Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Watch out for this. That was what I saw that ended up in my region changing fiasco. Amounts were all displayed in dollars, but things seemed weirdly cheap. If you plan to buy in the future, try and fix it now since doing during a sale adds to the stress
Looks like I'm in the clear there. I can't even keep up with buying bundles of games that are too cheap to pass up to worry about buying games I might actually want to play for more money.

EDIT: And the best part is that whenever I +1 a game, I actually multiply it by itself, so I get twice as many! Dipshit IATCG math ftw!

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I got into Marvel Avengers PC Beta.
I'm some 2 hours into this, according to Steam. There was No NDA or anything to sign.
So, I'm going to dive into this now. My thoughts.
The game looks phenomenal. Seriously, the graphics are outstanding. Running this at 1080p at mostly High settings, it looks great. With tons of action, explosions, special effects, shadows, and whatnot everywhere - this is literally one of the most detailed and action-packed games I've seen on any screen, with this kind of fidelity.
Performance...Or Lack Thereof. pretty much ends there (on the graphics). Performance is not good, on the technical side. I'm running on my EVGA SC15 gaming laptop at i7 7700HQ; 6GB GTX 1060; 16 GB DDR4 RAM; W10 x64. I was literally bouncing b/t 30fps and 60fps like crazy, no matter what. Could change resolution (900p), graphics settings - eh, wasn't worth it; didn't look as good and certainly didn't perform much better either. Might as well have most stuff cranked-up, where I had it before. So, to try and solve this - I literally had to use NVidia Inspector and (at a more driver level) straight-up cap the game's FPS there; I chose 35fps. That solved some problems w/ the roller coaster performance.
Didn't solve everything, though. I still get slow-downs, stutters for a few moments, or whatever. I don't know if this is an issue w/ NVidia not issuing a newer driver that the game needs (and was built-on); or if Crystal and Nixxes (Nixxes often do PC ports for Square...and they are listed in the credits when you boot the game) just can't get performance down here; or what - but, this game's a mess. And it's seriously getting in the way of the fun & the action. I also don't know if the online-service part and servers are the problem - but, who knows. It ain't running well b/c it just ain't smooth at all times, IMHO - and a fast-paced game like this with lots of action, explosions, and special effect needs this.
Even with reduced framerates or whatever - I wish they could at least get this going at 30fps with no hitches; that would've been acceptable. Sure, I'd always prefer 60fps - but, it don't look like this game's anywhere near that on even now mid-ranged cards like the GTX 1060 with 6GB of VRAM. And this game has no problem with eating up regular RAM and a GPU's VRAM; it's literally often eating 5GB+ of VRAM area & around 11GB of regular RAM. On numerous occassions, I've had my laptop spiking into 90 degrees Celsius turf and have had freezes and the game was stuck (so I had to close to desktop) and/or the game crashed literally to the desktop. Not good.
So, how's the combat? It's fine, IMHO. Playing mostly with a Xbox for Windows USB-wired controller here. So, you had weak, strong, and special attacks basically. It mostly an action-packed brawler with also other elements, TBH - and it does a decent job at this. Each character, has a few of their own special attacks, which are on certain buttons or combos of buttons you use at once; or special holds of said button.
And they (the Avengers) all seem to play very differently. For example, Iron Man can shoot laser beams; Black Widow has regular guns & can go invisible; Hulk can pick-up pieces of the ground and toss them; Captain American can block with his shield and even toss it as a weapon. Hulk can literally wall-jump really fast and powerfully; Iron Man can fly; Black Widow is really acrobatic; etc etc. Controls feel fine and everything looks great, flashy, and boom-bastic as can be on-screen.
Though, sound quality can vary - some sound great and some sound like these attacks should sound like they should have more "oomph" to them. Voice-acting is stellar, as it all sounds great; not that the writing or story seems to be anything special, but the actors seem to be in full blown Avengers mode. It feels like they didn't spare
So, gameplay often can feel's very linear & old-school. And sure, that's fine and all. We have tons of games out there already doing the open-world thing. But, at times, I do this too much on rails, at times? Especially in the opening Tutorial Mission - there are lots of cut-scenes, interrupting game-play.
At times, the game literally is doing Quick-Time Events - often in cut-scenes; or telling you when to use a certain move or skill when you're in actual game-play. Now, it could be with its telling you what move to do when you're in actual gameplay at times b/c this was in mostly the game's tutorial level (the San Francisco Bridge Mission) and is still just teaching you the ropes. Tutorials normally give you an idea of things, but often aren't always a good representation of the entire game. I'll know more, hopefully...if this is true in other missions later on too; and/or whenever this game comes out and I decide to fully pick it up.
Story & Presentation.
A-Day happened, as they call it; it's a thing. After the first mission and your showdown with Taskmaster, things go wrong, Avengers' HQ gets wrecked, Banner was experimenting with stuff on there we find out, HQ explodes, and now people in general all over are developing superpowers since this all got into the air. Avengers get outlawed from being a group and are banned from being a group...and everything's gone to Hell. Of course, they're now on their own, still going to try to figure things out. AIM, a corporation, has gotten more powerful and is (supposedly) trying to find a cure. Not sure, I totally believe that one on AIM.
The game is often presented with cut-scenes in-game when they occur (which can have QTE's attached to them); and it seems like after missions we get this screen-shots and/or comic book-like panels they explain and summarize what happened, what's now going on, and whatnot. All of these, for a game that is a Live Service, really feels like this makes sense so the players can likely get to the action quicker or just skip the cut-scenes and panels. It might not be the best way to tell a story in-depth to the player, does make sense to do this for a Live Service game that is mostly played online with other players.
Closing Thoughts, For Now.
So, I wish I could be enjoying this game more than I actually do. A lot of the elements, they feel like they're there or nearly there. The game feels fun, action's fun, controls feel solid, game looks absolutely amazing graphically - but there's too much stuff holding it back right now.
Performance issues, possible server issues, and the game early on feeling like it's too much on-rails is holding it back from being better than it should be. I'm hoping this is just how the Beta is and that when the full game comes out that it's either re-worked and/or the rest of the game isn't so heavy on cut-scenes; QTE's; and very linear & on-rails stuff.
First and foremost here - they need to get the performance issues down, since this game needs more optimization on performance and stability, more so than anything else. This is a Beta, so...hopefully whether it's on Crystal and Nixxes' end (i.e. bad optimization); NVidia's end (i.e. they haven't issued newer drivers the game needs, when those should've been released on their end); or a combo of both - they all can get on the same page to get these technical issues down & fixed soon, namely before the game releases to the public for purchasing.
So, there we go; my thoughts on the Beta so far.
And now, back to (playing) the Beta.
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If you have Verizon as a carrier, they gave Marvel Avengers full game away to everyone a day or three ago btw; not sure if it's dead but check your VUp rewardss

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Old random stuff that you already own:









Should you even bother?  I wouldn't...

So I recently picked up a new graphics card from new egg and got death stranding free which was cool. But my graphics card didn't sound right so I sent it back for an RMA. They ended up not having another one and gave me a refund so I just purchased a different model from best buy so looks like I'll be receiving rainbow six siege gold. A game I really don't care about and I might already own the core game can't remember. Does anyone know how they authenticate the game? Do you just need an Nvidia gpu or does it need to be of the same series or something. I might decide to trade this off or sell it that's why I ask.
If a Diablo hack n slash / Destiny loot shooter isn't fun in the first 30 minutes then...
I don't know if that's completely fair, if only because some of them have an awkward bumpy start and don't have you using synergistic skills or some of the more specific mechanics well yet.

Or you just picked one of the character classes that doesn't suit your taste.

More thoughts incoming on Marvel's Avengers PC from this Beta Weekend. About 5 hours or so into this now.

Kamala Khan.
So, in the first level on the Golden Gate Bridge, you see this young girl on the ground, during A-Day. She is an important character, named Kamala Khan, as you'll see later, as she's a big fan of the Avengers and is one of the people trying to put them back together. Once you run into her - and you can and will eventually can play as her, too, BTW - you see from A-Day incident here, she also has gained superpowers!

She is named "Ms. Marvel" by the game in her hit-points bar when she is not playable at times (but hasn't been referred to it in-game by anyone yet, as it's early here), and seems like a constant encyclopedia & fan-girl of the Avengers. She knows their history, knows the items and lore (that you can find in-game), and other stuff - oh, and she meets an Avenger (when she meets Bruce) or runs into anything of theirs (Cap's shield, winds up on their ship/HQ, finds Jarvis), etc etc. - she is in total fan-girl mode & flipping out! It's funny, entertaining, and feels like this game's comic relief - when often, much of the rest of the game feels like it's so serious. I do hope they flesh her character out more in this game b/c...well, she deserves it and seems to be a main part of this game, once the stories and missions get really rolling.

Oh, her super-powers: she can stretch her arms and legs. Think of Dhalsim from Street Fighter series here - but she also can use long stretches and long reaches to do parkour type of stuff, like use a long stretch to grab a ledge and/or use something to swing across a gap effortlessly. She's fast and fun to play as, too.

War Room.
So, once you get back to the HQ on the Avengers' ship to try to rebuild the thing; and to also try to get Jarvis up and running again to try to find the other Avengers - the game opens up and you get a War Room and overhead map with missions/levels to take on. This reminds me of say Destiny's over-head map and even Dragon Age: Inquisition's War-Room.

Mission Types.
Missions can vary in types and strings. Some missions are their own campaign strings; some missions are one-off's or two-off's; and some missions are based around specific characters which feel right out of Mass Effect 2's Loyalty Missions theme (i.e. Bruce/Hulk has his own mission here in the Beta - and he is forced into the party b/c the mission is part of his story).

So, some missions involve the following objectives - defend X area for a certain amount of time/percentage; hold as many points (often A, B, and C) as you can; defeat X enemies; destroy X items; etc etc. This feel like a smattering of old-school Defense or Point Control multi-player matches you'd have in say a Quake MP or Team Fortress 2 - but here, you're doing it against the game's AI; and in this game that's a brawler. So, this feels like some missions are versions of old-school multiplayer matches with a twist (against AI); and some missions feel right out of old-school single-player missions (advance through the level & defeat enemies) - though, most missions here can be played as multi-player co-op game (with other players as your teammates) or solo-style w/ AI for companions.

The Loot Game.
So, this game has leveled-loot and gear - yeah, all of that stuff. No surprise, as this is a Destiny-like Live-Service game, but done mostly in the form of a brawler. A few times, I was getting my butt handed to me - but, that was basically just b/c I just didn't change my gear. When you pick-up gear, it doesn't really throw details at you until you jump into Inventory screen. So, yeah - if you are losing fights all of a sudden on your normal difficulty (the default), it's probably just b/ didn't equip your newest gear sets with better stats.

I'm not far into the game - so, not sure if you need to or can do stuff with gear & manipulate gear: get materials; enhance/upgrade gear (from using materials); break down gear (for materials); etc etc.

And that's it, so far; my impressions after 5 hours. Despite its performance issues and who knows what kind of madness they might pull w/ monetization (i.e. possible Battle Passes, Season Passes, Expansions, DLC's, Spidey as a PlayStation exclusive, and other MTX's) - I'm still playing this during the Beta for this Weekend.

Hopefully, once this game actually comes out: the performance issues get fixed and monetization doesn't ruin this game.

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From what I've read its not really loot heavy... Granted, its beta and they aren't showing end game but I suspect it doesn't have any.
It has loot, once it gets going.

The game doesn't really show you and let you open up your Inventory until you get into the mission after the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge tutorial. Namely, once you do the mission w/ Bruce - then you can start messing w/ upgrading skills and dealing w/ loot.

And you should, ASAP.

I had troubles early on with some missions - but then swapping out the loot (with much better loot), made things much easier.

I don't know if it'll be the main focus of the game at some point later on, though. At least early on here in the Beta, it doesn't feel like I can at all - heck, or even really need to yet, if the option's even there - to start modifying loot yet.

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I found the loot aspect to very casual and very much like a mobile game.  I think the game overall is super casual.  Not sure if they're going to try to make it deeper, but didn't feel like it to me.  Felt more like a mobile game to get people addicted.  It looked nice, no doubt, but I don't see it replacing any serious looter game.

By most accounts, the new Avengers game simply doesn't seem fun.   From everything that I've seen and read so far it's not a very good game.   The mechanics aren't anything special and the gameplay loop is not addictive. 3 outta 4 times you typically know a good game right away when you see one.  

It looks like a flashy, vapid, on-rails, button mashy, action-rpg lite experience designed to sell Marvel skins and toys in alternate costumes.  The game was designed with its merchandising and MTX's in-mind first.

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7 hours into the Marvel Avengers PC Beta.

Just finished a boss fight with a huge Warbot with multiple legs and body parts you need to attack; target; shoot projectiles or do a range attack on; jump on top of its body and attack the top of it; etc etc. Yeah, this game needs more of THAT. That boss fight was a lot of fun.

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I dunno, I'm playing the Spiderman game now on PS4 since I'm eagerly awaiting the MM one on PS5.  I gotta say, that game is awesome. (so far... 75% through, not started the DLC yet).  I WISH it came to PC though.

I dunno, I'm playing the Spiderman game now on PS4 since I'm eagerly awaiting the MM one on PS5. I gotta say, that game is awesome. (so far... 75% through, not started the DLC yet). I WISH it came to PC though.
I finished SM and the DLC 100% except for a few of the more obnoxious challenge missions that I couldn’t be assed to gold medal, and honestly, I felt like it was a pretty weak game built on a very solid gameplay foundation. Getting around was fun, but felt imprecise. Combat was solid once you got the hang of it despite some weird controls, but (especially as the game went on) there was way too much of it, and there were too many enemy types introduced midway through the game designed entirely to punish you for using the combat patterns the game taught you to follow till that point. Abilities felt really poorly balanced, and I barely even touched more than half of them. The map and side activity design honestly reminded me more of Assassin’s Creed than anything. I also feel like there should have been more things to do with the traversal system other than timed challenges and beating up thugs, because other than the difficulty in precise handling, that was really the most fun part of the game for me, but it needed some focused things to do with it; I liked the Harry Osborn side activities because they gave you some of that, but it wasn’t enough. The story was fine, I suppose—a little overcrowded with villains and seriously lacking in other superhero backup considering the Avengers exist in this world, but that makes sense for a licensed video game—, but the DLC stories were really stupid. Suppose that’s pretty Ubisoftish, too. This is just nitpicking, but I also felt most of the character models were sliding into uncanny valley territory.

Overall I’d say that I don’t regret the time or money ($10) I spent on it but would probably never play it again and have no real interest in a sequel.
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I enjoyed the hell out of Spider-Man for PS4. It should be my first, and only platinum but I had the DLC installed so I have to get the extra outfits to get that one trophy to pop.

Nearly had it done... but then Division 2 released. The rest is history.

Avengers,I keep reading you can plsy it off line and also that its a Live Service. I will never trust Disney with one of those again. They had a wonderful one with Marvel Heroes but did their best to keep it from being profitable.

(Didn't want the Fantastic Four, Gazillion had to release Mr Fantastic half finished to have him in the game by the last date they could add FF content. Didn't want mutants in the game. Limited Gazillion to only a handful of releases throughout the year, etc.)
*cough* Mister Fantastic ripoff. *cough*
Nah. Kamala Khan is actually likable. Reed Richards has always been awful, and it only takes a few stories before you start rooting for Victor Von Doom. Guy gets assigned as your college roommate and goes on an "I'm so smart rant" where he tells you that your calculations are slightly off, nevermind the fact that his dumb jock friend screwed around with your build.

Sure, maybe Reed Richards can stretch but his real super power is being a boring pompous ass and somehow not getting his team's book cancelled.

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*cough* Mister Fantastic ripoff. *cough*
Technically, she can shift her shape. She also frequently makes her limbs quite big and will occasionally shrink or enlarge her body. They call it "embiggening" in the comics.

So really she and Mister Fantastic are both Plastic Man ripoffs.


My Avengers review is basically that I played through the first part then spent the rest of the weekend thinking "Huh, Avengers beta is only good for the weekend..." before firing up a different game each time.  Basic game play was okay but nothing that hooked me.  The inability to secure the likenesses of the film actors gave it an ironically bootleg feeling considering what I'm sure the licensing cost.  Actual performance was janky as hell with regular 3-5 second lockups and frames all over the place.  At least now I know I'm not missing much.

The inability to secure the likenesses of the film actors gave it an ironically bootleg feeling considering what I'm sure the licensing cost.
This bothers me more than I thought it would and that feeling is one I share. My sentiment is either get their MCU likeness or comic likeness. This almost, but-not-quite-right look reminds me of [customspoiler=these .]
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The whole point is for Marvel to be able to sell new toys, and do things like make playable Spider-Man exclusive to Playstation.  I'm sure there are different pre-order bonuses at every retailer too. :puke:


Anybody picking up the new Marvel Legends - Gamerverse "Outback" Hulk?? LOL


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Let's get this thread back on track with some

This has been an official deals post. 48 hours have been added to the ongoing countdown which, upon reaching zero, will trigger this thread being locked.

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She is and she earned it with a 40 year history... Marvel is just a shitshow anymore. Disney doesn't love or respect their characters.
They just see dollar signs.

Nothing more to say than that.
Kamala Khan is a legacy character. She assumed the Ms. Marvel name from Carol Danvers when Carol Danvers took the Captain Marvel name from Mar-Vell. This wasn't just slap together a random character to throw in a videogame or to build a summer crossover event around.

She was also part of the line of releases that Marvel had to try to chase different types of readership: "All New, All Different Marvel". This reboot of Ms Marvel came along with the printing of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, the Unbelievable Gwenpool, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Howard the Duck Vol 6 and Totally Awesome Hulk.

You of course had the fanboys and internet folk absolutely lose their damn minds because "how dare they ruin all of these Legacy characters with these SJW authors looking to feature diverse casts". Yeah, All New All Different Marvel started in 2015, so it had splash damage from other internet-lead culture wars.

Anything that pulls Marvel and DC out of their loop of infinite regression and telling the same dozen or two stories over and over again is a good thing... far better "respecting the characters" by dragging them through year after year of idiotic retcons because heaven forbid anyone other than Clark Kent is Superman, Bruce Wayne is Batman or Peter Parker is Spiderman.

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far better "respecting the characters" by dragging them through year after year of idiotic retcons because heaven forbid anyone other than Clark Kent is Superman, Bruce Wayne is Batman or Peter Parker is Spiderman.
I think the larger problem is that only Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man (and other major characters) are allowed the chance to shine, to the point where you HAVE to give new characters their identities to give them a chance to get popular. I mean, I get it, people gravitate towards what they know, and publishers that want to make money feel secure in that and actively push for it—it’s the same reason most forms of popular media are dominated by sequels, remakes, reboots, and clones. Ideally, though, it would be much more interesting to see new characters being supported in entirely new identities, instead of taking up the mantles of others.
Bruce wayne wasn't the only batman but terry didn't entirely get received well in beyond given that it was made to be "Edgy" while also being somewhat of a different take/rehash.  Rehashing is kinda lame but occasionally they come up with interesting or better adaptations like the animated series of the 90's iirc for spider man batman and super man.  Or bare minimum many people chalk those up as favorites.  Plus sometimes unique characters come out of those like Harley Quinn. Granted her rise to stardom and being a huge fan favorite is obviously a rarity. 

Oh I guess there is Poison Ivy but she is significantly older being a character from the 60's but she isn't from the beginning of the series so I suppose she would count too. 

Making other characters into the notable ones is pretty lame and dumb.  If they can't make a super hero work without attaching someone else to them who's a bigger name then obviously they wern't good enough to succeed in the first place. At least in the case of green ring due that's something that can be passed on. Maybe even to an extent batman since no super powers are involved (and instead a crap ton of money and connections) so in theory you could make another batman.  But superman and spidey are unique due to powers and stuff.

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Kamala Khan is a legacy character. She assumed the Ms. Marvel name from Carol Danvers when Carol Danvers took the Captain Marvel name from Mar-Vell. This wasn't just slap together a random character to throw in a videogame or to build a summer crossover event around.
Kamala Khan isn't a legacy character. She looked up to the former Ms. Marvel, but Ms. Marvel had no idea who she was for a long time. They're completely unrelated, including their powers, obviously. As much as I like Kamala Khan, I hate that she calls herself Ms. Marvel.

I think the larger problem is that only Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man (and other major characters) are allowed the chance to shine, to the point where you HAVE to give new characters their identities to give them a chance to get popular. I mean, I get it, people gravitate towards what they know, and publishers that want to make money feel secure in that and actively push for it—it’s the same reason most forms of popular media are dominated by sequels, remakes, reboots, and clones. Ideally, though, it would be much more interesting to see new characters being supported in entirely new identities, instead of taking up the mantles of others.

Other characters shine. Wolverine, Deadpool, are just as popular, if not more so, than the characters created ages ago.

That said it takes time, effort, and money so you see these cheap tricks over and over that never really catch so you see a lot of eye rolling because "here we go again."

Kamala seems like a step up (barely) but for me she also represents Disney's treatment of Marvel. Probably because she's been the most successful new thing they have done.

Since Disney took over they are only concerned and movie and TV rights. If they don't have them than that character is dead to them... Who cares if that movie might bring new fans to the books its either all the money or none of the money.

Comics, statues, video games (basically anything and everything) have all been affected by this policy. No movie rights? You get nothing in the hopes that the characters loose popularity so they can get the movie rights.

Its just a horrible way to treat your fans. It's just petty and I hate Disney for it and always will.

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Hi everyone,

I have some extra Steam codes. Let me know which game you'd like by sending a message. I usually am on the site once or twice a day.

And Yet It Moves

The Bard's Tale

Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians

The Dream Machine Chapters 1-3


bread's done