Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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...And then they make Captain America a Nazi.

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I forgot about Max Headroom! I think too many people expect fantastical realism in their TV shows these days. Back in the day, you were lucky to get a halfway decent comic book movie or show. I can still watch episodes of The Incredible Hulk or Wonder Woman or the Christopher Reeve Superman films and be enthralled by them. These days, people spend way too much time picking apart the CW shows and Marvel/DC Cinematic Universe films. The fact that I've gotten to see some of these characters, especially the more obscure ones, in live action in my lifetime is pretty amazing.
It's more that they've gotten so damned bland.

Generic "language" of music, full of shades of grey visually and moral equivalence ethically.

They could all be the exact same damn thing, save for well, Deadpool, which did so well because it was almost exactly opposite what the mainstream superhero film is.

However, I think some of your recollection is sepia-toned. People pretty mercilessly picked apart the old Batman television series, the 70s Superfriends cartoons, as well as many of the really bad and awkward attempts at 70s, 80s and 90s live action superhero tv shows and movies.

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Are the Two Worlds games any good or complete crap? I had seen that they were going to create new DLC for the second game, and I asked myself why.
The original Two Worlds 1 is decent, despite its tons of shortcomings + issues. Basically, a C-grade version of a Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. When it came out, it had TONS of issues - performance issues (Shouldn't be an issue now); DRM issues (limited install counts, crummy DRM system, etc - won't be an issue on GOG version, not sure if they removed DRM on Steam version); horrid voice-acting; horrible writing; broken quests; etc etc. Though, it had a huge open-world, lots of quests, and a nice crafting system - and was addictive just b/c of these reasons, provided you could get past the technical issues + horrible voice-acting & writing.

Two Worlds 2 took almost every issue w/ the original and slayed it, just about. The game looked and ran great, upon release. Quests were often way less broken, out-the-gate. Writing, dialogue, and voice-acting got better - though, just don't expect the BioWare or Obsidian quality on that stuff. The crafting system got deeper and more complex, as now you could craft also magic. Weapon crafting system was now a bit more interesting - as you can taken weapons you had doubles of + use that item to improve your current weapon. You can break apart items also, too. Basically, its crafting system got even more addictive to me here. Finally, Two Worlds got its act together, basically - and was a worthwhile B-grade version of Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. Two Worlds 2 is easily their best game.

I also guess that they are doing more Two Worlds 2 content b/c they have a nice running game, a solid system in place, decent performing game here in every regard. I'd guess all they would really have to do is just basically add more content. Probably a safe solution for them, especially after how disastrous Vendetta: Raven's Cry supposedly turned out.


If you can catch + likely will catch Two Worlds 1+2 ultra-cheap, as they've been certainly bundled a zillion times on BundleStars - check 'em out.


Oh, look - TW2 Velvet [Steam key] is in a $1.49 bundle on BundleStars -


If you are looking for a dirt-cheap open-world RPG fix + time-sink and you have not played Gothic Universe, it's a steal for $3 on Steam for PB's Gothic 1+2+3. If you're curious about them, go back a day or 2 or so and check out what I said about Gothic games.

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Jimbo, Fox and me ended up playing The Black Death tonight. It is a typical survival type game set in the Middle Ages with the main threats being The Black Plague and 99% of the other players you run into. Despite typically enjoying survival games and thinking that the concept was neat, this game did not grab my interest as much as I thought it would.

The main problem with the game for me is that there doesn't seem to be anything to do and no reason to explore the map. I managed to find a few towns on the map that were all mostly the same generic style and completely empty except for a few guards. This gave me no incentive to try and find more of them, either for special loot or just to explore, since the map seemed to be the same no matter where I was in the game. There is no reason to build a shelter or base like other survival games either.

If anyone is thinking of getting this game, I would keep an eye on it to see if more gets added since it is very early access, but for now there just isn't much to do in the game in my opinion.
I'll chime in to say I actually liked it more than Reds did and more than your typical survival game. It has a novel setting and premise. In addition to hunger and thirst, you have to worry about not catching the plague and dying and also thieves and guards (if you decide to become a thief yourself). Initially, the game felt a little overwhelming because you spawn as a beggar and you to unlock like 30 skill points before you can level up to other classes. That said, once you start getting the hang of it, it's pretty easy to avoid death and level up. It is rather grindy though. I spent the two hours just picking up random sticks, rocks, mushroom, cotton, etc. and selling it to a trader, buying food and water from the trader, and then repeating it. Managed to unlock probably 2/3 of the skills I needed. You get bonus xp for each day you survive and 5 - 10 XP for resource gathering. There aren't a ton of populated servers and once you level up I doubt there's much to do in the game, but it was entertaining and promising as far as these type of games go.

It is rather grindy though. I spent the two hours just picking up random sticks, rocks, mushroom, cotton, etc. and selling it to a trader, buying food and water from the trader, and then repeating it.
I spent nine hours riding a horse in a loop to skill it up in BDO, so who am I to judge?

(Fortunately, you can set it to autopath and go do other things in real life)

I think everyone hated it, but there's also a digital deluxe version of Raven's Cry on sale at the moment too.

Still looking at one of these for the ongoing saga of my build.
Hopefully, you get a nice price-drop soon so you can scoop up a nice 6GB of VRAMzzzzzzzzzzz GTX 1060. :)

I'm still waiting for Vendetta: Raven's Cry to wind-up bundled on BundleStars or somewhere.

I'll chime in to say I actually liked it more than Reds did and more than your typical survival game. It has a novel setting and premise. In addition to hunger and thirst, you have to worry about not catching the plague and dying and also thieves and guards (if you decide to become a thief yourself). Initially, the game felt a little overwhelming because you spawn as a beggar and you to unlock like 30 skill points before you can level up to other classes. That said, once you start getting the hang of it, it's pretty easy to avoid death and level up. It is rather grindy though. I spent the two hours just picking up random sticks, rocks, mushroom, cotton, etc. and selling it to a trader, buying food and water from the trader, and then repeating it. Managed to unlock probably 2/3 of the skills I needed. You get bonus xp for each day you survive and 5 - 10 XP for resource gathering. There aren't a ton of populated servers and once you level up I doubt there's much to do in the game, but it was entertaining and promising as far as these type of games go.
I actually started to like it too, once I figured out how not to constantly die. Its a grind fest for sure, but I am curious enough about it to see what leveling up one class will bring at the very least.

Just watch out for the wild boars. I was about to call it a night after everyone else logged off. I had one skill point banked and another almost earned. I was excited to unlock one of the last multi skill point skills. I was headed back to the capital city at dusk when out of the haze came a pack of wild boars! They rooted me and then gored me to death as I frantically tried to spend my banked skill point, but to no avail. It was lost. I ragged quit after that, but honestly it was pretty exciting.

Reading up a little about it, it sounds like it is meant to have a lot more players to really work. The highest level classes sound like they need each other to survive e.g. the knight isn't the best at gathering or crafting and the monk is a support class.

PS: Your progress is server bound and we played on Los Angeles 1 server if anyone decides to join us in the future.

The original Two Worlds 1 is decent, despite its tons of shortcomings + issues. Basically, a C-grade version of a Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim. When it came out, it had TONS of issues - performance issues (Shouldn't be an issue now); DRM issues (limited install counts, crummy DRM system, etc - won't be an issue on GOG version, not sure if they removed DRM on Steam version); horrid voice-acting; horrible writing; broken quests; etc etc. Though, it had a huge open-world, lots of quests, and a nice crafting system - and was addictive just b/c of these reasons, provided you could get past the technical issues + horrible voice-acting & writing.

TW2 also has coop missions and and interesting village mode (resource management sim lite). Its not half bad, and I am up for bro-oping it. Also new DLC is upcoming: (I see that was already mentioned)

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TW2 also has coop missions and and interesting village mode (resource management sim lite). Its not half bad, and I am up for bro-oping it. Also new DLC is upcoming: (I see that was already mentioned)

I've actually never touched the MP for either 2W1+2.
The original conceit behind Two Worlds is that you literally had two different worlds that you could play in--the SP and MP games. I think the multiplayer in the first game was just as broken as the SP. I've never messed with multiplayer in either one either, but, for what it's worth, that season pass on the Topware site includes a couple of new worlds/maps for MP too.

I spent nine hours riding a horse in a loop to skill it up in BDO, so who am I to judge?

(Fortunately, you can set it to autopath and go do other things in real life)
Yep. I figure I've got to get another ten levels in the next 9 days (get to 55 to get all free stuff for leveling a Striker), and then actually go back and figure out how to make the game play itself.

Decided to fakey Endless Space 2, after watching a few videos on it. Doesn't feel too different to the first, but enough to make it better (imo). Battles are easier now, it's just pick a tactic and go, the game looks great, the new politics is kind of neat (though feels a bit shallow). There are now different pops with different traits, which adds some (to me) fun micromanagement of moving pops around systems to get the most from their traits. They added the quests system from EL. Haven't messed around much with the AI yet, so can't comment on how they are. Colonizing changed, you set up an outpost and food is sent to it for x turns til it becomes a colony.  Probably forgetting some stuff but eh. 

The biggest annoyance to me is trying to see how much pop a system can support. I swear I remember ES1 it'd be by the planet name, but right now in ES2 I'm having to zoom in on each system and count by hand. Could be I just forgot a shortcut, or they changed it and shoved it elsewhere *Shrugs*. 

Yep. I figure I've got to get another ten levels in the next 9 days (get to 55 to get all free stuff for leveling a Striker), and then actually go back and figure out how to make the game play itself.
At level 50 it takes AGES to level up.

I had 5 EXP items popped (stacking) and it took me 45min to get a level :O

Apparently it only gets longer..just.4.more.levels.

See, if you ignore leveling a class just for some rewards and instead focus on riding a horse in circle for what is easily the least profitable life skill, then you don't have to worry about that.

See, if you ignore leveling a class just for some rewards and instead focus on riding a horse in circle for what is easily the least profitable life skill, then you don't have to worry about that.
Psh. I just sit there at my microbrewery and make a killing off the market! ;)
Psh. I just sit there at my microbrewery and make a killing off the market! ;)
I'm so absolutely lost in BDO... My thoughts of playing it on the weekend seems shortsighted now. I remember so little after a few days away from it. (Maybe after I finish my grinds on FH3 and NBA Playground I'll have a better chance of figuring stuff out/and remembering it too.)
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I'm so absolutely lost in BDO... My thoughts of playing it on the weekend seems shortsighted now. I remember so little after a few days away from it. (Maybe after I finish my grinds on FH3 and NBA Playground I'll have a better chance of figuring stuff out/and remembering it too.)
Watch a bunch of videos. That's how I learned a little bit. Everyday I play I learn something new
Talk to everyone.  Walk back to Olvia and start hitting up all the NPCs and their quests.  Then go to, uh, the next "city" to the east (starts with a V... Viedal?) and talk to everyone.  Then head down to Heidal and talk to everyone.

The game does you a disservice by having you chase the stupid black cloud guy around and pouring xp on you like water (encouraging you to move to tougher places).  Between those three places, you'll get a quest to learn about housing, a quest to give you a donkey, a quest for a free laborer and how nodes work, a quest to learn the marketplace, a quest to learn how horse taming works, a quest to learn how the crafting UI works, a quest for hunting and gathering meat, etc.  I blew past 90% of this my first time through.  Even if any mobs are trivial for combat xp, you'll also get a bunch of contribution points that you'll use to rent housing, connect nodes, employ your workers, etc.  Plus some free tools, a musket, scrolls and other stuff.  Also, all those NPCs you speak to "unlock" themselves for the conversation minigame you use to build up Amity (approval) with NPCs to unlock other quests or store items.  So it's always worth it to speak to any named NPC you meet (you can usually skip the "Villager", "Farmer" or "Traveler" types)

The explanations aren't fantastic but the game does do a better job than I initially gave it credit for.  But it also seems hellbent on making sure you never actually get to make use of them.

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Talk to everyone. Walk back to Olvia and start hitting up all the NPCs and their quests. Then go to, uh, the next "city" to the east (starts with a V... Viedal?) and talk to everyone. Then head down to Heidal and talk to everyone.

The game does you a disservice by having you chase the stupid black cloud guy around and pouring xp on you like water (encouraging you to move to tougher places). Between those three places, you'll get a quest to learn about housing, a quest to give you a donkey, a quest for a free laborer and how nodes work, a quest to learn the marketplace, a quest to learn how horse taming works, a quest to learn how the crafting UI works, a quest for hunting and gathering meat, etc. I blew past 90% of this my first time through. Even if any mobs are trivial for combat xp, you'll also get a bunch of contribution points that you'll use to rent housing, connect nodes, employ your workers, etc. Plus some free tools, a musket, scrolls and other stuff. Also, all those NPCs you speak to "unlock" themselves for the conversation minigame you use to build up Amity (approval) with NPCs to unlock other quests or store items. So it's always worth it to speak to any named NPC you meet (you can usually skip the "Villager", "Farmer" or "Traveler" types)

The explanations aren't fantastic but the game does do a better job than I initially gave it credit for. But it also seems hellbent on making sure you never actually get to make use of them.
I don't know. Given how much of a shitshow the servers have been on weekends, and the fact that some of the easiest afk farming is right around Veila and Heidel, those places bog down something stupid. By the time I reached Calpheon, I was like "Ok, what's the quickest way out of this place and back to somewhere were I'm not surrounded by horses' asses?" (Seriously... every marketplace, stable, storage and fishing spot in each city is just a sea of people on horseback.)

I'll be happy to go back later, as there's such gluts of quests to do and CP to earn, but right now I'm happy enough just having one quest and continuously moving. Though, it'd be nice if I could do cooking/alchemy and most any crafting without having to be in a residence... but almost all of the tools to do that are fixtures that need to be installed.

I haven't had any trouble but maybe my connection was better or the server I was on was lighter or whatever.  Last night Olvia and Veila were pretty empty aside from around the warehouse guy, stable guy and the fishing spots in Veila.

That said, if you're happier cruising along and just beating the shit out of frog-dudes and owl-men for now, go for it.  Contribution is shared among your family so you can always hit up the newbie stuff on an alt or go back and do it later.  It's just as out-leveled at 50 as it is at 20.

Bad news!

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds will be coming out with DLC on June 9th.  It sucks that such a good early access game has gone to shit so quickly.  The game is now horrible and I will buy it on Steam to write a bad review and then refund it.  

Decided to fakey Endless Space 2, after watching a few videos on it. Doesn't feel too different to the first, but enough to make it better (imo). Battles are easier now, it's just pick a tactic and go, the game looks great, the new politics is kind of neat (though feels a bit shallow). There are now different pops with different traits, which adds some (to me) fun micromanagement of moving pops around systems to get the most from their traits. They added the quests system from EL. Haven't messed around much with the AI yet, so can't comment on how they are. Colonizing changed, you set up an outpost and food is sent to it for x turns til it becomes a colony. Probably forgetting some stuff but eh.

The biggest annoyance to me is trying to see how much pop a system can support. I swear I remember ES1 it'd be by the planet name, but right now in ES2 I'm having to zoom in on each system and count by hand. Could be I just forgot a shortcut, or they changed it and shoved it elsewhere *Shrugs*.
I've been quite pleased with ES2. Since coming out of EA, i've finished two games against the AI, and lost both to the Lumeris and their infernal trade economy around turn 150. They'll be my #1 target in future matches.

Diplomacy is definitely lacking, partly due to most policies being locked behind higher tech tiers, but more due to other factors which can easily harm relationships. If you don't have any military presence, they laugh at you. If you colonize near them, or even fly ships near their borders, they hate you.

Where the game really shines is in the uniqueness between the races. While your default goal is to expand/exploit/etc, there is some serious variety in the ways and means each faction accomplishes this. Some races can buy planets, some create system-wide singularities, some just hook up space vacuums and suck them dry. Lots of replayability in default strategies, coupled with improvisation dependant on who spawns near your borders. Add into that the unique story arcs that play out via the quest system...there's lots of stuff to see.

Try playing as Horatio on your next game if you enjoy population management.

I don't know. Given how much of a shitshow the servers have been on weekends, and the fact that some of the easiest afk farming is right around Veila and Heidel, those places bog down something stupid. By the time I reached Calpheon, I was like "Ok, what's the quickest way out of this place and back to somewhere were I'm not surrounded by horses' asses?" (Seriously... every marketplace, stable, storage and fishing spot in each city is just a sea of people on horseback.)

I'll be happy to go back later, as there's such gluts of quests to do and CP to earn, but right now I'm happy enough just having one quest and continuously moving. Though, it'd be nice if I could do cooking/alchemy and most any crafting without having to be in a residence... but almost all of the tools to do that are fixtures that need to be installed.
What the hell did I get myself into?


So when do we change the thread title to the Black Desert Online Discourse Thread?
Right before we all decide we hate Black Desert Online and everyone should play um, Genital Jousting, Drawful or um, NBA Playgrounds?

(Black Desert Online is fun, and I can see there's a bunch to it, but frustration from janky servers and open-world RPG burnout is going to hit sooner than later.)

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... no idea.

Also, I would wait until we get some reviews in. Frank Cifaldi just said on Twitter that his company (the one which created Legacy 1) was NOT involved in this. So I fear the worst.
Now I'm confused, I thought the company who did Legacy 1 was bad, so them being gone is good... unless it's dotemu

In other comic book junk news, Amazon has all of Marvel's back catalog of graphic novels available for the Kindle on sale for like 80-90% off the vast majority of them.

Bad news!

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds will be coming out with DLC on June 9th. It sucks that such a good early access game has gone to shit so quickly. The game is now horrible and I will buy it on Steam to write a bad review and then refund it.
Lies and slander Amazon Prime DLC doesnt count ;D

They also stated early before the game came to Steam EA that they would most likely add DLC/bought skins.

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Bad news!

Playerunknown's Battlegrounds will be coming out with DLC on June 9th. It sucks that such a good early access game has gone to shit so quickly. The game is now horrible and I will buy it on Steam to write a bad review and then refund it.
wow so a game that isn't even finished is gonna have the gull to charge more for extra content?

For some reason I thought this was gonna be a game that actually gets finished and leaves early access alpha/beta stage. But if they're already milking for more money highly doubtful. Get as much money as they can and bail just like every other early access game :(

wow so a game that isn't even finished is gonna have the gull to charge more for extra content?

For some reason I thought this was gonna be a game that actually gets finished and leaves early access alpha/beta stage. But if they're already milking for more money highly doubtful. Get as much money as they can and bail just like every other early access game :(
It's Amazon Prime/Twitch Twitch gives out games every month or so. It's just plain DLC that doesn't do anything for the player.

PUBG has been the best EA game to come out. DEV is super vocal about issues and changes they will be fixing...and have released a patch every week and a huge monthly patch.

Game is scheduled to full release by end of 2017 and then come to consoles.

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Also, anyone who feels like they are missing out will recant those feelings once they see the awful Twitch logo face wrap free dlc.  I could be a bro and link it, but I am far too lazy.

For what it's worth I feel like I have gotten my monies worth in Playerunknowns Battlegrounds even if there were no further updates. Its stupid fun in duos and squad, pretty different from solo.
bread's done