Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I don't know if Dead Island is a good example of weapon degradation. I felt it was done alright in Fallout NV though.
same i thought it was realistic, whenever i fix something i just tape a more degraded version of itself onto it. like my car broke down last year so i went to the dump and duct taped a car that had been in an 11 car pile up to it

same i thought it was realistic, whenever i fix something i just tape a more degraded version of itself onto it. like my car broke down last year so i went to the dump and duct taped a car that had been in an 11 car pile up to it
It worked for my wife too:


Okay so the publisher sells to them and then they sell to someone else who would in turn sells to the end user and this somehow doesn't increase the price but lowers it?

Sorry but the math isn't adding up unless there's some regional price skirting going on which obviously the publishers don't intend to happen.

If the publishers are giving these middlemen some kind of bulk discount then why not just give that to the stores?

This all sounds like them wanting to have their cake and eat it to by doing the same regional price dodging G2A and the like do while being labeled "legitimate".
With Nexway, at least and to answer the second question, it sounds like the reason to go through them is so the publisher doesn't have to deal with contracts and such with hundreds of different stores. Bit off that topic but apparently Nexway provides services for Amazon, Best Buy, Games Rocket and DL Gamer (they also list Funstock on one page). Supposedly Nexway also provides keys for Nuuvem but that was from a Reddit comment so it could be true or the biggest pile of BS.

Doesn't mean they are grey market (and, grey doesn't mean illegitimate), it's possible they use some of the bigger games as loss leaders to get customers in the store. But it also wouldn't surprise me if someone like Nexway is willing to work out deals with places like GMG for ROW keys they know won't sell.

I know in my case, with the last purchase, FM 2016 was ROW while GMG was confirmed an authorized seller by SI. Nexway supposedly has a partnership with SEGA, and used FM 2014 as one of their examples on their site, while GMG lists FM 2016 is from an authorized distributor. In other words, wouldn't surprise me they work with Nexway to supply keys for Activision, Sega, WB, etc.

It'd also probably explain why Ubisoft, Activision, and WB support said GMG wasn't on their approved list, and why WB in follow up(s) changed. Community mod for SI did the same at first and had to later edit the post that he was incorrect.

Also, the whole thing with people (*cough* reddit *cough*) assuming they must be shady if they don't want to share contracts in kinda funny to me. GMG pretty much built itself and maintains it's relevancy because of it's cost leadership strategy. Obviously the only real way to get an advantage for that in this industry is to get the product cheaper then the other guy. So, like hell they'd share their only advantage with people and hope no-one finds out about it. Sure it could also be to keep publishers working with the distributors from knowing and shutting the flow, but I'm willing to give GMG the benefit of doubt.

Besides, they can't really lead purely on cost, as companies like G2A and CDkeys (or w.e.) can get them even cheaper. So Keeping keys legitimate is GMG's only way to differentiate itself from those types of companies, ergo it'd be kinda stupid to piss that away. I doubt Reddit mods are smart enough to figure that out, but I'd bet CDPR was, and when the two weren't getting along too well, it's a little convenient they publicly question the legitimacy on GMGs sourcing.

So yeah, I don't really buy (at least yet) that GMG is shady, I also don't deny it's possible but personally just don't see it/feel it. If they were getting keys off the back of a truck or whatever and it got out, they'd be gone faster then someone accused of being a playfire pirate.

same i thought it was realistic, whenever i fix something i just tape a more degraded version of itself onto it. like my car broke down last year so i went to the dump and duct taped a car that had been in an 11 car pile up to it
Gotta learn to juryrigging man, with that I was able to fix my degraded car with 10 hotwheels, 5 matchboxes, and a tonka truck.

All this GMG shady business makes me glad I fleeced them for like 180 dollars in play fire money. Granted I bought shady keys but fuck that Idiot that was white knighting for them.

Lost planet sucks
After a trade has been accepted by both parties, if either party\'s account has not been secured by the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, then to protect against unauthorized trades, the traded items will be placed in escrow.<br><br>During the escrow period, the items will not be available to either user. This allows users who have not secured their accounts to cancel any unauthorized trades and recover their items.<br><br>Canceling all pending and in-escrow trades will place a trading hold on your account for a few days to prevent any further unauthorized attempts to trade away items.

also looks like no steam's market fee (only publisher fee) if you do that or CAN do.
Because everyone can't...
The only thing I don't understand is people getting indignant or angry over gray market keys. I would generally prefer to shop above the board but the only people involved in that sort of thing are people I don't care about or owe any energy to. I'd rather yell at you dopes for your shitty taste in slutty waifus.

Speaking of slutty waifus, weapon degradation had no place in Dead Island but that was only because Dead Island decided to be Borderlands with zombies with zombies and loot that leveled up with you so LITERALLY THE LOOT TREADMILL WAS COMPLETELY POINTLESS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM. YOU NEVER OUTLEVELED ANYTHING AND IT ONLY MEANT YOU HAD TO KEEP CYCLING WEAPONS INTO THE TRASH. It was such garbage design that weapon degradation was the least of its problems.

In Fallout 3 and New Vegas it adds really nothing but pointless clickery. There is absolutely no scarcity in either of those games. (Hell, Stalker doesn't even have scarcity to speak of unless you're trying to play some super autismal tacticool operator megamod because you really need something to convince you this series is fun.) But it isn't like Fallout 4 did away with it. Now instead of pointless clickery every fifteen minutes or so to make meters go back up, you are doing some pointless clickery to spend all that wasteland garbage you are collecting to buy incremental gun upgrades.

I haven't been able to turn on Mobile Authentication on my phone.  Just gives me errors.  I suspect it's because it is a Fire phone and not regular Android. 

Yup, I'm on Windows Phone too.

Uh, wait what? I refuse to use the Steam Mobile thing, does that mean I won't be able to trade anything at all now?
It says "During the escrow period", so I assume it's just a delay. Who knows how long.

Looks like it's not live yet, but probably soon.

Next security feature for Steam: "If you are really sure you want to trade something, you must meet a Steam agent at the old bench on the corner of 5th and Main at 3PM exactly with either an ovum or semen (based on the gender stated in your Tindr profile) and a copy of your fifth grade book report, authenticated and signed in triplicate by a notary. We'll then use your DNA to create a clone of you and send him or her to your house to perform a mind-meld and verify that you really, really want to trade. This may take up to 48 months to complete."

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I haven't been able to turn on Mobile Authentication on my phone. Just gives me errors. I suspect it's because it is a Fire phone and not regular Android.
I got mine to work, and it immediately annoyed the fuck out of me. Even though I tell Steam to remember me, every time I opened Chrome, I had to mobile authenticate. fuck that noise. Make me do it if the IP address is different, otherwise, fuck off.

Re: Redlizard TL;DR blabla GMG can't sell for as low G2A etc.

Except sometimes they do.

Re: Star Wars Christmas special
and you way missed the point, they can't just compete on price as the real "off the truck," sellers would be able to match or go under them. So being legitimate and low cost is their advantage over legitimate stores (cost differentiation) and the real shady folks (differentiation).

Next security feature for Steam: "If you are really sure you want to trade something, you must meet a Steam agent at the old bench on the corner of 5th and Main at 3PM exactly with either an ovum or semen (based on the gender stated in your Tindr profile) and a copy of your fifth grade book report, authenticated and signed in triplicate by a notary. We'll then use your DNA to create a clone of you and send him or her to your house to perform a mind-meld and verify that you really, really want to trade. This may take up to 48 months to complete."
Still sounds more likely to happen than Half-Life 3.


Right so when they sell a game way lower than every other site except Kinguin, G2A CD keys etc and just happen to be about the same price those sites are selling for GMG is legit and they are not.

Got it.
In other shady totally legitimate news, Spoder tipped me off to Hot Random Mess Keys which is doing some build a bundle schlock of like 95% bundle trash but there's a few that are future bundle trash that haven't been bundled yet. When I went to checkout [customspoiler=Surprise Bitch!]
[/customspoiler] it was G2A and they tried to sell me digital protection money G2A Shield, which I declined natch.

Every page kept emphasizing how legitimate and authorized and safe and secure the site is. Nothing makes me feel more secure than a site going out of its way to tell me how secure it is.

Keys all activated and I'm idling the the grandma HOGs and stuff as I type.

Anyway, if you want to check out basically G2A's answer to Poopees but without the shitty chat full of weird foreigners and guessing game bullshit then it's here:

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Right so when they sell a game way lower than every other site except Kinguin, G2A CD keys etc and just happen to be about the same price those sites are selling for GMG is legit and they are not.

Got it.
Sure, they might be. It could be a loss leader to drive traffic and get people to buy other things, not uncommon in traditional retail and GMG has been willing to take losses for market share before (namely, Playfire credit, which probably cost them a good bit).

Not quite sure what the issue is anyways? Just provided thoughts/potential reasons they might not be shady and given my personal opinion that I don't think they are. Haven't even ruled out that grey market/shadiness is a possibility just that I don't think it's what they are doing *shrugs*.

In other shady totally legitimate news, Spoder tipped me off to Hot Random Mess Keys which is doing some build a bundle schlock of like 95% bundle trash but there's a few that are future bundle trash that haven't been bundled yet. When I went to checkout [customspoiler=Surprise Bitch!]
[/customspoiler] it was G2A and they tried to sell me digital protection money G2A Shield, which I declined natch.

Every page kept emphasizing how legitimate and authorized and safe and secure the site is. Nothing makes me feel more secure than a site going out of its way to tell me how secure it is.

Keys all activated and I'm idling the the grandma HOGs and stuff as I type.

Anyway, if you want to check out basically G2A's answer to Poopees but without the shitty chat full of weird foreigners and guessing game bullshit then it's here:
just used that...thanks shadytastic

oh and

Using a 'loss leader' on the hottest new game everyone wants and expecting them to buy all the other shit that's been around forever is fucking dumb. It's not a grocery store. With the exception of Steam where everyone has all their shit and friends lists and bla bla, no one is going to Greenman or Gamersgate or whatever the hell attracted by one good sale and then goes to look at a bunch of other trash that's not even really a deal.

If you get milk for 99 cents you still need eggs and bread and a ton of other shit. Games not so much.

In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.

Someone posted this on the Steam feed

The Autumn "Black Friday\Exploration" sale is from November 25th 10AM PST til December 1st 10AM PST.

The Holiday sale is from December 22nd 10AM PST til Jan 4th 10AM PST.

From the steamworks developer group....

"In past sale events, we’ve asked for two discounts—a duration discount that runs for the length of the sale, and a feature discount that runs in the event that a game is featured on the front page. This year, to optimize the sale for customers and to allow us to feature and recommend your products in more ways to more customers, we’re asking for just one discount, to run the length of the sale.

We’ll still be highlighting top games on the front page for 24-48 hour spans, but those products will stay at their most competitive discount, before and after being featured. It’s not a major change, but it does make the sale a lot more valuable for customers, and it allows us to build sale tools that highlight and recommend products all sale long, instead of just during front page features."
sounds legit :p but can't confirm it myself. Maybe Carl can?
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I'll be honest, GMG is probably one of the few sites I would white knight.  But mostly because I hate reddit so much. 


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I actually avoid +1s if they are complete garbage. Back when I was first frequenting this site I was on 360 and when that garbage platform crapped out on me i moved to PS3 and then PC.
Tl;dr dont buy groupees
In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.

Someone posted this on the Steam feed

sounds legit :p
Would have to ask Reddit first and then also see if Steam has an "Authorised Distributor" tag.

I actually avoid +1s if they are complete garbage. Back when I was first frequenting this site I was on 360 and when that garbage platform crapped out on me i moved to PS3 and then PC.
Tl;dr dont buy groupees
I just filter my +1's I don't care about to "Junk Games" Category.

In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.

Someone posted this on the Steam feed

sounds legit :p but can't confirm it myself. Maybe Carl can?
I'm not sure I buy it. Why run a sale for 12 days if the prices are not going to change at least daily? Where is the incentive for regulars to come back evey day and buy more? Sure, it works fine for the occasional visitor who then will not miss the best deal, but then that visitor might have paid more for a game, not knowing the sale "rules." For most of us, the sale will begin and end once the deals come out and maybe we catch a glitch. The only thing left to keep us coming back would be their sale gimmick, and unless it's fantastic, that won't hold anyone's attention. And based on prior sales, that gimmick is unlikely in the extreme to be fantastic.

In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.
That's just another nail in the coffin for fun and interesting Steam sales. :whistle2:(
In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.
That's disappointing, maybe they'll make up for it with really strong prices the entire sale (yea right). It also limits the chances for price glitches to once.

Remember how 50-66% discounts on 2-3 year old AAA games for flash and daily deals seemed like weak discounts?

You ain't seen nothing yet. Bring on 33% off Skyrim with non-discounted DLC.

bread's done