Stolen technology: SONY must pay $90 million and END PS2 console, controller sales


Yeh, you read it right. Sony lost a massive patent-infringement case today, and a judge ordered it to pay more than $90 million and HALT SALES of the PlayStation 2 console, two controllers and nearly 50 games.

The sales ban won't immediately kick in, pending appeal, but this surely can't help Sony as it tries to launch the pixel-imperfect PSP. One wonders what technology the electronics giant may have "borrowed" on its hot-little PSP. :)

Here's among dozens of links to the story:
Sony is appealing the decision, and as long as the appeals process continues so may their PS2 sales continue. Sony's legal department can tie this issue up in court for many years to come.
Well what about Microsoft and Nintendo? Hell, even Sega for the Dreamcast's jump pack. Systems have had vibrating controllers for years, and now this company wants to cash in on it? Something smells fishy.
[quote name='tcrash247']Well what about Microsoft and Nintendo?[/QUOTE]

Nintendo wasn't named in the suit, and Microsoft (believe it or not) actually settled with Immersion last year. Sony is the remaining holdout, and since they have the most consoles sold using said technology, they also have the most money to lose.
they could always say they got the idea from womens sex toys, like the "over a billion sold" Vibrators.
[quote name='Scrubking']Wrong forum[/QUOTE]

Ditto -- Wrong forum?

Thought this was listed beneath a header of "shopping discussions" ... gee, sounds like there may be one helluva shopping problem real soon if this stands!
[quote name='axylfyre']will there be a run on the products, and also will they all become really valuable?[/QUOTE]

Sales of both the console and controllers will continue as long as the appeals process holds out, and with 30+ million systems sold in N.A. alone, there won't be a run on these things anytime soon even if Sony lost the appeal tomorrow.
[quote name='axylfyre']if this is real..will there be a run on the products, and also will they all become really valuable?[/QUOTE]

Can't see how they'd really be going up in value. My hunch is it could possibly hurt/slow development efforts for the PlayStation 3 and force PS2 users to ditch their units early, less they be stuck with some sort of dead-end system. Then again, who knows?

... One thing for sure, Sony is going to be itching to recover that $90 million ... this also comes at a time when Sony has had to rely more and more on their game divisions for profits.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']Nintendo wasn't named in the suit, and Microsoft (believe it or not) actually settled with Immersion last year. Sony is the remaining holdout, and since they have the most consoles sold using said technology, they also have the most money to lose.[/QUOTE]

From what I've heard, Nintendo wasn't named, because they actually did license the "technology" from Immersion.
Reports also say MS bought stock in Immersion. So wouls Sony be putting money is MS's pockets to pay for the license?
I would imagine this is pretty serious. This is the third order to go against Sony. MS paid $26 million to settle so they obvious saw something too. It is ironic that MS got a portion of Immersion, because now they can decide not to license the technology fo rthe PS3.
[quote name='Supernothing']Reports also say MS bought stock in Immersion. So wouls Sony be putting money is MS's pockets to pay for the license?[/QUOTE]

Well EA brought Render Ware so a lot of people are putting money in EA's pocket.
so when will EA just buy the technology and.. oh shit giving them ideas...

I expect Sony to find some thing in the technology that is different.. and then in the future they'll just come up with some other kind of "rumble" technology.. (you can't tell me there is only "one" way to make a controller rumble)

regardless... poor PSP sales.. and now this.. come on.. this can't be good for the giant.

[quote name='Stryffe2004']I would imagine this is pretty serious. This is the third order to go against Sony. MS paid $26 million to settle so they obvious saw something too. It is ironic that MS got a portion of Immersion, because now they can decide not to license the technology fo rthe PS3.[/QUOTE]
That would depend on how much of Immersion they got and what role they bought into.
[quote name='javeryh']Does anyone know if PS2s and controllers and 50 games will become rare/valuable?[/QUOTE]

Not bloody likely. Don't start hoarding until all the appeals are over, which will take a long long time.
[quote name='javeryh']Does anyone know if PS2s and controllers and 50 games will become rare/valuable?[/QUOTE]
Yes, because only a million were made so if you don't open them for ten years you'll be rich.
[quote name='bottlenut']Yeh, you read it right. Sony lost a massive patent-infringement case today, and a judge ordered it to pay more than $90 million and HALT SALES of the PlayStation 2 console, two controllers and nearly 50 games.

The sales ban won't immediately kick in, pending appeal, but this surely can't help Sony as it tries to launch the pixel-imperfect PSP. One wonders what technology the electronics giant may have "borrowed" on its hot-little PSP. :)

Here's among dozens of links to the story:[/QUOTE]

The psp doesn't vibrate unless you count its ability to play the music video called vibrate on the sampler disc.
bread's done