Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Speaking of idling cards, I'll gladly give some of my spare Steam keys for extra idled No More Room in Hell cards that I need for a Level 5 badge.

I don't want to add $5 to my account just to buy the ones I need. :(
I have a bunch of extra No More Room In Hell cards. What have ya got to offer me and what cards do you need?

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I have a bunch of extra No More Room In Hell cards. What have ya got to offer me and what cards do you need?
1 x Jive, Hunter, Children of the Dead, Bateman

2 x Molotov

3 x Wally, Zombie Kazan

As for trading, I have a ton of stuff, mostly recent indie bundle leftovers. If you'd like to talk via PM we can do that to keep the thread clean. :)


Folks, please block and report this bot, it just tried to scam me.

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Not sure how long ago you guys were talking about Crew... the beta looked kinda rough but it mostly sold me on the game. No matter what AA setting you tried it would look like poop with major jaggies. Even 4x TXAA or 8x MSAA.

Some people said the driving feels bad, I'm not sure about that. It was ok to me but I'm no expert. I just liked that there is so much to do, and the leveling up, unlocking some part every few minutes, so much area to traverse, it's right up my alley, scratching that Burnout Paradise itch. It has more story element than I expected, and the main character is played by Troy Baker.


Folks, please block and report this bot, it just tried to scam me.
Around the time you posted that comment someone with a private profile with no friends or groups in common tried to friend me but I declined. It's the first bot or begger to friend my account in months so that's either a big coincidence or someone is scraping CAG or a CAG Steam group for usernames.

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Around the time you posted that comment someone with a private profile with no friends or groups in common tried to friend me but I declined. It's the first bot or begger to friend my account in months so that's either a big coincidence or someone is scraping CAG or a CAG Steam group for usernames.
Same thing happened to me, I also declined

Not sure how long ago you guys were talking about Crew... the beta looked kinda rough but it mostly sold me on the game. No matter what AA setting you tried it would look like poop with major jaggies. Even 4x TXAA or 8x MSAA.

Some people said the driving feels bad, I'm not sure about that. It was ok to me but I'm no expert. I just liked that there is so much to do, and the leveling up, unlocking some part every few minutes, so much area to traverse, it's right up my alley, scratching that Burnout Paradise itch. It has more story element than I expected, and the main character is played by Troy Baker.
There was something wonky with the renderer. None of the AA settings (none/MSAA/TXAA/FXAA, iirc) looked substantially different. This render bug made it look like moving-stuff (road, roadside, cars) was odd... as if rendered in lower res. But when looking at the same assets in cutscenes or shops it looked fine. I'm assuming this will be fixed before launch.

Handling was okay but a bit weird at default. Knocking assists to low felt much better.

I have a decent screenshot set, I'll try to remember to upload later.

Around the time you posted that comment someone with a private profile with no friends or groups in common tried to friend me but I declined. It's the first bot or begger to friend my account in months so that's either a big coincidence or someone is scraping CAG or a CAG Steam group for usernames.
I tried to check its profile after I accepted its request to see its friend list so I could try to locate its owner / source, but it removed me so quickly I didn't get a chance to do so. >:|

Valve should really add a word filter to block any hijacker domain names in chat rooms. They could get around it but it would still be a pain in the ass for them.

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Are those not caught in Steam's "you're now leaving steam" interstitial?
*@#$&@#$&)@ stupid CAG board and its stupid word filters...

I SAID, since the links don't have the H TEE TEE PEE SLASH SLASH COLON prefix, they're not clickable. They expect you to copy and paste the links manually.

Valve already has a functional word filter in the forums, so why not add it to the client?

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Re zombie f2p cards

Just start sending out trade requests to people. The worst they can do is refuse. It's not like those cards are valuable or anything. Enough already got out there that I don't really see the value going up any time soon.
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Now that I'm here safely after what turned out to be a 4 hour delay (four hours arrival time after original scheduled program), I am fully settled into grad school. It's pretty surreal, but now I'm ready to continue imitating Spoder. Except I never really can. I'm just Diet Spoder.

Re zombie f2p cards

Just start sending out trade requests to people. The worst they can do is refuse. It's not like those cards are valuable or anything. Enough already got out there that I don't really see the value going up any time soon.
I got a bunch already.

Since the game is technically F2P, with no way of purchasing new copies or paying money via in-game transactions to earn new cards, there won't be a new influx of cards. And there's a good chance there will be no booster packs in the future.

Ok, Amazing Princess Sarah impressions time!

Its a mix up between Super Mario Bros. 2 and Castlevania. Theres only one attack and no combos or any fancy moves at all, just plain old jumping and stabbing dudes. It does look nice though, is it worth $4? Hmmmm, I think so i mean its only $4 bucks so try it out i guess, its def way better than Akane the Kunoichi.  I give it 3 snakeybros out of 5.

Ok, Amazing Princess Sarah impressions time!


So thanks to Idle Master, I've finally caught up on card drops.  I went to my badges page and scrolled down, but I was surprised to see one entry still had the green PLAY GAME button.


Well, ok.  But only for the promise of cards.

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Not sure how long ago you guys were talking about Crew... the beta looked kinda rough but it mostly sold me on the game. No matter what AA setting you tried it would look like poop with major jaggies. Even 4x TXAA or 8x MSAA.
Just force AA in your graphics card settings. That works for almost every game. Or you can inject SweetFX.

That thumb... doesn't look like a thumb when the picture is cropped...

I finished that game one time and I don't think any amount of tweaking would entice me to start over again from the beginning. It was a decent game, but not one I'm willing to re-buy and re-play just because they tweaked and added some stuff.

Besides, bundle.
That's in-line with my thoughts. Played it. Beat it. Haven't bothered to re-beat it for the "good" ending. I enjoyed it, but it didn't inspire me to re-play it. So, I just don't care about a re-tweaked re-release

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Ok, Amazing Princess Sarah impressions time!

Its a mix up between Super Mario Bros. 2 and Castlevania. Theres only one attack and no combos or any fancy moves at all, just plain old jumping and stabbing dudes. It does look nice though, is it worth $4? Hmmmm, I think so i mean its only $4 bucks so try it out i guess, its def way better than Akane the Kunoichi. I give it 3 snakeybros out of 5.

Are the bewb fizzix realtitstic? friend wants to know...

I liked The Crew from what I played in the Beta. The driving mechanics and controls felt fine, although I'm no expert on racing games and judging how they handle but it was fun. The various terrain and cities throughout the US were a nice change up when going from coast to coast. I got the biggest kick out of what my home mountain region looked like (the SLC area), they turned it into a mountain ski city with lots of inaccuracy to a humorous degree. The lack of a Capitol Hill was visually awkward so was the layout of the downtown, I felt lost.

Obviously scale/size is going to be condensed and minimized, but it was funny to see other cities I'm familiar with and the general perspective on the mountain region. The Crew is still 11 weeks out from release (Nov. 11th) so plenty of time to clean some things up like the occasional odd building texture and strange pedestrian AI behavior. Maybe down the line we can get a "Crew" of CAGs together. ;)

I am kind of serious. Imagine a Crew being led by Tebow. I would think there would be many trips taken to Las Vegas for reasons. Naturally he'd drive a red spansky spanky GT. Oh the stories that would be told.

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I've been out of town, so not as much refreshing of the Steam topics, but I think I still did ok looking around a few stores here.

I found Fate: Undiscovered Realms and Warlock: Master of the Arcane at Dollar Tree. Fate doesn't activate on Steam and it might not compare to paying pennies for games but I'm still a sucker for owning the physical product.

Then, I stopped randomly at a thrift store. I got two Diablo II Collector's Editions for $10 total. One box is dented and is missing the game itself, but between the two, I have a box in great condition, sealed soundtrack, sealed dvd, unused D&D game, etc... I know, I know, it can't be activated on Steam and the box is massive.

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Now that I'm here safely after what turned out to be a 4 hour delay (four hours arrival time after original scheduled program), I am fully settled into grad school. It's pretty surreal, but now I'm ready to continue imitating Spoder. Except I never really can. I'm just Diet Spoder.
grad school isn't a 1/1000 as fun as undergrad.


So Shan Gui

English description will be changed later.
And for now, English translation may have some small glitches such as grammer...
And from the forums
This game is quite literally a tour of some locations in China with a very very small bit of fan service thrown in.
It's like Gone Home with Chinese lesbians, GOTY -- Polygon
It's like Gone Home without white girls, GOTY -- GameSpot
It's like Two Girls Burgers and Fries, GOTY -- Nathan Grayson of Kotaku
It is what, developer dear? An language of English?
Writing is very good to the visual novel.
Reading an novel along the prominent translation sweet to heart.
Always a amazing pleasure reading novel along the cherished translation.
I am the lover of read, English language is such amaze!

I am a hoper of the translation of game are as very goodest as have being beed the game description!
The last one must be one of the Indie Gala staff.
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I scrolled down and read more drama and see this,

"Besides, why are you so desperate to get the keys during Early Access launch? Especially since you've already played the game, there are reported bugs still being fixed, and you've only paid $0.10 for it." -TheMasquerader

This dev also pulled out the price card.

Seems pointless for the devs to start this drama. The internet will break their will. Valve really needs an instructional "So You've Been Greenlit" video that includes how not to piss off everyone.
Seems pointless for the devs to start this drama. The internet will break their will. Valve really needs an instructional "So You've Been Greenlit" video that includes how not to piss off everyone.
1) Don't start drama by not giving previous buyers steam keys when released on steam.

It's not that hard, but this is most common mistake.

I left a reply, saying this:

And to the dev, some of us buy these games to be able to beta test their Steam features. You're better off with -more- early players who can give input on the game's status and if it's having issues with specific hardware configurations, and so on. I've reported serious bugs to devs in the past, errors that most people never really get.

And honestly - you're basically asking people to pay you money to betatest the game. You already have at least 2000 more betatesters waiting for their key at Groupees (since it was a Build a Bundle, I don't think all 3829 people bought it), and they'd be more than willing to help you polish the game. And the more early impressions there are, the better the publicity, and there will be more sales.

So I respectfully disagree with your decision and hope you'll reconsider your position in the matter.
Hope he reconsiders.

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Re: Puppygames

It's pretty much a long ass rant about how Phil Fish is great, indie devs should be able to say and do whatever they want and fuck you customers, you suck, we hate you and we don't need you (but really we do, we're in denial so let us have this angry bitter rant. JUST GIVE IS THIS ONE THING)
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Look at what you all did!

Because you're worthless.
My thoughts are that the feeling is mutual.
They are the ones who are worthless. Considering how vast the indie gaming community has gotten they should be happy they have even gotten their one dollar per user. There are better devs serving up better content and with far less bullshit.

Look at what you all did!

Because you're worthless.
lol...that's probably the most unintentionally hilarious thing I've ever read.

A few things I can't say about butthurt devs but I will anyway:

1. Why is it always the shittiest devs with the shittiest games that do the most whining? Are they seriously that slow? You make shitty looking "retro" graphic games that STEAL the premise/gameplay/EVERYTHING from other older games and you really blame Steam or customers or old drivers for your failures?

2. You shouldn't be doing your own customer service. You should be contracting that out to a company who can do it cheaper. You should be happy 20 people email you with the same problem. It makes your job easier.

3. The internet isn't a mob of similarly minded people. Please stop making generalizations. You have a small number of trolls and an equal number of white knights and then you have a small number of concerned customers who get labelled trolls and whiteknighted because they dare voice a concern about a dev. And then you have the rest of the internet that doesn't even care.

4. Please stop making generalizations. I should repeat this one 10000000000000000000 times. Obviously some customers needlessly email you with issues they should fix, that said since I've been on CAG I can probably count on one handful the number of times I've heard people actually email the dev about an issue and only when they've searched google high and low and asked other players to help online. Customer service isn't the reason you are broke.

5. As much as I dislike Steam at times, goodness does it make the devs job so much easier. If I ever have an issue with a game I can solve I go to that games Steam forum and look or ask there. Most of the time the issue is addressed by someone or another player helps me out. Even when the dev steps in and provides a solution on the forums, it is there for me already and I don't have to bother the dev directly about it.

And like Lostnumber said, the feeling is mutual. As much as these shitty game devs seem tired of their non-existent customer base, I think a lot of us are tired of shitty games and the whiny devs that make them. We don't need you. The reason we only pay $1 for your game (or a lot less actually) is because it's not worth much more (if that). Make something original. Make something fun. Make something that stands out. People will buy it. In fact, there's plenty of indie devs doing this, making money, and not whining. If you want to make another shitty game with a generic, unoriginal premise and gameplay then you will be treated like what you are.

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