Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Guys hurry Steam has Life is Strange franchise up to 8% off!!! EIGHT PERCENT BUY BUY BUY
y no wen 95% off?


I don't think I'd mind fresh cheese on a pizza. The Mexican pizzas I love pile on fresh lettuce and salsa (maybe even cheese?).
This reminds me of taco pizza from Pizza Hut. I don't think all locations offer it, but it's been a longtime favorite of my mom.


wouldn't know, haven't drank anything in 6 years

and those games look like hot trash
I see you're not denying the flannel, though.

This reminds me of taco pizza from Pizza Hut. I don't think all locations offer it, but it's been a longtime favorite of my mom.

It's like a salad, but horrible for you.

Why would anyone eat that?
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That looks amazing and yeah that's basically Mexican pizza. Only places I see it around here are the Cici's rip off buffets.
No, dude. THIS is a taco pizza:

That's just what Souffrir said, a salad on a crust. What would possess anyone to put THAT much lettuce on anything--including a salad?!

So the more astute or less irregular among you may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. A seismic upheaval (I think that's appropriate) took place in my life on May 12, when my wife died suddenly. We'd been together for 18 years and married for 17. It's hard for me to, well, everything's hard for me right now. She knew that I hung out online with you degenerates and she still stayed with me, so that should tell  you something about the kind of woman she was. I'll post something a little longer later about the new Jurassic World game so as to completely take us off-topic once again.

For now, I would just like to sincerely ask everyone reading this to go tell your spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, parents, siblings or whoever is dear to you in your life that you love them, because if I've taken one thing away from this nightmare experience it's that none of us are promised tomorrow and you'll never regret having told someone that you care about him or her too much. 

My sympathies, Warreni.  I can't imagine what it is to go through that.  I'm sure you have your own support system in the real world but, if you need to spend some time venting or just taking your mind off shit, feel free to loiter in the Spoderfox Discord.

Do want to try Salad on a crust someday, Mod Pizza has that and actually sounds a bit interesting. Well as long as you use a vinaigrette, it'd be awful with ranch (or blue cheese dressing etc). 

If I'm having a Mexican pizza, I don't want cold salsa on it, only cold stuff I'd want on that is maybe sour cream and/or queso fresco. 

Oh wow. I'm so sorry to hear this very sad news, Warreni. I think I can speak for all of the regulars here on this thread in sending our deepest condolences to you and your family.

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Bitch all you want about pineapple, but lettuce on pizza is worse. And I know you're using utensils to eat that, so don't even.
Calling that kind of taco pizza "pizza" would be like me calling this a deep dish pizza with pineapple.


And people dying suck.

[customspoiler=:(]So the more astute or less irregular among you may have noticed that I haven't been posting much lately. A seismic upheaval (I think that's appropriate) took place in my life on May 12, when my wife died suddenly. We'd been together for 18 years and married for 17. It's hard for me to, well, everything's hard for me right now. She knew that I hung out online with you degenerates and she still stayed with me, so that should tell you something about the kind of woman she was. I'll post something a little longer later about the new Jurassic World game so as to completely take us off-topic once again.

For now, I would just like to sincerely ask everyone reading this to go tell your spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, kids, parents, siblings or whoever is dear to you in your life that you love them, because if I've taken one thing away from this nightmare experience it's that none of us are promised tomorrow and you'll never regret having told someone that you care about him or her too much.[/customspoiler]
Very sorry for your and her family and friends loss. We degenerates are always here for you.

So sorry to hear that this has happened. Condolences to you and your family. :(

Stay strong, hang in there, and keep typing to us here on CAG.
We're here for you, bro.

My most sincere condolences Warreni, reading that really broke my heart. As said above, we're on the spoderfox discord, join us, most of us are there if you want some talking.
Warreni, so sorry to hear about your loss.  Hopefully you are hanging in there, but if you need to talk, chat, vent, or whatever, please do not hesitate to send a message.

is the bundle really that fantastic if i haven't heard of any of the games
This bundle is fantastic if you were alive before 1990. Otherwise you are going to be scratching your head and wondering what the hell is going on here. This is old 80s and early 90s stuff that was on the Amiga, NES, SNES and generally had a couple DOS ports.

I bought it if only because Wisdom Tree games were those weird colored (blue or black) NES cartridges that noone ever rented from the local independently owned game stores. I was curious to see how they actually played, as I saw them on shelves for years but who's going to rent "Noah's Ark" when you could get River City Ransom, Castlevania or Contra?

Sorry to hear that Warreni I just told my wife and kid how much I love them. Life is short always enjoy it to the fullest with your family is what I always tell myself and do the best I can.

I'm really sorry for your loss. I've always been grateful for your posting here, I hope you continue to do so. I'm not sure what I can do to ease your pain but if you ever need someone to talk to, please give me a call.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family,

Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I'm getting by as best I can, but it's not easy. This community really is pretty much the only place I hang out online, so with all of the pizza talk, politics, mother-shaming, frequent pointless spats, you guys are my second family, as lame as that sounds. Fades and those of you who actually did what I asked, I thank you; I think it's easy in this crazy world to lose sight of what's really important and that's friends and family so hold onto whatever of that you've got. Mooby, you're right, she was so young, 44. It seems crazy to me still. Fun fact: my ringtone for her was Mary Chapin-Carpenter's cover of "Grow Old With Me" and we always thought that, well, we would. (Her ringtone for me was "Next Stop Everywhere" from Doctor Who, because I'm a giant nerd.) 

As promised (or threatened), my thoughts on Jurassic World: Evolution:

I noticed there had been some discussion about this game, and while I'm not going to bury the lead--I do like it--many of the criticisms in early reviews were, in fact, spot on. This game is sort of like watching a presidential election night. There's probably a better analogy than that, but I don't seem to have one at the moment. It's moments of joy punctuated by boredom followed by moments of terror or frustration punctuated by boredom, et cetera. Many "sim"-type games have time sliders that let you speed up parts and eliminate the mandatory waiting-around bits that you usually expect mainly from Facebook games these days, but Frontier said, "To hell with that. When we say it will take two minutes for your expedition to get back from China, by god, you're going to wait 120 seconds for it!" The game is peppered with these timers: generally very quick ones for constructing buildings and others for incubating dinosaurs, extracting DNA from fossils, sending vehicles to pick up dinosaurs or medicate dinosaurs or tranquilize (which, for some reason, is spelled "traquillize" in-game) dinosaurs, completing research projects of six or seven different types, et cetera. Yes, it's a real hurry-up-and-wait sim. Another (so far) minor annoyance that is a holdover from Frontier's earlier stab at a Zoo Tycoon game is the fact that once you unlock the sandbox island, you still have to play through the regular campaign progression in order to unlock items to use in your sandbox. This is why I may never actually get to the sandbox in the new Zoo Tycoon game--there are a kajillion campaign scenarios to play through in order to unlock all of your animals, decorations, buildings, and gemgaws, and some of them just aren't that fun, but most of them have you largely doing the same things over and over again. At least Evolution has an edge over that because there are only five total islands, each presenting slightly different challenges, and as you increase the numbers of your core structures (fossil centers, research centers, and expedition centers), you gain access to new dinos and new technologies that keep things fairly fresh (so far at least--I'm still only on island 2). There are some other quirks that other reviewers have pointed out that seem to exist only to add gamey elements to the game--missions that actively encourage you (sometimes given by the security staff!) to release dinosaurs to eat or trample your unsuspecting park visitors or set up dino fight club scenarios and the entire mission system, with its built-in potential for park sabotage, is a little weird. 

So having said all of that, it's still pretty damn fun. BD Wong, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jeff Goldblum pop up every now and again to offer you nuggets of wisdom (well, to say frequently smarmy things). The dinosaurs look and sound fantastic. The musical cues from the movies are all here. If you're a fan of the movies, there is a fair bit of fan service in this game for you to enjoy. Also, Frontier is releasing a free DLC on Friday that includes new dinosaurs from the Fallen Kingdom movie. If you like this kind of game, and you're tolerant enough to overlook its flaws, it's worth diving into, IMO. If those flaws sound seriously aggravating to you, wait for a price drop.

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I've just gotta say that as devastating as this loss has to be, you are (at least outwardly) handling yourself amazingly well. I don't know how I'd react in the same situation. Thoughts, prayers, and condolences.
My most heartfelt condolences, man. I know how it is to lose a close family member very suddenly... it's not easy, but you can get through this, and we can help you if you let us.

So having said all of that, it's still pretty damn fun. BD Wong, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jeff Goldblum pop up every now and again to offer you nuggets of wisdom (well, to say frequently smarmy things).

bread's done