a few minutes here. There's too much reliance on a random number generator and after a few tries I just got to the point of not caring what I picked because it all seemed just random anyway. There's also really not a lot to it. It's just Defender picks one of 4 responses to troll, hit enter, roll the RNG, rinse, repeat. That's pretty much it. The same responses tend to show up too so it won't take very long to start seeing repeats of what you already saw.

I'm willing to make allowances for games to be shorter, cruder and have less meat to them if their main point is satire, DLC Quest being a great example of this, but in this case it's just too short and too rudimentary. I really wish there were more to it but there's not.

On the satire end it seems to fall flat too. I think the combination of the satiring the White Knight complex of the so called 'Social Justice Warriors' being too subtle (a quick glance at the forums shows that many people didn't get that they were being satired and not celebrated) along with the opposing side always being portrayed as trolls for the sake of trolling just makes the whole thing not work.

As far as I am concerned, both sides take this subject matter and their role in it way too seriously and could well do with a mirror being held up. While true trolls exist, most people who get involved in these internet crusades do believe they are in the 'right' so not having the ability to choose both sides as a hero (in their own mind) seems to have the effect of making the whole thing come off as a SJW propaganda piece to many. Which it's not; having to 'retreat to a place where everyone agrees with you' is not exactly a quality to be celebrated but it seems many people don't get that far and just write the game off.

If you have to explain your satire then it really hasn't done its job.

Mostly though I just wanted more game. More to do. More from the opposition's perspective. Maybe planning and strategizing outside of the forum 'combat'. Something to make the game play last more than 5 minutes and be less random. Just more. The seed is there but it needs much more than this.

I'd love it if we could get updates or this could get much more fleshed out but as it stands I really hesitate to recommend it at any price. There are 99 cent mobile games that give much more game play than this and if you want Gamergate satire you're probably better off searching Google for an opinion piece article. It would take you longer to read than the time you would spend playing this game anyhow.
I know he's just idling for cards, but somehow this amuses me greatly.

Anyway speaking of games that aren't that great, a fact that gets drowned out in all the chatter and ruckus, my review for Social Justice Warriors:

[customspoiler=TLDR-Idea had potential but implementation is RNG for 3 minutes THE END. Idle for cards and forget about it]
Hm. Color me unsurprised. This game just looked like what it actually is: a quick cash-in based on an internet meme. It's sort-of like all of the "simulator" games that are in Greenlight or pending publication on Steam. Things like "Grass Simulator" really only work as a form of parody, except that the joke is lame to start with and there isn't enough of a "game" to be worthwhile. Goat Simulator works to some extent because they make no bones about what it is and support it with updates to add content and fix issues.


That's from a review. The space is intentional since Steam's word filter censors it.

The game already mentions the situation regarding the girl's pregnancy in its description, so there's no need for a warning - unless people are stupid and don't read the description. So...
If you're really reading it, yes, but the description is weird. Everyone knows what rape is. "Abused by a criminal" is an odd choice of phrasing even for a non-native English speaker. It's a problematic subject for a game, irrespective of whether you call it a serious game or interactive novel or whatever. Maybe it's my personal perspective, but just reading the descriptive text on the store page and some of the reviews, it looks like the story drives you to having the kid; if this is the case, it shows the problem with these kinds of "games." There's a way to do this that's respectful of the diametrically-opposed viewpoints on this subject, but I suspect the only way to write such a game would be in a way that it's either fundamentally meaningless, absurdly pandering, or both. This isn't a topic on which a short "gamey" experience is going to change someone's mind.

I feel like these games about issues work better if they entertain first instead of just make statements. Show don't tell.

To me, The Cat Lady even as out there as it is, is a much better game about depression than Depression Quest. The former gets the player involved and the voice acting really helps sell it while the latter just tells you you are depressed and asks if you want to do A B or C.
I feel like these games about issues work better if they entertain first instead of just make statements. Show don't tell.

To me, The Cat Lady even as out there as it is, is a much better game about depression than Depression Quest. The former gets the player involved and the voice acting really helps sell it while the latter just tells you you are depressed and asks if you want to do A B or C.
I don't disagree at this juncture, but I'd actually have to sit down and play Depression Quest to formulate an opinion on this specific comparison. Those games serve to highlight something that at least should be relatively noncontroversial, depression and, by extension, mental illness in a broader sense. That's a far cry from making games about things that you know damn well are only going to fire people up, like Pregnancy or Super Columbine Massacre RPG.
I think the controversial part about Depression Quest was who it was made by.

If not for that circus it's pretty bland and forgettable, but hard to complain about something free.
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I'm not sure anybody outside of the Chicagoland area even knows who that is, nor that he has a holiday.
Poland might know. Used to get the day off as a kid, but I don't think they do now.

Everyone should fire up Mount & Blade w/ Fire & Sword in honor of. /ycs

Where are you guys getting your Steam keys for Social Justice Warriors? I bought the IG Greenlight 4 bundle, which according to ITAD is the only time it's been bundled, but I only have a Desura key for it.  Do I have to email the dev?

I think the controversial part about Depression Quest was who it was made by.
More to it, that her ex-bf was a douchenozzle and wrote some big screed about her. Without that, I wouldn't know Ms. Quinn from a lump on a log.

Depression Quest itself was, indeed, wholly unremarkable.

When I was a kid, we used to get Casimir Pulaski day off in the suburbs but now it's just the Chicago Public Schools who still snag the holiday (that and state/county offices)

I am really sorry to disappoint everyone but...

On a related note, please go vote for it on Greenlight if you already haven't. I mean I know it's hard without a DVD version, but it's a quality game and I want to play it on Steam.

Actually that last part is true. I want that game dammit!
You should convince the dev to put it in a Groupees bundle, that should do the trick on getting it Greenlit

Poland might know. Used to get the day off as a kid, but I don't think they do now.

Everyone should fire up Mount & Blade w/ Fire & Sword in honor of. /ycs
As a kid, they were fond of telling us that there were more Polish people living in Chicago in than in any other city in the world except Warsaw.

Locomotivah presents....


"'Pregnancy' is an interactive short story where the player attempts to influence the decisions of a 14 year old girl about the future of her pregnancy."

Now available on steam.
Looks like that free game may have paved the way for more of these kind of games. This one looks less.. odd, at least.



I almost thought this wasn't a free game drop because of your avatar change. Curse you Carl!

The Steam keys are up on Desura.
Thanks for the heads-up, just grabbed the Desura key. :mrgreen:

Also, Gamersgate decided to price the regular edition and the gold edition of Sniper: Ghost Warrior the same for some reason.

Not from Chicago and too lazy to google, so I'm assuming this is to celebrate a polish gangster.

For anyone outside of Chicago today is Dr. Seuss day.
Not Into The War, but a game that Squirrel fell asleep whilst playing






You should convince the dev to put it in a Groupees bundle, that should do the trick on getting it Greenlit
I actually begged Carl to put Age of Barbarian in his next WGN Groupee bundle (HINT HINT) so we'll see.

He hates mixing in Greenlight stuff though so probably not.
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I'd like to thank Squishy the Suicidal Pig for re-calibrating my purchase bar. $0.14 or GTFO!
It also recalibrated mine. I've almost bought Hero Siege dlc which is suprisingly 75% off (the base game is 50% off - reverse Bethesda pricing for the win!), but because Squishy the Suicidal Pig is from the same developer, I'm waiting for 90+% off discount on it. I won't play the game anytime soon.

The backlog revenge god is pleased with yet another sacrifice.

edit: I wonder whose cut is bigger, Valve's or bundlers', and how long before devs/pubs realize they can cut out the (secondary) middleman and appeal to cheapasses with prices/discounts like these.

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bread's done