Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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there it is, Diabro IV. let's see how it turns out
Cool teaser video. Let's see if they can make it two successes in a row after Overwatch in 2016.


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Watching/reading/listening to all the Death Stranding coverage today has been fascinating. From everything I've absorbed so far I know deep down that this is not a game I would ever enjoy, but I'm still morbidly curious enough to want to play it just to see for myself what the hell is going on.

My impression was that since they are already letting you preorder the next Warcraft expansion (which is potentially a year off), then D4 is at least two years away.  Most likely announced it because they were desperate for good publicity after the "Do you not have phones" debacle.

"Do you not have phones" sounds like something I'd be mildly annoyed about, if only I had any idea what y'all were talking about. Oh well.
"Do you not have phones" sounds like something I'd be mildly annoyed about, if only I had any idea what y'all were talking about. Oh well.
Google all of the Blitzchung stuff, for the other current on-going problem Blizzard is dealing with.

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"Do you not have phones" sounds like something I'd be mildly annoyed about, if only I had any idea what y'all were talking about. Oh well.

It's pretty staggering to have Blizzard devs booed at Blizzcon -- an event that is packed with Blizzard shills. But fortunately for the gaming community, even the shills have their breaking point.

Also, in re: Diablo IV:

Beginning next year, we will be providing quarterly updates regarding the progress of Diablo IV’s development. This might take the form of a blog or a developer post here, which we’ll sticky and leave open for ongoing discussion until the next update is available.
Quarterly updates? Highly suggests this won't be ready for another two or three years. Thus the desperation in rushing the announcement.

As an aside, I always cringe when developers dress like six-year-old kids and have the phrase 'personal spirit animal' in their vocabulary.

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Acti-Blizzard had no choice but to swing w/ everything at BlizzCon this year (Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2), after the last horrible year or two they've had.

With the mobile "Diablo: Immortal" announcement that a Non-Blizz company is making for only phones last year (who doesn't make great games anyways) and now the Blitzchung disaster this year, Acti-Blizzard is a total mess.

I shouldn't even call them Blizzard, so Acti-Blizz it is. They really ain't been the same company, since WoW succeeded and when all of the core Blizzard North staffers took off (before Diablo 3 got rebooted).

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PC Gamer - Some info on the Diablo IV game:

- No offline mode for D4
- D4 has a shared open world (which is MMO-like)
- You can play the game solo, but not offline.
- The game's a long while off from being finished (it's not "Blizzard soon").
D3 requried online. D2 was the last Diablo game that you could play offline. Path of Exile and other games should hopefully really push Acti-Bliz to put real effort into making a great game for Diablo 4 and not come out with Diablo 3.6 in essence. Having played more hours in the series that I care to admit to, I love the game but Diablo 4 would have to be more inventive for me to really care.

D3 requried online. D2 was the last Diablo game that you could play offline. Path of Exile and other games should hopefully really push Acti-Bliz to put real effort into making a great game for Diablo 4 and not come out with Diablo 3.6 in essence. Having played more hours in the series that I care to admit to, I love the game but Diablo 4 would have to be more inventive for me to really care.
Yes, on the PC it did require online. "Error 33". Nobody will forget that.

D3 PC still requires online, while D3 console versions don't. Of course, console versions were supposed to be "Cheating hell" online (like D1 PC + D2 PC were) b/c of it not forcing always online. Regardless, I mostly played D1 and D2 offline b/c of the cheat-fest it had online.

I still have Grim Dawn backlogged - so if I need my offline Diablo-like fix, that'll probably be it...for now.


I probably should also, at some point, look into buying the TQ: Anniversary DLC's too (Ragnarok and Atlantis)....for the Diablo-like fix, if need be.

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Bobby Kotick is the worst

Just one of the many examples of everything that is currently wrong with corporate America.  Let's not forget the Blizzard layoffs earlier this year either, while the Board members lined each other's pockets with record profits. 

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I don't get why people were triggered by the layoffs.  If anything they presented a valuable lesson: don't take a position with absolutely no job security.  Almost everyone fired were community managers or worked in e-sports.  The advent of the internet and streaming has deluded millennials into thinking a job replying to forum posts, shooting a t-shirt gun, or 'shout-casting' gives you any meaningful experience or transferable skills.

A job's a job, and I get why someone would take a job to pay bills but don't be shocked when a job that any 20-year-old with zero experience can do means you'll be replaced by that person when it becomes financially sensible to do so.  One of the biggest muckrakers about this on social media was Christina Sims (or something, she's now married to a Hearthstone 'pro,' how quaint...) who used to be a CM for Hearthstone.  You can take one look at a picture of her and figure out why she was hired and why she would have been let go after the years passed.

TLDR: It's a rough world out there, folks, and competition for jobs increase over time.  Make sure you have a career or skill set that actually makes you a valuable commodity and not just a replaceable cog.

D3 requried online. D2 was the last Diablo game that you could play offline. Path of Exile and other games should hopefully really push Acti-Bliz to put real effort into making a great game for Diablo 4 and not come out with Diablo 3.6 in essence. Having played more hours in the series that I care to admit to, I love the game but Diablo 4 would have to be more inventive for me to really care.
POE is without a doubt a more complex, deeper, and more customisable game than D3 ever was. that being said i'd rather play D3 than POE. is it because i'm dumb? probably. i don't wanna learn about implicit and explicit variables or spend hours trading for that one piece of gear. if D4 is more D3 but better implemented, i'm in.

POE is without a doubt a more complex, deeper, and more customisable game than D3 ever was. that being said i'd rather play D3 than POE. is it because i'm dumb? probably. i don't wanna learn about implicit and explicit variables or spend hours trading for that one piece of gear. if D4 is more D3 but better implemented, i'm in.
You don't need to be min max'd to get through PoE. If you want to delve into true end game then sure, but it is like that in D3 also.

I will give credit where is it due;  Blizzard makes great cinematics from Diablo.  The trailer that I saw on youtube looked more dark and from I have read that is the direction the devs wanted.  The gameplay trailer was ok, but considering that the game is not ready to be released for another 2 years, I will just wait and see.

I will give credit where is it due; Blizzard makes great cinematics from Diablo. The trailer that I saw on youtube looked more dark and from I have read that is the direction the devs wanted. The gameplay trailer was ok, but considering that the game is not ready to be released for another 2 years, I will just wait and see.
I think the Warcraft movie would've done a lot better if Blizzard would've just done the whole movie in house the way they do cinematics in games.

So, what actually was the last major release from an existing franchise by any AAA dev that wasn't a complete disappointment? 

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So, what actually was the last major release from an existing franchise by any AAA dev that wasn't a complete disappointment?
Resident Evil 2 or Sekiro (if you stretch "existing franchise" to include all the From Souls-likes). I can't remember which came last.

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Why is this limited to just developers?
They're prone to do it the most.

I'm not triggered by layoffs. You clearly missed the point of that current event.
I mean... CEO's make a ba-jillion dollars. That's nothing new and wide-spread throughout business. Do I think it's morally wrong or right. I don't really know. I do know that it's definitely not sustainable over the long-term and I honestly feel America will come crashing down in the not-too-distant future. Not in our lifetimes, but eventually. My advice to anyone with kids would be to seriously consider the option of moving to a Western European nation.

Or this:

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I don't get why people were triggered by the layoffs. If anything they presented a valuable lesson: don't take a position with absolutely no job security. Almost everyone fired were community managers or worked in e-sports. The advent of the internet and streaming has deluded millennials into thinking a job replying to forum posts, shooting a t-shirt gun, or 'shout-casting' gives you any meaningful experience or transferable skills.

A job's a job, and I get why someone would take a job to pay bills but don't be shocked when a job that any 20-year-old with zero experience can do means you'll be replaced by that person when it becomes financially sensible to do so. One of the biggest muckrakers about this on social media was Christina Sims (or something, she's now married to a Hearthstone 'pro,' how quaint...) who used to be a CM for Hearthstone. You can take one look at a picture of her and figure out why she was hired and why she would have been let go after the years passed.

TLDR: It's a rough world out there, folks, and competition for jobs increase over time. Make sure you have a career or skill set that actually makes you a valuable commodity and not just a replaceable cog.
So true!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe I'm wrong, but Steam never used to show demos and DLC in the Discovery Queue.  Now it's showing those...  It's even showing demos for games you own.


Well, I got a set of 12 demos and DLCs, but no more.  So maybe it was some weird glitch.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but Steam never used to show demos and DLC in the Discovery Queue. Now it's showing those... It's even showing demos for games you own.

Well, I got a set of 12 demos and DLCs, but no more. So maybe it was some weird glitch.
Discovery Queue? It's not steam sale season???
I had a couple of DLC in my queue earlier today as well, plus an older version/appID of a game that was not available for purchase anymore.

+1 to exhausting the queue each day, wishlisting items of interest, and ignoring most of the rest. The Steam store is a non-navigable ocean of trash and clutter otherwise.

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wishlisting items of interest, and ignoring most of the rest
That's what I do now. I either wishlist or ignore 99% of the things. The other 1% are things that I'm mildly interested in.

If I'd buy the game on steam or buy a bundle just for the game, wishlist. If I'd try a game if it came in a bundle I bought for another reason, do nothing. Otherwise, ignore.

That sounds smart. I just every week go through the new releases and wishlist some that look interesting or are things I want. There is way too much garbage though and even good games can get lost in that dump of waste.

bread's done