Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Borderlands TPS coupon from Humble Borderlands Bundle. Don't know if it's still good, or if it will even stack, or if TPS is on sale. Do your own research once in a while, Fox. Gall!
First of all, the name's FoxyPie, bro.

Second of all, didn't you stop following me?

Third of all,


They don't seem to be, I can see them just fine.

But why is War of the Vikings 14.99 BRL... and the Valhalla Edition is $300 BRL? What the hell kind of bonus stuff does that edition have?
If you've never visited the Paradox store, they have all kinds of overpriced crap that, if I'm honest, I'd probably buy a lot of if I were loaded.

Although oddly, this is one of the few things they're not sellng. Maybe it's digital only.

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I don't expect Kimmel to be in touch w/ gamers, as this really isn't part of his generation
Wat? I am a year younger than Kimmel. :oldman: The kids of my generation were the pioneers of home videogaming.

When I was age:

6: Pong was released

8: Atari 2600 was released

9: Odyssey 2 was released

10: Intellivision was released

13: ColecoVision was released

16: Nintendo NES was released

17: SEGA Master System was released

Don't tell me he doesn't get videogames -- he's just selling shtick for the show. :oldman: :oldman: :oldman:

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Wat? I am a year younger than Kimmel. :oldman: The kids of my generation were the pioneers of home videogaming.

When I was age:

6: Pong was released

8: Atari 2600 was released

9: Odyssey 2 was released

10: Intellivision was released

13: ColecoVision was released

16: Nintendo NES was released

17: SEGA Master System was released

Don't tell me he doesn't get videogames -- he's just selling shtick for the show. :oldman: :oldman: :oldman:
Calm down, grandpa. Before you have a stroke.

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Wat? I am a year younger than Kimmel. :oldman: The kids of my generation were the pioneers of home videogaming.

When I was age:

6: Pong was released

8: Atari 2600 was released

9: Odyssey 2 was released

10: Intellivision was released

13: ColecoVision was released

16: Nintendo NES was released

17: SEGA Master System was released

Don't tell me he doesn't get videogames -- he's just selling shtick for the show. :oldman: :oldman: :oldman:
well just because you and him are the same age and you get video games doesnt mean he gets video games. maybe he was video game deprived growing up and thought they were for stupid nerds

So just a heads up to all fellow Steam threaders: I will be away for two weeks with little to no internet. Finally taking a trip with the wife :) Please be gentle to my notifications/inbox while I am away.

You may now continue your talks about VRAM, Ponybros, Jimmy Kimmel, and 15% off deals.

Wat? I am a year younger than Kimmel. :oldman: The kids of my generation were the pioneers of home videogaming.
It's not that he doesn't get playing video games. He's said several times that he understands why people play games.

What he doesn't get is why folks watch other people play video games. I suppose he doesn't get (or is being intentionally obtuse about it for the extra hits) that LP viewers often watch them because of the added commentary on top of the game.

You'd think the guy would be aware that commentary Let's Play videos are basically the same concept as MST3K... media on top of other media.

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I'm not much of a Let's Play type of guy, though I have seen all of the Angry Video Game nerds videos.  Those are cuts and not just watching him play. I will watch TotalBiscuit's first looks at games...he can be annoying, but I find his voice kind of cool. Did try to watch game grumps and two best friends play I believe but I just got bored and wasn't laughing.

I will watch video game video reviews like no other though.....guess I've always liked game reviews. I do prefer to play my games though and rather would see how I react compared to how others react. Full Let's Plays are just kind of boring IMHO mainly for long games. May as well use my own time playing said games instead. For demos and such....heck it could work out, but it's just not for me.

I'm a bro now, so I enjoy watching PewDiePie and Hispanic PewDiePie during some vids.  I prefer short ones (like five minute ish) and I prefer when they play silly stupid games I didn't even know existed or might never play (Shower Simulator, etc.).  I can't really get down with longer let's play videos.  I know both the guys I follow routinely post like hour long vids playing the entirety of GTA5 or Until Dawn.  I just get nothing out of those.  Hate that Angry Joe guy and I don't care for TotalBiscuit.  Mostly for the long style, like 30 minutes, plus stuff.  I just don't remain entertained that long.

I also watch them purely for entertainment.  I prefer to blind buy my games based on zombies or peer pressure of feeling left out because everyone has Mad Max.  

The idea of watching someone else play a game on YouTube makes me feel like I'm 13 years old, waiting for my friend's character to die in whatever game so I can have my turn.  Sure, you still get to shoot the breeze and make jokes and stuff but I'd rather be holding the controller.

I watch far more videos than games I actually play.  Most of the time, it's on the computer while I'm eating or while the wife/kids are using the TV.  I get to experience the game without the stress of needing to be hyper focused on action.  I like the art and 'stories' in gaming, but more and more, I find myself less and less interested in the manipulation.  The only games I'm still super jazzed to "play" are ones that test my thinking and not so much my dexterity.  I've got 'old man hands' now and am just not good at anything twitch (pun intended) related.

Alternately, I like watching videos done by certain people - Giant Bomb Crew, Jim fucking Sterling Son, and Media Cows chief among those.  I'll watch their videos sometimes even after I have played the game myself just to see/hear their reactions.  

But I've enjoyed watching others play long before is that a thing on youtube (or even before youtube was a thing).  In college I used to watch people play Quake, Thief, and C&C.  Some of it was to see different strategies but mostly it was to see things that I wouldnt notice while focusing on the main action.  It's not for everyone, but I like it.  If you dont, fuck you (j/k).

I watch far more videos than games I actually play. Most of the time, it's on the computer while I'm eating or while the wife/kids are using the TV. I get to experience the game without the stress of needing to be hyper focused on action. I like the art and 'stories' in gaming, but more and more, I find myself less and less interested in the manipulation. The only games I'm still super jazzed to "play" are ones that test my thinking and not so much my dexterity. I've got 'old man hands' now and am just not good at anything twitch (pun intended) related.

Alternately, I like watching videos done by certain people - Giant Bomb Crew, Jim fucking Sterling Son, and Media Cows chief among those. I'll watch their videos sometimes even after I have played the game myself just to see/hear their reactions.

But I've enjoyed watching others play long before is that a thing on youtube (or even before youtube was a thing). In college I used to watch people play Quake, Thief, and C&C. Some of it was to see different strategies but mostly it was to see things that I wouldnt notice while focusing on the main action. It's not for everyone, but I like it. If you dont, fuck you (j/k).
Maybe you and Hal can pool together your money and buy Pong for the nursing home.

I watch videos of Pc games to check out the performance of the games, so I can get an idea how it runs on a variety of systems. I've gotten into to the habit of checking for the performance of a game on both a Gtx 750 ti and something high end, such as a Gtx 980 ti. My 5870 falls in closer to the Gtx 750 ti side of things so it's reassuring if something works well on that card.

well just because you and him are the same age and you get video games doesnt mean he gets video games. maybe he was video game deprived growing up and thought they were for stupid nerds
I don't know his personal situation, but I can tell you that, at that point in time, videogames were huge. It fully permeated the culture in music, art, and every other medium. Arcades were a booming social culture, and watching people play games started with Street Fighter 2 in the arcades, as far as I'm concerned. (One could argue that Dragon's Lair began the era of truly spectating games)

But I've enjoyed watching others play long before is that a thing on youtube (or even before youtube was a thing). In college I used to watch people play Quake, Thief, and C&C. Some of it was to see different strategies but mostly it was to see things that I wouldnt notice while focusing on the main action. It's not for everyone, but I like it. If you dont, fuck you (j/k).
Hell yeah, Quake/Unreal Tournament competitions were majorly spectated games, though the technology of the time limited it mostly to audio, demos, or recorded matches.

I rarely watch TV but i spend 4+ hours a day on average on Twitch. 

Turns out entertainment preferences are different for everyone.

I don't know his personal situation, but I can tell you that, at that point in time, videogames were huge. It fully permeated the culture in music, art, and every other medium. Arcades were a booming social culture, and watching people play games started with Street Fighter 2 in the arcades, as far as I'm concerned. (One could argue that Dragon's Lair began the era of truly spectating games)

Edit: Just trying to say that spectating started waaaaaay before Dragon's Lair came along. :p

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Welp my 2000th game on Steam ended up being Abyss Odyssey. Yay me.

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Some interesting deals there.

Anyone looking for Diablo 3 PC base-game for $20 at GameStop, might wanna call and/or check your local GameStop....

Diablo 3 [base-game] (PC) is $20 -
Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 (PC) is $7 -
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PC) is $7 -
SW: KOTOR Collection (PC) [maybe Non-Steam?] is $7 -

I don't think COD: BO1 PC + MW3 PC ever been this cheap. Too bad nobody around my area has it that cheap, according to the website. Might have to make some phone calls.
Thanks fellas. I managed to pick up a copy of Call of Doody: Black Poops from a local Gamestop for $7.

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Deponia Complete Bundle = $3.79 on Indie Gala

  • Deponia
  • Chaos on Deponia
  • Goodbye Deponia: Premium Edition
Look like a limited number of bundles available for a limited time.
I'd like to thank myself for my self-sacrifice. I bought the 2nd and 3rd Deponia games on Steam on Monday. Now I've bought the bundle and submitted a refund request.

Thanks HitlerCat bro, you sexy devil.

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Just to piggyback on the whole "watching people play games" thing, why the hell do people watch sports? I mean, why don't you get off your lazy ass and play the sport yourself instead of just being a loser who watches other people play sports. 

For that matter, why do people watch TV at all? You can go out there and actually live life instead of watching other people live life. Pathetic, I tell you.

Oh and in case it's not clear yet, the above should be read in yellow comic sans.

Just to piggyback on the whole "watching people play games" thing, why the hell do people watch sports? I mean, why don't you get off your lazy ass and play the sport yourself instead of just being a loser who watches other people play sports.

For that matter, why do people watch TV at all? You can go out there and actually live life instead of watching other people live life. Pathetic, I tell you.
Funnily enough Kimmel also mentioned this in a video. He said it wasn't like watching someone else playing football... but that it was like watching someone else play fantasy football.

Again, he's probably being a dick for the page views.

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Funnily enough Kimmel also mentioned this in a video. He said it wasn't like watching someone else playing football... but that it was like watching someone else play fantasy football.

Again, he's probably being a dick for the page views.
He's right though. I only watch game videos for help if I need it. I don't get watching other people play video games for entertainment. I'd rather use that time to play games myself.

I've never understood Let's Play videos. I mean, I've heard the reasons and get what people are saying but I've never been able to watch them and the whole thing seems absurd to me. But then there's lots of popular things that I don't have any interest in: Big Bang Theory, Siracha, craft beers, Reddit... it's all just one big ole world out there.
I like Let's Play videos, but generally it's mostly for games I've already played (and want to see how others react to it), games I don't want to buy/can't find, or when I get stuck and need help (well and preview/first look videos). Still, see them kind of like sports, I can tell people til I'm blue in the face why I personally like watching sports but either you/they will like it or find it fucking boring.

Welp my 2000th game on Steam ended up being Abyss Odyssey. Yay me.
That's a let down for sure. Sounds like somebody needs some [customspoiler="booby gifs"]



[/customspoiler] to cheer him up.

WARNING! Above spoiler may* not be safe for work!
*I said may.
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Well, if people watch golf, bowling, or NASCAR then watching other people play a video game isn't a stretch.  I only watch real sports played by real men like some good old fashioned grabass wrestling.  

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bread's done