Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.
while at first this seems really shitty the upside is that as opposed to getting disappointed everyday you get to just rip all the disappointment off at once like a big shit sale bandaid

In other shady totally legitimate news, Spoder tipped me off to Hot Random Mess Keys which is doing some build a bundle schlock of like 95% bundle trash but there's a few that are future bundle trash that haven't been bundled yet. When I went to checkout [customspoiler=Surprise Bitch!]
[/customspoiler] it was G2A and they tried to sell me digital protection money G2A Shield, which I declined natch.

Every page kept emphasizing how legitimate and authorized and safe and secure the site is. Nothing makes me feel more secure than a site going out of its way to tell me how secure it is.

Keys all activated and I'm idling the the grandma HOGs and stuff as I type.

Anyway, if you want to check out basically G2A's answer to Poopees but without the shitty chat full of weird foreigners and guessing game bullshit then it's here:
This could be like Tremor, but without having to do all the stupid crap to get coins.

I'm a fan of Bundle Stars Todd myself.
Even they are going the way of the dodo with their recent changes (going from bundles as main attraction to their store)... doesn't it look like all these sites are struggling to attract on price alone now? that they have to come up with all these other gimmicks like blind pre-order or curator reviews and what not...

I don't think it's just them all getting greedy at the same time and collaborating but more like publishers are really going out of their way to curb price reductions/control prices/control distribution (uplay/origin).. (and beating the shit out of sites that disobey coz omg, they're circumventing our price regulation)

Well AC Syndicate is off to a great start. Froze so hard at the title screen that I had to forcibly shut my PC down and restart, task manager wouldn't shut it down and it just made the whole screen constantly black.

I want my 99 cents back!

Got to hand it to Ubi though, they're predictably shit on their ports, at least on release a ton of people always seem to have issues.

Bleh, I'm going to bed. Ain't nobody got time fo dis.

So Fallout 4 runs pretty good for me so far. Battlefront runs like an absolute dream.

I got Syndicate free with my GPU, it's loaded up and I'm gonna try it out after I do this workout.

Hold the pillow, I'm going in dry.

just used that...thanks shadytastic
I think Bobby doesn't realize the HRK thing yet. Pretty sure I told him about it at one point but he probably ignored me. Now he's wondering why everyone has Movie Studio Boss. The Hidden Object pack and Meridian are the best non-bundled things they've had so far, which is why I told Motoki about it.

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Well AC Syndicate is off to a great start. Froze so hard at the title screen that I had to forcibly shut my PC down and restart, task manager wouldn't shut it down and it just made the whole screen constantly black.

I want my 99 cents back!

Got to hand it to Ubi though, they're predictably shit on their ports, at least on release a ton of people always seem to have issues.

Bleh, I'm going to bed. Ain't nobody got time fo dis.
Completely opposite for me. Ran great from the start aside from having to disable DSR which forced me to restart after my initial launch. Once I did that, it was fine. Framerate held for the most part to 60 or better with ultra everything except a few options (set AA at FXAA) and a few drops into the 50s during cutscenes and a few drops again into the 50s when I hit the city finally (1080 resolution). I found it immediately more impressive than Unity at least in terms of launch.


I'm really impressed with the lighting so far.


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Region locked tho.
Damn, I'd love to get my Colombian friend to buy me some of these ultra-cheap games. Almightree and Rise: Battle Lines are about 16 cents each there, assuming they're region-locked to SA? :(

EDIT: Also, thanks for the shady G2A bundle. There were 10 games on the list I didn't have (I think) and 25 cents apiece is good. TRISTOY also comes with a gift copy.

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I agree with archbishop, it ran fine for me. It auto set everything to low at 4K, don't know why but whatever. Dropped it down to 1080 with everything set to ultra and it ran mostly 60 but dropped to 40, messed with the FXAA a little and it's running mostly 60 now.

Good grief, this game is a BEAST to max out or is poorly optimized one. I still had 2GB of VRAM left with everything on 1440p ultra and it was only 30fps then.

I agree with archbishop, it ran fine for me. It auto set everything to low at 4K, don't know why but whatever. Dropped it down to 1080 with everything set to ultra and it ran mostly 60 but dropped to 40, messed with the FXAA a little and it's running mostly 60 now.

Good grief, this game is a BEAST to max out or is poorly optimized one. I still had 2GB of VRAM left with everything on 1440p ultra and it was only 30fps then.
Its because there's no Nvidia game ready driver for it yet at least from what Ive read. It definitely is a beast, but at the very least it's incomparable to Unity at launch. This one was actually playable from the get go.

In non fucking annoying internet arguments spoilered for no sensible reason news, apparently Steam is ditching daily and flash deals and just streamlining the big sales with just one price for the duration but rotating what's on the front page.

Someone posted this on the Steam feed

sounds legit :p but can't confirm it myself. Maybe Carl can?
Can confirm. A Valve employee has commented with this explanation in other threads on the Steamworks Dev group.

On the upside, if you can convince a developer to talk about their discount plans prior to a sale, you don't need to remember to check every 8 hours for a Flash sale to get the best deal. Won't work for big developers, but indies can really benefit from this transparency and interacting with the forums.

Edit: Eh, I'll ask for a few beta testers when it's ready. Bit too early atm.

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Its because there's no Nvidia game ready driver for it yet at least from what Ive read. It definitely is a beast, but at the very least it's incomparable to Unity at launch. This one was actually playable from the get go.
Makes sense.

I have an nvidia so I'll get it through GFE if it's released, but does that alienate AMD users?
In other shady totally legitimate news, Spoder tipped me off to Hot Random Mess Keys which is doing some build a bundle schlock of like 95% bundle trash but there's a few that are future bundle trash that haven't been bundled yet. When I went to checkout [customspoiler=Surprise Bitch!]
[/customspoiler] it was G2A and they tried to sell me digital protection money G2A Shield, which I declined natch.

Every page kept emphasizing how legitimate and authorized and safe and secure the site is. Nothing makes me feel more secure than a site going out of its way to tell me how secure it is.

Keys all activated and I'm idling the the grandma HOGs and stuff as I type.

Anyway, if you want to check out basically G2A's answer to Poopees but without the shitty chat full of weird foreigners and guessing game bullshit then it's here:
Hmm. This is the first I've heard of HRK. It does look Shady McShady but there's a +12 that's ripe for the taking!

They accept PayPal too. :whistle2:k

Update: Screw it, I just took the plunge. All keys redeemed. Thanks CAG via Motoki via Spoder via Authorized Distributor Sources.

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Its because there's no Nvidia game ready driver for it yet at least from what Ive read. It definitely is a beast, but at the very least it's incomparable to Unity at launch. This one was actually playable from the get go.
I don't know if a NVidia game-ready driver will solve UbiSoft's problem. Of late, their problem is their games often look amazing at high-settings - but require a rocket-ship to run properly at those settings.

At least someone here is pushing technical graphics quality & fidelity here w/ their games on the PC (i.e. Far Cry 4; Watch Dogs; AC Unity; and it sounds like AC: Syndicate can join the club) b/c it sure doesn't look like Bethesda is from what I've read + seen.

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I was surprised there wasn't an Nvidia patch pushed since there's almost always one at a big game launch. Hoping that solves my issues but I guess I can wade through the forums and see if anyone has any ideas. Not really keen on trying it again without a solution as I don't want to have to keep hard reseting my computer. :p

Just one sale price for the Steam sale sounds stupid to me since you can check it once and ignore Steam for the next week and a half.  But Steam's been moving away from these things being "events" for a while with less and less reasons to check in regularly.  Maybe they'll have a new shitty flash game to drive store traffic.

I guess CAG Steam Sale thread traffic will be even slower than last time.

Just one sale price for the Steam sale sounds stupid to me since you can check it once and ignore Steam for the next week and a half. But Steam's been moving away from these things being "events" for a while with less and less reasons to check in regularly. Maybe they'll have a new shitty flash game to drive store traffic.

I guess CAG Steam Sale thread traffic will be even slower than last time.
I agree that the trend has been toward the Christmas sale being less of a big deal, especially because Steam now has something like 5-6 different annual sale events. Also, I think Valve has just gotten lazier and lazier about the sales. Lack of dailies and flashes might be good for the consumer if the discounts aren't crap, but we won't really know that until we see it. It also seems like the move from 24- to 48-hour dailies and the consistent to the point of nigh-inevitable recap days were moves in this direction.

EDIT: I think if Steam doesn't have higher-than-usual discounts on a lot of things people are likely to really start blowing off the Christmas sale because there's no real incentive at that point to actually wait on a big sale when you can just grab something as a daily for the same discounted price.

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Re:  Steam Sale

Maybe it'll help this thread from getting 200+ pages a day.  


I'm absolutely positive if Steam does this, we'll read through the sale on day one... and then have 2 weeks to complain about how it's the shittiest sale ever.  :)

To be honest, I like just having one sale price. eh. I can just buy what I really want without fear of it going cheaper or having missed a sale and I don't have to anguish over dumbass community votes (assuming they do away with them too; I hope so) and then I can mull over the stuff I'm on the fence over for a week and a half.

The two tiered pricing system just causes issues. A lot of people who aren't obsessed deal hunters don't know about it. And now with refunds it's just going to be a huge headache for them because they'll get a ton of requests. A bunch of us already did that during the last big sale.

I think there's other ways they can make it an event, going back to prizes for playing and such would be good. The auction was nice too. I'm fine with the one price thing really.

Oh and in completely unrelated news, I got AC Syndicate to run. I don't know if the first time I tried was a fluke or what but I set it to run borderless windowed mode just in case since that seems to cause less issues for most games. Don't really have time to mess with it now since I have to run to work. Will give it a spin later.

I agree that the trend has been toward the Christmas sale being less of a big deal, especially because Steam now has something like 5-6 different annual sale events. Also, I think Valve has just gotten lazier and lazier about the sales. Lack of dailies and flashes might be good for the consumer if the discounts aren't crap, but we won't really know that until we see it. It also seems like the move from 24- to 48-hour dailies and the consistent to the point of nigh-inevitable recap days were moves in this direction.

EDIT: I think if Steam doesn't have higher-than-usual discounts on a lot of things people are likely to really start blowing off the Christmas sale because there's no real incentive at that point to actually wait on a big sale when you can just grab something as a daily for the same discounted price.
I think people who have been waiting for or relying on the Steam sales for anything other than blowing through card money/credit are already way behind the curve. Outside of glitches, the best prices for games has been consistently outside of Steam for years now. The $6ish price for Wolfenstein New Order recently is something we won't see on Steam for months if not a year or more. GMG has also been undercutting Steam with coupons and Humble usually has the best price for indie games before Steam ever does.

To be honest, I like just having one sale price.
You're a monster.

Fallout 4 is sort of annoying me. Maybe disappointing me? This whole town building thing represents the worst aspects of game world building where, apparently, Ms. Unfrozen Wasteland Lawyer is the only person who can manage telling Bitchy McCrabbypants to harvest wheat or Gypsy Drugbottoms to man the guard post because none of these retards can figure this out themselves? And, somehow, my law degree and six weeks of parenting have taught me how to lead Habitat for Humanity and build water filtration plants and weld bed frames? Without me, they'd all just mill around aimlessly until they succumb to hunger or irradiated raccoons? No wonder they went from twenty people to four -- they're all fucking morons.

I don't need complete "realism". I can accept, I guess, the fact that two hundred years in the cryochamber has apparently withered away my regard for human life (in my first two minutes out of the Vault, I casually shot some dude in the face and went through his pockets for loose change). It would be nice if the game world at least pretended that I'm not the only one who doesn't drink paint chip and mercury smoothies all day long. Or maybe laid a little groundwork making you seem plausible.

Anyway, I played for maybe 90 minutes last night and spent 90% of it building shit for hopelessly incompetent people who should, by all rights, be a thousand times more qualified than the woman who was a 1950s homemaker three days ago (not counting the two centuries spent frozen). It was less satisfying than I make it sound.

But you guys are talking about the obsessed deal hunters who follow every deal on every site and F5 for glitches. We're in that microcosm but the masses still shop at Steam and that's where all the traffic is.

For people who don't collect as many games as cheap as possible and never play them but rather just buy whatever they actually want to play usually at or near full prices those are good enough deals for them.

I try to get my sister to check deals and go to other sites etc etc but she just can't be bothered. If I know something might go on sale on Steam soonish she'll wait but that's about it.

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inb4 new Steam holiday announcement...

Monthly preorder subscription for a random grab-bag of games. May include new Greenlit releases, DLC (for games you don't own) and videos of Phil Fish making hipster frowns.

*By purchasing this service, you sign a two year contract with an early termination fee. No refunds.
while at first this seems really shitty the upside is that as opposed to getting disappointed everyday you get to just rip all the disappointment off at once like a big shit sale bandaid
Guys, guys. You are missing the biggest issue with this new format for sales . . .

Only one chance for glitches :\

Now it'll be up to GG, GMG, Amazon to step up their glitch game.

Fallout 4 is sort of annoying me. Maybe disappointing me? This whole town building thing represents the worst aspects of game world building
where, apparently, Ms. Unfrozen Wasteland Lawyer is the only person who can manage telling Bitchy McCrabbypants to harvest wheat or Gypsy Drugbottoms to man the guard post because none of these retards can figure this out themselves? And, somehow, my law degree and six weeks of parenting have taught me how to lead Habitat for Humanity and build water filtration plants and weld bed frames? Without me, they'd all just mill around aimlessly until they succumb to hunger or irradiated raccoons? No wonder they went from twenty people to four -- they're all fucking morons.

I don't need complete "realism". I can accept, I guess, the fact that two hundred years in the cryochamber has apparently withered away my regard for human life (in my first two minutes out of the Vault, I casually shot some dude in the face and went through his pockets for loose change). It would be nice if the game world at least pretended that I'm not the only one who doesn't drink paint chip and mercury smoothies all day long. Or maybe laid a little groundwork making you seem plausible.

Anyway, I played for maybe 90 minutes last night and spent 90% of it building shit for hopelessly incompetent people who should, by all rights, be a thousand times more qualified than the woman who was a 1950s homemaker three days ago (not counting the two centuries spent frozen). It was less satisfying than I make it sound.
I realized 12 years ago with Raven Rock that Bethesda sucks at delivering a satisfying town building simulation experience.
inb4 new Steam holiday announcement...

Monthly preorder subscription for a random grab-bag of games. May include new Greenlit releases, DLC (for games you don't own) and videos of Phil Fish making hipster frowns.

*By purchasing this service, you sign a two year contract with an early termination fee. No refunds.
Call me when they get Remute to contribute.

So this is happening:


Where's that 75% off on ARK when you need it???
I think you need to commemorate your addiction to poop with more poop, not good stuff.

Wish there was a game called Poop. Also those living room PCs look awful.

But this does beg the question, you guys think Black Friday or Winter sale will bring any deals on the Steam controller? Wondering if it could replace my current DS3 so I could use the DS3 with the PS3 since my lovable pup decided she needed an expensive chew toy after my wife left it out.

So we are witnessing the origin of a future Eyewitness News Special Report that will say "he was a quiet man, waved hello to him every day, kept to himself...never thought he'd go on a keyboard smashing rampage"

Good for him though, now that he's collecting his Social Security Check, he probably can afford to move out of the basement.

So we are witnessing the origin of a future Eyewitness News Special Report that will say "he was a quiet man, waved hello to him every day, kept to himself...never thought he'd go on a keyboard smashing rampage"
"He was a lunatic who stood on his lawn and screamed 'Why u bad boi not stopp SOPA spanksy cungrss' over and over. Frankly, I'm surprised they've only found five bodies down there. I had eight picked in the HOA pool."

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This may require moving out of the house, but does it really count as living on your own?


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Apparently there was some glitch in Columbia. I have no idea what it is/was or if it's still going on.

Madjoki would probably know better.
bread's done