Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I'm so tempted to purchase that Game of Thrones game, but I'd rather wait until some more episodes get released. Especially after feeling like I got burned for buying the Wolf Among Us relatively early last year and having to wait months before a second episode got released.
Yea, I understand. I had the $ and figured wth. I got won over by one of the reviews I read.

A ten track album, a digital map, a digital comic, and the skins which are sold separately.

I just really hate Japanese companies and their habit of keeping stuff available only with certain editions, with no way for other folks to get the stuff...
That does suck, but I consoled myself by pointing out that the Survival Edition contains half of a soundtrack (the full version is here) and what is probably a fairly short (~20 page) comic. The map I really don't care about anyway.

Groupees has some sort of 10th anniversary Meridian 4 bundle going now.  You can pick all of them for just under 10 bucks minimum right now.    Not a bad price to potentially add forty something games  to your account.

and at the end of the article, it has this.. LOL

This is an early impressions piece based on a day playing The Crew. Our review will be live next week.
You won't see many reviews of The Crew because Ubisoft decided not to hand out early press copies for review, which they spun by saying there's no press embargo. They had to get it same day as everybody else.

Don't buy any of that Disney Pooh :shame:

Afterall Reconquest Episode 1 is on sale though @ $1.74. Looks pretty good and it's a historic low. It's Early Access though and Afterall Insanity was bundled multiple times and even given away free recently.
no i need my rage buy for ur poop sale i need job more i stil have time but i get from russians instead. ur sacrfice is done ur welcome everyone for afterfall reconquest

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Ha. They put the Disney stuff on sale just when I actually get some money in.

If you want to get them all, you have to buy the Disney Mega Pack & the Disney Princess and Fairy Pack; Winnie the Pooh and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are not included in any bundle.

Wasn't Disney Infinity 2.0 just released less than two weeks ago, though? And it's already 50% off? That might be a price mistake.

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Ha. They put the Disney stuff on sale just when I actually get some money in.

If you want to get them all, you have to buy the Disney Mega Pack & the Disney Princess and Fairy Pack; Winnie the Pooh and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are not included in any bundle.

Wasn't Disney Infinity 2.0 just released less than two weeks ago, though? And it's already 50% off? That might be a price mistake.
Well, if you're not married to the idea of having it on Steam, you can download it directly from the site for free:

I'm sure it only includes a couple of the gemgaws and doodads, but if you're not sure whether you really want it, you could just take it for a test drive with the five-finger discount direct from the publisher. FWIW, the Steam version doesn't appear to have any Steamworks features, so . . . .

Honestly, after the soul-crushing tedium that was Disney Universe, I'm not sure I have any interest in this, even for free.

If you want to get them all, you have to buy the Disney Mega Pack & the Disney Princess and Fairy Pack; Winnie the Pooh and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are not included in any bundle.

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Ha. They put the Disney stuff on sale just when I actually get some money in.

If you want to get them all, you have to buy the Disney Mega Pack & the Disney Princess and Fairy Pack; Winnie the Pooh and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are not included in any bundle.

Wasn't Disney Infinity 2.0 just released less than two weeks ago, though? And it's already 50% off? That might be a price mistake.
They likely don't mind discounting it so soon when there's a ton of dlc for people to buy for it.

Ha. They put the Disney stuff on sale just when I actually get some money in.

If you want to get them all, you have to buy the Disney Mega Pack & the Disney Princess and Fairy Pack; Winnie the Pooh and Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian are not included in any bundle.

Wasn't Disney Infinity 2.0 just released less than two weeks ago, though? And it's already 50% off? That might be a price mistake.
fox hack want priincess he want to be princess i just took mega pack dont need the others not worth it heeh


Honestly, after the soul-crushing tedium that was Disney Universe, I'm not sure I have any interest in this, even for free.
My soul paid the price as well after my brain thought "hey this looks like the Disney version of those fun Lego games", told my legs to walk the game up to the register and then made my hand pull cash out of my pocket for the purchase. That was a bad brain day for sure.

LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean is on sale.. but not LEGO Indiana Jones. :bomb:
I played the xbox version of Indiana Jones and didn't like it all that much. The story was good and all but there were too many places where I couldn't get precise enough jumps and what not and kept losing all my studs which was very annoying. :bomb: I will be the first to admit that I suck at video games but I'm pretty sure this was the game and not me. It didn't help that I was playing by myself either. Lego games are meant to be shared.

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I played the xbox version of Indiana Jones and didn't like it all that much. The story was good and all but there were too many places where I couldn't get precise enough jumps and what not and kept losing all my studs which was very annoying. :bomb: I will be the first to admit that I suck at video games but I'm pretty sure this was the game and not me. It didn't help that I was playing by myself either. Lego games are meant to be shared.
I've been chasing a sale for that game for years. At this point it's my white whale and it's almost not about the game at all.

The Disney Mega Pack is trading for 11 TF2 keys, seems to be a pretty standard price. I'm not interested in it, but those that are, its a pretty decent price considering its $54.99 even on sale.

Red Faction Guerrilla has a really good soundtrack... I'm debating about buying it. There are some samples on youtube, but the quality is... meh

The Disney Mega Pack is trading for 11 TF2 keys, seems to be a pretty standard price. I'm not interested in it, but those that are, its a pretty decent price considering its $54.99 even on sale.
how much in $?? and also i think weekend or daily deal tommroow is amazing spidermand franchise so u all know

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I'm glad someone besides me actually likes this game for what it is. Everyone wants to complain that it's not enough like Final Fantasy, but you're talking about a series that has a totally different cast, plot, battle system, and setting in every single main entry. The real question should just be "is it fun?" As long as it's enjoyable, they could be calling it Bad Rats 2 for all it matters.

I'm also not sure when "linear" became a synonym for "bad". Especially in a game that's primarily trying to tell a story. You don't jump around between chapters in a book. You don't skip randomly between chapters on a DVD. Why is it so wrong when a game makes you go to all of the plot in order?

I won't say that FFXIII is the best game ever, or even the best in the series (although to be fair, I give both of those titles to the same game). But it's also far from the worst, and the Final Fantasy series is pretty solid company to be ranked among.

I'm also not sure when "linear" became a synonym for "bad". Especially in a game that's primarily trying to tell a story. You don't jump around between chapters in a book. You don't skip randomly between chapters on a DVD. Why is it so wrong when a game makes you go to all of the plot in order?
When I'm watching a movie and two people are in the produce section of a grocery, I want the ability to pan the camera across the store, out the door, down the street and behind a fast food restaurant where I can then search for collectables in a Dumpster.

When I'm watching a movie and two people are in the produce section of a grocery, I want the ability to pan the camera across the store, out the door, down the street and behind a fast food restaurant where I can then search for collectables in a Dumpster.
In all fairness, the best collectibles usually ARE in dumpsters

I'm glad someone besides me actually likes this game for what it is. Everyone wants to complain that it's not enough like Final Fantasy, but you're talking about a series that has a totally different cast, plot, battle system, and setting in every single main entry. The real question should just be "is it fun?" As long as it's enjoyable, they could be calling it Bad Rats 2 for all it matters.

I'm also not sure when "linear" became a synonym for "bad". Especially in a game that's primarily trying to tell a story. You don't jump around between chapters in a book. You don't skip randomly between chapters on a DVD. Why is it so wrong when a game makes you go to all of the plot in order?

I won't say that FFXIII is the best game ever, or even the best in the series (although to be fair, I give both of those titles to the same game). But it's also far from the worst, and the Final Fantasy series is pretty solid company to be ranked among.
I think the thing is this: most past FF's game, you had an open-world (to some kind of an extent) to explore. When people play a series w/ a certain brand attached to it, they expect certain things to be there. Especially, for the most part, that was one of the few things that was ALWAYS there in the series/franchise. Since FF's story normally goes in one direction no matter (i.e. this isn't a BioWare game and you don't make story-based decisions that alter the game's story, characters, inhabitants, game-world, endings, etc), they don't expect the open game-world itself to get cut-out entirely.

It does feel kind of weird that there is no open-world of some sort here; especially b/c I played FF1 NES + FF5-9 on the PSX. Though, the immediacy of the story + characters seem to be in the front here; and it seems to be working, in that regard. Well - at least so far, anyways. ;)

It did take a bit of time for the combat system to really get going, though. Early on, while I liked the faster pace - it felt like it lacked something - namely, depth. Battles also felt WAY too easy early on, as well. Namely b/c you had less direct control over your party (which I didn't like, at first), since you just control the leader - they felt lacking, early on. Once I leveled-up some of my char's, party members getting multiples Classes, and Paradigms - then the combat really began to go somewhere and get to where it's at now: addictive, different, and a ton of fun.

Really love the graphics, though. Artistically, this thing's beautiful. Though, since this is a FF game - should I really expect anything less? Damn shame it's stuck in 720p currently officially - but GeDoSaTo solves that problem easily enough + really unlocks the potential of this game in its 1080p glory for me.

I've been chasing a sale for that game for years. At this point it's my white whale and it's almost not about the game at all.
You are not alone, I have had that one and the Lego Star Wars games on watch for over a year and a half. They dropped during a Steam summer sale way back then one time to $9.99 but I always thought they were gonna hit $5 like the other WB Lego games so I didn't bite, regretting it now cause those titles never go on sale.

EDIT: Wow almost two years now since a big sale:

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I played FF13 to completion back when it came out on PS3.  I didn't LOVE it...but I enjoyed it.  And considering I didn't like FFX enough to finish it that is saying a lot.

While it IS linear, I never really understood the complaints from FF die hards.  FF has almost ALWAYS been linear.  Mostly the older ones.  You have almost always gone from Point A to Point B to Point C, etc.

I played FF13 to completion back when it came out on PS3. I didn't LOVE it...but I enjoyed it. And considering I didn't like FFX enough to finish it that is saying a lot.

While it IS linear, I never really understood the complaints from FF die hards. FF has almost ALWAYS been linear. Mostly the older ones. You have almost always gone from Point A to Point B to Point C, etc.
I think the open-world thing is this - you had at least some kind of illusion of an open-world to explore + towns freely to explore.

Usually, enemy difficulty + their levels in an area; and your actual level + skill [or lack thereof] can make you decide whether you should be an area or not.

FF13, at least at some 8 1/2 hours in here, doesn't seem to have that. It's just flowing into one corridor after corridor - like a COD game. Regardless, the trade-off from that seems to be this - I'm really digging the story + characters here; and the emphasis + immediacy put on this.

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Legend of Korra looks amazing. Can't recall thinking that about a game TV show/movie tie-in game.

Hope it drops to $5 or so during the winter sale later this month.

Anybody who has bought it care to comment on it?

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zeronotyethero said:
Legend of Korra looks amazing. Can't recall thinking that about a game TV show/movie tie-in game.

Hope it drops to $5 or so during the winter sale later this month.

Anybody who has bought it care to comment on it?
Good game for being made on a low budget, but is low budget so it isn't as good as it could have been. The game is explained well in the review below.
Part of me wants to buy Korra because it's Activision and they're overdue for pulling the game soon. Just like they did with Deadpool.

My company's game, Breach & Clear, is 75% off ($3.74) right now as part of the week long deals. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games (like X-Com or Frozen Synapse) it's definitely worth checking out. It's not as complex as either of the games I mentioned, but that was deliberate as we wanted to keep the toolset streamlined for faster gameplay. If you're a Frozen Synapse fan, we've actually got a Frozen Synapse DLC Pack that is on sale for $0.80.

Would be awesome if it could be added to the thread (unless week long deals aren't typically listed). Thanks!

Breach & Clear:

Breach & Clear Frozen Synapse Pack:

My company's game, Breach & Clear, is 75% off ($3.74) right now as part of the week long deals. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games (like X-Com or Frozen Synapse) it's definitely worth checking out. It's not as complex as either of the games I mentioned, but that was deliberate as we wanted to keep the toolset streamlined for faster gameplay. If you're a Frozen Synapse fan, we've actually got a Frozen Synapse DLC Pack that is on sale for $0.80.

Would be awesome if it could be added to the thread (unless week long deals aren't typically listed). Thanks!

Breach & Clear:
Breach & Clear Frozen Synapse Pack:
How about you give us CAGs a free copy? ;)
My company's game, Breach & Clear, is 75% off ($3.74) right now as part of the week long deals. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games (like X-Com or Frozen Synapse) it's definitely worth checking out. It's not as complex as either of the games I mentioned, but that was deliberate as we wanted to keep the toolset streamlined for faster gameplay. If you're a Frozen Synapse fan, we've actually got a Frozen Synapse DLC Pack that is on sale for $0.80.

Would be awesome if it could be added to the thread (unless week long deals aren't typically listed). Thanks!

Breach & Clear:

Breach & Clear Frozen Synapse Pack:
I already had the base game, but I just grabbed the Frozen Synapse DLC pack.

Thanks for the head's up and good luck with the sale.

My company's game, Breach & Clear, is 75% off ($3.74) right now as part of the week long deals. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games (like X-Com or Frozen Synapse) it's definitely worth checking out. It's not as complex as either of the games I mentioned, but that was deliberate as we wanted to keep the toolset streamlined for faster gameplay. If you're a Frozen Synapse fan, we've actually got a Frozen Synapse DLC Pack that is on sale for $0.80.

Would be awesome if it could be added to the thread (unless week long deals aren't typically listed). Thanks!

Breach & Clear:

Breach & Clear Frozen Synapse Pack:
Had the base and just bought DLC, good luck with the sale.

My company's game, Breach & Clear, is 75% off ($3.74) right now as part of the week long deals. If you enjoy turn-based strategy games (like X-Com or Frozen Synapse) it's definitely worth checking out. It's not as complex as either of the games I mentioned, but that was deliberate as we wanted to keep the toolset streamlined for faster gameplay. If you're a Frozen Synapse fan, we've actually got a Frozen Synapse DLC Pack that is on sale for $0.80.

Would be awesome if it could be added to the thread (unless week long deals aren't typically listed). Thanks!

Breach & Clear:

Breach & Clear Frozen Synapse Pack:
Bought the DLC too, since I've picked up Sat Morn RPG and Breach & Clear cheaply in bundles. Both seem good games I may even play more than a little while some day ;)

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