Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Can I get this one Sassy?

And nope, NO steam keys for those who already bought ESO.


"We at Zenimax spent WAY TOO much $ on a bland + mediocre MMO and we are trying to recoup our losses majorly here, so if you really want it on Steam - just go buy it again.

Otherwise - game-owners of the Non-Steam versions of ESO who don't care about forcing it to be on Steam and really want their Steam-Friends to see them playing, just add it as a Non-Steam game."

Thursday: Dishonored: Game of the Year and all Dishonored DLC at 50-75% off

Friday: Wolfenstein: The New Order and DOOM Sale at 50-75% off

Saturday: Fallout 3: Game of the Year, Fallout: New Vegas, and all Fallout: Classic Collection at 50-75% off

Sunday: The Elder Scrolls Sale, with Elder Scrolls titles selling for 50-75% off
All the good ones will be 50 percent off. Good to know.

Thursday: Dishonored: Game of the Year and all Dishonored DLC at 50-75% off

Friday: Wolfenstein: The New Order and DOOM Sale at 50-75% off

Saturday: Fallout 3: Game of the Year, Fallout: New Vegas, and all Fallout: Classic Collection at 50-75% off

Sunday: The Elder Scrolls Sale, with Elder Scrolls titles selling for 50-75% off

Thursday -> Everybody knew / knows that DLC piece-by-piece would NOT be cheaper than Complete Edition w/ everything (GOTY Edition here). It's a Zenimax thing, since ESO bombed; gotta try and recoup.

Friday -> Wolfenstein: TNO probably won't be 75% off yet - too soon.

Saturday -> Fallout: NV Ultimate won't be as cheap as it's been before ($5 is cheapest it's been, IIRC). Gotta try and recoup for ESO bombing.

Sunday -> See Thursday - but apply this to Skyrim and its DLC's vs. Legendary Ed.

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I prefer to just give my extras away, it's hassle enough keeping up with one account.
+1. I'd feel guilty having an alt account with games in it that no one gets to enjoy simply for cards and such, which is why I mostly give stuff away to my brother(s)' account. Of course he agrees to give me all the cards he gets though, so it's not like I don't benefit.

If anyone cares, the old XCOM BTA games are over on Tremor for 495 points coins each. Be careful not to pick the one that's an absolute trainwreck!

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And nope, NO steam keys for those who already bought ESO.

Bethesda acted exactly as I thought they would. And so did the people on the forums. The internet being the internet, the word entitled got thrown around. I guess it's really entitled to ask for a Steam key that Bethesda can generate for free for people who likely paid $60 or more plus $15 a month for several months now. Right. It's not like anyone is going to rebuy the game on Steam if they already own it so they won't be losing a sale.

I haven't bought it and will not be buying it so I don't have a $15 DLC horse in this race but it seems to me for a game that is quite frankly expensive and bucking the current f2p trend that they could try to go a little extra for the people that have paid them not insubstantial amounts of money and continue to pay controversial monthly fees.

Oh and just because not giving Steam keys (and hence cards) wasn't enough, they've added a Whiterun Wolfhound pet that you can only get if you buy the Imperial Edition on Steam. So all those people that paid $100 previously for the hurry it's limited Imperial Edition, no wolfhound for you!


That Bethesda. They sure take care of their loyal paying customers. :roll:

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+1. I'd feel guilty having an alt account with games in it that no one gets to enjoy simply for cards and such, which is why I mostly give stuff away to my brother(s)' account. Of course he agrees to give me all the cards he gets though, so it's not like I don't benefit.
Translation: I trick my brother into farming cards for me by giving him bundle fodder.

Have you no shame sir?

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I'm kind of struggling to see the target demographic for that Blink Bundle. People who regularly buy and sell cards will have most everything in it and everything in the lower should be $1 but is $2 tier.

The already low card prices will go lower due to the bundle and there will be more sellers competing so I struggle to see if it's worth it even for alts.

Anyone enough of a bundle noob to not have most of those games probably has no flippin clue about cards or will Sweetja it and axe4ha1p from Certified Digital Trading Card instructors who earned their degree from the Sally Struthers correspondence school.

$5 is just too much unless you've got a really killer bundle. Not in the days of $1 Groupees and Gala bundles plus happy hours and dollar days for the higher tiers, which still aren't $5 even before those specials.
I bought two Blink bundles... and they were really solid. $5 each, no regrets. But lately? Just like all the smaller bundlers (like Flying Bundle), they're dropping off in quality and keeping their pricing structure the same. As a company they're not bringing in the better games like before, but they haven't sat down and changed their pricing structure like they should.
I realized last night that out of the PCDD threads I'm subscribed to, I no longer keep up with GG, Amazon, GMG, Playfire, and Indie Royale. And I only check in with BS and Groupees every four days or so, and never actually buy the bundles anymore. I'm pretty sure we entered a new era some months back where discounts on individual AAA games started to be less than in previous years, and bundle bang-for-buck plummeted.

With that in mind, I will most likely pick up both the Humble Weekly $1 and Blink $5 tiers for the +1s and out of bundle-buying withdrawal...

I'd rather have Brink.
You know, I fear the day when Mooby finally acquires Brink and finds out it's not the stuff dreams are made of. That's going to be one derptastic tantrum.

Can I get this one Dr. Sassypants?
Yes you can!

I've already got this on 360, but if nobody asks I'd love to take it off your hands in my quest to distance myself from needing to turn my consoles on again.

Also, congrats at getting to 10% of your goal!
Sent, and thanks!

I'll make a deal, if the total amount donated reaches $250 by midnight tonight Gaben time (Pacific) I will toss in $100 for the cause.
You heard him, folks! Let's get this party started!

If no one else has wanted this yet, I'll take it off your hands Doc.
Sent. And also...

I was going to donate anyway, but this prompted an immediate ten spot.
... thanks for the donation!

Ok that makes sense about the alt accounts but yea I would rather just have one and just gift away whatever I don't want. Also since I'm newer to bundles a lot of them still have stuff I don't have.

Dr Sasquatch, on 16 Jul 2014 - 8:30 PM, said:

Open for all:



Auction still going for this one:


Bidding is at two bucks. Bids in 50 cent increments.

Available for Desura:

One Day for Ched
Int. Snooker
Dark Scavenger
Rhythm Destruction
Children of Liberty

And finally, a new donor only list of games:
Paranautical Activity
One Finger Death Punch
Galactic Arms Race
Rock of Ages
Gearcrack Arena
To the Moon



Toki Tori 2+

A New Reckoning


Curious where to donate to get on the donor list? Right over here at my Extra Life page! All proceeds go to Seattle Children's Hospital!

That stuff is still available. Also, here are some more donor only games:

Escape Goat
Space Giraffe
The Cat Lady
Ravensword: Shadowlands
Star Wolves 3: Civil War
Radical Roach
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Dark Shadows: Army of Evil
Etherlords I & II
Earth 2160
Knight Shift
Jack Orlando: Director's Cut
Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress
Two Worlds II: Castle Defense
Two Worlds II
Two Worlds Epic Edition
And finally, going to auction this bad boy off:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (courtesy of MinDRioT -- thanks a bunch!)

I'll start the bidding at one dollar, and bidding goes up in 50 cent increments. I don't think I need another picture of 50 cent, do I? Auctions end at 3 pm Valve time.

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I have around $5 on cards money. Anyone can recommend on picking dishonored GOTY? 66% is so fakeCAG...
To piggyback on that, how bad are the system requirements? They looked pretty high on steam. Is that accurate? The game looks like something I may enjoy, but my system is junk and I don't have money for an upgrade at the moment. It's a first gen I3 (I think maybe a 550) and a GTS 250.

To piggyback on that, how bad are the system requirements? They looked pretty high on steam. Is that accurate? The game looks like something I may enjoy, but my system is junk and I don't have money for an upgrade at the moment. It's a first gen I3 (I think maybe a 550) and a GTS 250.
It runs on Unreal 3, which tends to work pretty well even on lower end systems. You might have to lower some settings, but you should still be able to run it well enough to be playable.

I have around $5 on cards money. Anyone can recommend on picking dishonored GOTY? 66% is so fakeCAG...
Dishonored is excellent, and from what I've heard most of the DLC is as well. Considering Bethesda isn't fond of discounting DLC you're probably best off picking the GOTY version up if it looks like something you'd enjoy (which is to say Deus Ex meets Assassin's Creed meets Bioshock).

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I certainly will consider bidding! Great idea.
I'll take that one please, thanks!
I feel weird not getting the DLC, but I think I can get that on my own. I've heard enough about this in the thread that I'd like to give it a try.

Could I get Hamlet?

I can haz Subject 9?
Sent, sent, sent, sent, and sent. Have fun!

Remember the auctions are going still. Neither of those games will ever be bundled or discounted, and they are both about to be removed from Steam and every other digital service! Also they both have Metacritic scores over 100! Happy bidding!

Daily Deal
Prototype - $19.99 $4.99
Prototype 2 - $39.99 $9.99

Quakecon 2014 Daily Deals
Wolfenstein: The New Order - $59.99 $29.99
Doom 3: BFG Edition - $19.99 $4.99
Doom Classic Complete - $14.99 $3.74 [customspoiler=Includes]

Prototype Franchise Pack is also only $14.99 ~ and $8.85+markup via Russians

$10 is the cheapest the pack has ever been, right? From Amazon?

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@Sasquatch, shame about Return of Castle Wolfenstein going on sale. Might not get as much money from the bidding. Unless somebody has a heart. It won't be me, I'm too much of an asshole to point this out and do nothing about it. 

It runs on Unreal 3, which tends to work pretty well even on lower end systems. You might have to lower some settings, but you should still be able to run it well enough to be playable.

Dishonored is excellent, and from what I've heard most of the DLC is as well. Considering Bethesda isn't fond of discounting DLC you're probably best off picking the GOTY version up if it looks like something you'd enjoy (which is to say Deus Ex meets Assassin's Creed meets Bioshock).
Thanks MNS. It's one of the few games where my graphic card doesn't meet the listed minimums, so I was a little apprehensive, but it sounds like I should be good. I'm no stranger to lowered settings. Going to bite now I think since Bethesda 66% is like anyone else's 75%. Skyram still hasn't hit 75% except for the physical copy on newegg for a couple hours right? I may finally pick that up this weekend with the last of my amazon gc's assuming it follows their standard 75% off the basic 66% off the legendary like the last couple sales.

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