Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I am migrating more and more to digital but 1080p and 4k streaming is still not as good as the quality of a good 1080p or 4k disc.
I honestly don't see a difference... Granted, I just run stuff at 1080p on a connection that will run 4K no problem.

I think I would be honest if I could see a difference... I'll freely admit the biggest reason for my swap is not having to swap discs or, maybe more to the point, having to get up to do so.

Or not having a setup in every room. The ones I'm keeping physically are ones I'd be mildly irritated if my internet was out when I wanted to re-watch it. That, and the nicer steelbooks.

Mystery bundles weren't enough so now GMG are doing credit hacks. Buy the credit hack pack for $2/$5 and get $2/$5 in GMG credit + a chance of getting multiple copies of Ballistic Overkill. There's a 1 in 5 chance of getting Ballistic Overkill.

"Every Credit Hack pack contains the same amount of Green Man Gaming credit as the pack costs - the $2 pack contains $2 in store credit, the $5 pack contains $5 store credit. Could not be easier! 

There's a twist! 

1 pack in every 5 also includes a free game*. We'll tell you which game is in each pack, and this won't be some random shovelware. 

What's the catch? No catch. 

Well, one small catch - you can't use credit to buy a Credit Hack pack. But that's only because we weren't born yesterday. 

*Note: 1 in 5 packs contains the bonus game. Purchasing 5 packs does not guarantee you will receive the game."

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Contrary to popular belief, disc based media isn't going anywhere.   Not in this service provider bandwidth bottleneck and data capped country.  Microsoft has been trying (and failing) to "take over your living room" by installing voice activated, all-in-one entertainment systems in every living room for a dozen years.  Then there's Net Neutrality getting repealed.  Fun times.

BDs are king.  I basically don't go to the movies as often as I did when I was younger.   AMC theaters average about $14.  It's a ripoff.  Three months later you can get the disc instead.   I buy BDs for under $10 and 4K movies I want to see at $15 or less.  The home theater and television experience is better than ever before.  Just look at what you could buy for only $1500 this year. Seriously, go in the store and look at it.  Some people care about HD and picture quality the same way others care about their 1080 graphics cards.  It's just a different hobby.

On the other hand, 2017 is the first year in many years where it is worth going to the theater again.  A few 'Emagine' theaters in our area have ripped out all the airplane seats and now there are half as many full-sized, luxury, leather, electric recliners than there were seats before.  They are super comfortable and there is about  three feet of room in front of you to stretch out.  Everything is clean and remodeled and now there is a full liquor bar.  Icees and sodas are self-serve with free refills.  Tickets are $6-10 depending on the time of day.  It's actually worth going to the movies again. It's astonishing. 

You still can't beat getting your favorite television seasons on HD discs for $20/season though.    People buy $400 big screen TVs and rent DVDs from Redbox the same way McDonalds serves millions of customers a day.  The people that criticize home media purchasing usually have no taste themselves.  They can switch over to streaming and do what they do, while forecasters denote the decline in physical media revenue year over year.   But the enthusiast market ain't going anywhere.  We're the ones who spend on this stuff.

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Contrary to popular belief, disc based media isn't going anywhere. Not in this service provider bandwidth bottleneck and data capped country. Microsoft has been trying (and failing) to "take over your living room" by installing voice activated, all-in-one entertainment systems in every living room for a dozen years. Then there's Net Neutrality getting repealed. Fun times.

I basically don't go to the movies as often as I did when I was younger. AMC theaters average about $14. It's a ripoff. Three months later you can get the disc instead. I buy BDs for under $10 and 4K movies I want to see at $15 or less. The home theater and television experience is better than ever before. Some people care about HD and picture quality the same way others care about their 1080 graphics cards. It's just a different hobby.

On the other hand, 2017 is the first year in many years where it is worth going to the theater again. A few 'Emagine' theaters in our area have ripped out all the airplane seats and now there are half as many full-sized, luxury, leather, electric recliners than there were seats before. They are super comfortable and there is about three feet of room in front of you to stretch out. Everything is clean and remodeled and now there is a full liquor bar. Icees and sodas are self-serve with free refills. Tickets are $6-10 depending on the time of day. It's actually worth going to the movies again. It's astonishing.

You still can't beat getting your favorite television seasons on HD discs for $20/season though. People buy $400 big screen TVs and rent DVDs from Redbox the same way McDonalds serves millions of customers a day. The people that criticize home media purchasing usually have no taste themselves. They can switch over to streaming and do what they do, while forecasters denote the decline in physical media revenue year over year. But the enthusiast market ain't going anywhere. We're the ones who spend on this stuff.
Um thx... What is 1x1?
I, uh, guess that if you were about to buy something from GMG then you might as well buy the credit first and see if you get lucky?  However lucky a copy of Ballistic Overkill makes you.

Typical Fox, not around when you need him.  We need conformation if the free game is Ballistic Overkill and how many Credits you need to buy to get one.

Deadwood is great! (At least season one is, I haven't started season 2, 3 yet.) It did end too quickly HBO surprised cancelled it cause the sets were expensive... There is hope (and some traction) on a movie.

Also, I hope you like the word cocksucker cause you be hearing it allot.

(Obviously, not safe for work.)
Great freakin' show!

I really would love to see that movie actually happen.

Just want to add my two cents: I'm still really enjoying The Walking Dead. If you're after the zombies munching brains, you're sure to be disappointed, but the characters and drama in a post-apocalyptic world are excellent. And Negan is always entertaining.

For those looking for a Sci-fi show that's really good, try The Expanse. Smart, gritty, hard sci-fi. Solid production values and really entertaining. I don't think it's airing now, but pretty sure ou can get a season or two from Netflix or Hulu. Genuinely hard to believe this was on the Syfy channel.

Finally, GOG, y u do dis????
I can't stand TWD and think Negan is quite possibly one of the stupidest characters I've ever seen on celluloid, but I'll happily second The Expanse, that show destroys and other than The Americans is probably the best TV drama going right now. Unfortunately, it's not on Netflix or Hulu, though it is on Amazon Instant for anyone with that.

I can't stand TWD and think Negan is quite possibly one of the stupidest characters I've ever seen on celluloid, but I'll happily second The Expanse, that show destroys and other than The Americans is probably the best TV drama going right now. Unfortunately, it's not on Netflix or Hulu, though it is on Amazon Instant for anyone with that.
I don't know if it's the directing or Jeffrey Dean Morgan doing a bad job as the actor... but, yeah, Negan is so scene-chewingly bad. I hate the way he postures in these jaunty, angular positions. Completely rigid and then tilts back for effect. It looks like he's got a stick up his ass going all the way through his spine.

I don't know if it's the directing or Jeffrey Dean Morgan doing a bad job as the actor... but, yeah, Negan is so scene-chewingly bad. I hate the way he postures in these jaunty, angular positions. Completely rigid and then tilts back for effect. It looks like he's got a stick up his ass going all the way through his spine.
I don't think he's a bad actor, nor that the character is that bad. It's just been a boring, directionless show cashing in on the franchise for the past few seasons. We've only had basically two scenes where Negan's character has developed in any way, both happening inside trailers. Every other time we see Negan, he's playing this surly asshole, and it gets boring. The opening to this season was ungodly awful, and there are only so many times you can close up on people's faces to eke out an extra minute of run-time. The entire setting is being milked dry with bad writing and directing.

Remember The Governor? That was a villain done right for TWD. They didn't make him as good as his literary version, but he still owned his scenes and was fun to hate.

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Negan is (was) good.  It's just that they are drawing out single season arcs into 2+ seasons. 

An aimless show that writes from year to year, or episode to episode can only be so good.  It's just drama for the sake of drama.  There is no full story arc in mind from the writers.  These mid-season finales have made things even weirder because it feels like you're watching twice as many seasons. 

I still watch the show too, but man do they pile up on the DVR for months before I get around to it.  It's a slog to get started.  I'm presently finishing Better Call Saul S3 and Mr. Robot S3 which are excellent by comparison.  Can't recommend those two shows enough. 

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Look, I'm sure all this TV discussion is fascinating, but can we try to get back on topic? I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread talking about pizza or shoes in over 48 hours, this is getting ridiculous.
Negan is (was) good. It's just that they are drawing out single season arcs into 2+ seasons.

An aimless show that writes from year to year, or episode to episode can only be so good. It's just drama for the sake of drama. There is no full story arc in mind from the writers. These mid-season finales have made things even weirder because it feels like you're watching twice as many seasons.

I still watch the show too, but man do they pile up on the DVR for months before I get around to it. It's a slog to get started. I'm presently finishing Better Call Saul S3 and Mr. Robot S3 which are excellent by comparison. Can't recommend those two shows enough.
Mr. Robot S3 Season Finale was awesome last night.

Look, I'm sure all this TV discussion is fascinating, but can we try to get back on topic? I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread talking about pizza or shoes in over 48 hours, this is getting ridiculous.
I'm getting really pissed at my local walmart.

They haven't stocked the Great Value brand bagel bites since the first time I saw them.


I honestly think there is a crate of them sitting in the back room freezer or something and they just don't know where they're supposed to go because it's empty spot has gotten smaller over the past few weeks. It's been taken over by the OG bagel bites not being pushed far enough to the left.

This walmart has had this problem in the past. Shit hasn't been stocked for months, seemingly because something else was sitting in it's spot on the shelf.

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Look, I'm sure all this TV discussion is fascinating, but can we try to get back on topic? I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread talking about pizza or shoes in over 48 hours, this is getting ridiculous.
I wish TWD had a flashback where I saw what pizza Negan ate and the shoes he wore before the zombie apocalypse.
I wish TWD had a flashback where I saw what pizza Negan ate and the shoes he wore before the zombie apocalypse.
He seems patrician now, but I suspect he was a blue collar worker and tight on money before...

I would guess he mainly ate the cheaper pizza... Totino's Party Pizza or Tombstone. Maybe even store brand. Nicer stuff like Digiorno's when it's on sale.

Going back to his pre-zomapo career... I'd think he had a nice pair of Red Wings boots.

This is when an uber nerd comes by and explains Negan's comic history to us.

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I'm getting really pissed at my local walmart.

They haven't stocked the Great Value brand bagel bites since the first time I saw them.


I honestly think there is a crate of them sitting in the back room freezer or something and they just don't know where they're supposed to go because it's empty spot has gotten smaller over the past few weeks. It's been taken over by the OG bagel bites not being pushed far enough to the left.

This walmart has had this problem in the past. Shit hasn't been stocked for months, seemingly because something else was sitting in it's spot on the shelf.
It's the miners. They need that #minerfuel so they're buying up the bagel bites as soon as they go in stock.

I wish TWD had a flashback where I saw what pizza Negan ate and the shoes he wore before the zombie apocalypse.

I can't stand TWD and think Negan is quite possibly one of the stupidest characters I've ever seen on celluloid, but I'll happily second The Expanse, that show destroys and other than The Americans is probably the best TV drama going right now. Unfortunately, it's not on Netflix or Hulu, though it is on Amazon Instant for anyone with that.
So - completely off topic, but I'm a Spacemen 3 fan. Sound of Confusion is one of my all time favorite albums.

Off topic as well:

Garage Band is a great music making app, but only available for iOS.  Does anybody have experience with kindle apps that are even close.  For instance, has anyone used PocketBand or EasyBand on kindles?

Re: Negan -  I think that the governor was a better written part and you could argue better acted.  I like having a strong character opposite the main character/group so I can appreciate Negan.  I agree with Blade about the Negan character development - can be fleshed out, but in general sort of a meh for most of the time on screen.

The TV version of TWD has veered from the written version.  You either like to see another interpretation/iteration or not.  I like the premise of watching how people react post traumatic event and see if the people such as Carol change/develop.  While there are some parts of TWD that have grown stale, I would say that the story telling is different now than before.  How many more seasons do we have still have I do not know after they resolve the Negan chapter.  

On topic:

I forgot what humble bundle it was, but I liked it when I was able to purchase a humble bundle through Steam.  

Looks like the Mysterious Cards for this upcoming Winter Sale are now starting to drop when you craft badges.

Just a heads up for the one or two others (besides myself) who do badge crafting.  LOL

I still watch the show too, but man do they pile up on the DVR for months before I get around to it. It's a slog to get started. I'm presently finishing Better Call Saul S3 and Mr. Robot S3 which are excellent by comparison. Can't recommend those two shows enough.
Hot take: Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Bad.

obligatory on-topic sentence: Steam sale will be disappointing like every other one in the past... 6 years?

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I went to see Star Wars tonight!  It was decently good.

what the hell are you doing?   go and see the movie.  you're an asshole for clicking this.

bread's done