Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I have never been able to understand how assassin's creed games do as well as they do.
They are safe. All of Ubisoft's offerings are. I'm not knocking them, as I thoroughly enjoy them. Hell, as much flak as I take for it, Watch_Dogs was one of my top ten favorite games of 2014. Black Flag is, up unto now, my favorite Assassin's Creed game, though. The setting was what sold it for me. Most of the series, prior to this game, were a bit drab, but completely in the realm of where they were set. I felt like Black Flag had such a wonderful aesthetic to it, where it was pretty to boot up and just sail... Stop by a few islands... Live it up.

While I cannot defend the mechanics of any of their games, or the side-missions, or most of what they do, I still find I enjoy their games for the most part. I just love seeing games accept a bright and adventurous tone these days, which makes it easier to sell to me.

Anybody thoroughly enjoying Subnautica?

Tried the Marvel 2016 game. It started great on the tutorial... but when I went to fight Ultron, I suddenly can't attack or anything, only walk around. Closed the game, started again... tutorial all over again but with the "glitch" this time... can't attack anything. Tried searching for help on the web... and then the game crashed and I had to kill the process. Ok. Uninstalling.
I've played that scenario a kajillion times with various characters and never had that issue. Never heard of anyone who did either.

Sounds like a personal problem to me.
RIGGED! THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! #VerdunGate2016 #Reds303Corruption #MalkanAmericaGreatAgain
According to Reddit-Lawyers, Euro-Consumer Gambling laws apply here because the contest was offered globally and he has to give me a free copy of the game or else the UN will airstrike his house.

re: 4pack of Zombie Army Trilogy, I'll buy one if you are still looking for people. I was thinking about getting it anyway.

Bumping this so we can get this going!
So far it's:

1. nitrosmob
2. NYstate (me)
3. NYstate (again!)
4. weretable

If we don't get 2 more, the Nazi zombie will win we can't have that happen can we?!

We did it! We let those Nazi sons of bitches you can't stop America! These colors don't run!


So I'm going to message nitrosmob and tell him it's a done deal.

I sent this message before I walked in to the room!

Edit: Formatting
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decided to blow off shark attack dm2.  that game looks dead.  Plus i cannot make the next brofest for it anyway.  Depth looks like the winner in the shark derby.  I noticed quite a few cags have it on their wishlist.

Doing a 4 pack of depth for $4.69 ea copy

decided to blow off shark attack dm2. that game looks dead. Plus i cannot make the next brofest for it anyway. Depth looks like the winner in the shark derby. I noticed quite a few cags have it on their wishlist.

Doing a 4 pack of depth for $4.69 ea copy
We've done like 4 bronights for it already lol, you'll get your moneys worth out of Shark Attack. y would u want to play with randoms anyway
[quote name="smackattack" post="13382608" timestamp="1466982089"]

decided to blow off shark attack dm2. that game looks dead. Plus i cannot make the next brofest for it anyway. Depth looks like the winner in the shark derby. I noticed quite a few cags have it on their wishlist.

Doing a 4 pack of depth for $4.69 ea copy[/quote
Send me a friend request as I just got it myself.
should I wait for the 75% off Dragon Age Inquisition GOTY or fakeybro now at Mexican 50%?
EA is kind of chintzy with their sales so it might be a while. Other stores like Amazon sell it but obviously you can't stack 75% off with Mexican pricing there.

There's a ton of content there for that price so it's worth it and EA is shit for discounting DLC separately, but it's a long, long, long ass game so if you truthfully aren't going to start it anytime soon it won't hurt to wait.

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Yeah, if you're going to play DA: I any time soon then the Mexico pricing is a good deal for a lot of content.  If you're just going to backlog it for six months, well, it'll probably be the same price come Christmas (assuming they never kill access south of the border).

EA is kind of chintzy with their sales so it might be a while. Other stores like Amazon sell it but obviously you can't stack 75% off with Mexican pricing there.

There's a ton of content there for that price so it's worth it and EA is shit for discounting DLC separately, but it's a long, long, long ass game so if you truthfully aren't going to start it anytime soon it won't hurt to wait.
I've been toying with the idea of getting it on PC, but I has it on PS4....wish it was on steam for le steam links

Another one to check out would be verdun. Grabbed it since a few friends got it and they have a groupbuy. Its definitely much easier to get in to than the other ww1/2 shooters like red orchestra. The squad play is pretty interesting as well since each squad is a historic one and fits certain roles and gets certain weapons. Played a few rounds last night and today and they were fun
Yea the squad play is pretty fun, would love to schedule one for a bronight if we ever get enough people but since technically the game could go on a long time if you keep trading trenches back and forth I'm not sure how long it would last and if anyone would win before the game was over. The specialization makes staying alive more important than other games, so I'd probably let everyone down when spoder snipes me 10 seconds into the game.

decided to blow off shark attack dm2. that game looks dead. Plus i cannot make the next brofest for it anyway. Depth looks like the winner in the shark derby. I noticed quite a few cags have it on their wishlist.

Doing a 4 pack of depth for $4.69 ea copy
I'm also doing giveaways for Depth and Damned, was going to wait until it was actually closer to the next scheduled bronight though. Although with everyone buying depth now I suppose I could be persuaded to hold the drawing before the sale ends...

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I was going to ask about this. It looks grandma-ish enough that I might actually even bro it, but they say the multi-player is dead, which of course is true for 99% of indie multi-player games on Steam.
Mushroom Wars Steam Edition has campaign, skirmish and MP. I bought it b/c I enjoyed it so much (along with Fat Princess) on my PS3.

I have given up hope of ever playing it again but thanks to Lord Gaben's discovery queue, I realize that they re-release it on Steam with all the DLCs and robust K/M support. INSTANT BUY!

I've been toying with the idea of getting it on PC, but I has it on PS4....wish it was on steam for le steam links
You should be able to still add games as a shortcut on Steam and then use them via Steam link that way. I'm not sure though if it has some funky launcher stuff that throws off Steam and drops the link but even if so there are ways around that by jumping through a few hoops. :p

You should be able to still add games as a shortcut on Steam and then use them via Steam link that way. I'm not sure though if it has some funky launcher stuff that throws off Steam and drops the link but even if so there are ways around that by jumping through a few hoops. :p
You can absolutely do this. I keep a spare wireless keyboard and mouse hooked to the link so that I can easily navigate without having to get up and walk to the pc. You don't even have to use the Big Picture mode, it just loads into that. You can easily quit to desktop from the Steam link and do what you want.

If a couple other drawing-losers want to get in on a 4-pack of Verdun, it's $8.15 $6.92 a copy ($12.50 as a single). Willing to host if three others want to go along. There's a Bro-Night for it on Thursday but anyone is welcome to get in on the group buy.

**Thanks to Fox for the Bundlestars tip
I'll go in for one.

I remember trying to enter into their Twitter giveaway for verdun but I kept retweeting wrong and got frustrated and gave up. Hate Twitter.
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I doubt it helps but it is in a bundle on Steam right now...

Fairly solid bundle... Though I only save 5 bucks in change as I own two of the games already.

Anyhow, I think I'm going to snag Dragon Age Inquisition since the Steam sale seems so weak... VPN Mexico, go to, add game to cart, turn VPN off, finish checking out. Profit! (right?)

Tunnelbear is your friend.
Thanks to both of you, this gem has been the highlight of my "steam" sale.

Anyone try out that Aurion game?. It's a 2D action rpg which looks fun for $12.99.
It looks very cool and I've had my eye on it since release but I think the Plug in Digital as publisher is making most of us here put it into a wait for a bundle category.

I mean there's going to be a bit of that for any indie game but much more so for once published by a group that routinely bundles.

Regular or GOTY Ed? PSN had DA:I vanilla for $5 a week or so ago
The DLC is mostly meh however EA's shitty practices with DLC make it pretty clear you need to get the GOTY one if you even remotely think you might ever want to play the DLC. It's really expensive to buy later separately. So much so that people who already own the base are just buying the GOTY because it's cheaper for them to get the DLC that way.

The DLC is mostly meh however EA's shitty practices with DLC make it pretty clear you need to get the GOTY one if you even remotely think you might ever want to play the DLC. It's really expensive to buy later separately. So much so that people who already own the base are just buying the GOTY because it's cheaper for them to get the DLC that way.
F'n EA...
F'n EA...
At least this one has a GotY. Dragon Age 2 didn't even have one at all and the ME games, while they did get that Triology pack, it's not comprehensive and they never did get complete versions of any of them. Meaning that you're pretty much forced to pay at or near full price for the DLC even if you got the base for next to nothing.

FWIW some of the Bethesda stuff like Skyrim is in a similar situation. Bethesda is super stingy with the DLC discounts so after waiting years for all of the DLC to go on a good sale that never happened I ended up getting the Legendary Edition on sale for $8 even though I owned the base Skyrim because that was cheaper than getting the DLC separately on any sales that ever came up.

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FWIW some of the Bethesda stuff like Skyrim is in a similar situation. Bethesda is super stingy with the DLC discounts so after waiting years for all of the DLC to go on a good sale that never happened I ended up getting the Legendary Edition on sale for $8 even though I owned the base Skyrim because that was cheaper than getting the DLC separately on any sales that ever came up.
Hey, right now Fallout 4 is on sale for $30!

...and the Season Pass for $50

At least this one has a GotY. Dragon Age 2 didn't even have one at all and the ME games, while they did get that Triology pack, it's not comprehensive and they never did get complete versions of any of them. Meaning that you're pretty much forced to pay at or near full price for the DLC even if you got the base for next to nothing.

FWIW some of the Bethesda stuff like Skyrim is in a similar situation. Bethesda is super stingy with the DLC discounts so after waiting years for all of the DLC to go on a good sale that never happened I ended up getting the Legendary Edition on sale for $8 even though I owned the base Skyrim because that was cheaper than getting the DLC separately on any sales that ever came up.

Crazy. I've been shopping for a cheap version of the Legendary Edition of Skyrim for a little while. I read an interesting article about how Bethesda raised the price on Steam after announcing the Special Edition.

FWIW some of the Bethesda stuff like Skyrim is in a similar situation. Bethesda is super stingy with the DLC discounts so after waiting years for all of the DLC to go on a good sale that never happened I ended up getting the Legendary Edition on sale for $8 even though I owned the base Skyrim because that was cheaper than getting the DLC separately on any sales that ever came up.
I think did the same ages ago. And they just added a bundle option to get the DLC at a discount. Welp.

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Just Cause 3 has stayed quite pricey, compared to Just Cause 2. I guess the 75% off discounts we used to brush off as too little have become less frequent. And with all the Gleam fodder clogging up the store, finding hidden gems is that much more difficult. 

Oh I fully expect that from Bethesda at this point.

What's worse is that other companies like Square are starting to copy that.
I think Just Cause 3's season pass is on sale...? Pretty sure its that "Sea Air Land" expansion pass and 25% off when its not even all out yet seems pretty solid to me. (Maybe I missed the point that was being made?)

Anyhow, I got a friend who for some ungodly reason wants the Division Season Pass (I only say that half jokingly... The new DLC looks coming out next Tuesday looks pretty solid) but is trying to save a little bit of money on it. He has a US copy of The Division but will have to look at another reason for a sale.

The good news is I'm not seeing any sort of region lock on the season pass but if someone can double check for me I would greatly appreciate it.

Note: This isn't one of those "my friend" questions when you're really asking for yourself... As this dumbass preordered the gold edition. :D/

I think Just Cause 3's season pass is on sale...? Pretty sure its that "Sea Air Land" expansion pass and 25% off when its not even all out yet seems pretty solid to me. (Maybe I missed the point that was being made?)
It used to be the DLC discount was the same as the game's discount but that can't be guaranteed anymore. Even if you use the season pass :roll: as an excuse they didn't discount the separate parts outside the pass at all, so you can't buy the older one at the same discount as the base and then wait later for the other ones to go cheaper. Plus the cosmetic crap, even if it is just cosmetic crap, isn't discounted at all.

Also Square used to drop prices like a rock. Usually a release late the prior year would be 75% off by the summer sale, but again you can't count on that anymore.

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Also Square used to drop prices like a rock. Usually a release late the prior year would be 75% off by the summer sale, but again you can't count on that anymore.
I see what your saying now... Yeah, been noticing it but I usually wait till the season pass (or complete edition) hit the price I want anyways. Just not a big fan of piecemeal season pass purchases.

As for a lack of a price drop... As far as I know Just Cause 3 remains unhacked in its DRM and that bit of news likely makes SE happy to take a slower route in price drops.

EA is kind of chintzy with their sales so it might be a while. Other stores like Amazon sell it but obviously you can't stack 75% off with Mexican pricing there.

There's a ton of content there for that price so it's worth it and EA is shit for discounting DLC separately, but it's a long, long, long ass game so if you truthfully aren't going to start it anytime soon it won't hurt to wait.
Meant to ask one other DA question... Does it import saves from DAO and DAII or does it just make you answer a few question about the previous game?

It used to be the DLC discount was the same as the game's discount but that can't be guaranteed anymore. Even if you use the season pass :roll: as an excuse they didn't discount the separate parts outside the pass at all, so you can't buy the older one at the same discount as the base and then wait later for the other ones to go cheaper. Plus the cosmetic crap, even if it is just cosmetic crap, isn't discounted at all.

Also Square used to drop prices like a rock. Usually a release late the prior year would be 75% off by the summer sale, but again you can't count on that anymore.
And it was developed by the B team of Avalanche, while the A team worked on Mad Max. And from what I read, it seems to have major optimization problems, which is disappointing considering the good quality of the PC version of Just Cause 2.

Meant to ask one other DA question... Does it import saves from DAO and DAII or does it just make you answer a few question about the previous game?
You can use "Dragon Age Keep" - - to create a world-state to import into your game. Keep is able to determine some of your decisions from past games based on your achievements and whatnot, but you will have to do a lot of manual adjustments too.

Good luck remembering 80% of the incredibly inconsequential decisions it asks about. :lol:

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Motoki likes his VPNs like he likes his women. :D/
you mean physically abused and repeatedly hammered?

wow, just tried getting DA:I GOTY using Hola with no success. then tried with TunnelBear like was suggested and went through no problem. do i feel like an idiot. anyways, lemme pay it forward.

Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack


the ?'s = F and 8, figure out which is which

I've gotten demand-y from the internet about my "hidden gem" discussions. I need at least a sentence of explanation of why something is a hidden gem, because otherwise it's honestly just a +1, and all a +1 really needs is to be dirt cheap and have trading cards. 
(Even if it's nasty filthy Digital Homicide style asset flips.)

There's already so many tools like steamdb that I can just use to sort by price, review rating, genre and multiple other factors.

A list of names, prices and a link to steam just doesn't do it for me anymore. Too many bundles that have shown me "better than bundle fodder" still finds its way into even Indie Gala and Bundle Stars bundles all the time. 

Curation and Criticism is what I need. 

I'd rather have a list of 5 games that someone explains WHY they actually love them over 50 links. 
All of that said, it is really nice of you to share a list of games... I was also thinking about this as I was reading through the hidden gems thread on reddit as well. (And yep, the ones that inspired me to make purchases were the ones that explained their love of the game.) 

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you mean physically abused and repeatedly hammered?

wow, just tried getting DA:I GOTY using Hola with no success. then tried with TunnelBear like was suggested and went through no problem. do i feel like an idiot. anyways, lemme pay it forward.

Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack

the ?'s = F and 8, figure out which is which
Thanks shrinerr for Endless

Just curious, how much was DA:I while you were visiting Mexico? :cool:

Adventures of Pip, Gunman Clive 2, Shadow Blade, Styx, Victor Vran, and Rex Rocket were bundled before, so the "not bundle fodder" bit isn't exactly true lol. Risen 3 was bundled too, but in a shit tier so I won't count that.

Chronicles of Teddy (basically Finding Teddy 2 renamed) is also bundle fodder, published by Plug in Digital. I know you mean well and there are some good games in that list.

EDIT: lol I just noticed that you're snakeybro.. can't believe it took me this long to realize it.
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bread's done