Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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So to take a break from an Ubisoft-style open world game, you’re going to #FakeCAG some Ubisoft-style open world games?


As much as I don't want to fund Lil Timmy's Epic Dream of Chinese Funded Digital Game Ownership any further AND even though I know they'll be cheap as fuck much sooner than later, I'm tempted by Ubi's Zelda BotW ripoff and the need to Watch a Legion of Dongs for $30 a pop, post kewpun.
Could always get a Steam key of Horizon Zero Dawn for $27 from CDKeys for that open world itch.

As much as I don't want to fund Lil Timmy's Epic Dream of Chinese Funded Digital Game Ownership any further AND even though I know they'll be cheap as fuck much sooner than later, I'm tempted by Ubi's Zelda BotW ripoff and the need to Watch a Legion of Dongs for $30 a pop, post kewpun. They'll be giving the Gold plated turd version of them shits away for sub $20 in less than 6 months, but right now... right now I want to play something other than CP2077. Never thought I'd say that.
You could also do ubisoft+ for $15 and play them both (or AC:V) until you get bored
As much as I don't want to fund Lil Timmy's Epic Dream of Chinese Funded Digital Game Ownership any further AND even though I know they'll be cheap as fuck much sooner than later, I'm tempted by Ubi's Zelda BotW ripoff and the need to Watch a Legion of Dongs for $30 a pop, post kewpun. They'll be giving the Gold plated turd version of them shits away for sub $20 in less than 6 months, but right now... right now I want to play something other than CP2077. Never thought I'd say that.
Yeah, I bought Immortals Fenyx Rising too because it was only $27 brand new (for physical) on PS5, and we're already snowed-in and hunkered down for the long winter.

All I want to do is play Cyberpunk. Though I have been tempted to put it down until I can get a new GPU to fully experience the exceptional world art design and vistas.


That's my lvl 20 V. Really taking my time with (not playing) the main scenario and have been doing all the side gigs, crime busts, and off-the-beaten path world exploring. Swords demolish everything in seconds and could really use some gameplay balancing. So I'm exploring some other talent trees and perks like Reflexes and crafting now.

Game is a lot of fun.

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a few thoughts after 40 hours on CP2077:

1) Money feels worthwhile.   You earn money simply by exploring the game normally, doing sidequests, map objectives, and hacking access points.  Money has real value and you need large sums in order to make premium purchases like cybernetics (implants) and new cars.   Very rarely does a game get monetary value right like this.

2)Swords are so overpowered and button mashy that you might want to consider that they don't even exist, and use gunplay instead.  Handgun and Assault Rifle shootouts are very satisfying.   Sniping is good too. 

3)The talent trees and perks are interesting and fun.   It seems wise to start by spreading your points as a generalist, as that opens up new dialogue options as well as door entry options (smash with Body, hack with Int, open with Technical, etc.)  Spending perk points specializing into individual gun types does not seem worthwhile because the game has so many different options. 

4)The police are so irl realistic.  You look at them funny and they start shooting!

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It seems wise to start of spreading your points as a generalist, as that opens up new dialogue options as well as door entry options (smash with Body, hack with Int, open with Technical, etc.)
Int and Tech seem more useful there to me. I've only come across a couple doors that required Body and weren't just shortcuts/backdoors. But Int and Tech seem to get used a lot more to hack stuff, do the hacking theft things and more conversation options. I haven't put a single point into Body yet and don't regret it (use Quickhacks and silenced pistol for all my killing needs).

Got Tech up to 20 for max crafting which probably isn't worth it but I'm a sucker for a crafting system.

For me body for most checks require about 8 body max from what I've seen. I highly recommend technical, but int is used for a lot of things. Frankly I'll beat it when I get back to my PC with the game, but I have a few more missions to finish the game, and I will and never touch it again. Just been aight. Side activities that aren't main ones are kind of boring to me. Gigs are repetitive and just one of those endless crime type things similar to the crime in the Spider-Man games but not as fun. Story is average to bad, mainly going towards bad at times. Characters hold up the game, but it has more cynicism than I usually like in games. Just wasn't too much for me, but I'm at the end anyway, so I'm going to finish it. I didn't care for the crafting, but I probably just didn't have enough parts for crafting early when it would have been more useful. It did get me to want to play another open world game after it, which will likely be Breath of the Wild.

I've done one route so far in Riddle Joker. I think this is a pretty nice mix of slice of life and some mystery/action/intrigue mixed in now and then. Gorgeous graphics, pretty good music, and good voice acting. It's not as crazy serious story wise, but not as light either. Worth playing through though and a bit more enjoyable than the last one I played that I believe was Yuzusoft (Making*Lovers). Overall pretty good and one so far I'd rate about a 8/10.

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I mean you're either into 'Blade Runner the video game' (dystopian futurism, EDM, open-world GTA) or you're not.  It's more of an aesthetic and a mood than it is some sort of revolutionary achievement in gameplay. 

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Super long shot, but I'm trying to get a copy of that busted, janky and delisted game Overkill's The Walking Dead. Since it was delisted keys seem hard to come by and are premium pricing but I was curious if anyone knew of any place to get cheap keys or happened to have an extra. Really want to research it and see what went wrong and poke about the game files. There's clearly a lot to the story of what happened over at Starbreeze during production and I'd love to get my hands on it but that's become difficult to do it seems. Thanks in advanced!
I'm still trying to decide if Cyberpunk is as bad as people say it is or if everyone just wanted to jump on the hatred bandwagon as they commonly do.
If you played it on a console, I could see being upset. If you were expecting "Witcher 3 But Sci-Fi" then I could see being disappointed. If you cashed in your 401k to buy an RTX 3090 because you were convinced that this would be a seminal moment in gaming that people would speak about for decades to come then, well, probably nothing was going to live up to what you wanted.

It's an open world story-driven single player game. It does a perfectly good job of this and is at least as good as several other successful franchises that have you running around a city, doing map events and getting into shenanigans. I can see it not clicking with everyone or people getting bored along the way but people acting as though it's garbage are probably exaggerating, either out of hype backlash and jumping on the meme-train or because they got their feelings hurt by assuming it'd be Game of the Century.

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I mean you're either into Blade Runner the video game (dystopian futurism, EDM, open-world GTA) or you're not. It's more of an aesthetic and a mood than it is some sort of revolutionary achievement in gameplay.
But, is Cyberpunk an evolution of any sort though?

Is it an evolution of the Deus Ex type of FPS/RPG/immersive sim genre-bender?

Do people play Fallout 6 ½ for its riveting gameplay?
I'm hoping Cyberpunk's gunplay and melee combat's better than Fallout 4 and 76. [shrug]

I'm hoping with adding cars, bikes, and vehicles (that sounds more GTA-ish); and a bigger open-world (also sounds GTA-like) - Cyberpunk goes a bit beyond what Deus Ex: MD was doing.

I expect the character and story stuff will be good w/ CP 2077, though - given their pedigree with Witcher 1,2, and what I've played so far of W3. I'm not worried about that stuff, TBH.

I think most playing modern Fallouts (Fallout 3/NV/4/76) are playing for the big open-world; certain quest-lines; and tons of things to do. Namely, the sums of its parts are what normally make the modern Fallouts (except 76). Hard to say, after FO4 and 76, if it's even worth playing for actual interesting questing & decision-making, as that ship began to sail with FO4 base and FO76. Thank God for Far Harbor DLC in FO4, though - as that was what FO4 and 76 should've aimed more for, in terms of interesting decision-making and very gray choices.

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But, is Cyberpunk an evolution of any sort though?

Is it an evolution of the Deus Ex type of FPS/RPG/immersive sim genre-bender?
I dunno. I don't go through any of the other games in my library and rate them by how much of an "evolution" they are. It's pretty to look at and fun to play. That's good enough for a video game in my book.

Whoever reported my post and had it removed because I noted that you can play as "chicks with dicks" in Cyberpunk 2077 should PM me. I will give you my Skype username and we can talk about how you can't stand that someone validly pointed out that trans people are represented in the game.

As much as I don't want to fund Lil Timmy's Epic Dream of Chinese Funded Digital Game Ownership any further AND even though I know they'll be cheap as fuck much sooner than later, I'm tempted by Ubi's Zelda BotW ripoff and the need to Watch a Legion of Dongs for $30 a pop, post kewpun. They'll be giving the Gold plated turd version of them shits away for sub $20 in less than 6 months, but right now... right now I want to play something other than CP2077. Never thought I'd say that.
Epic is good for free games and getting cheap exclusives with their $10 coupons. If it brings a game under $20 and especially $10 then I'll actually consider buying it on Timmy's spy store.

Are we talking about a full remake or just a remaster? Obviously, there'll be 4 season passes, but what about dlc packs and micro-transactions? Will the year be released all at once or is it an early access situation? Is it going to be on PC or will it be console exclusive and/or multi-generational and will people need to pay for the next-gen upgrade? How about the lighting and shadows? Will full RTX be available for those lucky enough to get a RTX/XSX/PS5? And which studio is handling development?

Are we talking about a full remake or just a remaster? Obviously, there'll be 4 season passes, but what about dlc packs and micro-transactions? Will the year be released all at once or is it an early access situation? Is it going to be on PC or will it be console exclusive and/or multi-generational and will people need to pay for the next-gen upgrade? How about the lighting and shadows? Will full RTX be available for those lucky enough to get a RTX/XSX/PS5? And which studio is handling development?
I also want to know: who's handling the PC version/port? Nixxes? QLOC? Someone else?

And does it support DLSS?


Time to ring in the New Year with some sweet totally not garbage free games!









Happy New Year!

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It was 34 degrees and rained all night here so I only heard a few fireworks before people gave up.  I just hope the usual suspects tried setting them off in the rain and ruined them rather than saving them until tonight.  Also I did not realize IoA lived in KC.  Haven't been up that way since I quit tornado chasing years ago.  That trip used to be horrible, 5 hours or so on crappy roads.  But with I-49 and just generally improved roads I bet it would be more like 3 hours these days.   I thought Arkansas had bad roads until I started storm chasing regularly in my early twenties and discovered Missouri roads.  Wow.  

Oh good.  Amazon wants me to download ANOTHER program to see my twitch prime games now.    And it crashes instantly on launch.  I can get my games tab to load in the desktop Twitch program for a moment and then it goes to a page telling me to download the new stupid program.  fuck off, Bezos.  

Oh good. Amazon wants me to download ANOTHER program to see my twitch prime games now. And it crashes instantly on launch. I can get my games tab to load in the desktop Twitch program for a moment and then it goes to a page telling me to download the new stupid program. fuck off, Bezos.
I gave up on Twitch free games last year and this was why. The first time I installed their app and tried to play For The King it would just crash and it required their app to be running. The irony being is that I now own that game on 4 platforms and spent maybe $10 for it.

It was 34 degrees and rained all night here so I only heard a few fireworks before people gave up. I just hope the usual suspects tried setting them off in the rain and ruined them rather than saving them until tonight. Also I did not realize IoA lived in KC. Haven't been up that way since I quit tornado chasing years ago. That trip used to be horrible, 5 hours or so on crappy roads. But with I-49 and just generally improved roads I bet it would be more like 3 hours these days. I thought Arkansas had bad roads until I started storm chasing regularly in my early twenties and discovered Missouri roads. Wow.
Arkansas, huh? Well my roads might be "shitty" but at least we have to stagger out in in the middle of the night to go to the outhouse. :speaktothehand:

Arkansas, huh? Well my roads might be "shitty" but at least we have to stagger out in in the middle of the night to go to the outhouse. :speaktothehand:
You do? I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get indoor plumbing soon. :rofl: And I did say they were greatly improved (at least close to Arkansas, like I said I don't do much long driving anymore) but yes 20 years ago the roads in SW Missouri were... not fun.

You do? I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you get indoor plumbing soon. :rofl: And I did say they were greatly improved (at least close to Arkansas, like I said I don't do much long driving anymore) but yes 20 years ago the roads in SW Missouri were... not fun.
I live in SW MO. The roads are terrible. All the money to fix the roads gets sucked away from here and deposited in the road fund for KC and STL.

Haven't played any of the Amazon Twitch freebies. I like to think of them as an extra value addon that you get with a Prime subscription, but definitely not a primary reason to subscribe. There's some amount of overlap with Epic Games Store freebies, and I do prioritize that platform over Amazon Gaming. 

I live in SW MO. The roads are terrible. All the money to fix the roads gets sucked away from here and deposited in the road fund for KC and STL.
I don't think you understand how many roads there are in KCMO. Your sacrifices are worthwhile and needed so thank you very much! :)

Anyhow, looks like I'm going to drop a few bucks on the Steam sale after all. There's a Fat Shark bundle that if I finish off will get me three Vermintide 2 DLCs for cheaper than one of those DLCs by itself. Got to like that.

That Chaosbane Witch Hunter DLC is even cheaper via a finish off the bundle option.

So those deals I'll likely won't be cheaper elsewhere so they seem like I good deal.

Lastly, an early access game has gotten my attention. Its basicly the motif of Diablo 1 with some Souls mechanics. Its 4.99 been in development for a bit (with progress) so that seems like a reasonable risk. Its called Malus.

I'm still debating a "big" game purchase like Star Wars: Fallen Order or the last Assassin's Creed game on steam but I might pass on that... I'm sort of eyeing a new release thats a few months down the road, Outriders. Its got a Div/Borderlands looter/shooter feel to it.

game purchase like Star Wars: Fallen Order
Don't. It's worth $5 tops, and halfway through you'll just want to quit anyway. Lightersaber stuff is fun, but the story is trash, the level design is trash, no fast travel, and shortcuts are basically "unlock this door from the other side" while holding a lightsaber that can cut thru almost anything.

Don't. It's worth $5 tops, and halfway through you'll just want to quit anyway. Lightersaber stuff is fun, but the story is trash, the level design is trash, no fast travel, and shortcuts are basically "unlock this door from the other side" while holding a lightsaber that can cut thru almost anything.
Eh, I would pay $10..maybe $15.. Maybe.. I didn't think story was that bad... But there is way too many instances of wall-running and sliding bullshit
Also, the main character pilots like a battleship...

I agree the no fast travel is lame. It also bugged me that I couldn't just pick up a blaster and start blasting these mooks... Nope gotta keep deflecting their bolts until I get close enough and use the light Saber or somewhat weak force power.

I won't even talk about some of the rage-inducing boss battles...

I don't regret getting it for my Christmas last year, it definitely scratched the star wars itch.

OK $10 max... Or get it on Game Ass
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Started playing PC Building Simulator since I got it in the Humble and it was wishlisted for me.  Combination resource management (running a shop) and pseudo-physics computer building: click and hold to unscrew a case panel, pick cable points which then auto-route, etc.  The first couple weeks of game time were enjoyable.  You'd get jobs ranging from "Run a virus scan" to random blue screens to diagnose and fix.  Then the game starts tossing in "I want my computer to get a 3D Mark score of 3860" jobs which are just tedious.  First off, no one using a repair shop is asking them for a specific 3D Mark score.  Secondly, it turns into a bunch of experimentation to get there which would be fine except... thirdly, setting aside money, you have to keep waiting for parts to be delivered AND each time you have to run fake 3D Mark in your fake computer and wait for the fucking Time Spy thing to play out.  I don't like running Time Spy more than once in a row on my own real computer before I get bored.  Now my game inbox is full of 3D Mark requests and the game is quickly wearing out its welcome.

So, hey, am glad it was in the Humble because if I had bought it outright, I'd probably be annoyed but at least the first few hours were fun.

bread's done