Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Still not entirely sure what the advantage is to Origin forcing you to download the free game before you can keep it. Shouldn't adding the license do just fine, instead of needing to waste everyone's bandwidth getting the game? I'm still not going to play it even after it's finished downloading tomorrow night.

saw from email from IGN and also posted on

$10.65 can get you Shadow of Morder GOTY key

Maybe it is just me, I would rather wait until Steam gets a $7.50-8 price on this (maybe Winter sale 2016).
I got it for about that from Uplay back in September and didn't have to go shady.

mostly. I might have used a vpn to make Uplay think I'm in Canada to get it for $12.50 Candia or about $10 US instead of $12.50 US

Still not entirely sure what the advantage is to Origin forcing you to download the free game before you can keep it. Shouldn't adding the license do just fine, instead of needing to waste everyone's bandwidth getting the game? I'm still not going to play it even after it's finished downloading tomorrow night.
You dont need to download it. Just click download and then stop it. Thats what Ive always done with these things.

*Edit: Archbishop'ed

Still not entirely sure what the advantage is to Origin forcing you to download the free game before you can keep it. Shouldn't adding the license do just fine, instead of needing to waste everyone's bandwidth getting the game? I'm still not going to play it even after it's finished downloading tomorrow night.
Can't you just add it to your cart and checkout via the web like anything else on the Origin store? I've always done that and never had a problem.


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Clicking on download now on a free game at Origin ust adds the game to your account, just the same as Steam does when a store game is free for a limited time. You don't need to download it.

Clicking on download now on a free game at Origin ust adds the game to your account, just the same as Steam does when a store game is free for a limited time. You don't need to download it.
Yea, basically what foxhack said. Just cancel the download and you still own the game.

So there's a new category in my library that I just noticed called "STEAMVR". The only title I have under it is Mind Path to Thalamus Enhanced Edition, so I guess this is a thing.

I noticed that about a week ago. So happy that I can spend an inordinate amount of money for an Oculus Rift so I can play a 50-cent indie bundle game.

(not all of us have total immersion fridges, synnarc)

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Hopefully we get Vive details soon because I want to try to budget for it along with Christmas gifts. If it hasn't shown up by Black Friday, I'll just have to hope that I have enough money left for one.

So for some reason Origin isnt letting me log in to my account... i know i have a few of the freebies they offered on the account. Like AC 1 and Dead Space 1. I would like Jade Empire i actually did like this game.

So for some reason Origin isnt letting me log in to my account... i know i have a few of the freebies they offered on the account. Like AC 1 and Dead Space 1. I would like Jade Empire i actually did like this game.
I can't add JE yet.

Probably gonna have to wait until C+C2 is no longer "On The House."

I already own from Jade Empire PC from both Retail and GOG; I wouldn't mind adding it to my Origin account.

Of course, I also wouldn't mind adding it to Steam, either. :) Would be nice if EA tossed Jade Empire Steam-version in another EA Origin Humble Bundle some day.

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Yea Jade Empire is back to being listed at 14.99, my guess is this deal "leaked" early and just hasnt gone live yet. 

At any rate, its one of my favorite games of all time. I dont have it on PC and was hoping this free one was happening now, but I played the shit out of it on original Xbox. 

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You'll really like FO4 depending on what it is you liked about New Vegas. Gameplay is extremely similar, but the game is overall evolved from a presentation and quality of gameplay stand if you liked the atmosphere and running around exploring that's still there. But as Mooby said, New Vegas was an Obsidian game and this is Bethesda...if you're going into this looking for good writing and a faction system like NV had you're going to be disappointed. FO4 is basically Skyrim with guns, like how FO3 was Oblivion with guns.
Well, I may be in the minority, but I liked the main story in Skyrim, even though it did feel completely optional. Skyrim also had a number of factions that you could join and play through a series of quests for, which doesn't seem too terribly dissimilar to what you're referencing. An interesting narrative and well-written characters along with a levelling system that gives you a lot of options for designing your own PC are the things that appeal to me most about the RPG genre, although you can easily argue that the anything after Fallout 2 in this series (excluding Tactics), was at best a hybrid RPG-shooter. These are the things that everyone seems to be saying Fallout 4 fails at.

Well, I may be in the minority, but I liked the main story in Skyrim, even though it did feel completely optional.
Just about every main-quest in an Elder Scrolls game feels pretty much optional. A lot of the major side-quest plot-lines in the base-game - i.e. Dark Brotherhood + Thieves Guild quest-line string, for example - are much better & much more interesting than what goes on in the base-game's main quest.

Also, in many of the Expansion/DLC Main Quests - hell, those are often better than the base-game's main quest. I'll take Bloodmoon's + Tribunal's main quest over Morrowind base-game's main quest any day; I'll take Oblivion's KOTN main quest + especially Shiv Isles' main-quest any day over Oblivion base-game's main quest; and I'll take both Dragonborn's main-quest and especially Dawnguard's main-quest any day over Skyrim's main-quest.

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main-quest any day over Skyrim's main-quest.
... so 150 + hrs in this game ... I've only climbed the dragon mountain once. And that's it. Never went beyond that. I completed all the side quests. Of which, I could only stomach repeating Dark Brotherhood and Thieves more than once. I love the Vampire storyline.

Pretty much the same story for Morrowwind. Oblivion I actually beat the main storyline but I vastly preferred KOTN as well.

But I'm also a stingy bugger and have a couple of games that have come out. Can't afford them all. Well, I can, but I'd be silly paying full price to shelve them.

FO on the other hand I'm drooling over and the commercials during football are rubbing it in that I don't have it. But I've been strong (so far).

... so 150 + hrs in this game ... I've only climbed the dragon mountain once. And that's it. Never went beyond that. I completed all the side quests. Of which, I could only stomach repeating Dark Brotherhood and Thieves more than once. I love the Vampire storyline.

Pretty much the same story for Morrowwind. Oblivion I actually beat the main storyline but I vastly preferred KOTN as well.

But I'm also a stingy bugger and have a couple of games that have come out. Can't afford them all. Well, I can, but I'd be silly paying full price to shelve them.

FO on the other hand I'm drooling over and the commercials during football are rubbing it in that I don't have it. But I've been strong (so far).
I'm drooling over FO4 for the most part (b/c I love all of the main FO's so far - i.e. FO1,2,3,NV)...

...But I'm also still worried about the typical Bethesda new-release problems (bugs, broken quests, not-so-great graphics technically, not so-hot animations, poor UI, story + character development ain't anything special, etc); and uncertain if it'll top FO3+NV (especially in fresh-ness feeling of gameplay; and especially since Obsidian is hard to top in terms of narrative, character-development, and storytelling).

I'm still having a tough time trying to avoid purchasing FO4. But, I think I might've just made it easier for myself to hold off by seriously playing Witcher 3 - and I can't seem to let go of this damn game. So far, W3's outstanding.

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For some reason I can't manage to get into the Witchers. At all. I've owned all of them. And only have a piddling of playtime on them. W3... I got bored sometime after the griffin... and that ain't even that far.
Witcher series is more of a slow-burn than many other RPG's. I think it's a series where I can really-really get into the game-world, immersion, story, character development, dialogue, Codex, and things of that sort. It certainly isn't for everyone b/c it's a slow-burn - but, this game seems to be really-really speaking to me, at the moment.

I loved Witcher 1 + 2 - but to me, both of those had some minor issues. Witcher 1's combat was fine + different, but it was still lacking something; and Witcher 2 improved combat immensely but Chapter 3 for me fell apart majorly. I can only hope Witcher 3 for me doesn't fall apart at some point...

Just about every main-quest in an Elder Scrolls game feels pretty much optional. A lot of the major side-quest plot-lines in the base-game - i.e. Dark Brotherhood + Thieves Guild quest-line string, for example - are much better & much more interesting than what goes on in the base-game's main quest.

Also, in many of the Expansion/DLC Main Quests - hell, those are often better than the base-game's main quest. I'll take Bloodmoon's + Tribunal's main quest over Morrowind base-game's main quest any day; I'll take Oblivion's KOTN main quest + especially Shiv Isles' main-quest any day over Oblivion base-game's main quest; and I'll take both Dragonborn's main-quest and especially Dawnguard's main-quest any day over Skyrim's main-quest.
Okay you're gonna make me get old skool.
Tribunal's quest was basically an extension of the Morrowind main quest. It just tied up some loose ends, namely Almalexia (and Sotha Sil to a lesser degree).

Blood Moon's main quest was nothing special. TL;DR there's some Nords and werewolves and snow.

Oh and a creepy old man pushing drugs to cats

I thought the Morrowind main quest was pretty much the best MQ of the ES series. It had a lot of twists and turns and things to dig into to try and figure out what really happened in the past and just which religious faction, if any, was telling the truth.

Oblivion's was meh for me. Trite Evil guy wants to destroy the world because he thinks it's corrupt so wants to remake it stuff. Oh and he starts a cult and kills Captain Picard.

I really couldn't stand Knights of the Nine because I'm something of an Elder Scrolls lore nerd from way back and the retconned and whitewashed the hell out of the religion and the capital province. What was supposed to be Greco-Roman culture in a jungle environment with a diverse pagan pantheon turned into trite standard fantasy crap with an environment that looked like England but sunny and some medieval Catholic Church quest for the holy grail crap. I guess they had to water down and make everything familiar for the console kiddies so they couldn't have [customspoiler=nude priestesses in temples for a goddess cult]
[/customspoiler] and stuff like they did in Daggerfall.

Skyrim was okay. It was kind of like their compromise between the completely cliche Oblivion setting and the totally alien and weird (which I loved) Morrowind setting, though still more on the familiar end if you ask me. I guess I want another artsy fartsy Morrowind alien world which will never happen, beyond pandering to the old fans with Bloodmoon 2.0 aka Dragonborn.

I guess they might do Summerset Isle next since the elves figured so prominently in the Skyrim main quest and before that they beat us over the head 800 kajillion times about the 'syndicates of wizards' with the rumors in Oblivion. I don't know that they'd be so ballsy though to do another game now with a land that's populated mostly by freaky looking elves where you as a human (if you play one) are the odd one out. Bethesda seems much more risk averse and much more into doing what's familiar and established and think of (but don't kill) the children since going console.

I feel the most interesting worlds in ES games (since Morrowind, as that's where I began w/ ES games) were for me both the lands of Morrowind + Shivering Isles. For me...with game-worlds, stories, characters - I think b/c the game-worlds + inhabitants are often much smaller in size - they often come across as more focused and they can do much more interesting + different things w/ those.

Often, those big huge landmasses in Oblivion + Skyrim just don't seem as appealing, as interesting to me. They also often feel much more generic than what Morrowind (b/c it's such a weird + interesting game-world) + any ES expansions (since Morrowind's expansions) had going on.

I found the Almalexia stuff way more interesting than the stuff with Dagoth Ur in the base-game.

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Well, I may be in the minority, but I liked the main story in Skyrim, even though it did feel completely optional. Skyrim also had a number of factions that you could join and play through a series of quests for, which doesn't seem too terribly dissimilar to what you're referencing. An interesting narrative and well-written characters along with a levelling system that gives you a lot of options for designing your own PC are the things that appeal to me most about the RPG genre, although you can easily argue that the anything after Fallout 2 in this series (excluding Tactics), was at best a hybrid RPG-shooter. These are the things that everyone seems to be saying Fallout 4 fails at.
From what I've seen the factions/guilds in Skyrim are better designed than the ones in FO4. It's why I'm a bit surprised FO4 is so 'generic.' Skyrim wasn't particularly deep but FO4 evinces a lack of effort. It's a fun game to 'play' but very very shallow.

To address your specific concern about my 'review' I don't think you'd go wrong spending $20ish on FO4 (aside from the hand-wringing over DLC never getting a discount/waiting for GOTY edition, etc.). It falls somewhere in between stuff like Borderlands/Dead Island and Fallout 3. And barring some crazy Microsoft store physical sale I don't see it hititng $10 for at least a year if not more. I remember grabbing Skyrim during that Microsoft sale and I think that was over a year after its initial release.

If you're lacking a fun game to play, 50-60% off is fine. If you have a backlog you can wait it out.

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Well, I may be in the minority, but I liked the main story in Skyrim, even though it did feel completely optional. Skyrim also had a number of factions that you could join and play through a series of quests for, which doesn't seem too terribly dissimilar to what you're referencing. An interesting narrative and well-written characters along with a levelling system that gives you a lot of options for designing your own PC are the things that appeal to me most about the RPG genre, although you can easily argue that the anything after Fallout 2 in this series (excluding Tactics), was at best a hybrid RPG-shooter. These are the things that everyone seems to be saying Fallout 4 fails at.
I thought main quest in Skyrim was fine but not really interesting. Bethesda just doesn't do interesting plots/writing (or at least they haven't since Morrowind, which of the Bethesda games i've played had the best writing/plot and by far the deepest rpg mechanics). FO4 also has four factions, and from what I've read it's actually deep enough to the point where you can't complete all the quest lines in one play through because there are conflicts between some of them. I'm not through the main story of FO4 so I can't speak as to how good it is, but it'd be hard to argue that the companions aren't better than the characters in skyrim. They're not great, but they're more developed than the empty shell of npcs you typically had in skyrim. As for the leveling system, if you were fine with Skryim's system you should be fine with this one. There actually is a fair deal of designing your character through leveling, but it's been streamlined where everything is done through perks now. Instead of having skills where each level you put so many points into different skills and pick a perk every other level or whatever, now in the beginning of the game you pick your special points and that governs what perks you do and don't have access to. Personally I think the changes it's made from FO3 are fine, I just preferred some things the way they used to be.

When it comes to BioWare, Bethesda and CD Projekt games - often, yep.
Stop by engineering later and we will do a diagnostic on your sale rule adherence sub-routines. If we find a problem we'll probably just rip your wires out and use them for scrap parts because I can't be bothered spending time fixing crap

Stop by engineering later and we will do a diagnostic on your sale rule adherence sub-routines. If we find a problem we'll probably just rip your wires out and use them for scrap parts because I can't be bothered spending time fixing crap
So, Bobby won't be fixing me and upgrading me then...?

I would really appreciate if when people labeled their games they drop they would write the correct game. I have been really wanting to add anus simulator 2014 to my steam account but misled per usual on that front.

Does anyone know where people are getting cheap Talos Principle keys from? Saw someone selling it for $6.

I would really appreciate if when people labeled their games they drop they would write the correct game. I have been really wanting to add anus simulator 2014 to my steam account but misled per usual on that front.
You need to move to Nevada and get abducted by Aliens. That beats any simulation.

Greenman got banned for good from Reddit for being Shady McShaderson who lives on Shady Lane.
/r/GameDeals and GreenManGaming (self.GameDealsMeta)

We realize that a large part of our community is a big fan of GreenManGaming and their deals, but ever since it was made clear that their keys for The Witcher 3 were not coming directly from CDProjektRED or the proper channels there has been a lingering concern about GreenManGaming.

Because of the store's popularity and excellent customer care among the community, we allowed GreenManGaming to bypass /r/GameDeals rule about only allowing stores that were authorized to sell all of the games in their store - but for only one game, The Witcher 3.
We did this based on community feedback and we would easily be able to prevent their 1 unauthorized game from being posted. There was also some questions as to why GreenManGaming had to resort to gray market sources in order to obtain and sell The Witcher 3 keys. Some felt the blame lied with CDProjektRED, and GreenManGaming was being punished for that.

It has now come to our attention that GreenManGaming's library of unauthorized game sales has expanded, or this library has just now come to light. You may have noticed recently some "too good to be true" deals on GreenManGaming. We received a few modmails/emails on the subject so we investigated.

From what we have been told by the publishers, GreenManGaming is not authorized to sell Activision, Ubisoft or WB Games titles, as well as CDProjektRED's The Witcher 3.

WB Games

We observed the sales on Activision's Black Ops 3, and we noticed that their customers received mixed results. Some customers received a ROW copy of Black Ops 3. Others received ROW+Nuketown (pre-order DLC). And others received invalid keys. This is often the result of buying unauthorized keys. Stores will often obtain the keys through different sources to meet the number of sales, but can't assure the customers are getting the same product, or if it's even valid. (There was a large number of invalid keys for The Witcher 3 as well.)

We explored the possibility of simply adding to the list of games at GreenManGaming not allowed on /r/GameDeals but we feel GreenManGaming will continue to hide the source of their keys from the customers and it would require a lot of constant work (as contracts will always come and go), and never be 100% accurate. We also feel that it's too big of an exception to be made. It's not just 1 game anymore. It's multiple publishers.

Because of this we have decided to once again ban GreenManGaming from /r/GameDeals indefinitely. We contacted the GMG rep to try and discuss this matter, but we have not heard anything back or even been acknowledged.

We have reached out to several publishers and would like you to know that GMG is authorized to sell from some publishers such as: Electronic Arts, Bethesda, ArenaNET/NCSoft (despite not being on the Guild Wars 2 retailers page), and Devolver Digital. So while they will not be allowed on /r/GameDeals for violating our rules, you can still buy some authorized games from GMG. But you'll have to do so at your risk, as these kind of things can change, and their deals will no longer be allowed on /r/GameDeals.

/r/GameDeals mods

TL;DR - GMG has been selling unauthorized keys so cannot now be posted to /r/gamedeals.

They wrote to Ubisoft, Activision and Warner who all told them GMG is not an authorized retailer of theirs (ya think? Those recent Anno 2205 and Mad Max sales were conveniently near CDkeys/G2A prices).

Reddit Game Deals seems to still be turning a blind eye and going don't ask don't tell on Funstock for the moment.

bread's done