Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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This may be the first Mooby post ever worth reading.
Oh he's codex they have to say that or they'll get excommunicated. The game was pretty much made so they can stop bitching for 5 minutes.

I tried it a bit and eh. But then again I don't hate everything that isn't a turn based RPG from the 90s so I'm not the target audience.

I bought Terraria during the Steam sale and each time since that I've tried to Install it, it first brings up that prompt that comes up whem something is trying to gain access to your computer. The "Do you want the following program from an unknown pubisher to make changes to your computer" thing. Should I let it? This has never happened before when I tried installing a Steam game.
See there's this thing called a Firewall...
I played Aeon Command, which had it's keys added from a bunch of bundles...may have an extra for all I know..yeah likely do from Debut Bundle 4. I actually think it's an alright game. Very clean graphics and's a simple RTS style game....kind of similar to Sword and Soldiers HD if you ever played that but in space. Decent value cards at the moment so I suggest you play or idle for them.

It's a bit simple for my tastes and the UI is very clunky for research, but it's pretty fun overall. I beat the campaign as the Alliance and played a bit of the next campaign. I'm not sure I'll go through the rest, but I had 88 minutes fun so far overall. There is upgrades and 3 campaigns to keep people busy for a while if you like it, but it's already feeling a bit old to me. Still very much actually worth playing while you earn your cards.

Also played some of Hamilton's Great Adventure as it was next in line for me earning some Steam cards. I played it a bit before there was Steam cards added. Ah this is just a fun puzzle game and I know it's just been bundled just by Groupees so far...shame on that. It's just a pretty solid 3D type version of Chip's Challenge (shows my age LOL) and is well worth a play. Since I was having fun with it I'll use it as a pick up and play game till I finish it.

Also very happy I finally sold that Spirited Heart Foil...sold for about 85 cents...but I was glad to just get rid of it....people are way overcharging for those currently esp with little to no market on them.

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Hey guys Steam is telling me to delete my system32 folder so that it can run faster, should I do it?
Do you have a regular HDD?

There's a little trick you can use to boost the spindle speed so your files are accessed faster, one that the big corporations don't want you to know. All you have to do is take a strong magnet and rub it counterclockwise over the exposed drive, and you will see a guaranteed boost to at least 10,000 RPMs. The science behind it is that you will polarize the drive to the magnets already in place, and that opposing force will result in increased speed. Harness the power of electromagnetism and turn that storage drive into a raptor in just a few minutes!

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Do you have a regular HDD?

There's a little trick you can use to boost the spindle speed so your files are accessed faster, one that the big corporations don't want you to know. All you have to do is take a strong magnet and rub it counterclockwise over the exposed drive, and you will see a guaranteed boost to at least 10,000 RPMs. The science behind it is that you will polarize the drive to the magnets already in place, and that opposing force will result in increased speed. Harness the power of electromagnetism and turn that storage drive into a raptor in just a few minutes!
There are so many helpful tips on this board! I just got my first gaming computer, can't wait to hook these magnets up!

There are so many helpful tips on this board! I just got my first gaming computer, can't wait to hook these magnets up!
Insider tip: It's even better if you are in the medical field and work with an MRI machine. Simply attach your drive to the inside, turn it on, and bam! You just turned it into an SSD! And you wanted to pay $250 for that tiny drive when you can make a 2TB SSD in a matter of minutes...? See, these are things the money-grubbing corporations don't want you to know! Boo, Capitalism!
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Also played some of Hamilton's Great Adventure as it was next in line for me earning some Steam cards. I played it a bit before there was Steam cards added. Ah this is just a fun puzzle game and I know it's just been bundled just by Groupees so far...shame on that. It's just a pretty solid 3D type version of Chip's Challenge (shows my age LOL) and is well worth a play. Since I was having fun with it I'll use it as a pick up and play game till I finish it.
I LOVED Chip's Challenge. I remember getting out graph paper to draw the levels that I got stuck on, back in the days when I couldn't just get on the internet to check a guide.

They should release Chip's Challenge on Steam, I'd buy it.

Hey guys Steam is telling me to delete my system32 folder so that it can run faster, should I do it?
Everything is 64-bit these days, you don't need that crufty old 32-bit crap... you know what's 32-bit? Sega Genesis.

Insider tip: It's even better if you are in the medical field and work with an MRI machine. Simply attach your drive to the inside, turn it on, and bam! You just turned it into an SSD! And you wanted to pay $250 for that tiny drive when you can make a 2TB SSD in a matter of minutes...? See, these are things the money-grubbing corporations don't want you to know! Boo, Capitalism!
I get the distinct feeling you haven't worked around MRI machines....

I can't find the juicy safety videos I'm familiar with, so I'll leave you with these. The second is a quench event, which is what happens when the magnetic field of the liquid-helium cooled superconducting magnet collapses, helium escapes raising the temperature, causing the superconducting magnet to gain resistance, heating it up, causing more helium to excape, in a positive-feedback chain.
Do you have a regular HDD?

There's a little trick you can use to boost the spindle speed so your files are accessed faster, one that the big corporations don't want you to know. All you have to do is take a strong magnet and rub it counterclockwise over the exposed drive, and you will see a guaranteed boost to at least 10,000 RPMs. The science behind it is that you will polarize the drive to the magnets already in place, and that opposing force will result in increased speed. Harness the power of electromagnetism and turn that storage drive into a raptor in just a few minutes!
Surely if it's full of data before you do this, then the extra weight of the data causes it to spin even faster!

I get the distinct feeling you haven't worked around MRI machines....
I met a woman at Japan Fest Boston that pointed out faults in my jokes, and she was also a redhead. Glasses, anime t-shirt, explained what somen was like I didn't already know. Was that you? ;)

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Everything is 64-bit these days, you don't need that crufty old 32-bit crap... you know what's 32-bit? Sega Genesis.

I get the distinct feeling you haven't worked around MRI machines....

I can't find the juicy safety videos I'm familiar with, so I'll leave you with these. The second is a quench event, which is what happens when the magnetic field of the liquid-helium cooled superconducting magnet collapses, helium escapes raising the temperature, causing the superconducting magnet to gain resistance, heating it up, causing more helium to excape, in a positive-feedback chain.
I did that once i was still thirsty afterwards. fuck ing misnomer that.

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Is there a way to customize the Steam homepage to not show Best Sellers but show New Releases at the bottom? Like, I know you can click the tab, but I would rather have the tab with new releases the default.

Is there a way to customize the Steam homepage to not show Best Sellers but show New Releases at the bottom? Like, I know you can click the tab, but I would rather have the tab with new releases the default.
They changed it to best sellers recently, but I believe Enhanced Steam will not switch it to new releases for you if you use the browser version. Otherwise you don't have a way to change it, no.

I remember reading somewhere that L4D1 is included in L4D2. True? Or is there basically no point in acquiring it b/c the maps are included. What's the deal? I remember reading it somewhere but can't seem to find the right search terms to figure it out.

I remember reading somewhere that L4D1 is included in L4D2. True? Or is there basically no point in acquiring it b/c the maps are included. What's the deal? I remember reading it somewhere but can't seem to find the right search terms to figure it out.
Left4Dead 2 includes all the original's campaigns, though some argue the inclusion of new zombie types and melee weapons makes them feel like a different game.
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See, these are things the money-grubbing corporations don't want you to know! Boo, Capitalism!

I tried the magnet thing. I hate you all.
I keep waiting for MysterD to come and "correct" everyone's posts with yellow comic sans. It just occurred to me that he hasn't posted since all of this useful advice was posted. Guess he went and tried it all...

you're probably one of those sick bastards who didn't evolve their pokemon

Daily Deal
Left4Dead - $19.99 $4.99
Left4Dead 2 - $19.99 $4.99
When I saw this was the deal three hours after the deal changes, my first assumption was that there was an "oops!" deal that Valve had to replace with this one.

I keep waiting for MysterD to come and "correct" everyone's posts with yellow comic sans. It just occurred to me that he hasn't posted since all of this useful advice was posted. Guess he went and tried it all...
On himself, you mean?

[customspoiler="Alas, poor MysterD! I knew him, DPsycho."]
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Is there a way to customize the Steam homepage to not show Best Sellers but show New Releases at the bottom? Like, I know you can click the tab, but I would rather have the tab with new releases the default.


You can do it through a setting on Enhanced Steam when you view Steam on the web. It's not the default though, you have to go into the Enhanced Steam options and change it. I have mine setup that way. What can I say? I don't like change.

i liked playing w/mordecai in the style of sending out bloodwing from a distance while sniping. once bloodwing is leveled up, 90% of the time you don't even get touched by enemies
Not to mention Bloodwing is a little bastard in PvP duels. My friend and I would do that now and again and yeah, Bloodwing one hit kills you and basically doesn't require aiming. Suffice to say we created a "no powers" rules soon after.

Oh he's codex they have to say that or they'll get excommunicated. The game was pretty much made so they can stop bitching for 5 minutes.

I tried it a bit and eh. But then again I don't hate everything that isn't a turn based RPG from the 90s so I'm not the target audience.
Well, Divine Divinity is one of my favorite ARPGs (right behind Titan Quest), so I'm pretty excited for OS (when it gets a lot cheaper). I love the Avernum games and the turn-based style on those, so the fusion sounds great.

you're probably one of those sick bastards who didn't evolve their pokemon

I remember reading somewhere that L4D1 is included in L4D2. True? Or is there basically no point in acquiring it b/c the maps are included. What's the deal? I remember reading it somewhere but can't seem to find the right search terms to figure it out.
L4D1 characters > L4D2 characters

Daily Deal
Left4Dead - $19.99 $4.99
Left4Dead 2 - $19.99 $4.99
Wait - you mean to tell me that people don't already own these games?

{eyebrow raised}


But I already spent all my zombie game money at GamersGate!
I think Valve's hoping people who somehow + some way missed-out on L4D1+2 buy those zombie-game from Steam...

...instead of going w/ the GG or HB zombie-game deals on DI: Riptide deals.

I don't know - but both games are at least pretty good for what they were trying to accomplish, IMHO.

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Is there any application that can look at my Steam library and tell me which games I have where I have unearned Steam trading cards?

I like to get as many as I can and sell them right away to buy more games. :p

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I forgot that Maya is a character and assumed you were talking about the application. Although she is really the only good character aside from Zero. Their evasion techniques make crowds laughable.
Maya is a badass, and Zer0 is too when you know how to play them. But I've seen Salvador shred raid bosses with no trouble at all.

I think from a fun factor, Gearbox did a great job of coming up with 6 very different and entertaining characters. Krieg is a blast when you're in the mood to play with reckless abandon, Gaige plays so uniquely with her anarchy stacks, and I always enjoy playing with a skillful Axton.

There were only a couple of decent characters in Borderlands, but I don't believe that to be true at all with BL2.

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