Steel Battalion


30 (100%)
Any one interested in a Original Steel Battalion game with control along with the game Steel Battalion Line of contact? It comes with the original Green army box and is in good condition. Link me what you got if you are interested. :D first one to offer $150 paypaled to me gets it shipped to them.
Are you selling this? It would take a lot of trading to match it. I'm wondering what the price you have in mind is.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']I'm looking to get a nokia ngage QD if any1 has one FYI.[/quote]

[quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='Michaellvortega']I'm looking to get a nokia ngage QD if any1 has one FYI.[/quote]


what?^^ It's not for me I swear, it's for a friend that I plan to trade with. Tacos are the food of choice for Mexicans in the end.
150 shipped is a steal for this, i already have Steel Battalion but if i didn't i would consider this one, and you all should too.
$150 shipped? Man if i had the spare cash, i would be on this like white on rice. I might have to sell some junk to try to get some spare cash to get my steel batallion
bread's done