Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Holy smokes! Another indy bundle, where I didn't own a single one of the games on the BTA list. wewt!1!

Time to start drinking cheap beer and haul some beef across Germany!
I started to Google what that's a euphemism for before I remembered what was in the bundle. Time to accept my backlog senility and... Steam across Cleveland.

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Actually, one thing that is a bit of an immersion killer is how most of the lead characters seemingly all have British accents lol. That doesnt make much sense to me since Ubisoft is FRENCH, but I'm getting used to it more as I keep playing.
We all saw Les Miserables and those cats all had English accents. Therefore French=English accents. :dunce:

You guys are judging the screen adaptation of Les Miz unfairly. The book was good, but even Alexandre Dumas would choose Mandingo fighting over watching the movie.

So other than gamefaqs, is there any other good site for character creation guides for Morrowwind?  Especially regarding any mods that overhaul adds in.  I'll commence playing tonight and watch my life slip away but I like planning out my characters.  I tend towards assassin types.  I assume I can do poison blades and arrows as no self respecting fantasy rpg should be without them.  Is diplomacy and lying your ass off worth doing at all?  I know the game is combat heavy regardless.

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Who voted for this? You should be very ashamed!

So other than gamefaqs, is there any other good site for character creation guides for Morrowwind? Especially regarding any mods that overhaul adds in. I'll commence playing tonight and watch my life slip away but I like planning out my characters. I tend towards assassin types. I assume I can do poison blades and arrows as no self respecting fantasy rpg should be without them. Is diplomacy and lying your ass off worth doing at all? I know the game is combat heavy regardless.
You don't really need a character creation guide. Just pick the skills that you think you want to revolve your playthrough around. Naturally, you're gonna want to pick skills within the stealth category if you want to be an assassin (I'd recommend sneak, marksman, and light armor for sure). Diplomacy isn't really worth it. This isn't the type of RPG where you can talk your way out of situations. Communication is more to delineate information related to quests. However, as opposed to Oblivion and Skryim, Morrowind is much harder to communicate well with a low speechcraft skill, so it's more useful of a skill than the other two games. Still, I'd only recommend picking it as a major or minor skill for roleplay purposes. I would do a lot of research into what sign you pick. I like the steed just because your character is slow as fuck in the beginning of the game.

They'll make up for it in Assassin's Creed: Easter Rebellion -- Zut alors!
What if the French Revolution never faltered? Find out as you play Robespierre, the most notorious assassin, and kill just about everyone in Thermidor 3 of Assassin's Creed: Public Safety!

Achievements unlock by (a) killing 16,000 people with a guillotine and (b) not getting killed by your own people with a guillotine.

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If anyone hasn't played Enslaved: Odyssey to the West yet you should. It's a great 3D platformer/brawler with a good story and characters.

Being a Namco BANDAI game it has a low likelihood of being bundled, $5 seems to be the lowest price it drops to.

It's also price matched on Amazon right now for those with BING bucks jingling in their pockets.
While I have not started the game - the great news about Enslaved is that after DL'ing the files from Steam: the game can be ran w/out Steam going; and saves can saved locally to the hard-drive.

Wo0t for games on Steam that can be run with or without Steam! :D

You don't really need a character creation guide. Just pick the skills that you think you want to revolve your playthrough around. Naturally, you're gonna want to pick skills within the stealth category if you want to be an assassin (I'd recommend sneak, marksman, and light armor for sure). Diplomacy isn't really worth it. This isn't the type of RPG where you can talk your way out of situations. Communication is more to delineate information related to quests. However, as opposed to Oblivion and Skryim, Morrowind is much harder to communicate well with a low speechcraft skill, so it's more useful of a skill than the other two games. Still, I'd only recommend picking it as a major or minor skill for roleplay purposes. I would do a lot of research into what sign you pick. I like the steed just because your character is slow as fuck in the beginning of the game.
Cool thanks for all your help. I should get the chance to play in about 4-5 hours and see what a decade's worth of hype is about. Maybe I should make a post on the review board in a couple of weeks. No one else has played this yet right? Godamn kids these days, we had ataris when I was growing up and we liked them. One joystick and a button was all we needed. Grumble brumble

Cool thanks for all your help. I should get the chance to play in about 4-5 hours and see what a decade's worth of hype is about. Maybe I should make a post on the review board in a couple of weeks. No one else has played this yet right? Godamn kids these days, we had ataris when I was growing up and we liked them. One joystick and a button was all we needed. Grumble brumble
Also, heads up but you're not going to be able to hit anything until you level up your skill w/whatever weapon you're using. If you're fine w/this, then cool, if not, you're gonna want to search for a "hit everything" mod, so that your weapon won't miss when you use it. I recommend it, it cuts out a lot of frustration.

So other than gamefaqs, is there any other good site for character creation guides for Morrowwind? Especially regarding any mods that overhaul adds in. I'll commence playing tonight and watch my life slip away but I like planning out my characters. I tend towards assassin types. I assume I can do poison blades and arrows as no self respecting fantasy rpg should be without them. Is diplomacy and lying your ass off worth doing at all? I know the game is combat heavy regardless.
You want the fly spell. YOU WANT THE FLY SPELL!!!!!!!!


A trucker drove through our phone lines and I had no internet for three days.

What did I miss?
ACU reviews are all over the freaking place.

AC Rogue doesn't have many reviews yet - but has been reviewed decently.

Dragon Age: Inquisition seems to be reviewing VERY-VERY well.

FF13-1 and 13-2 on PC are getting 1080p support in December.

Oh, yeah - FF 13-2 coming to PC in December.

ACU reviews are all over the freaking place.

AC Rogue doesn't have many reviews yet - but has been reviewed decently.

Dragon Age: Inquisition seems to be reviewing VERY-VERY well.

FF13-1 and 13-2 on PC are getting 1080p support in December.

Oh, yeah - FF 13-2 coming to PC in December.
anything on the DRM front? any draconian DRM? Does Battlefield 4 still suck? Does the new Call of Duty win Editor choice this month?

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