Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Don't judge me - my wishlist is essentially my store. Browsing my discovery queue every day and wishlisting titles that might be of interest helps to easily use sites like SteamDB or ITAD to sort through sales and bundles.

I honestly have no idea how anyone could tolerate browsing the Steam store looking for things to buy. There are certainly great and worthy games to be found, but once you get past the major AAA publishers and a handful of smash success indie games the store is a no man's land.
Good to know Im not alone. I use my wishlist the same way with 1k+ things in it and just let other people's scripts do the hard work of browsing the steam store for me. The good thing about browsing like that though is when sales do come up it makes it easier to curate the list as you can go through an itad email, open each game, realize that you really have no interest in something and wonder why the hell you added it in the first place, and trim it down.

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You're not in Mooby country until you literally buy nothing from a sale.  My last Steam purchase was November 2017, I bought Borderlands 2 Mercenary Day DLC for $0.89.  Don't think I even played it.  Before that I bought Dead Rising 1 in August 2017 for $8 (it eventually ended up in a Humble Bundle).  Before that I bought some crappy $1.50ish indie game package (I am Weapon/Zombie something) in December 2016.  And before that, DLC for Hand of Fate 1 for $1ish in October 2016.

In two years I have bought four things from the Steam store for a grand total of $12ish.  The deals are mediocre to terrible.  Last time I made multiple purchases during a major Steam sale was Summer 2014.

That's how I use the wishlist.

A few years ago I constantly went through the discovery queue, until I did everything, and added any and everything that was mildly interesting, based solely on screenshots, to my wishlist.

Cutting it in half was just me looking at the stuff on there more closely.
I'm glad some people take that sort of care. I don't bother, and during sales I end up looking at friend's wishlists, as I add things to my own very infrequently- usually only if it's free games so that I don't completely forget about them within a day or two.

You're not in Mooby country until you literally buy nothing from a sale. My last Steam purchase was November 2017, I bought Borderlands 2 Mercenary Day DLC for $0.89. Don't think I even played it. Before that I bought Dead Rising 1 in August 2017 for $8 (it eventually ended up in a Humble Bundle). Before that I bought some crappy $1.50ish indie game package (I am Weapon/Zombie something) in December 2016. And before that, DLC for Hand of Fate 1 for $1ish in October 2016.

In two years I have bought four things from the Steam store for a grand total of $12ish. The deals are mediocre to terrible. Last time I made multiple purchases during a major Steam sale was Summer 2014.
starbound is 33% off does that not tantalize you

You're not in Mooby country until you literally buy nothing from a sale. My last Steam purchase was November 2017, I bought Borderlands 2 Mercenary Day DLC for $0.89. Don't think I even played it. Before that I bought Dead Rising 1 in August 2017 for $8 (it eventually ended up in a Humble Bundle). Before that I bought some crappy $1.50ish indie game package (I am Weapon/Zombie something) in December 2016. And before that, DLC for Hand of Fate 1 for $1ish in October 2016.

In two years I have bought four things from the Steam store for a grand total of $12ish. The deals are mediocre to terrible. Last time I made multiple purchases during a major Steam sale was Summer 2014.
On second thought I don't want to be a Mooby.

True story: I got Starbound for $6ish in a Russian 4-pack before they put the kibosh on that.  Wasn't worth $6, certainly not worth more.

Okay, bored, so I searched the Steamdb lists for discounts over 70%.

Some notable stuff for new-ish people and/or old-ish people who might have bypassed these games the last dozen sales:  Most Valve developed titles (HL series, L4D, etc) are dirt cheap, Trine, Orc Must Die series, Postal series, Derpus Ex the original, Vampire Bloodlines, the older Hitman titles, Long Dark is under $8, older Squeenix titles (Thief, etc.), Derp Space, Beyond Good and Evil, Serious Sam games, Gothic series, King's Bounty series, Divine Divinity, Legacy of Kain series, Rebel Galaxy, Arx Fatalis, Zeno Clash series, and FEAR series.

Speaking of Steam DB, I spent a good while the other night going through their Complete The Bundle list. It's pretty easy to do if you sign in and sort them the right way. 

What I found is that publishers have gotten pretty good at stuffing them full of a bunch of crap like multiple soundtracks, effectively killing whatever value there might be. YMMV if you're in love with soundtracks. Personally, I get enough of the music by playing the game.

Alternately, you have the asset-flip quality developers that offer bags of crap for pennies.

tl;dr I didn't buy any bundles from Steam.

Don't judge me - my wishlist is essentially my store. Browsing my discovery queue every day and wishlisting titles that might be of interest helps to easily use sites like SteamDB or ITAD to sort through sales and bundles.
Right. My wishlist was more of a list of items to take a look at some time in the future. I cleared it off recently and just have actually wanted items on there now. (Well, and some free-to-play stuff.)

Boardgamegeek has a wishlist with multiple levels of interest, a want-in-trade list, and a want-to-play list. Steam doesn't need all of those, but adding a second list would really help.

I usually maintain a wishlist of around 30 games.  I only wishlist stuff that I could see myself actually buying on steam or another storefront and keep out all stuff that I know I would only buy if bundled.  I play a very small amount of games that I purchase from bundles so I figure why clog up my wishlist with stuff I may never see bundled when in all likelihood I won't play it anyway even if it is.

Plus I'm lazy, even with 30 games on my wishlist I still look at it and wonder why I put some things there, 100+ just seems like too much of a hassle to even look through.

My wishlist is like 500 or so games. I need to clear it out though because everytime I go through it and look at the games that are on sale half of them don't look appealing. 

I have no idea how big my wish list is...  I assure its likely a large collection of horrible games that no one really wants at this point.  I tried to clean it up in the past but everything came back...  I know I can do it now but I'm not sure if I care enough to do it.  I mostly use it to quickly sort through my queue during sale for cards with the intent of getting back to it.  It just never happens.

Every Steam sale I clean out my wish list. This time I'm close to being done and removed about...100-200 games maybe. I love my discovery queues the mainly become games I've removed lol.

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I feel like a "wishlist hoarder." I see stuff on there, some even @ 75%+ off, and yet I dont pull the trigger. If I'm not accepting a 75% discount, why am I even still considering this game. I too need to have a culling!

I use my wishlist as a way to combat my game hoarding/backlog building habit.  I just mentally tell myself that "Yup, bought it, it's on the list" and so far it works well.  Now, if I can figure out how to resist bundle junk from IG and Groupees


Go to steam

Open JS console

Paste following:

!function(){var r=[];jQuery.ajax({type:"GET",url:"//",dataType:"json",success:function(e){jQuery.each(e.rgWishlist,function(e,i){r.push(i)});var i=0,t=0,o=r.length,a=ShowBlockingWaitDialog("Executing...","Please wait until all requests finish. Ignore all the errors, let it finish."),s=function(){jQuery.ajax({type:"POST",dataType:"text",url:"//",data:{appid:r,sessionid:g_sessionID}}).always(function(){t++,a.Dismiss(),o
I feel like a "wishlist hoarder." I see stuff on there, some even @ 75%+ off, and yet I dont pull the trigger. If I'm not accepting a 75% discount, why am I even still considering this game. I too need to have a culling!
I have some stuff on my wish list that I won't buy at 75% off because it's just there to remind me that I was interested in it should it get bundled.

I use my wishlist as a way to combat my game hoarding/backlog building habit. I just mentally tell myself that "Yup, bought it, it's on the list" and so far it works well. Now, if I can figure out how to resist bundle junk from IG and Groupees
The worst is IG bundle junk where the bundle has 1 or 2 maybe games you want, and like 10 you don't and are likely poop.


Go to steam

Open JS console

Paste following:

!function(){var r=[];jQuery.ajax({type:"GET",url:"//",dataType:"json",success:function(e){jQuery.each(e.rgWishlist,function(e,i){r.push(i)});var i=0,t=0,o=r.length,a=ShowBlockingWaitDialog("Executing...","Please wait until all requests finish. Ignore all the errors, let it finish."),s=function(){jQuery.ajax({type:"POST",dataType:"text",url:"//",data:{appid:r[i],sessionid:g_sessionID}}).always(function(){t++,a.Dismiss(),o<=t?ShowAlertDialog("All done!","Enjoy."):(a=ShowBlockingWaitDialog("Executing...","Loaded "+t+"/"+o+". Ignore all the errors, let it finish."),i++,s())})};setTimeout(s,1500)},error:function(e,i,t){ShowAlertDialog(i,"Uh Oh!")}})}();

See what happens.

Madjoki now owns your Steam account.

I have some stuff on my wish list that I won't buy at 75% off because it's just there to remind me that I was interested in it should it get bundled.

Even then, if you can get in on a happy hour deal, getting that one game for a buck is usually worth it to me.
My problem is that some of these discounted games are on sale for under a buck....and still I hesitate. I got issues homez....

Caught up, lost some time to work and some to an issue with one of the pages throwing a redirect to some dodgy site. Anywho, first for playing Saliens, assume most know this stuff by now but w.e. 

1) Use the 1 key instead of trying to break your finger clicking. The recharge time is so short and damage good enough that it is pointless to use the mouse (at least in what I've done so far). 

2) You can also just idle it for the cards instead. Takes like 5 minutes at most to get all three iirc?

Other stuff: If you have a Chase Freedom card (whatever one gives 5% bonus categories), you get an extra 5% back on Paypal purchases til the end of June.

So far bought a couple games, short reviews: 

This Grand Life

Think sims needs management and basically got it. It is surprisingly a bit addictive trying to manage everything while making sure to work your (game) job and/or take classes and advance. Play the demo and you'll get enough of an idea how it plays minus the school stuff. The game does try to prevent you from abusing things, like I tried to cram 60+ hours of school one week and my character went insane and I lost the game. But it does a good job of feeling like real-life with enough gamey-ness to not be as bad as real life.

Blood Bowl 2

Not even through the tutorial but so far having fun, even if I feel like I'm mostly throwing stuff to the wall and hoping it works. Haven't got to the blood stuff yet but it makes for a fun football tactical game so far. What makes it different from the first? Hell if I know, never played the first, find someone who did. 

Sometime today going to give The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker a try, been waiting to pick it up for awhile. Supposed to be a really good FMV game from what I recall.

Went to Walmart this afternoon to see if they had any NES Classic Controllers available early and because I don't respect myself, ended up perusing the PC game shelves for markdowns. Came across the Telltale Minecraft game ringing up at $0.02, but they couldn't sell it to me. Something about how they have to send the game back to claims at that price point. Ended up just getting a box of Mike & Ike's and eating most of it on the drive home because, again, I don't respect myself.

Ended up just getting a box of Mike & Ike's and eating most of it on the drive home because, again, I don't respect myself.
No self respecting person would eat modern Mike & Ike's with the added disgusting strawberry flavored candies invading Mike & Ike's. Give me cherry, lime, lemon & orange only. ;)

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I have never eaten either of these candies and I am not even sure wtf they are.  

No idea if this has been posted yet but if you want any Williams tables from Pinball Arcade, you have until June 30 to get them.  Then they are being removed.  They couldn't get the licenses renewed.  It is around 60 tables including stuff like Getaway, Addams Family, Doctor Who, Star Trek: TNG and Terminator 2.  You can pick and choose which ones you want in the game itself or buy the packs, the packs while expensive is the way to go if you want them all.  They are not on sale according to the devs because the license holder forbade them to discount them.  

Came across the Telltale Minecraft game ringing up at $0.02, but they couldn't sell it to me.
You should have thrown two pennies on the counter and ran for the door. "You going to have me arrested over two cents?!"

I mean, it's Walmart so they probably would but that's more of a you problem than a me problem.

I would have fixed the post like this:

Went to Walmart this afternoon to see if they had any NES Classic Controllers available early and because I don't respect myself
Kidding of course. In the past few years I enjoy shopping at Walmart more and more - there I've found numerous things I couldn't find at other stores, and the clearance deals can be really amazing.

I might find myself in Walmart up to once per week. Usually I can buy a gallon of milk there anyway, which gives me a reason to browse around.

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Went to Walmart this afternoon to see if they had any NES Classic Controllers available early and because I don't respect myself, ended up perusing the PC game shelves for markdowns. Came across the Telltale Minecraft game ringing up at $0.02, but they couldn't sell it to me. Something about how they have to send the game back to claims at that price point. Ended up just getting a box of Mike & Ike's and eating most of it on the drive home because, again, I don't respect myself.
You do self checkout or go to the register in lawn and garden. Those outdoorsy types don't give a shit about vidya games.

I have never eaten either of these candies and I am not even sure wtf they are.

No idea if this has been posted yet but if you want any Williams tables from Pinball Arcade, you have until June 30 to get them. Then they are being removed. They couldn't get the licenses renewed. It is around 60 tables including stuff like Getaway, Addams Family, Doctor Who, Star Trek: TNG and Terminator 2. You can pick and choose which ones you want in the game itself or buy the packs, the packs while expensive is the way to go if you want them all. They are not on sale according to the devs because the license holder forbade them to discount them.
Thanks for the reminder. I already picked up the "classic" Doctor Who, so I'll grab the new Who table before I forget. This stuff is ludicrously expensive and frankly the game isn't as much fun as Pinball FX in general terms, but I'd regret not grabbing the Doctor Who stuff after it disappears.

For what it's worth, I believe the Midway tables are going away as well.

EDIT: Sorry, it's Bally not Midway.

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In between World Cup games so got around to the Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker

If you liked Her Story, you'll probably enjoy this. You play a psychologist taking over for Doctor Dekker (because he died) and you ask patients questions to find out more about them while also trying to figure out what happened to Dekker. The Voice acting and videos, so far, are really well done. The hint system also is pretty good, you can customize it if you want more/less. I have one which shows hints on playback of responses, so it'll italicize important keywords. There is also a drop-down with premade questions you can click on. 

But yeah, best comparison I can make, due to the keyword/question system is Her Story. Don't know how far down the rabbit hole it'll go but liking it so far. 

bread's done