Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Steam: Always giving you want you need (i.e. Steam Features), but never what you want (i.e. Left 4 Dead 3, Half-Life 3, new Valve games, and good Steam Sales).

Free money...could buy a VIVE, Switch, Other Console, Games....Gas Cards, Movie Cards, etc. (making $1500 in one day for 4hours of time is nothing to shrug off)
I definitely didn't mean to shrug it off. I checked the GS thread and saw it was pretty big returns in relatively small amount of trips, granted you luck out and find the games with the high trade in value at different stores to buy, trade in, etc.

Personally, I'm just lazy. GS around here aren't super close. Like 20-30 minutes in opposite directions, which isn't bad. Best Buys are even scarcer. And then being the lazy PC guy I've become, I'm just not super motivated to do it. At best, I'd end up with a cheap Switch and PS4, but the Switch has nothing I want to play right now and the PS4 has 1 game I want to play.

I always tell myself I'm going to do one of these GS flip things one day, but then when it comes around I just can't really get myself to leave the house.

My sale thoughts:
I bought $11 worth of stuff yesterday and that's probably all I will spend. As a sidebar because it counts as a sale purchase, I picked CAT Interstellar up a few days ago. It looked like my kind of story and probably a solid deal at $0.99. On the other hand, 11 of my friends already have it, so I assume it was probably in an IndieGala or Bundlestars bundle for about $0.15 at some point. 
Here's what I snagged yesterday:

Hard West soundtrack - $2.49 - That Polish guy who did the Witcher 3 music did this one and I previewed it briefly on Spotify. It sounds pretty cool. 

Starship Titanic - $1.49 - Somebody pointed this out earlier in the sale. Because the remote possibility exists that I will play this in the future, and it would be way simpler to play this version than the CD-ROM one I have on my game shelf, it seemed like a no-brainer at this price. 

1979 Revolution: Black Friday + Soundtrack - $3.19 - This game is on my wishlist and it's one of two that I expect to be bundled this year, so you're welcome. I listened to a bit of the soundtrack and decided I wanted it, although it gets a smidge electronica-y. 

Shelter 2 Mountains - $1.49 - What's a seasonal sale without the obligatory purchase of DLC for a game I haven't played yet? It was cheap and adds a reasonable amount of content to the base game for this price. Hey, who doesn't enjoy lynxes?

Virginia Soundtrack Edition - $2.80 - People have been ranting about Twin Peaks incessantly in this thread--well, here's your cheap game, or at least that's what the description suggests. The music seemed worth an extra $0.30. This is the second wishlist game I picked up that feels like a prime candidate for a monthly. 

I was also eyeballing a few other things, but I couldn't talk myself into pulling the trigger:

- Batman-Telltale Game - $8.74 - appears to be a historic low, but I have other Telltale games in my backlog, so it feels like it can wait for winter. 

- Expansion pack for AoEII HD - Rise of the Rajas + African Kingdoms - $7.98 because I own The Forgotten - pretty good price, but I haven't replayed the base campaigns or gotten into the first expansion, so this also feels like a pass for now

- The Warlock of Firetop Mountain - $9.99 - Tin Man's latest and most expensive gamebook - well, you know what I'm going to say next, I own all of the other Tin Man books available on Steam and haven't played one yet + 50% off isn't that great of a discount

There are a few other things I've thought about like Halo Wars, Deus Ex: MD, and Fallout 4, but none of them are cheap enough to offset the fact that I have a crapton of other things to play. 

I hope this descent into the maelstrom of my mental processes was useful to someone out there. Cheers!

Only notification for thousands of games! Not a problem!
You don't want to miss the Double XP event on Wyatt Derp 2.

In a rare victory for Steam's queue exploration feature, I came across and purchased a game called Die Young. It's not even on sale but it's only $15 and according to ITAD its record low was $13.50 so whatever. It's a fun (so far) blend of Far Cry, Tomb Raider 2013 and Mirror's Edge that places a young rich girl on a Mediterranean island full of abandoned buildings, venomous snakes, guard dogs and hooded guys with big axes. There's survival elements such as a food/drink monitor, crafting health packs out of herbs and, right now, a lack of weapons although that changes according to the store screenshots. There's also a lot of climbing and jumping from ledge to ledge to access different areas, something lampshaded in the introduction where they frame our protagonist as a mountain climbing, extreme sports sort of "adrenaline junkie". There's the obligatory diary pages and stuff scattered about to reveal the story as you explore the open world island.

The graphics aren't AAA quality (plus the game is in Alpha build) but they're pretty good for a $15 indie game. The game uses Unreal 4. On my i7-860 @ 3.6GHz & 4GB 290X I'm getting close to 60fps at 1080 with all the bells and whistles turned to full. It plays as well as its big title cousins with a mouse and keyboard though it has controller support.

I doubt many will buy it full price and it's published by IndieGala so there's the obvious potential for future bundling AND it's early access (though it feels like a complete working game so far) but if you like games in the Far Cry/Tomb Raider vein then you should keep an eye out for this. Steam reviews are Very Positive and it does feel like it's worth the $15 after a couple hours of game play.

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I definitely didn't mean to shrug it off. I checked the GS thread and saw it was pretty big returns in relatively small amount of trips, granted you luck out and find the games with the high trade in value at different stores to buy, trade in, etc.
Yeah, likewise. I didn't mean to come across as dickish and, if you're going to use the credit then getting bundles of credit for relatively minimal work is pretty cool. I guess that, to me, it feels more like a lot of real-world grinding for stuff that it's big on my radar (I don't want/need a console) and since I'm not turning in old Xboxes and PS4s for seed money, it feels like effort. Plus, like Fox, I'm just lazy.

That said, objectively it's pretty sweet to turn a little into a lot, especially if the "lot" is valuable to you because you're going to play/spend it.

You don't want to miss the Double XP event on Wyatt Derp 2.

In a rare victory for Steam's queue exploration feature, I came across and purchased a game called Die Young. It's not even on sale but it's only $15 and according to ITAD its record low was $13.50 so whatever. It's a fun (so far) blend of Far Cry, Tomb Raider 2013 and Mirror's Edge that places a young rich girl on a Mediterranean island full of abandoned buildings, venomous snakes, guard dogs and hooded guys with big axes. There's survival elements such as a food/drink monitor, crafting health packs out of herbs and, right now, a lack of weapons although that changes according to the store screenshots. There's also a lot of climbing and jumping from ledge to ledge to access different areas, something lampshaded in the introduction where they frame our protagonist as a mountain climbing, extreme sports sort of "adrenaline junkie".

The graphics aren't AAA quality (plus the game is in Alpha build) but they're pretty good for a $15 indie game. The game uses Unreal 4. On my i7-860 @ 3.6GHz & 4GB 290X I'm getting close to 60fps at 1080 with all the bells and whistles turned to full. It plays as well as it's big title cousins with a mouse and keyboard though it has controller support.

I doubt many will buy it full price and it's published by IndieGala so there's the obvious potential for future bundling AND it's early access (though it feels like a complete working game so far) but if you like games in the Far Cry/Tomb Raider vein then you should keep an eye out for this. Steam reviews are Very Positive and it does feel like it's worth the $15 after a couple hours of game play.
Here's the Deluxe I was telling you about where you get Downward for free. Just in case people are interested:

Reds and I were looking at this game before the Steam sale and since I can pay with ZGold and have just enough to cover it, I might just pick this up too.

Here's the Deluxe I was telling you about where you get Downward for free. Just in case people are interested:

Reds and I were looking at this game before the Steam sale and since I can pay with ZGold and have just enough to cover it, I might just pick this up too.
I actually checked IndieGala first but just typed "Die Young" into the store search and it gave me the $14.99 price without any mention of the bundle. Great work, IndieGala!

On the plus side, I wanted to burn off some GabeN Funbux anyway so that's how I'm going to cope with the fact that I'm just over 2hrs played on Steam.

I actually checked IndieGala first but just typed "Die Young" into the store search and it gave me the $14.99 price without any mention of the bundle. Great work, IndieGala!

On the plus side, I wanted to burn off some GabeN Funbux anyway so that's how I'm going to cope with the fact that I'm just over 2hrs played on Steam.
Eh, I just checked and you can't use ZGold to buy this version, but you can buy the plain $15 one with zgold. BOO. I'll wait then, just based on principle.

Hey steam CAG... this game is not on sale but it's soooooo good. Tormentor❌Punsiher. I did a playing review on it here. I loved the feedback that I got on the last video that I did... it was brutal and honest, which is exactly what I want. If anyone wants to give me feedback on this, I would very very very much appreciate it as it is my first "Playing Review" and not sure if I should do more like this.
Best Regards.


With all the GameStop CAGers flipping/turning earning good amount of credit, good for them.  The real question is what is a fair trade offer buying steam credit from them i.e. 30% off?  Since people are "making" credit money off of GS, why not offer to convert that into real money. win-win

Played Batman: Telltale - Episode 1, since it's free. Decent story + some puzzles, but still not much puzzles.

So wouldn't drop $9 on this.

warreni is really bad at steam sales.

edit: kidding, kidding.

Played Batman: Telltale - Episode 1, since it's free. Decent story + some puzzles, but still not much puzzles.

So wouldn't drop $9 on this.
I did too. I posted a review of it on the site if anyone's interested. I'm intrigued enough by the first one to want to see where it goes, but I can probably wait until it hits its 75% mark.

I just crafted my Doctor Who: The Adventure Games badge, thanks to the generosity of some fine CAGs who were thoughtful enough to PM me and gift me their cards and a trading partner on Steam who I bribed with a lot of extra cards. :) Thanks again to those who assisted me with this. :bow: You are gentlemen and scolexes.

A couple of things that people may not have noticed during this sale:

1. Gal*Gun hit 75% off yesterday, doesn't seem to be a summer sale price, ends on the 15th so you weebs have plenty of time to decide on it. Not sure how the lower price got approved in the middle of the sale though.

2. Maybe people have known about this for a while, but I didn't. TRON RUN/r Ultimate Edition ($9.99) comes with a gift copy of the game that includes 3 DLCs so you could potentially split this with someone to get the game + dlc at a cheaper cost. The gift copy doesn't come with the OSTs or extra in-game currency though.

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You don't want to miss the Double XP event on Wyatt Derp 2.

In a rare victory for Steam's queue exploration feature, I came across and purchased a game called Die Young. It's not even on sale but it's only $15 and according to ITAD its record low was $13.50 so whatever. It's a fun (so far) blend of Far Cry, Tomb Raider 2013 and Mirror's Edge that places a young rich girl on a Mediterranean island full of abandoned buildings, venomous snakes, guard dogs and hooded guys with big axes. There's survival elements such as a food/drink monitor, crafting health packs out of herbs and, right now, a lack of weapons although that changes according to the store screenshots. There's also a lot of climbing and jumping from ledge to ledge to access different areas, something lampshaded in the introduction where they frame our protagonist as a mountain climbing, extreme sports sort of "adrenaline junkie". There's the obligatory diary pages and stuff scattered about to reveal the story as you explore the open world island.

The graphics aren't AAA quality (plus the game is in Alpha build) but they're pretty good for a $15 indie game. The game uses Unreal 4. On my i7-860 @ 3.6GHz & 4GB 290X I'm getting close to 60fps at 1080 with all the bells and whistles turned to full. It plays as well as its big title cousins with a mouse and keyboard though it has controller support.

I doubt many will buy it full price and it's published by IndieGala so there's the obvious potential for future bundling AND it's early access (though it feels like a complete working game so far) but if you like games in the Far Cry/Tomb Raider vein then you should keep an eye out for this. Steam reviews are Very Positive and it does feel like it's worth the $15 after a couple hours of game play.
If I'm not mistaken when this game was in pre alpha in March indiegala was selling it for $10 and I picked it up then haven't got the chance to play it yet though, it did look worth $10 even then.
A couple of things that people may not have noticed during this sale:

1. Gal*Gun hit 75% off yesterday, doesn't seem to be a summer sale price, ends on the 15th so you weebs have plenty of time to decide on it. Not sure how the lower price got approved in the middle of the sale though.

2. Maybe people have known about this for a while, but I didn't. TRON RUN/r Ultimate Edition ($9.99) comes with a gift copy of the game that includes 3 DLCs so you could potentially split this with someone to get the game + dlc at a cheaper cost. The gift copy doesn't come with the OSTs or extra in-game currency though.


I did too. I posted a review of it on the site if anyone's interested. I'm intrigued enough by the first one to want to see where it goes, but I can probably wait until it hits its 75% mark.
Yeah, 75% off might be the minimum sweet spot.

There's nothing really wrong w/ Batman: Telltale - but Batman has been redone so many times in so many forms (i.e. movies, old games, new games, Gotham TV series) - that even some stories, characters, and plots still go their obvious route.

Mind you - some of them have their own twists, interpretations + focus...of course.

Sill, I'm curious enough where Batman: Telltale will go in future episodes, but I think Telltale by now after so many titles - Jurassic Park, TWDS1+2+Michonne, TWAU, Minecraft: Story Mode - might to expand on their gameplay elements + stuff a bit. Their formula's starting to get....a bit stale now.

Saw the Gal Gun deal. Looks really bad tbh...though I was instantly intrigued due to the weeb in me

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, likewise. I didn't mean to come across as dickish and, if you're going to use the credit then getting bundles of credit for relatively minimal work is pretty cool. I guess that, to me, it feels more like a lot of real-world grinding for stuff that it's big on my radar (I don't want/need a console) and since I'm not turning in old Xboxes and PS4s for seed money, it feels like effort. Plus, like Fox, I'm just lazy.

That said, objectively it's pretty sweet to turn a little into a lot, especially if the "lot" is valuable to you because you're going to play/spend it.
I have to expect that Gamestop must have had awful sales numbers for the quarter and got their heads stomped on- this last minute rush can probably glut the books at the tail end of the business quarter, and all of that credit that's floating out there won't go on to the books until it gets used in the next quarter.

Sigh. Poor Gamestop, even when people are getting over on them, I'm thinking they're doing something shady.

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I finally laundered enough card money to buy this.


Funny thing, this was actually 66 cents cheaper than I expected because Sam and Max 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die! is a free item in the store, and so it got discounted on checkout. But it still got added to my account.

Bundle sacrifices are ready. Now watch these games show up in a Humble next week.

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Started-up today + finished Dreamfall Chapters - Book 1.

Took about 4 hours to get through.

Really digging it.

It feels like it's got a lot more puzzle-solving, Inventory manpulation, semi-open world, and other things that Batman: Telltale - Ep 1 (and other recent Telltale "Adventures") seemed to be lacking. Also seemed like it had a few more decisions to make, too.

There's nothing really wrong w/ Batman: Telltale - but Batman has been redone so many times in so many forms (i.e. movies, old games, new games, Gotham TV series) - that even some stories, characters, and plots still go their obvious route.

Mind you - some of them have their own twists, interpretations + focus...of course.

Sill, I'm curious enough where Batman: Telltale will go in future episodes, but I think Telltale by now after so many titles - Jurassic Park, TWDS1+2+Michonne, TWAU, Minecraft: Story Mode - might to expand on their gameplay elements + stuff a bit. Their formula's starting to get....a bit stale now.
It feels like it's got a lot more puzzle-solving, Inventory manpulation, semi-open world, and other things that Batman: Telltale - Ep 1 (and other recent Telltale "Adventures") seemed to be lacking. Also seemed like it had a few more decisions to make, too.
To my knowledge, none of the recent Telltale stuff (things that weren't in that pack that Foxhack bought) is heavy on inventory manipulation or puzzle-solving, so you probably could have intuited that without actually going through the motions of playing. As I've said previously, I think people have a pretty good idea at this point whether they like the Telltale formula or not--the games are basically interactive movies. While I'm sure there are a number of folks that share your viewpoint, apparently Telltale feels as though it's hit upon a winning formula, and perhaps it has if the games sell well.

To my knowledge, none of the recent Telltale stuff (things that weren't in that pack that Foxhack bought) is heavy on inventory manipulation or puzzle-solving, so you probably could have intuited that without actually going through the motions of playing. As I've said previously, I think people have a pretty good idea at this point whether they like the Telltale formula or not--the games are basically interactive movies. While I'm sure there are a number of folks that share your viewpoint, apparently Telltale feels as though it's hit upon a winning formula, and perhaps it has if the games sell well.
I don't think Telltale will change their formula too much, TBH - but after a while, if they are constantly cranking-out game after game after game in not much time, a formula can be...well, tiring. It certainly hurt AC + COD series, IMHO...and Telltale looks to also be heading down that path for me, as well.

Telltale might've hit that point for me, after Batman Telltale Ep 1. Mind you, it's still worthwhile to play b/c it is solid - but, probably doesn't help that Batman versions have been done so many times in so many mediums already.

Maybe I'll feel better about Tales From The Borderlands (sitting in my backlog, along w/ Jurassic Park: Telltale) b/c for me that might not have Batman fatigue, too? I dunno - but, it is possible I also might just need a break from Telltale and their formula of games, also.

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I don't think Telltale will change their formula too much, TBH - but after a while, if they are constantly cranking-out game after game after game in not much time, a formula can be...well, tiring. It certainly hurt AC + COD series, IMHO...and Telltale looks to also be heading down that path for me, as well.

Telltale might've hit that point for me, after Batman Telltale Ep 1. Mind you, it's still worthwhile to play b/c it is solid - but, probably doesn't help that Batman versions have been done so many times in so many mediums already.

Maybe I'll feel better about Tales From The Borderlands (sitting in my backlog, along w/ Jurassic Park: Telltale) b/c for me that might not have Batman fatigue, too? I dunno - but, it is possible I also might just need a break from Telltale and their formula of games, also.
Okay, Telltale games are not adventure games in the traditional sense. Well, at least they haven't been in a while. You don't play a Telltale game for the gameplay, you play them for the story. I'm not sure what the Batman game focuses on, but if you're familiar with the Batman story then I can see how the game might not connect with you. TWD is all original stories so it's all new. I could see getting bored with a Telltale game if it's just retelling something I'm already familiar with.

Okay, Telltale games are not adventure games in the traditional sense. Well, at least they haven't been in a while. You don't play a Telltale game for the gameplay, you play them for the story. I'm not sure what the Batman game focuses on, but if you're familiar with the Batman story then I can see how the game might not connect with you. TWD is all original stories so it's all new. I could see getting bored with a Telltale game if it's just retelling something I'm already familiar with.
I'm a big Batman nerd, so I'm always interested in Batman stories. Hey, I'm the guy who watched the theatrical version of Batman v. Superman and the extended version back-to-back to see the differences.

Maybe I'll feel better about Tales From The Borderlands (sitting in my backlog, along w/ Jurassic Park: Telltale) b/c for me that might not have Batman fatigue, too? I dunno - but, it is possible I also might just need a break from Telltale and their formula of games, also.
As long as you know what you're getting into, I think Tales From the Borderlands is fun, and a well done Telltale. Also helps if you have some attachment to Borderlands.

The Telltale Batman story/interpretation/universe is horrible.  Go watch Gotham instead.

bread's done