Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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ive decided to add some of you CAG people on steam since I spend so much time with you here.... deny me if you like

Finally got around to playing the demo of SLAMMED! and probably will pick it up later, it's a shit ton of reading, but probably expected that from a game that is nothing but text. However the writing so far, through four chapters, seems pretty good. Haven't gotten to anything really juicy yet though. 

So far:

  • Beat a friend in NCAA wrestling championships by accidentally exploiting his injured leg
  • Became a heel on the independent scene called The Blind Hooker
  • Lost a bit of kayfabe by not being a total dick to some little kid
  • Insulted an entire town by calling it a place for washed up, jobless losers like the dude I was going to fight
Took probably about an hour to get through the four chapters, which bodes well on the eventual price for money aspect (some reviews mention taking 6-8 hours a playthrough). Oh should add, though probably obvious, all the characters and wrestling promotions are fake, copies of real ones (The Promotions, or the main one anyways, don't know how "copied" the wrestlers are). 

If we crowdfunded the money to pay you back for your PC would you get the hell out of here for good and go bother the console people?
I try not to post during the sale due to the increased number of degenerate deviants and hipsters but I must say I fully support this idea. Carry on.

Off topic question but figured I could get some help here from you nice beautiful people.

My current gaming pc is in a normal vertical case but I have been wanting to move all my stuff into a horizontal case so I can sit it on my entertainment stand and not on the floor next to it. Anyone here have any suggestions?
Please withhold any further criticism of Beasts of Prey until I can unload the rest of my 4 pack.
You might as well just give them away at this point.

Hint hint wink wink gimme gimme

I try not to post during the sale due to the increased number of degenerate deviants and hipsters but I must say I fully support this idea. Carry on.
I don't really care what newbies post, so long as it doesn't disrupt the thread flow and I can laugh at them.

Newb on, seasonals!

Off topic question but figured I could get some help here from you nice beautiful people.

My current gaming pc is in a normal vertical case but I have been wanting to move all my stuff into a horizontal case so I can sit it on my entertainment stand and not on the floor next to it. Anyone here have any suggestions?
Silverstone has a decent line of HTPC cases that fit that bill.

People are buying Arcania?!?!?! Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Not anymore thanks to you and Spoderman. :D/

Wow, the controls in Beasts of Prey suck dino dong. Combat is determined by God only knows what but it's not common sense or anything like it.
I jumped into it last night and was completely lost. Yes the controls do suck all sorts of dino dong. This guide does help a little bit but the controls weren't the same for me. Tab opens your inventory, 1 through 5 activate your equipped items, and E is the action key are the basics. If you get stuck anywhere (I did twice) type /Suicide into the chat box. Although, you will lose everything you've collected. :wall:

I'm just disappointed I can't throw rocks at dinosaurs. You have to craft something like a crossbow instead. Pfff. I started to build a small fort on a mountain but I was too tired to complete it. I wonder if someone burned it down while I was away. Lol.

EDIT: And yes, you should all buy a copy from Indef! Do it now! Don't think! BeastBros of Prey Unite! :grouphug:

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Off topic question but figured I could get some help here from you nice beautiful people.

My current gaming pc is in a normal vertical case but I have been wanting to move all my stuff into a horizontal case so I can sit it on my entertainment stand and not on the floor next to it. Anyone here have any suggestions?
I'm waiting for steam link to solve this problem in my home

if you need something to laugh at before the next round of flash sales, then check of Madonna's new video on You Tube.  B**** I'm Madonna.  comedy gold

Mooby, I am glad that they finally put Risen 3 on sale and at 75% off.

I bought into AoWIII because I was a huge fan of the predecessors and found it boring (only ~3 hrs played).  But that was close to launch and full-ish price.  Maybe it's better now.

I bought into AoWIII because I was a huge fan of the predecessors and found it boring (only ~3 hrs played). But that was close to launch and full-ish price. Maybe it's better now.
Sounds like lack of variety or something. Somewhere I read sounded like the races I believe were kind of generic and like each other and physical always beats magical cause magic is only once a turn no matter how many mages you have. I think it sounds like a $5 or a Humble bundle future game....Is that true though...I just read it.

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What does everyone think of the base game of Age of Wonders 3?
It is supposed to be very good. I was very disappointed to see that the complete pack was only 50% off. I want this game so bad but I gotta keep waiting for 75% off the complete pack before I pull the trigger. Hopefully by the Winter Sale it will be there.

Sounds like lack of variety or something. Somewhere I read sounded like the races I believe were kind of generic and like each other and physical always beats magical cause magic is only once a turn no matter how many mages you have. I think it sounds like a $5 or a Humble bundle future game....Is that true though...I just read it.
Keep in mind.. this is like 6 months old memory...

The heroes were all generic. If you lost your hero, just start over because you're screwed.

They changed the number of units on the battlefield (reduced by 2-3 I believe from previous games).

Units didn't upgrade like they used to.

If you didn't rush the computer cities, the computer would bum rush you. I can't give numbers but it felt like the computer always had the advantage if you allowed it to sit there. Even on normal difficulty.

Honestly, I just didn't find it fun. I'd recommend AoW2 or some of the HOMM's before I'd consider recommending AOWIII.

Just got refunded for Strider.  Shitty port

I can't get it run on my gig with the GTX 970, Win7x64.  Game won't start

Apparently this is a known issue and that poor game only got 1 patch since March 2014.

Crapcom.. you never disappointed.  First it was Age of Booty and now this.  My luck with Crapcom never ends

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I wonder if I should buy Arcania?

But seriously, there's a new Storybundle out today with a bunch of the Dynamite comics from the Groupees and Humble bundles and a few new ones thrown in just to f*ck with you. Check it out here if you like.

I'm tempted to buy the TA: Kingdoms pack from GOG just because I don't have the Iron Plague expansion with my MysterD copy. Also, the two movies that GOG has on sale are tempting me for some reason--video backlog too small?! I haven't been able to figure out, mostly because it took more energy than I felt like investing, when and how things go on and off sale during GOG's summer sale. It's been a little weird watching things on my wishlist go on sale and go off sale. The only item I have non-buyer's remorse about allowing to lapse is Sudeki, though. The others I just keep thinking, "Yeah, that's been on sale for that price before."

EDIT: Also, I spent some time browsing GOG's catalog with the various release-date filters on yesterday and I've come to the conclusion that GOG actually sucks a lot more now that they've shifted their focus primarily to new indie titles. Very few "new" old releases have been added since then and I'm not too excited about most of the ones that have. Who gives a sh*t about a DRM-free version of The Wolf Among Us? Give me Starfleet Command II and III! And Armada I and II, while you're at it, GOG!

I might buy the Wings remake before the Steam sale is over. I have a few more days to decide. If I do, you're welcome.

Yes, I'm tired. I've been up since 4:00 am local time and I should probably already be sleeping. Hm. Can't wait for Saturday.

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So our FortressCraft event was a colossal failure (the game's MP sucks) but we're getting into Block N Load right now since I saw a ton of my Steambros buying it this week so join us if you guys want!  We're lonely!  Really lonely!

Ori and the Blind Forest was #1 on my wishlist and I decided to bite at its discount today. Glad I did. Beautiful game in every respect, great mechanics, and I reckon a GOTY contender for me. Its really worth a look. 

Umm.. Quick question. Humble has Kerbal Space Program discounted to $29.99 until tomorrow at 12:00pm CST. Should I wait for a possible drop on steam or go ahead and grab it from Humble?

I believe it was already a feature deal but I could be wrong.  (I'm probably wrong, I can't seem to find any mention of a flash/daily sale on the Steam forum).  Also that seems like a horrible price sales-wise. (I'm right about this part, though).

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I believe it was already a feature deal but I could be wrong. (I'm probably wrong, I can't seem to find any mention of a flash/daily sale on the Steam forum). Also that seems like a horrible price sales-wise. (I'm right about this part, though).

Wait....that game always goes on sale and maybe you'll be able to get it for like $15 or so.
Okay, I know I should have gotten it sooner but this game has just recently got on my radar and I have a real urge to play it. But I think i can wait until it drops to at least 50% off.

Sakura Spirit 80% off.


Now if there was only a way to hide my activity from my steam friends....
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bread's done