Steve Irwin dead

[quote name='megaseadramon']Im not blaming you for posting it, I just cant believe one human being could do that to another.[/quote]

I get what ya meant. But hey, shit happens...
[quote name='megaseadramon']Im not blaming you for posting it, I just cant believe one human being could do that to another.[/QUOTE]

Not only that but it was done to him merely because of what country he was born in. Its not like Nick Berg personally hunted down and killed every single family member of those terrorists and tortured and killed them, nope, all he did was to be born in America and to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[quote name='Scobie']You've gotta be kidding. The guy had a veritable media empire. He was a pop culture icon around the freakin' world and has been milking his documentary movies, TV shows, guest appearances, books, clothing and other merch for many, many years.

So unless his handlers pulled a Mike Tyson on him, it's not like his wife and kids are at their shanty home, huddled over the last half of their last burning candle, with dirt on their faces and their stomachs rumbling with hunger wondering how they're ever going to make it now.

Maybe I've got a hardened heart, but my sympathies can only extend so far for Steve Irwin. He hassled dangerous animals for a living and it was bound to get him sooner or later. I reserve my full sympathies for the truly less fortunate in the world.[/quote]

Well put.
Steve Irwins death might be broadcasted because that's what he wanted !

LATEST: The footage of late Australian naturalist STEVE IRWIN being killed by a stingray could be shown on TV. Charismatic Irwin, dubbed the Crocodile Hunter after his internationally acclaimed TV show, died yesterday (04SEP06) while diving on Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Irwin was filming for a new documentary when he lost his life, and his cameraman shot the moment when the stingray's barbed tail stabbed the legendary conservationist through the heart. The tapes are currently being held by Queensland police - but Irwin's family are determined to respect his last wishes and allow the harrowing footage to be broadcast. Irwin once insisted, "My number one rule is to keep that camera rolling. Even if it's shaky or slightly out of focus, I don't give a rip. "Even if a big old alligator is chewing me up I want to go down and go, 'Crikey!' just before I die. That would be the ultimate for me." An insider tells British newspaper the Daily Star, "This is exactly what Steve would have wanted. He knew the dangers and was totally up for the cameras to get everything."
Yea, they mentioned that on the radio station here the day he died, that he wanted people to see the last video of him, and that once his lawyers and legal team are done with the video that it will revert back to his family and his wife WILL show it because that's what he wanted.
[quote name='Roufuss']Yea, they mentioned that on the radio station here the day he died, that he wanted people to see the last video of him, and that once his lawyers and legal team are done with the video that it will revert back to his family and his wife WILL show it because that's what he wanted.[/QUOTE]

i've heard mixed things about this..... ranging from his family and friends saying that they want that tape to be destoryed ASAP to Irwin wanting to show his death of tv....... but of course I do recall this saying that if he was being eaten alive by a Croc , he wanted his last words to be "CRIKIE!!!" Unless it was stated in his will (which that guy had to have had made long ago) or his wife does not want it aired, then it should be respected as such.
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