Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Metro Exodus is fun so far.  Feels like the child of Metro and Stalker with Metro UI and stealth and Stalker pseudo-open world mechanics.  The shooting also feels like Metro, which is to say that it probably won't impress anyone looking for a great FPS.  No cover mechanics, lean, etc.  The guns themselves are the lovably janky things from the previous games, now with the ability to customize them on the fly with the help of a handy mini-repair bench you have in a backpack.  Real benches allow you to build ammo, clean your weapons and customize your other gear (if you have the parts).  You do need crafting supplies but they're both abundant (so far, on normal) and only come in a couple flavors, scrap & chemicals, so it's no FO4-fest of finding aluminum and ball bearings and duct tape and door hinges to make a silencer.

I haven't had a chance to trade/purchase (if that exists) but there doesn't seem to be a distinction between repacked and military-grade ammo like in previous titles.

I suspect that I'm the only one who has read the books, but Exodus attempts to fit the entire premise of 2035 into the first ten minutes of the game and then borrow parts of the trilogy from there.  Such as a cult of technophobes, calling back to a similar cult in the 2033 novel.

Game plays smoothly so far on my GTX 1080, i5-8600K @ 4.7GHz and running it at 1440p on Ultra.  Framerates are in the 65-95 range depending on what's around me.

Metro Exodus is fun so far. Feels like the child of Metro and Stalker with Metro UI and stealth and Stalker pseudo-open world mechanics. The shooting also feels like Metro, which is to say that it probably won't impress anyone looking for a great FPS. No cover mechanics, lean, etc. The guns themselves are the lovably janky things from the previous games, now with the ability to customize them on the fly with the help of a handy mini-repair bench you have in a backpack. Real benches allow you to build ammo, clean your weapons and customize your other gear (if you have the parts). You do need crafting supplies but they're both abundant (so far, on normal) and only come in a couple flavors, scrap & chemicals, so it's no FO4-fest of finding aluminum and ball bearings and duct tape and door hinges to make a silencer.

I haven't had a chance to trade/purchase (if that exists) but there doesn't seem to be a distinction between repacked and military-grade ammo like in previous titles.

I suspect that I'm the only one who has read the books, but Exodus attempts to fit the entire premise of 2035 into the first ten minutes of the game and then borrow parts of the trilogy from there. Such as a cult of technophobes, calling back to a similar cult in the 2033 novel.

Game plays smoothly so far on my GTX 1080, i5-8600K @ 4.7GHz and running it at 1440p on Ultra. Framerates are in the 65-95 range depending on what's around me.
I've been waiting to hear your thoughts on it since I haven't played a Metro game before. The graphics look really nice. You and I have nearly identical setups too. It sounds like you're describing a 80/100 game.

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Had no interest in buying Metro Exodus but out of curiosity I went into the Epic store. To my surprise the gold edition of the game was listed at $30. Apparently since I’m in Puerto Rico the game is priced at $20 for regular and $30 for the gold edition. Needless to say I now own Metro Exodus. Lol. First time living in Puerto Rico saved me money.

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It sounds like you're describing a 80/100 game.
Probably. I'd personally rate it a bit higher because I have personal affection for Soviet Bleak shooters. But it's definitely not as polished as a top line AAA game and, like I said, the shooting is below par allowing neither the cover mechanics of a modern plinker nor the chaos and durability of a game like Doom. More like you're discouraged from trying to be a one man army because you'll die quickly and won't be able to easily cheese it by hiding behind desks or door frames. Definitely encourages the stealth approach.

It is pretty and atmospheric though.

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Me after eating good mac and cheese 

Since I know you all like food discussion... I bring tidings of "Mark's Mac & Cheese":


This is mac covered in white cheese sauce with bacon, shrimp, and chorizo for $10.99. It's one of the best things ever when you're hungry for tasty man-food and it's cheesier than it looks. It comes from Tersea's Mexcian Restaurant which is a franchise here with several locations. I'm not sure if you guys have them in other parts of the states.
Looks like it needs some sort of vegetable added for texture contrast. Maybe peppers and onions? Sun dried tomatoes?

Had no interest in buying Metro Exodus but out of curiosity I went into the Epic store. To my surprise the gold edition of the game was listed at $30. Apparently since I’m in Puerto Rico the game is priced at $20 for regular and $30 for the gold edition. Needless to say I now own Metro Exodus. Lol. First time living in Puerto Rico saved me money.

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... fuck you, the game is $60 in Mexico. :(

What are these vegetables you speak of? Are they on meat lovers pizza?
No. A mix of only meat on a pizza is generally inferior to a mix of meat accentuated with vegetables and/or fungus. Kalamata olives can be a beautiful thing when paired with a nicely cured meat.

Okay, but can we be serious for a moment and agree this mac and cheese is vastly inferior to the same mac and cheese, only on pizza?

Metro Exodus is fun so far. Feels like the child of Metro and Stalker with Metro UI and stealth and Stalker pseudo-open world mechanics. The shooting also feels like Metro, which is to say that it probably won't impress anyone looking for a great FPS. No cover mechanics, lean, etc. The guns themselves are the lovably janky things from the previous games, now with the ability to customize them on the fly with the help of a handy mini-repair bench you have in a backpack. Real benches allow you to build ammo, clean your weapons and customize your other gear (if you have the parts). You do need crafting supplies but they're both abundant (so far, on normal) and only come in a couple flavors, scrap & chemicals, so it's no FO4-fest of finding aluminum and ball bearings and duct tape and door hinges to make a silencer.

I haven't had a chance to trade/purchase (if that exists) but there doesn't seem to be a distinction between repacked and military-grade ammo like in previous titles.

I suspect that I'm the only one who has read the books, but Exodus attempts to fit the entire premise of 2035 into the first ten minutes of the game and then borrow parts of the trilogy from there. Such as a cult of technophobes, calling back to a similar cult in the 2033 novel.

Game plays smoothly so far on my GTX 1080, i5-8600K @ 4.7GHz and running it at 1440p on Ultra. Framerates are in the 65-95 range depending on what's around me.
How's the story, characters, and (depending on what you're using) the English voice-acting or Russian voice-acting?

Do you prefer the STALKER series? Metro series?

Story is fine so far.  Most of the characters are pretty forgettable.  You spend a curious amount of time with your wife -- curious because she is (a) one of the only women in your group (the story has added a noncombatant woman) and (b) the daughter of the commander who is also on your train.  But I suppose today's modern woman deserves just as much of a chance to be eaten by mutant bears as anyone else.

Using English voices and the faux Russian accent voice acting isn't great but no worse than the usual video game standard.  Not bad enough to distract me.  I probably wouldn't notice it at all except that the superb audiobook narration of Rupert Degas has spoiled me to what Metro should sound like.

I don't have a real preference as both franchises had different enough styles that they hit different buttons for me. 

Far Cry: New Dawn - The Foxtaco Paper Sniper Gamer Review:

I have like 8 hours in ND and about 1/3 of the way through the story.  Probably closer to 1/4 of the way through all the side stuff.  Most of the reviews I read were positive but not stellar because they said this was just more FC5.  What did they expect?  But really, they took the best of the stuff from FC5 and improved on it. 

Map size is smaller than the map on FC5 (as expected) but not by much.  Missions/Stories are probably equivalent to one region in FC5.  The new stuff is light RPG elements and progression.  You have a homebase.  You earn ethanol by completing missions/freeing outposts/looting, etc.  You use the ethanol to upgrade your homebase (reminds be of Division here).  As you upgrade you're able to craft higher level stuff.  The RPG stuff is just having three tiers of to the guns/cars/weapons/enemies.  Nothing complex but it does add to the game.

Best things they've added are progression in outposts and expeditions.  You could replay outposts in FC5 but there was no real incentive.  In ND you can play it at Level 1, 2, 3, with enemies getting increasingly harder.  You also gain extra resources each time.  They also added expeditions, which are mini-missions that don't take place on the main map.  You are dropped into a place by helicopter, must secure a package, and then make your way out to the extraction point. 

These last two things really build upon the good stuff in FC5 and remind me a little of the great parts of Homefront: Revolution.  Definitely taking the franchise in the right direction.  

I'd say $20 is probably closer to a fair price just due to the fact you get a lot more content in FC5 for the $60 MSRP vs. $40 MSRP here.  

A few mini-reviews of games I've played recently:

Jade Empire - The most disappointing game I've played in awhile. The plot/lore/characters didn't grab me all that much, and with writing that didn't intrigue me, it was on the gameplay to hook me...unfortunately, the combat really hasn't aged well, and it was monotonous and frustrating at times. There are also fairly inconsistent auto saving points, so if you don't save frequently there is a chance you will have to go through like 5 fights to get back to where you were, and when the combat is tedious and annoying it led me to quit after about 12 hours. I think this is the first Bioware game I started and didn't finish.

Kona - A murder mystery adventure game with light survival elements, it would be an okay enough time to spend a few hours, but there are a few issues that led me to quit after about an hour...first, although the world is a seamless open world, there are fairly frequent and random loading areas; your character will be walking/driving through the world and the game will freeze as a loading bar pops up in the center 10-15 seconds so you can keep going. It's immersion breaking and there is some moving back and forth through the level, so you can go through these fairly often. Second is the narrartor. He has a somewhat annoying voice and he comments on wayyy too many things, there is an option in the menu to turn down the frequency of narrarator comments from "frequent" to "only on important things" or something like that, but after turning it down I didn't notice a difference. It's very immersion breaking because in my 1.5 hours in the game your character is the only live character in the world, it's a lonely and desolate world and having some dude who kind of sounds like the guy from Thomas Was Alone completely wrecks the atmosphere. Third is there are a fair amount of bugs in the game, nothing game breaking, but enough to be annoying. 

Grow Up - If you've played Grow Home, this is like that except with a good bit more mechanics. As opposed to the 1st game where there's really only one mechanic (grow the vines to get to your spaceship, iirc) and some collectibles, the sequel has a variety of new powers you can acquire, and there are platforming challenges throughout the world that unlock new costumes. It's a marked improvement on the original imo, I enjoyed it overall.

Thief (2014) - It wasn't great by any means, but I thought it was better than the reviews give it credit for. It's easily the worst of the Thief games imo, but I still had a decent time playing it. It's most similar to Thief Deadly Shadows, for better and for worse- there is a city hub you return to after each mission, there are more limitations on tools you use than Thief 1/2, and the levels seem smaller and less inventive than the first two games. A nice improvement though is the optional missions you can take in the city hub - these include breaking into houses within the city and stealing individual items in addition to actual mini-missions where you leave the city and go to a new level. Overall it's a disappointment when compared to the first two games in particular, but I don't think it's nearly as bad as its reputation, either.

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One of my good college friends and Warcraft buddies is ready to get back into gaming and I'm helping him build his new rig this month.  We're going to Microcenter together tomorrow to buy a bundle and some new parts.  We're planning on playing some Division 2 together.  I'm pretty excited.  I'm going to give him my monthly keys for Destiny 2 and Overwatch too.  He has been really into The Division on his OG XB1 and is ready to build again, especially for the new game. 

After further consideration and watching a couple more youtube videos I am pretty darn sure that Anthem is going to flop, and flop hard.  I can't even look at it for more than a few minutes without getting sick.  The movement, constant panning, zooming in and out, screen shaking, and busy foreground is nauseating.  Traversal is the worst of all. The camera even floats while standing there in town talking to NPCs.  If you want to do a fast-paced 3rd person shooter like that then you have to have a wider camera perspective.  Everything in the Division, Destiny, CoD, basically all shooters have crisp, decisive movement.  They have static cameras because that's what people want; things don't start floating and panning for no reason.  Then there's the rough interface with the menus upon menus.  I believe that it's going to be curtains for Bioware. 

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One of my good college friends and Warcraft buddies is ready to get back into gaming and I'm helping him build his new rig this month. We're going to Microcenter together tomorrow to buy a bundle and some new parts. We're planning on playing some Division 2 together. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to give him my monthly keys for Destiny 2 and Overwatch too. He has been really into The Division on his OG XB1 and is ready to build again, especially for the new game.

After further consideration and watching a couple more youtube videos I am pretty darn sure that Anthem is going to flop, and flop hard. I can't even look at it for more than a few minutes without getting sick. The movement, constant panning, zooming in and out, and busy foreground is nauseating. Traversal is the worst of all. The camera even floats while standing there in town talking to NPCs. If you want to do a fast-paced 3rd person shooter like that then you have to have a wider camera perspective. Everything in the Division, Destiny, CoD, basically all shooters have crisp, decisive movement. They have static cameras because that's what people want; things don't start floating and panning for no reason. Then there's the rough interface with the menus upon menus. I believe that it's going to be curtains for Bioware.
There's a few components that come bundled with Division 2 right now, on top of the usual AMD cards. Something to possibly keep in mind.

Jade Empire - The most disappointing game I've played in awhile. The plot/lore/characters didn't grab me all that much, and with writing that didn't intrigue me, it was on the gameplay to hook me...unfortunately, the combat really hasn't aged well, and it was monotonous and frustrating at times.
So pretty typical post-Baldur’s-Gate Bioware game, then?
So pretty typical post-Baldur’s-Gate Bioware game, then?
Eh, the Mass effect games are awesome (haven't played Andromeda though), I liked all 3 dragon age games (1 was awesome, 2 was fine, although it had issues mainly related to exploring the same levels over and over, and 3 was pretty good), Kotor 1 was decent, although I finished it thinking it was a bit overrated. Jade Empire is the only one I've played that I stopped because I genuinely disliked the game.

I loved Jade Empire. Of course, that was a Day 1 buy for me, back in the days when I actually did buy some PC games upon day of release. I really loved the atmosphere, characters, settings, and lore. I could see combat aging - but like most BioWare games, it's your best bet to play their games closer to release b/c of how different, odd, quirky, and/or not-as-good as other games combat in their games often are.

As fro DA2 and ME: Andromeda - both were panned hard b/c they aren't that much like their excellent previous games and both of those had to follow-up masterpieces. So, those games never had a chance, TBH. While I do thing they both are decent at least, their previous titles were amazing.

DA series.

DAO was amazing old-school style CRPG; and DA2 tried to make it more action-y and experimented w/ having multiple Chapters w/ different story arcs entirely. But, DA2's biggest issues were recycling environments, dumbing down strategic element, removing tac-cam and weakening character customization (for equipment).

ME series.

ME1,2,3 are all great games - where each one got a bit more action-y each time around, but that made sense b/c it played like a shooter control-wise. But, those 3 kept the hallmark choices, characters, and story-excellence BioWare's known for.

ME: Andromeda might've improved combat immensely w/ movement, direction, and whatnot (jump jets let you zip up, down, and around; dodge move makes you go often sideways, even though could depends on which one you use; and enemies can destroy some covers to get you moving out of cover or lob skills/grenades at you to get you moving). But, the storytelling, writing, characters all felt under-developed and bare-bones; not a ton of choices per quest; and most of the game felt like UbiSoft open-world syndrome with collect-a-thons, one-off quests/fetch-quests/MMO-type (Kill X guys, go to X area, find X things, do thing X times)/fetch quests everywhere - that eventually, even if you like the game...there's a point where you could say "Is this game going to stop being repetitive and/or going to end its story?" It's basically the Mafia 3 and UbiSoft open-world game problem.

Played a little Anthem with my Origin Access trial yesterday and it still runs pretty terribly for me. It's also kinda boring like everybody's said. I'll play some more, but whenever my friends were playing Apex, I just went back to playing with them rather than play Anthem by myself.

Andromeda was a good enough game. However, Andromeda was a bad Mass Effect game. The core combat was there, but 18 months is not enough time to craft a story and an ensemble cast of characters you care about as much as the previous titles bearing the same moniker. 

Played a little Anthem with my Origin Access trial yesterday and it still runs pretty terribly for me. It's also kinda boring like everybody's said. I'll play some more, but whenever my friends were playing Apex, I just went back to playing with them rather than play Anthem by myself.
I didn't get to ask details but a random guy on reddit said he finished the campaign in 7 hours and there was nothing to do in the end game. As I said random guy so take it with a grain of salt.
Andromeda was a good enough game. However, Andromeda was a bad Mass Effect game. The core combat was there, but 18 months is not enough time to craft a story and an ensemble cast of characters you care about as much as the previous titles bearing the same moniker.
yeah, i plan to play andromeda, but the feedback on it was really disappointing. the year it came out it was probably the game i was 2nd most anticipating, after breath of the wild, to see it dunked on was deflating. original mass effect games are/were incredible

I didn't get to ask details but a random guy on reddit said he finished the campaign in 7 hours and there was nothing to do in the end game. As I said random guy so take it with a grain of salt.
I’ve played 10 hrs and nowhere near end game. There is one quest that legit makes you free play for hours (fucking lame way to pad the game). So there is no way he beat the campaign in 7 hrs.

Mind you, I don’t think the game is anywhere near finished or good. I myself won’t be buying it till a year later. Was nice to play the 10 hrs in EA Access though to confirm my fears that the game was half baked.

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I played through Andromeda and I never witnessed any of the glitches that were supposedly so prevalent. Don't get me wrong, Andromeda was mediocre but in my personal opinion the glitches were not that bad during "normal" play but you could coax them out of the engine if you were explicitly trying.

I played through Andromeda and I never witnessed any of the glitches that were supposedly so prevalent. Don't get me wrong, Andromeda was mediocre but in my personal opinion the glitches were not that bad during "normal" play but you could coax them out of the engine if you were explicitly trying.
Same. Not one glitch.

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A lot of it was worst at launch. I remember getting locked into rooms. Reapproaching the same object countless times to see if the game would let me finally interact with it. That kind of thing.
I played it since the day it launched. Lol. Never had issues. Probably case specific.

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Be Quick!

LJ7MW-RFYB*-WMQ0X - Moon Hunters
WWV95-CIV4*-0FTLK - Epistory: Typing Chronicles
PL+KC-ZEYDG-45Y5N - Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
* = 3x3
+ = 2x4
I don't have time for mediocre games anymore.
Yeah, that's where most of us are in our lives right now. Especially those with kids. I hear it the most from them.

Plus there are so many great games out there that there is no need to settle for mediocre.

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I played through Andromeda and I never witnessed any of the glitches that were supposedly so prevalent. Don't get me wrong, Andromeda was mediocre but in my personal opinion the glitches were not that bad during "normal" play but you could coax them out of the engine if you were explicitly trying.
Saw a couple Andromeda copies on clearance for $6 at Target.


Andromeda was a good enough game.

However, Andromeda was a bad Mass Effect game.

The core combat was there, but 18 months is not enough time to craft a story and an ensemble cast of characters you care about as much as the previous titles bearing the same moniker.

Yeah, if people look at Andromeda as say an open-world UbiSoft game like Far Cry stuck in a sci-fi environment - yeah, it's good as that. Combat and exploring is great here.

As a BioWare-branded game (even if this was from BioWare Montreal) - meh, story & character stuff feels bare bones here...especially compared to the typical BioWare (Edmonton) hallmarks.

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I've seen people make much stranger faces when on the receiving end of what she appears to be enjoying. I think the real reason we got a subpar game is that half of it could be posted on Pornhub and some prudish execs made them cut half of the content out. I demand the uncensored Andromeda.

I've seen people make much stranger faces when on the receiving end of what she appears to be enjoying. I think the real reason we got a subpar game is that half of it could be posted on Pornhub and some prudish execs made them cut half of the content out. I demand the uncensored Andromeda.
My conspiracy theory is that this was really going to be "Requiem for a Dream: The Game", but the content was too controversial and was cut down and remade into a Mass Defect game.

bread's done