Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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the real reason for this post (as I'm sure I'll forget it later) is I'm not sure when they did it but every Magic the Gathering game has been removed from the steam store. Just food for thought.
Literally right before the winter sale. I was planning on buying it for a friend, and poof, all of them gone. I still have not found an explanation. If they were losing rights or something, I wish they had put them at 95% off or something at the end and let people know.

I had 74 hours in Loop Hero.  I beat the final boss six times or however many you needed to see all of the story stuff and I left it looping around  on the last chapter to farm resources to fill out the town once I had learned how to set up a run where I didn't have to do much other than check for equipment upgrades every once in a while.  And I'll go back to it if it ever gets more content.  It is my favorite indie game so far this year out of the dozen or so I have played but I totally get why some people would not like it.  

Watch Dogs: Legion.

I've been playing Watch Dogs: Legion for a fair deal of this weekend, since UbiSoft has it on Free Weekend and all. I have some thoughts on it, after spending some good 12 hours or so with it.

Let's get the bad right out of the way. Watch Dogs 1 was laced w/ predictable on the characters & the hacker narrative here w/ tropes, cliches, killing off characters, and writing off characters too much. Watch Dogs 2 was an improvement w/ having a more interesting story (over the original game) in both character development, storytelling, and stuff of that sort...while also adding more stealth & non-lethal options in combat. Watch Dogs: Legion...doesn't even feel like it's trying in the character depth stuff here; and some of the mission types, mission areas, and/or spoken lines (either the actual line itself and/or the same voice-actor/actress returns on another character) from NPC's/Legion members often feel repetitive.

It feels like, this game needs more familiar faces (like Aiden from WD1 or Wrench from WD2, who both will be in the game's Season Pass) and/or more special NPC's that have some actual depth to their character, skills, and/or maybe their own special missions that only they can do. While it's easy to root for DedSec (given their situation), it's hard to root for any of the Legion members that join you don't have a lead character or a few lead characters that you can play as to actually get behind.

Here's probably why there's very little character-depth on the characters you can add to your party: you can recruit pretty much any NPC walking about the game-world. Often, each NPC you meet has certain skills in their arsenal (which you'll know when you hack their phone); and sometimes you will find special NPC's with their own special skills and/or classes of NPC's that have their own special skills in their arsenal. When recruiting NPC's, you'll often have to do a missions or two for them, before they join your crew.

Once the game & its plot gets going, DedSec needs to more or less be rebuilt in England, after they were blamed for some bombings & attacks that they didn't commit in England. DedSec was set-up. Meanwhile....the Gov't, organizations & corporations are getting too powerful & corrupt, as technology is getting even more powerful, sinister & misused by those in power. Pretty much, you will re-assemble DedSec to clear their name; stop those abusing their power; and cause a Revolt in England.

The actual main story & plot is solid itself. These are told in Chapters here, as multiple Main Quest-lines. Feeling like it's out of the DA2 playbook, each Chapter feels like it's its own Game. You'll take down a group and/or help out another group in another chapter, which feel like these are separate chapters....but do later tie into the on-going narrative. In one of the Chapters, there's even a decision at the end to be made, which seems like it could shape the game and maybe something later in possibly one of the later Chapters.

If you've played Watch Dogs 1 & 2, you know what you're getting into, gameplay-wise. This is an UbiSoft open-world game with GTA-style gameplay (open-world game with shootouts & vehicles you can drive, all in third-person) while also having additional stealth elements at your disposal. You can hack computers, phones, camera, turrets, electrical panels, spider-bots, and anything else you can think complete your missions. You can use a guns blazing approach or a melee-based approach. One of the more different things on the gameplay here in Legion (when compared to previous WD games) is that now there's more of an emphasis on hand-to-hand combat; and this is especially true if you just don't walk into using guns.

If you don't go in all guns blazing & shooting, they'll likely just battle you in melee combat with weapons or fists & feet. Unless you're doing a number on them, don't expect guns blazing all the time...unless the mission is going to have shootouts. WD1 and WD2 often focused on shootouts, but many encounters and/or missions will also focus on hand-to-hand fighting or melee combat with a weapon. That's not to say you won't run into shoot-outs, can; and there are missions or parts of missions when you'll need to go guns blazing.

Back to the hand-to-hand combat - there's also some Underground Bare Knuckle Boxing arenas all over the game-world, so that not only can practice the melee and become a Champ in those arenas - but you can also gain more boxers to add to DedSec, since you can pretty much recruit any NPC in the game-world to join your Legion.

Since you can recruit any NPC, they also have an option to turn Permadeath on or off. When running it at its default difficulty of having it off, your NPC's can get arrested and/injured, if they get knocked-out in combat. Then, you'll likely have to either go get them (in a separate mission) or wait for a timed penalty in gameplay-time to way until the NPC is available to use them again. Sometimes, your Legion members can get kidnapped while you're playing the game & it'll offer you up a rescue mission to go get them.

This game's gorgeous, on both a technical level & with its artistic look for England. England and the character models in this game look great, which is not surprise as often Ubi's games on the Watch Dogs Engine usually looks great. Though, as usual on Ubi's games - expect to need a good PC to run it at higher settings; it's demanding. My PC's specs are as follows: i7 10700KF; 16 GB RAM; 8GB RTX 3070; and W10 x64. On my PC here, this game can easily go over the 8GB of VRAM that a RTX 3070 has on its board, even at 1080p - meaning that I can't even max this game out at 1080p, often having to turn-off something...such as sacrifice the highest quality textures (this extra 4K texture pack is an extra download via UbiSoft Connect) or sacrificing RTX. B/c I'm not running at 4K here, I've got RTX on - and especially at night w/ the lighting & reflections and all, this looks absolutely amazing with this on. With most stuff on Very High or Ultra and with both RTX & DLSS On in-game with some enhancing of some AA types & image enhancing via the NVidia Panel to its max over there - I can get mostly performance here in the 50-70fps range, on a regular basis - so to keep the FPS a bit more stable, I capped it at 60fps in-game. There was an area, where I received a hit of down to 30fps, but these framerate-hits were very rare.

Regardless, despite its few problems & issues, Watch Dogs: Legion has been a solid & good sandbox game; and also has been lots of fun. After 12 hours with it, I've certainly not seen everything here & there seems to be more fun stuff to do, which I haven't finished or taken on yet. While the Watch Dogs franchise may have never fully lived-up to its insane amounts of hype over any of these 3 games, I still can't deny this: these games have always at least been fun, with its gameplay...and that certainly still remains true with Watch Dogs: Legion.

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Cyberpunk 2077:

Upcoming Patch 1.2's Extensive list of Patch Notes are now listed on CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 site:

EDIT - 3:17pm EST:

Patch 1.2 released, which needs 35GB open to download and will need 100GB or so open to apply & install the changes:

Epic Store leaked-out place-holders for 3 paid expansions and around 7 free DLC's:

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Watch Dogs: Legion.
I played a bit of it too (not as much as you I think) but it just didn't hook me. To me it felt like the whole game was just a series of side missions. Like literally everything I did felt the same and could be approached in the same way. It didn't matter if it was a main mission, actual side mission, recruitment, exploring, whatever. It was all samey samey. That wore me down pretty quick. Like a long list of things to do but nothing felt important.

London is beautiful though and you can tell they did a lot of work making the city seem real. Possibly too real though - the roads are very confusing and curvy throughout and i feel like i made my way onto the bridges (when i actually could) by blind luck. There's a ton of cars to drive around but you're constantly swerving around tiny alleys and making sharp turns so i found it easier to use a little scooter most of the time. You can't get up to speed in a car for very long without slamming into a pedestrian and getting the cops following you anyway.

By the end of my playtime i was calling my supply drone and riding that above the buildings across the city just to avoid the (beautiful) chaos below, negating one of the more positive aspects of the game. I might pick it up when it inevitably hits the $10 mark but that's about as far as i'd go.

Free pizza? for subscribing / unsubscribing to a mailing list. Had this for dinner.  Was okay for the price.

Sharing here as this place has historically been a celebration of diversity among all* toppings-bearing flatbreads and open-faced sammiches.
*excludes canned pineapple

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Literally right before the winter sale. I was planning on buying it for a friend, and poof, all of them gone. I still have not found an explanation. If they were losing rights or something, I wish they had put them at 95% off or something at the end and let people know.
Magic 2015 still available on Humble store

-base game $9.99

-dlc Garruk's Revenge $4.99

I'd really like to buy other Magic the Gathering games on PC but no luck, couldn't find any.

Those games haven't been made in a while though, but I'm surprised they're delisted. I used to buy those when they received their 50% discounts. Also speaking of something I played I got discounted I finished up some early access Banners of Ruin action. This game is a Slay the Spire like card play system with a party that starts with 2 tribes of animals, where you can get a party of up to 6. Right now 3 tracks are available. Your character can hold armor and weapons, which give benefits and you now get class skills and passives to get your character going towards some specialized build. You go through traversing through the game selecting cards which have different benefits such as events, battles, items, healing, etc until you reached a counter on the top where you face the boss of the floor. Along the way you don't have to fight every battle, but it's important to do that to get more skills and health for your characters. This game is tough as nails. All the characters you face up to 6 in a 3x2 grid show intents and all while they try to kill your characters. I won once fully after 15 hours so that kind of says how often you will likely win. There is a lot going on though I feel the battles are a bit slow. They become a little repetitive seeing as the card variety isn't all their yet in EA. The last update gave all the racial abilities, so it was more generic before and is now more specialized. There is quite beautiful graphics although the animation for the characters are stiffer than I would like. There are bugs too such as not being able to easily click on things, one of my characters stopped leveling and killed a run, and sometimes cards and descriptions are off such as an attack saying it does 20 to one thing if in the back row otherwise 5, but it actually does 20 and if in the back it does an extra 5. I think this one could be a strong contender eventually, but it needs a lot more card and event variety for that. Most of the events play similarly. It is hard as heck, and the combinations are nice. The last boss available hits like a truck and all the enemies have lots of armor and health. I forgot to mention it's similar to Neoverse where your armor carries over between turns. This is good because enemies hit very hard. I'd say wait for release, but there is a lot of good gameplay here. It's a bit repetitive, but I hope the full release has a lot more variety. 6.5/10 trending toward a 7/10.

I don't believe for a second they lost the source code for the original NG titles. I know a lie when I see one since I do it all the time.

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I played a bit of it too (not as much as you I think) but it just didn't hook me. To me it felt like the whole game was just a series of side missions. Like literally everything I did felt the same and could be approached in the same way. It didn't matter if it was a main mission, actual side mission, recruitment, exploring, whatever. It was all samey samey. That wore me down pretty quick. Like a long list of things to do but nothing felt important.

London is beautiful though and you can tell they did a lot of work making the city seem real. Possibly too real though - the roads are very confusing and curvy throughout and i feel like i made my way onto the bridges (when i actually could) by blind luck. There's a ton of cars to drive around but you're constantly swerving around tiny alleys and making sharp turns so i found it easier to use a little scooter most of the time. You can't get up to speed in a car for very long without slamming into a pedestrian and getting the cops following you anyway.

By the end of my playtime i was calling my supply drone and riding that above the buildings across the city just to avoid the (beautiful) chaos below, negating one of the more positive aspects of the game. I might pick it up when it inevitably hits the $10 mark but that's about as far as i'd go.
I played it on a base PS4 so I can't really testify to the graphics. Other than some frame rate skips during hectic situations in populated areas, it was fine. I didn't play WD but picked up WD2 on a whim and was really surprised by it. Legion does feel like a step down in many respects. The "play as anyone" feature is cool but that's really all there is with this one, and you have to ask yourself if that's enough to sacrifice the story and characters. The overarching story is very basic and since there's no real character arcs since you're playing as clean slates, you kinda have to make your own fun. In that aspect, you can kinda justify Legion as the ultimate sandbox game. I found myself looking up the stats for practically everyone I came into contact with and started making my own character arcs. For example, I was scouting out a pickpocket character with some good skills. Later on, I saw him get chased down and killed by cops, so I recruited his sister out of pity, who ended up being pretty useful as a bare knuckle boxer.

Overall I had fun with it. I completed it and plan on getting the Season Pass eventually. I think if you liked WD2 and want more of the same, Legion will give it to you but not much else.

Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout is at an all-time low on Humble.  $29.99 or $23.99 for choice subs, not a great deal but the Atelier games on Steam have horrible discounts and are not available on a lot of storefronts so I doubt it will be better anytime soon.  Doubt anyone cares so not even going to link it.  I wish the damn games would get decent discounts.  

Playing Genesis Noir on Game Pass and it's both the coolest and most pretentious game about the creation of the universe that I've ever played. It's stylish, obtuse, mesmerizing, infuriating, captivating, tedious. It's a buggy mess but I want to keep playing. There are so many reasons not to play it and yet it's still something that's absolutely worth experiencing.

This is why it's a deal. Thanks. These are also the first discounts for Ryza 2 that I've heard of.

Anyone with a choice sub care to help me with Ryza 2 Ultimate?
I sent you my Choice share-a-discount thing, I think the link is all you need? Never used it before.

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I sent you my Choice share-a-discount thing, I think the link is all you need? Never used it before.
Got it to work - thank you! I think it gives 15% on shared discount but 20% if you're subbed directly.
Edit: Nvm, got it to 20%. Silly that there's a discount slider that had to be adjusted.

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Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout is at an all-time low on Humble. $29.99 or $23.99 for choice subs, not a great deal but the Atelier games on Steam have horrible discounts and are not available on a lot of storefronts so I doubt it will be better anytime soon. Doubt anyone cares so not even going to link it. I wish the damn games would get decent discounts.
I think this was worth posting since Ryza 1 and 2 are the most well received in the series. I'm considering getting the digital deluxe edition since the DLC to that edition is exclusive and can't be bought separately. Also I looked into it and the pre-order only exclusive DLC is getting released tomorrow for everyone so it'll no longer be exclusive (I think for free? but not sure).
Playing Genesis Noir on Game Pass and it's both the coolest and most pretentious game about the creation of the universe that I've ever played. It's stylish, obtuse, mesmerizing, infuriating, captivating, tedious. It's a buggy mess but I want to keep playing. There are so many reasons not to play it and yet it's still something that's absolutely worth experiencing.
First I've heard of it - sounds pretty cool from the description on Steam. Might just use one of my Gamepass trials and play it.

I don't believe for a second they lost the source code for the original NG titles. I know a lie when I see one since I do it all the time.
Believing that Tecmo/Team Ninja did a good job preserving the original Ninja Gaiden source code would violate literally every single thing I know about Japanese game development from the era.

To be clear, source code isn't like master recordings or something. You need to have good, established, rigorous development practices to maintain a source base throughout a project and archive it after.

People who don't really understand software development (including people who do it for a living, by the way) also have misconceptions about what source code is. For example: you rarely ever use all the source code to build a big project. Big projects compile in pieces, so if your development practices are bad, you will send your coder off to finish a piece of it and when he brings back the compiled object files and they work right you consider that task complete, regardless of where the source code is. It's shockingly bad development practices, but it's how Japanese developers worked for decades. Software like CVS/SVN etc just wasn't in common use, let alone any good enforcement of modern devops principles.

It's the same story with literally every other remaster of old Japanese games I've ever read about: they didn't keep assets, didn't keep a bunch of the source, end up having to rebuild everything by hand, end up having to rip low-resolution assets/pre-rendered cutscene videos from retail disks etc.

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They are definitely lying. And believe me, I would know.

That said, it is true that Japanese developers are notorious for losing original code and assets for their games. But in this case I find it hard to believe it's been lost when they clearly do still have most of the original assets for the Sigma versions and I would think that the "source code" for those games is going be remarkably similar to the originals. It wouldn't surprise me if they were stupid about things and didn't archive the original code for Black and NG2 before they started working on the Sigmas, but that's not the same as the original code being "lost". They could have had those games running again with some effort, but there are other factors at play here, and the bottom line is that Tecmo is the father of lies.

The Evil Within 1.

Looks like we have another Nier Automata case on our hands here as...

The Evil Within 1 on Game Pass has extra content, improvements & features not found in the Steam-version.


Steam Discussuion board -

Digital Foundry video - See spoiler below.

Digital Foundry goes into the differences of TEW1 & also Nier Automata on Game Pass vs. Steam version below:


- Namely, TEW1 on Game Pass is a "Deluxe Edition."

- TEW1 on Game Pass also has First-Person Mode, AKUMU Hardcore Difficulty Mode, Infinite Ammo mode, and other features.

- All of this new extra content in TEW1 on Game Pass is locked behind a required Bethesda.Net sign-in/log-in also.

- Digital Foundry prefers the current Steam-versions b/c they are still moddable & fixable by modding, unlike GamePass versions...

- ...Since the Game Pass versions of both TEW1 & Nier Automata do have some issues lingering & aren't (that) moddable.

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- Namely, TEW1 on Game Pass is a "Deluxe Edition."

- TEW1 on Game Pass also has First-Person Mode, AKUMU Hardcore Difficulty Mode, Infinite Ammo mode, and other features.

- All of this new extra content in TEW1 on Game Pass is locked behind a required Bethesda.Net sign-in/log-in also.

- Digital Foundry prefers the current Steam-versions b/c they are still moddable & fixable by modding, unlike GamePass versions...

- ...Since the Game Pass versions of both TEW1 & Nier Automata do have some issues lingering & aren't (that) moddable.
The Windows Store and locked accessible files is still a mess in 2021

They are definitely lying. And believe me, I would know.

That said, it is true that Japanese developers are notorious for losing original code and assets for their games. But in this case I find it hard to believe it's been lost when they clearly do still have most of the original assets for the Sigma versions and I would think that the "source code" for those games is going be remarkably similar to the originals. It wouldn't surprise me if they were stupid about things and didn't archive the original code for Black and NG2 before they started working on the Sigmas, but that's not the same as the original code being "lost". They could have had those games running again with some effort, but there are other factors at play here, and the bottom line is that Tecmo is the father of lies.
The article doesn't say the source code was "lost" exactly, as in "woops someone misplaced it". Perhaps a bit more careful a statement of what they're describing is that it was poorly archived. We use the word "lost" to refer to this in a somewhat misleading way, but to understand what it means you have to understand how the development culture works.

Again, source code is not like an original master tapes of a recording or something. At least, it doesn't have to be if you don't have a development culture that values attaining something approximating that. With modern development practices, the code repository largely is just like original master tapes, but there's nothing about generating software that requires you take such a clean and modern approach to it.

It's not like Japanese developers are notorious for "losing" original source code in the sense that throughout development they maintain a nice organized repository with all the code on one hard drive in a box somewhere and then they "woops" misplace that box or throw it away. The reason Japanese developers lose source code and assets is because their development cultures don't bother having a clean organized repository with all that information to stash away in the beginning.

I'm sure all the shoddy disorganized data from all the various team members on the original was passed on to the team that did Sigma. But I don't think Sigma suddenly enforced on their entire development team some really excellent modern development principles. I think what happened is that at the end of Sigma's production, they took some time to collect all the various data and assets that were in various disorganized places and collect it together and roughly "organize" it.

So they had some collection of stuff from Sigma in some sort of haphazardly organized state, and possibly some trace remnant scraps of the original in a far less organized state, largely I imagine because whatever remained of the original code probably was subsequently largely trashed during the development of Sigma itself. To use another bad analogy: to the original, Sigma probably acted as this:


Well, more accurately actually, I'm missing a whole generation of destruction here: the code for the original, in as much of a mess as it certainly was after development, was probably totally lost in its original form when developing Black, and then Black's code, presumably also in total shambles and unorganized by the end of Black's development, was probably further minced up when developing Sigma.

Obviously you're right though that they could, if they wanted, take the Sigma code and try to reconstruct closer to what the original was, replacing assets that are missing as needed etc. But I'm certain that they're right that this would involve a lot more work than the approach they've decided to take, and yes if they didn't really want to bring back the original anyway (too much blood and titties) it probably doubled as a good excuse not to.

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I've played some Narita Boy the past couple nights and have been super disappointed. I really want to like it since it's kind of a cool, unique setting and seems inspired by Another World, but besides the aesthetics, I dislike everything else about it. I'm tempted to keep at it some more since you keep getting new abilities and they'll probably make the game better, but I think I might also be fine watching a playthrough on youtube or just completely forgetting about the game. 
There's a lot of backtracking, but no map. There's an objective list to help you out, but it's not helpful at all imo. The movement is floaty. The combat doesn't feel that fluid, like you get locked into animations. Combat also feels a little meaningless, at least against non-bosses since if you die, you just respawn right next to that section with full health. This is obviously a hard thing to balance since I also hate when games have extreme penalties for dying. The story has some potential, but the writing is pretty bad to me.
I've seen pretty much the same complaints about Narita Boy elsewhere (i.e. Game looks cool, but combat/movement/writing are all subpar). Will probably give it a try tonight to see for myself.

And re: Nier: Automata on Game Pass, you can use FAR with it just fine. Supposedly it's still not as good as the Steam version with FAR, but better than vanilla.

I'll also add that I just finished playing the game un-modded on GP within the last week. I can't personally compare it to the Steam version, but in ~30 hours I didn't have a single crash or bug. There are supposed frame-pacing issues but I rarely if ever noticed it, and I'm generally very sensitive to hitching/microstutter. Felt just fine to me.

Game itself is great, BTW. Combat maybe a little overly simplistic and button-mashy but the story and soundtrack make it what it is.

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Game itself is great, BTW. Combat maybe a little overly simplistic and button-mashy but the story and soundtrack make it what it is.
If you're talking about Nier, I must have played the version without the 'Fun Mode' option... I just don't have the interest to do the same shit over and over from a different game/story angle with the herky-jerky controls and wack lack of rpg creature comforts.... Of course, maybe jrpgs aren't for me...

Yes, I'm pooping on your favorite video game... MOOBY MADE ME DO IT!!!
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Yeah, tried a couple times ... just couldn’t get into Nier. I can sort of see the appeal, but it just wasn’t my type of game. I even tried watching some of the secret endings on YouTube and it did nothing for me. I guess it’s the type of game you have to play through yourself a few times to really have some sort of amazing experience with.
I've played some Narita Boy the past couple nights and have been super disappointed. I really want to like it since it's kind of a cool, unique setting and seems inspired by Another World, but besides the aesthetics, I dislike everything else about it. I'm tempted to keep at it some more since you keep getting new abilities and they'll probably make the game better, but I think I might also be fine watching a playthrough on youtube or just completely forgetting about the game.

There's a lot of backtracking, but no map. There's an objective list to help you out, but it's not helpful at all imo. The movement is floaty. The combat doesn't feel that fluid, like you get locked into animations. Combat also feels a little meaningless, at least against non-bosses since if you die, you just respawn right next to that section with full health. This is obviously a hard thing to balance since I also hate when games have extreme penalties for dying. The story has some potential, but the writing is pretty bad to me.
So I have been playing Narita Boy and having quite the opposite experience as I am really enjoying the game. I think the writing is quite witty and the music really adds to the atmosphere. Sure the combat feels a little floaty but it never really detracts from the game as the combat isn't overly difficult. Once you learn a bosses patterns it shouldn't take you more than a couple of tries to beat which is fine by me.

The lack of a map is by design and probably better for it. Many metroidvania and zelda games don't come with maps either as it encourages you to pay attention to the environment and where you're going. At most you'll be back tracking for a couple of minutes, not hours. The game is not that huge that you will get lost lol.

Since this is the steam thread that probably means you bought the game. I'm playing it on gamepass so I wonder if intrinsically that automatically means your expectations are higher.

So yea overall I am surprised to read such a negative review as most other reviews seem to be pretty positive. If you like this type of game then maybe check The Messenger or Carrion, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed and see if they float your boat, although word of caution the latter doesn't have an in game map either.

Overfall's been revoked from an old (2018) Fanatical bundle.

They claim they were never paid by their publisher.

They have a google form where you can provide info to get a new key.

They now state they're working with Fanatical to make it easier to get a new key.


Fanatical created a support page where they'll post updates.


From the steam thread, sounds like Fanatical will be redistributing keys.

"There is a misunderstanding about Fanatical because many of the keys that we sent were used for their bundles and deals. Fanatical was not among the "other fraud sites" that we mentioned before, we never blamed them - never will. After getting in contact, instead of making you fill the form (which was an immediate solution patch attempt to those who got their keys revoked), we decided to provide Fanatical all the keys that got revoked from their bundles, and they'll make sure you'll receive them in the near future. We're geniunely very sorry to have this happen to you guys and wanted to fix it as soon as possible."

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Yeah, I wouldn't give the developer anything. What a scummy thing to do nearly 3 years after the fact. Not a believable story.
There's a lot of suspicion floating around about it...

People claim the publisher didn't change on steam until 2019, which was after the bundle, and the original publisher is the current publisher. However it could easily be explained as the dev not keeping track of what they did with keys (they could've just handed all keys ever generated over to valve saying "these all are fraudulent" instead of just keys generated for the publisher).

Also someone investigated steam accounts of people who were official representatives of the game. Some seem to be suspicious of private accounts and VAC banned accounts.

I tend to think revoking keys is a horrible practice for any dev in any situation. The only thing that's accomplished is aggravating your customer base.

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If only this game-key was a GOG key, it would've been DRM-FREE (up to whatever the newest version of the game is, as long as you kept it downloaded and up-to-date to the day it got revoked), even if they did revoke it. ;)

But, yeah - this is a crummy practice, revoking games and all...especially WAY after the game has been out, available, and purchased.

Can't they just leave their customers out of this and take their publisher to court?


Also, cue Steam-Review bombing in 3-2-1...

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Can't they just leave their customers out of this and take their publisher to court?


Also, cue Steam-Review bombing in 3-2-1...
That's what they should do...

And it's already starting.

The worst thing about this is people are incorrectly assuming Fanatical didn't pay... been seeing people saying "Fanatical is a great site by a reputable company so I can't believe they didn't pay" and "Fanatical won't be getting any more of my money". So it's hurting their reputation when they had nothing to do with it.

That's what they should do...

And it's already starting.

The worst thing about this is people are incorrectly assuming Fanatical didn't pay... been seeing people saying "Fanatical is a great site by a reputable company so I can't believe they didn't pay" and "Fanatical won't be getting any more of my money". So it's hurting their reputation when they had nothing to do with it.
Fanatical isn't the publisher, though. Since they handled the bundle, they'd be the distributor.

So, I wonder who the ex-publisher is.

Pera Games (themselves) are now listed as the publisher and developer for Overfall on Steam and GOG.

Fanatical isn't the publisher, though. Since they handled the bundle, they'd be the distributor.

So, I wonder who the ex-publisher is.

Pera Games (themselves) are now listed as the publisher and developer for Overfall on Steam and GOG.
Yeah, Fanatical isn't the publisher, but because they mentioned "3rd party sites" and most people who had the key revoked got it from Fanatical, people assumed incorrectly that Fanatical didn't pay, completely ignoring the "publisher" part of the announcement.

The ex-publisher was "Gathering Tree"... which makes people more suspicious because both Gathering Tree and Pera Games are both based in Istanbul, Turkey. Cause we all know that Microsoft and Steam are secretly the same company because they're both HQ in "Seattle".


Fanatical created a support page.

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Yeah a key tell the truth I forgot I even owned this haha. BTW I'm going to give a review later for Luck Be A Landlord EA and the new Binding of Isaac DLC after I play it a bit. The other one will come today though. I think my EA appetite has been quenched a bit. So many of these EA games are just not as far along yet. I'll likely go back to the backlog of complete games afterwards.

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bread's done