Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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If you somehow don't have them already, Shiplord and the deed are 9 cents each on the indiegala store, which is a alltime low for The Deed, but shiplord was previously free.

Shiplord (Was Given away previously for free, so you probably have this already)

The Deed

Edit: Space Pilgrim Episode 1 IS 9 cents as well (Also given for free before though)

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rousey is a sandy hook truther
You're going to open up a whole can of brain-dead contard worms with comments like this.
Let's keep this clean


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From what I can gather she didn't come full out and say it was fake she did imply that it was possible and tweeted out a truther video and subsequently deleted it. I don't put any weight into celebrities though, they are chronic performers and we have no idea who they really are.

If true, the faintest shred of "good celebrity whatever-ness" I had for her is gone.
I mean there’s clear evidence the mainstream media lies often. Not accepting their word as gospel and looking what might be a cover up shouldn’t ostracize someone.

I dont think SH was a conspiracy at all FWIW. At the same time if I was a celebrity I would keep political views to myself. Why these people think it does more help than harm to make half of your fans mad at you is a good thing is beyond me.
This thread is in desperate need of deals. HERE:

For anybody who doesn't own Alpha Protocol I recommend it (so far, started playing it Saturday and am like 4 hours in). It's a stealth action rpg that got fairly middling reviews which I think was due to bugs on release (no idea if this is true, but it's Obsidian and the game itself is good from what I've played so just assuming) but I've only run into one bug so far (my character got stuck and couldn't move so had to restart from a checkpoint but the checkpoints are relatively frequent so it wasn't a big deal). Really the crappiest part so far are the hacking minigames, the minigame to turn off alarms is relatively inoffensive but the minigame to hack computers is really horrible. But if you don't own it I feel confident in saying it's worth 3.74

I mean there’s clear evidence the mainstream media lies often. Not accepting their word as gospel and looking what might be a cover up shouldn’t ostracize someone.

I dont think SH was a conspiracy at all FWIW. At the same time if I was a celebrity I would keep political views to myself. Why these people think it does more help than harm to make half of your fans mad at you is a good thing is beyond me.
Truth be told mainstream media lies everyday... Fox News, CNN, USA Today, etc. All of them. Now its never been completely unbiased, thats just not human nature, but its gotten way worse in recent years. Go read the front page of Fox News and then turn around and read CNN's and its like they aren't even covering the same stories. (Unless major and breaking.)

As for celebrities. Micheal Jordon had it right with his, "Everyone buys shoes" policy but they certainly have the right to speak out on what they feel is important.

For anybody who doesn't own Alpha Protocol I recommend it (so far, started playing it Saturday and am like 4 hours in). It's a stealth action rpg that got fairly middling reviews which I think was due to bugs on release (no idea if this is true, but it's Obsidian and the game itself is good from what I've played so just assuming) but I've only run into one bug so far (my character got stuck and couldn't move so had to restart from a checkpoint but the checkpoints are relatively frequent so it wasn't a big deal). Really the crappiest part so far are the hacking minigames, the minigame to turn off alarms is relatively inoffensive but the minigame to hack computers is really horrible. But if you don't own it I feel confident in saying it's worth 3.74
I'll also vouch for Alpha Protocol. It's really good and re-playable as hell.

So, Alpha Protocol is one of those games that might rely on dice-rolls too much for a game w/ shooting elements, as shots you fire could miss or do weak damage - similar to older games that felt more RPG than shooter. This game feels like it should've came out before Mass Effect 2, which is the shooter/RPG that made other games using upgrading-RPG elements and mouse-aiming for shooting look bad w/ their clunky combat. This game would've been raved about more so, if it came out around the time other games w/ some clunky-ness b/c of their systems like Vampire: Bloodlines.

You really need to sink points in pistols for them to become effective, as they're useless until points are sunk into them. Also, some other guns, even if you don't sink much or any points, feel overpowered - such as machine guns and assault rifles. And you can sink not much into hand-to-hand combat, spam the buttons in fights, and still come away like a champ. Some skills, like the one where you call shots like in Splinter Cell (mark and execute type of skill) can instant kill or do insane damage on bosses. The game is quite unbalanced. If you can get by all of that stuff, everyone's in for something special.

But, I'll be damned: there really is something special and quite underrated about this espionage RPG/shooter/stealth hybrid. There's not many other RPG's using this spy setting, first off. Second off, choices really do matter like crazy in this game. Hell, just taking on one mission or section before another, you can wind up w/ crazy different results. You might meet one character, but not another. You might wind-up in one side of the game-area, instead of another. This doesn't even include choices, when you're given one situation or NPC to deal with - and you have to decide what to morally do there. Things can literally pan out so many different branching ways, which makes the game very re-playable.

Should take most somewhere in the 15-20 hours ballpark, per play-through. But, I suspect most that dig this underrated cult classic are going to replay the hell out of this.

Oh, and the Brayko mission and psychopathic Steven Heck are awesome as can be.

This game's a steal at around $4, if anyone didn't get this in one of the Sega Humble Bundles or buy it before when it's been dirt-cheap.

just saying, don't support someone who believes the murder of children is some sort of idiotic conspiracy
Or you could just keep the politics in general off of a site dedicated to the discussions of Pizza and how bad these bundles are lately. Most of the "idiotic" world thought it was flat at some point too. People can disagree, doesn't make them idiots.

I remember using something like this is college for our engineering design Unix machines.

Man I had one of them at work. And a good ol' Logitech PC one that was used for years. Too bad the technology stagnated. Since switching from Naga (a long time ago) because of too many failures, my G series (602) is going on... 5 years?. I'm happy with it. But I don't FPS, so take that FWIW.

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Or you could just keep the politics in general off of a site dedicated to the discussions of Pizza and how bad these bundles are lately. Most of the "idiotic" world thought it was flat at some point too. People can disagree, doesn't make them idiots.
I didn't know trivializing child murder was political, but OK. Seems like that should be something everyone can agree on.

and yes, if you think that was some false flag operation, you are legitimately a fucking idiot. I'm not saying all conspiracies are invalid (while I think most of the stuff related to JFK is overblown, there's absolutely more to it than the official stance would have you believe) but this one in particular is so outlandish, so vile, and so obviously false that you would have to be a real dumbass to believe in it, or just an outright terrible person.

there's also a difference between belief in a theory founded on rudimentary science (flat earth) and disbelief in something demonstrably true, with plenty of evidence to back it up

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Since when is believing or not believing that a massacre of children happened a political issue? That's an intelligence issue and anyone who even entertains the idea it didn't happen is an idiot.
Since when is believing or not believing that a massacre of children happened a political issue? That's an intelligence issue and anyone who even entertains the idea it didn't happen is an idiot.
Truth be told mainstream media lies everyday... Fox News, CNN, USA Today, etc. All of them. Now its never been completely unbiased, thats just not human nature, but its gotten way worse in recent years. Go read the front page of Fox News and then turn around and read CNN's and its like they aren't even covering the same stories. (Unless major and breaking.)

As for celebrities. Micheal Jordon had it right with his, "Everyone buys shoes" policy but they certainly have the right to speak out on what they feel is important.
What's the old adage, "facts have a well-known liberal bias"? I hate to disagree with Inmate here, but his statement demonstrates a false equivalence of the sort we saw during the last presidential election. Yes, there are some wackos on the left who buy into conspiracy theories (leftist anti-vaxxers), but there are far more right-wing, conservative conspiracy theories out there, ranging from Sandy Hook to birtherism to Clinton murders. This is a serious rabbit hole to go down, but you don't have to dig too far into the murky recesses of the internet to see that the Alex Jones types are far more vocal and more numerous than the Jenny McCarthy types.
What's the old adage, "facts have a well-known liberal bias"? I hate to disagree with Inmate here, but his statement demonstrates a false equivalence of the sort we saw during the last presidential election. Yes, there are some wackos on the left who buy into conspiracy theories (leftist anti-vaxxers), but there are far more right-wing, conservative conspiracy theories out there, ranging from Sandy Hook to birtherism to Clinton murders. This is a serious rabbit hole to go down, but you don't have to dig too far into the murky recesses of the internet to see that the Alex Jones types are far more vocal and more numerous than the Jenny McCarthy types.
I didn't know trivializing child murder was political, but OK. Seems like that should be something everyone can agree on.

and yes, if you think that was some false flag operation, you are legitimately a fucking idiot. I'm not saying all conspiracies are invalid (while I think most of the stuff related to JFK is overblown, there's absolutely more to it than the official stance would have you believe) but this one in particular is so outlandish, so vile, and so obviously false that you would have to be a real dumbass to believe in it, or just an outright terrible person.

there's also a difference between belief in a theory founded on rudimentary science (flat earth) and disbelief in something demonstrably true, with plenty of evidence to back it up
I just don't think it's needed on here. I don't want to read opinions on stuff other than games and pizza and bundles. Honestly, just like most people don't want to hear mine.

I have my own opinions about both examples but that doesn't mean I'm 100% right. I wasn't there, so my information is limited to my reading/knowledge/editorial intake. But if I secluded myself to ONE viewpoint, I could see how someone might confuse "reality" for something less "real".

I only pointed it out because it's just not relevant to Rousey doing WWE (which has its own real/fake argument).

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I just don't think it's needed on here. I don't want to read opinions on stuff other than games and pizza and bundles. Honestly, just like most people don't want to hear mine.

I have my own opinions about both examples but that doesn't mean I'm 100% right. I wasn't there, so my information is limited to my reading/knowledge/editorial intake. But if I secluded myself to ONE viewpoint, I could see how someone might confuse "reality" for something less "real".

I only pointed it out because it's just not relevant to Rousey doing WWE (which has its own real/fake argument).
It's not an opinion. It's an actual event that happened.

As for celebrities. Micheal Jordon had it right with his, "Everyone buys shoes" policy but they certainly have the right to speak out on what they feel is important.
Except, that in and of itself is a political statement, or at least can be interpreted as such. There were many who critizied him for doing so and didn't want to do business with him because of that. However, he made the calculation that the number of people who would be 'offended' by him *not* speaking would be small in number to the people who'd be 'offended' if he *did* speak. He was willing to sacrifice any particular position he was inclined to support in favor of money. That's his choice.

OTOH, some people make a whole career out of vilifying a political position. It's a whole thing of knowing your audience.

Anyway, I had a couple of Bacon Doubles yesterday from Mickey D's. All they really did though is make me want a Baconator from Wendy's (for some on topic burger talk)

I'm thinking of going pro in Rainbow Six Siege so I'm trying to figure out the best mouse.  Currently I have a laser mouse.  Didn't realize it was laser when I bought, I thought it looked cool, and I like it alot.  I've improved a lot with it in R6 and PUBG. I've been carrying the team in PUBG for the last week or so.  I wonder if I would be even better with an optical mouse or if you basically max out and optical really wouldn't help.  

What's the old adage, "facts have a well-known liberal bias"? I hate to disagree with Inmate here, but his statement demonstrates a false equivalence of the sort we saw during the last presidential election. Yes, there are some wackos on the left who buy into conspiracy theories (leftist anti-vaxxers), but there are far more right-wing, conservative conspiracy theories out there, ranging from Sandy Hook to birtherism to Clinton murders. This is a serious rabbit hole to go down, but you don't have to dig too far into the murky recesses of the internet to see that the Alex Jones types are far more vocal and more numerous than the Jenny McCarthy types.
I don't know how you could possibly get that from my comments... and I'm not sure I truly care.

I'm not big on politics, I'm about as inactive as can be, I find it depressing with so few decent candidates running in any party to make any change let alone a significant one and most care only about themselves. There's no compromise anymore it's just about keeping stuff from getting done when your party doesn't have the majority AND about trying to ram your agenda down the throat when you do.

Our political parties are unyielding and I think George Washington and some of the other founding fathers were right. Poltical parties are bad and should have been avoided long ago but you'll never see them disappear.

Anyhow, I really don't want to talk about this, this thread is certainly not the place for it, so just ignore my ramblings and realize if my posts at all come off as political you're more than likely looking at them wrong. Look at it from someone who views politics as an annoyance.
Anyhow, I really don't want to talk about this, this thread is certainly not the place for it, so just ignore my ramblings and realize if my posts at all come off as political you're more than likely looking at them wrong. Look at it from someone who views politics as an annoyance.
Out of respect for you and the forum, I won't go any further down the hole on this.

Anybody played Tooth and Tail? Looks like the fakeybro tier of the new Humble is the only one that's worthwhile.
Anybody played Tooth and Tail? Looks like the fakeybro tier of the new Humble is the only one that's worthwhile.
I have the same curiosity. It's on my wish list at least, as is everything else I don't own.

I don't really need an answer today... I won't buy anytime soon to help keep the BTA in check.
Exact same reason I hate playing board games at parties. Wtf mate I came over to get argue about conspiracies and get wasted not to play fuckin Coup.
There are board games that are mindless though, like Rampage. I mean, you literally flick stuff at paper-card buildings to knock them down. How does that not scream party game.

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Well, truth be told, trackballs got one more vote than I thought they would... and there are people in the world who love being sick for sympathy reasons...
It's not that bad. I play some games with them occasionally, but I've heard of people that play exclusively with a ball.

I guess it's just another learning curve for some people and it's more natural to them. Like the freaks who play all games on computer with a controller.

Man I had one of them at work. And a good ol' Logitech PC one that was used for years. Too bad the technology stagnated. Since switching from Naga (a long time ago) because of too many failures, my G series (602) is going on... 5 years?. I'm happy with it. But I don't FPS, so take that FWIW.
Elecom (a Japanese company) has been releasing some decent modern balls with high DPI and a bunch of buttons. The one I use sometimes is from them and it's pretty decent.

Has anyone played HUNT:SHOWDOWN from Crytek, looks pretty cool, might give it a go.
I was in the beta and I loaded it up once and watched the tutorial and it looked way more complicated and annoying than I wanted so I turned it off and went back to PUBG.

Sandy Hook Happened

All the GTA4 Fans of the world, be ready & prepared just in case songs could get removed/patched-out:

Music license is supposedly at the end of this month for GTA4's Music.

So, yeah - if you want, go back-up your GTA4 game-folders and especially the music files/folders that shipped w/ the game, just in case.

Also, you might want to check and see what songs you already own on CD, MP3, FLAC, WAV or whatever format you have - and rip, cut, and/or throw them in the GTA4 MP3 Radio Station's Game Folder.

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bread's done