Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Looks like the Mysterious Cards for the Summer Sale are starting to drop if you craft badges now.  Just a heads up for anyone interested.

I think I'm finally gonna hit LV200.  LOL

Since it's now on store:


Example from game
On front page

huge banner for a fake game.
Had a dream the other night that I was playing Cyberpunk 2077. It was incredible and then I woke up. I'll answer any gameplay-within-my-sub/unconscious questions you may have now.

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Ironically (and unrelated), I moved my Origin install to a different drive yesterday and when I went to let the client discover my games I was finally able to install Crysis again. Previously, it only let me install it in non-US English formats.
I just noticed your signature backwards spells 'peen deels'.

Do you mind sharing where you found those deals? Asking for a friend (his name is rcsample).

I just noticed your signature backwards spells 'peen deels'.

Do you mind sharing where you found those deals? Asking for a friend (his name is rcsample).
I'm disappointed with the off-topic discussion of the peen deals I give your mom. Please continue with the on-topic fascinating discussion on Fallout 76 due out in 2039 and other soon to be releases.
$45 lol

See you in humble monthly soon.
There was a reason why I didn't link to it.... Its been cheaper on every steam sale in the last 4 and a half years... I got to imagine that most in this thread have seen it at that cheaper price and won't take a serious look at its current price.

Division Note: New patch came out that has the achievements that unlock cosmetic items for Division 2... Maybe more importantly for those who never had fun with gear hunting the Reward Vendor has 6 pc sets for all gear sets for pick up. Note they're not classified but if you wanted a 4 pc plus HE its a good time to swing in.

From the Integrated Graphics department: Installed the Morrowind Rebirth mod that adds a lot of content in the form of new buildings/dungeons/areas to the game in a fairly seamless manner.  It's like Morrowind on steroids.

Division Note: New patch came out that has the achievements that unlock cosmetic items for Division 2... Maybe more importantly for those who never had fun with gear hunting the Reward Vendor has 6 pc sets for all gear sets for pick up. Note they're not classified but if you wanted a 4 pc plus HE its a good time to swing in.
wait, how can it be 6 pc and NOT be classified???

edit: oh wait, i'm dumb. carry on.

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Division Note: New patch came out that has the achievements that unlock cosmetic items for Division 2... Maybe more importantly for those who never had fun with gear hunting the Reward Vendor has 6 pc sets for all gear sets for pick up. Note they're not classified but if you wanted a 4 pc plus HE its a good time to swing in.
After the June patches, it's almost a 50/50 split of "Haha, so easy I'll probably have that one retroactively" (Underground, owning Exotics, etc) and "Ugh, I don't see that happening" (Complete every Legendary, 5hrs+5 Extracts+5 Hunters in Survival, etc)

If ubisoft games use steam and uplay DRM, would it be better to just buy from uplay? or have there been no issues with owning on steam? Theres a cheap copy of far cry 4 retail near but I know its uplay only.
I typically buy from Ubi just because I find better deals on the Ubi versions from Gamersgate, Razer Game Store, GMG, etc.  Only benefit to owning on Steam that I half care about is posting screenshots and stuff.


I take the cheaper prices and avoiding 2 layers of shenanigans over the comfort of having it be officially in my steam library. I tend to try to keep my ubi games on uplay. There's no issue owning it on steam, but no real gain either

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State of Derpcay YOSE on Uplay asked me to log into Steam when I tried installing it. But for games like Ass Creed and Tom Clancy, I'd suggest owning them right on Uplay.

And I don't  fuck s with Gatorade. Brawndo is the thirst mutilator.

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UPlay sometimes sells games that aren't based on UPlay.  Pretty sure SoD:YOSE is only sold in either Steam or Microsoft store variants.

What's everyone's favorite Gatorade flavor

I was curious about this, so I did a google search.
I figured there may be like 10 flavors beyond the 3 I typically remember (Orange, Yellow, Red).
Why in the world are there like 30 flavors of gatorade? Noone is exercising that much.

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Gatorade is a sham.  The only people who really need the electrolytes in them are college/professional athletes doing extreme training.  The average joe is basically just drinking a non-carbonated Coca-cola with a different flavor.

Makes sense to me. The only time I even want a gatorade is either after I've run/walked more than ten miles, spent several hour playing some sort of sport or spent the entire day vomitting. (So yeah, college.)

Having not done any of these in the past several years, it's been a while since I've had a Gatorade or Powerade, as to me they generally taste like a salty flat soda, which is every bit as awful as it sounds. 

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Pretty much.  And in some cases soda might have less sugar.  I had a friend in law school who would sometimes go to the gym with me.  I would do standard workout while, for the most part, he would walk around semi-flirting, sometimes picking up a freeweight, and maybe look at a cardio machine.  After we were done he'd insist on going to Smoothie King and grabbing one of the LARGE sized smoothies to 'replenish' himself.  These things have around... 1,200 or so calories and he might have burned 100 max.  Needless to say he was not in particularly good shape.

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I actually do a powerade zero on the days the I put in 1.5 hours on the bike (5 days a week).  I also trend to drink about a gallon of water.  I have to agree about it generally being a non-issue for people unless working out or trying to re-hydrate after vomiting or whatnot.  Of course if you experience muscle cramping, check out your magnesium, sodium, potassium etc.

Cola  - I have a true love hate relationship.  I love Diet Coke, yes it tastes like battery acid (the burn, go for the burn).  Yes, sodas are not "good" for you.  I am one that enjoys the caffeine kick and the improvement in my mood and breathing.  I have tried the caffeine tabs and it is just not the same.  I also would say that colas do not really help (me at least) with hydration.

I have not really delved into energy drinks.  I probably should just convert over to coffee.  

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If ubisoft games use steam and uplay DRM, would it be better to just buy from uplay? or have there been no issues with owning on steam? Theres a cheap copy of far cry 4 retail near but I know its uplay only.
Others covered it well enough... but back in the day it use to be cheaper to find a steam trader and buy steam copies.

Also, I've known a few people who did stupid shit and got their Ubisoft account hack and lost access to their Division characters, got banned from the Division, and had to deal with all that joy when they could have just been playing... Now, if they had gotten the game via Steam that wouldn't have been able to happen to them.

Note: This is less of an issue as Ubisoft has 2 step verification now.

gonna get some hate but can i use a controller for Flight Simulator? Im new to pc but already comfortable with xbox controllers so while I learn I like to use a controller for a little

Don't know details for Flight Simulator but the M+KB superiority thing is more for shooters. I doubt anyone would seriously blame you for using a controller with a flight sim.

If anything, you should buy a real flight stick and stop being such a casual ;)

Judging from the forums, it sounds as though "partial controller support" means you still need the mouse and keyboard for some functions (too much stuff to map to a controller) but the controller works fine for flight controls.
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Gatorade might not be 'good' for you but it's still one of the best/easiest things to drink for rehydration if you've been working and sweating a bunch. Plus the light blue one tastes pretty good.

Flightsims are probably better with a controller than m+kb, what I don't get is the people using controllers on games like divinity original sin.
I was going to go on a rant of how gatorade is a terrible source of electrolytes, but then I remembered we are all a bunch of dorks who eat 2 dollar pizza.

bread's done